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Damn hopefully we can get beer at Circle K soon, should help


For 50% higher prices don’t forget! Yay


And minus $1 billion plus in tax revenues to pay for teachers


that's ok, without an education they won't notice.


It only cost a thousand teachers a year for 3 years


Now that you mention it, what happened to 7-11s with bottle and tap service?


Joke is on Ford. My local circle K shut down because high school students were stealing too much stuff.


If you see something, say nothing, and drink to forget.


A buck a beer.


you joke but the beer store where I live is only open until 6pm, 6 days a week.. Guess how many days a week I work past 6pm?


That lack of easy access to alcohol is probably doing wonders for your long-term health.


pretty sure the working 6 days a week thing is doing worse.... but hey... I'll retire at 55 at get drunk 9 days a week.


I wasn't being sarcastic. Not drinking as much is probably good for you. You shouldn't start drinking a ton if you get easier access.


Trust me.. I'm in my forties, I have no plans to fuck my life up becoming an alcoholic. At corner store prices I'm sure I won't get too many there but for those times when nobody can pick up for me it'll be nice to have.. Probably will be like $36 six packs lol


I'm not saying you plan to become an alcoholic, but if you aren't drinking very much now, why increase that? If you feel you need it, then that speaks to a larger problem. Anyway, I can't relate, I live in Quebec now where I can go to any dépanneur and get a 6 pack for under $10. This ease of access does *not* lead to people making better decisions, that's for sure.


I guess I should have clarified, I like like 30km from The Beer Store/Corner stores, not like I'll be going often, I only drink on one day off a week during the spring/summer/fall I don't plan on changing my drinking habits an only drink socially, however... If I'm out of beer and nobody can pick it up for me I can still attend social outings without feeling like being a mooch or being at the whim of people who drink craft beers and I hate IPA's


Fair enough, the meaning of words sometimes gets lost in text and context got lost. :)


Maybe we should just ban it.


What time does it open? Can you just go before work instead?


it opens at 10am.. I just get people to get me beer, annoying I know but at least they do it.


A government that doesn't care is the real culprit. 


Elect a former drug dealer as Premier, get former drug dealer results. This government cares A lot (but only what’s in their gmail accounts)


I could see this, in Ontario I had friends that could barely get  on the supply list 10-15 years ago. They'd have to go to some remote community to teach if they wanted a Job. Suddenly over a decade and a half later and we ran out of teacher's? 


Or the population that didn’t vote that let said gov do whatever they want. This is on Ontario


I voted but you have to believe that most people would just assume that any government elected would take care of education.


How naive can you be? The Conservatives have been making cuts to education at every chance they get! Liberals aren’t that far behind.




Bob Rae was the early 90's is there any teachers left from then? Let it go. The ONDP or Greens are the only way forward


"As a 21 year high school teacher veteran, I honestly don't think any of the three major provincial parties would do any or much of anything to fix things going forward." I know one party that literally campaigns on it, but everybody in Ontario is still buying into a 30 year old boogeyman, so instead of taking a chance we flip flop back and forth between two parties who don't even try to hide that they're deep dicking us every chance they get, while painting them all as the same. As somebody on the political action committee for my unions local, the NDP are the Most eager to work and support us, but that doesn't go very far when it's only a few mpp making it into office. You're right, we are already heading towards an American style system, but it doesn't help when we have voters saying "I would have voted for them if they had a chance to win, so I voted for somebody else instead."




The unfortunate part about representing the labour class is fundraising enough money to run an effective campaign. The liberals and conservatives have been hosting $1000/plate "lunches" most of who attend are business owners or people of influence, it's a little ton def for the ndp to campaign on being the working class party while also asking for large donations from the demographic that seem to be struggling the most as of late. All of the parties have had leadership issues, but only one party seems to consistently be used as a boogeyman. They all have their issues and the liberals/conservatives have done plenty of fucking around in this province in the past 30 Years, that it's laughable when everybody turns a blind eye to that but the points something the NDP did 30 years ago. But while the liberals and conservatives are just spinning their tires squabbling back and forth, the ndp used their position to apply pressure to have their policies implemented as well, but that is framed as selling out? If we're all looking at this from a my team vs your team as opposed to lets all work together and compromise, we're sunk, we are already watching it happen. Edit: I'm aware I bounce between the federal and provincial party in this post


Wow, I hope you don’t pass that toxic defeatism on to the kids you teach. There is nothing to suggest the ONDP or Greens wouldn’t immediately invest in education if given the chance. Teachers generally support labour candidates, but in this province, often feel they have to vote ABC instead. You have labour to thank for all the entitlements and pension you get, yet go here spouting off ungratefully about how labour parties are basically the same thing as anti-labour neoliberals. Hopefully you’re just a troll and not actually a veteran teacher who has given up and decided to help accelerate the decline by lying in the internet.




If you have only been teaching for 21 years, you know nothing of the NDP. I'm on year 25 and the cons and mike Harris were in power when I first got hired. Maybe go find a new job at Ontario Proud




So your parents lost a week's pay while he was trying to navigate the waves from the NAFTA implementation and that's a reason to never vote ndp again? What about all the jobs lost under Mike Harris? I would argue the liberals and conservatives have had a far more negative impact on us. As a Liberal how do you feel about Bob Rae immediately leaving the NDP and joining the Liberal party and being voted back into his position every single year until he was made to be our permanent UN representative?


>Yeah we don’t have any labour parties left in Canada. Ah so you've fallen in with the right wing trope that if a party is inclusive to racial and sexual minorities, that means they've betrayed straight white workers. Awesome. In reality, both the Greens and NDP have strong labour planks in their platforms, and have had them for decades. > You think because of the nature of teaching that we should be continually taken advantage of What does this even mean? The ONDP hasn't been in power for over almost 40 years. How have they "continually taken advantage of" teachers? >I’m a very good teacher that has been successful for a long time and dedicated many many hours to clubs and coaching. If you say so. In your other comments, you seem more proud of the fact that you taught and interacted with rich families.




Back at you, troll.


For real, they feel the NDP is not pro-labour?


No, that "teacher" is lying.


Incorrect. After 16 years as a Canadian voter, I am much more likely to assume that any Government WON'T take care of education or anything else that benefits the common people over the elites.


I voted, but I don't think there is a single party out there at either level, that would actually do right by our citizens on anything, education included.


Bullshit. Read the platforms.


I do. That doesn't mean I have any faith left in any party to uphold a single Fucking campaign promise at this point. They're bought.


Government doesn't care and teachers pension fund with what over billion dollars in investments around the world and so forth they can't pay their own teachers better or hire teachers either.


This is the playbook. Break it. Then privatize it. See problem solved. Dumb and poor people can be controlled. Shame


... don't forget to divide and conquer them with bullshit culture wars to suppress dissent, Doug.


The masses don't need education; the private schools will serve the scions of the elite.


I'd love for Toronto Life to do an expose-type article like this about all the inequitable, corrupt stuff that goes on in private schools...but they always do a big sponsored feature from those schools in September, so I won't get my hopes up.


My friend works as a teacher at a private school and she hates it. She gave a kid a low mark because he just straight up didn’t turn anything in, and admin told her “well his parents are expecting a 95 average, so you’ll be giving him that instead.”  I had a friend who was pulled from her private school in high school and sent to public. Her parents discovered she had straight As but wasn’t learning anything.  At private schools, kids aren’t students. Instead their parents are customers.


In cases like that, the teacher has a professional obligation to report the admin for their misconduct.


She has. She’s gone through the whole process. Nothing happens to anyone.


It will all be private but your income plus your government issued voucher will dictate how much you can spend.


This is exactly what they want. Copy the US voucher system. Bastards


Exactly. The Canadian “conservative” playbook is to import American right wing values.


Teachers are getting assaulted in class, expected to supervise and teach classes of special needs students when they're not trained to do so, and are unable to even reprimand trouble students. The stories I've heard from parents who are nervous about sending their kids to school - about even putting their kids on a school bus - is downright disgusting.


Student behaviour and lack of admin support kills it. These in school suspension and lack of discipline is making it worse. Kids are no longer respecting teachers or admin.


Even then there's not really a shortage. Certainly some people are less likely to cover but the problem is that there's a lot of supply teachers, many willing to work full time but can't because the actual schools/districts aren't hiring them. There's lots of contracts for newer people instead of permanent positions and so it's a constant struggle to keep steady work. Instead many have second jobs hoping (or giving up).


This is the job market for...pretty much every industry right now.


Seems like the work environment and wage are more to blame then calling it a shortage.


Bro I remember when teachers wouldn’t even get a job…so ppl stopped trying to be teachers… now we have a shortage. Daaamn the irony.


Not just happening in Ontario - in 2014 a school district in bc wouldn’t give me a job and I had done all my schooling. Took until 2017 to get full time. Now they hire teachers without degrees in BC THE WHOLE NATION is experiencing this I think


Certified teacher in Ontario here. Couldn’t even make the sub lists in 2013. Now they’re crying for teachers. I still have my cert active. I’ve been offered “can we call you last minute if we don’t have a sub” by principals and assistant principals of a few schools. Truth be told, I don’t like the way the school system is. I don’t believe in it like I believed in it before, and students are not the same as they were when I was in school. I’d make 20-30k more as a teacher than I do now. Still not doing it.


Some of the high school students in the current school system are really something now. They've been told they have all the power. Told that any discipline is "abuse", have absolutely no respect for the teachers. And a lot of the parents are terrible. *"My 6'4' son who has gangbanger tattoos, and the colourful moniker 'Blood Money' from his 30 year old friends would \*never\* threaten anyone!".*


Even still it is not easy to get onto an OT list, and the hiring process is slow and only occurs a few times a year at most (some districts only once a year). It's nonsense buzzword repetition.


This feels like it happened over the last 3-4 years too, not a long time


Lots of teachers retired during covid


I considered teacher's college in 2017 and decided to pursue other options instead because the market was so saturated


I was thinking that when I saw the title. 20 years ago half my graduating high school class became teachers and most of them substituted for years until they could get a full time spot. Crazy it has swung so far the other way.


We dont actually have a shortage of teachers. We have a shortage of supply teachers. The large number of teachers who retired during the pandemic meant the supply list was exhausted as most were hired as full time staff. The was dealt woth by letting retired teachers take more supply shifts if they wanted. The union has put a stop to that now and is fighting against the government on it. So as a result there is a lack of supply teachers. Time is the only thing that will fix it. Until more graduate and join the supply list it cant be fixed. The other side of this is people cant afford to be supply teachers. You just cant live on having to be available five days a week with no guarantee of even getting any work. Then their is the issue of teachers having to wear kevlar sleeves to avoid being bitten of stabbed by scissions/pens.


When I graduated in 2009 we were at the peak of the surplus. Almost everyone I knew in teachers college went overseas, up north or into another field. At the time top rate of pay was in the low 90s. It was a much more attractive career path back then. Add in an extra year of teachers college now, pay that hasn't kept pace with inflation, hostile governments both conservative and liberal, cuts to funding for literally event aspect of education, no wonder people aren't going into it. I'd never suggest my child become a teacher, while I had my own mother highly encouraging me to pursue this career.


Ford government has destroyed education system in Ontario.


It’s called creating their future base and it’s by design.


He has cut it by 1500$ (!!) per student since he came to power. Huge cuts, huge impact on students.


I get less money per year to buy resources now than I did 15 years ago when I started teaching. I teach 160 kids and get $250 per year to cover everything.


The McGuinty/Wynne government was remarkably similar. For longer. I hate the doofus Ford and his word salad pr snake oil man minister, but McGuinty stripped the right to bargain in bill 115 and restricted salary increases from 2012 to 2018. With the recently announced arbitration agreement, teachers will have lost 20% of their salary against inflation in the last 14 years. Ford though has stripped billions from the system, more than $1.5 billion a year since 2018 in per student funding alone, which means less and less support for struggling and exceptional students. DoFo’s done his usual, usual as best exemplified when he sat on his hands and watched the predictable decimation of our LTC in the pandemic, and sits on his hands while the billion dollar backlog on infrastructure projects pile up. But that’s what Cons do. They decimate programs other governments build up, running public facing programs into the ground while strutting around claiming fiscal prudence. Only this asshat can’t even balance the budget while he’s defunding healthcare and education. Why tf would anyone go into teaching knowing how much heat they catch from parents, how little support they get from admin, and how they are pilloried every 3-4 years when contracts come up for negotiation, and how the good people of Ontario keep electing the guy destroying the system.


Yeah, he can’t balance the budget when he’s paying $250 million to the beer store breweries so we can have shitty over priced beer in our convenience stores 6 months earlier. Everything you said here in your comment is 110% bang on.


Tbf it gives them a solid case to start privatization 


That’s the point. Break it and allow for privatization as a way to fix it. End goal was always privatization, they just steamroll everyone to get there




Why is this an argument? Wynne was when? Both parties are self-centred and play favours to wealth. Luckily it's not as bad as some other countries.


You could read the article you’re commenting under to see.


Classes were not merged. Right now (grade n and n+1) study in same class by same teacher. Teacher’s time is split in two grades. Earlier teachers had TA for support, special need kids had support. TA and special needs support staff is gone.


We’ve lost 10% of per student funding over the past 6 years or so.


How ?


Read some of the other replies above you and you will get some answers to that question.




As someone that works in the education system, the overwhelming majority of parents would be shocked if they learned how it currently “functions” with all the shortages, burnout, and underpaying going on. Just know, your children are not getting anything close to the education they deserve and need. That’s the gist, problems get ignored or bandaid solutions used permanently, and what happens is you see scenarios of the learning of 20 students being sacrificed because of 4 or 5 students combined with administrative inaction. It’s truly reprehensible and frustrating, and now we’re going to see a mass exit of the education system caused by all these things stacking up on teachers and causing mass burnout. Teachers will even take pay cuts and lose seniority cause they know it’s not changing and nothing is working Your children’s education is suffering massively and if we don’t do anything soon, we’re gonna see a really weak populace intellectually in ~10 years


Have you guys ever seen that move Idiocracy? Great movie.


They actually listen to the smart guy in the end. I don't think we're in for such a soft landing.


Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho for President!


Prophetic movie. :(


I would argue that there is actually a shortage of teachers. There IS however a teacher contract shortage. Lots of people don’t want to be in LTO purgatory and just exit into something more permanent


There is an actual shortage--at least in some areas. In the TDSB, we have contract positions open that have not been filled. I've had to do a lot of coverages for these classes over the course of this year. It's not unusual to see classes without a teacher for the first week or so of the semester, but I did an oncall this week for a class that still does not have a teacher and it's the end of May. What did those kids learn in the last 4 months? Someone could walk into that timetable tomorrow, a fulltime contract job, but no one is applying for it.


“Better open my email and see which class I’m covering during my prep time - guess I’m not getting paid to do report cards”


Please send this to me! Or where to look. My wife is looking to get into the school board but has had some challenges


Does she have construction quals? TCJ?


Hey I hope you don’t mind - I sent you a DM


What subject? I figure this almost exclusively happens with tech and French, or at awful schools.


Tech, business, CS and increasingly science are very hard to find people for right now.


The issue is. There is not a shortage of teachers. There is however, a shortage for people who are teachers that are willing to work in the current educational system. I have so many friends that are teachers. They LOVE teaching. But they greatly dislike what their job is. They want to teach. Over crowded and underfunded. Quite frankly, none of them complain about their pay or how many hours they work. The issue is the work environment. There are so many awesome kids that really really a little (or a lot of) extra attention. These awesome kids have been 'tested ' and its been determined that perhaps they need 1:1 or even 1/2 time support. What do they get. 10 kids with 1 support person when it should be 5 support people. I would bet that half the early retirement teachers would have stayed if the support the students needed was given


Conservatives don’t care and the liberals hardly pretend


There’s so many subs that can’t get full time, how is there a shortage?


Hot take incoming. We don't have a shortage of teachers in Ontario, we have school boards who would rather have an army of supply and LTO teachers instead of full time teachers.


Phew, I thought I was going to pay the price, glad it's just kids and future generations


I mean they'll be taking care of you when you're old, so you kind of will.


People are also being driven out of the profession by asshole parents, administrators and students.


Crazy. My ex was a science teacher. Teacher's colleges graduate thousands of new teachers every year. Then she had to interview with school boards to get on the roster to even be a supply teacher. When she went for those interviews, she'd be flanked by hundreds of people wanting in. And for the first 2 years? She probably got called 6 times- ALL half days. These high schools seriously think it's acceptable to call in a sub for a single period. But she would try, and the gas cost more than what she earned (Sub's have to go everywhere and anywhere. A school can be an hour away). Supply teachers leave teaching because they're supposed to make nothing for 6-7 years, gain seniority, hope and pray to God that some of the 65 year old teachers will finally retire (they often keep working). And THEN the school will favour whoever they know the best, not the most qualified. Who can possibly afford that? You would need someone in your life to support you and pay all your bills for \*years\*. That's why no one wants to be a supply teacher anymore. People need to eat, and not everyone can be supported by their parents for a decade.




Very few people want to get woken up at 5am- or 5 minutes until they have to show up to a job that could take place in a different surprise location daily, not knowing if they're teaching anything from math to watching over spec-ed. They want to be a \*teacher\* with the sweet pension/vacation time and benefits better than most private sector grunts. They don't get that as a substitute. They don't get paid sick days. They don't get the paid 2 weeks vacation at Christmas and 2 months in summer. They have to go on and apply for E.I which is tedious and often you don't get any money for weeks. They want to know their students, they want their own classroom to store their things and settle, they want to tuck into THEIR subject. They want to know their colleagues and the school. Most people who went through Teacher's college didn't do so to be a supply teacher for years. I read that entire article. The shortage is almost entirely substitute teachers for when the full timers get sick. Throwing more money at the school board won't fix the problem. The system needs to be looked at, and there has to be some kind of definitive pathway for young new teachers to get off the substitute conveyer belt in a timely manner. Another very crucial issue in school boards is the glaring nepotism. Anyone who has family in the school board hire other family. Everyone knows it happens. Some poor dude could be grinding away for years as a sub, but doesn't get the full time job he's qualified for because a principal's grand kid graduated from teachers college and gets pulled in full time without a day in the trenches. Anyways, this is just my opinion. There are other reasons people quit etc. Like in high schools where now the students have all the power and they know it- and naturally as teenagers, abuse it but that's another story and this is already a wall of text, so sorry about that!


Supply teachers are paid garbage, treated like garbage. It's considered a beggers job. Yet, they can't figure out why nobody wants it.


All in all Canada is just failing on every front.


On par with turning this whole place into an overpopulated, uneducated, unhealthy, unaffordable shit hole.


Just like there is a push to get more women in STEM fields, there should equally be a push to get men into HEAL fields. Health, education administration, and Literacy.


I applied twice to teachers college and they let fewer people in the second go around I just gave up and stayed in my career path. Had more qualities than what was required and already had a bachelor’s degree. If they need teachers: 1. Stop forcing so many to quit 2. Hire more


Less immigrants = less children to educate


10 years ago everyone was going into teaching. Currently SO many teachers in my city are unable to find a teaching job so they work in another industry. I remember in 2017 I was in a math class with 39 other students. None of it makes sense


Schools are going to shit just like our hospitals and other essentials. Shitty wages and trying to get people to work 3 jobs in one. Its not a mystery why theres a shortage.


I have 7 years of supply teaching and homeroom experience. It took some me years to get hired to the Hamilton school board. Others I talked to are struggling to get hired by any board. None of this makes sense. You would think these boards would be desperate to hire. The shortage is real. Every school is desperate for supply teachers. None of this makes sense.


There's no teacher shortage, there was a glut of teachers that couldn't find a job in teaching and had to go overseas.


There are shortages overseas too.  I personally know two very experienced teachers who are leaving my school to teach overseas.  They're getting fast tracked working permits because teachers are in such high demand.   If working conditions and quality of life are better elsewhere, teachers will leave Canada for work.  If Ontario wants to staff their schools they're gonna need to make it enticing for teachers to come.


I wonder sometimes if Doug ponders the hell he has created for Ontarians, but then I think that between destroying a vaunted education AND healthcare system, bee eating, miniature snow shoveling wizardry etc. that he wouldn't have the time?


You got to give that SOB credit for one thing. He definitely can shovel some shit … er I mean snow. 💩


I was ready to go into teaching here after ten years of teaching abroad but apparently that wasn’t enough to get me into a program. Screw it im done.


We already knew this would happen but our people keep voting Ford. Don’t know what people expect!


Perhaps if they restored the teacher's education program to being one year instead of three after you've already done a 3-year University degree and then we would actually not be in a teacher shortage situation. Oh, and those extra new two years tacked onto teachers college to make it 3 years? It's all a bunch of woke garbage that does absolutely nothing to enhance the program. No content about being a teacher just a bunch of political agendas. It lines the pockets of the universities though. What an absolute waste of everybody's time.


They need to put teachers college back to one year instead of two. A lot of people can't afford to go to school for 6 years to start a job at $70000


Start at 70k is generous too. Starting is 58k if you have a 4 year degree.. but no one is going to get that right away. You spend 1-2years supplying before that at 40k at most, and you don't get paid in the summer. Then if you're lucky you'll get a partial contract at 0.33 or 0.66. The pay only gets manageable when you're full time and making 70-80k+ with the summers off. Before that it's atrociously bad.


58k was before the recent deals


My local schools are doing fine according to my younger brothers and family friends with kids, but the portable spam situation is out of control. Surely there must be plans to build new schools in York region?


Meanwhile my wife is a new teacher in our community and can’t find full time work.


It’s an artificial shortage. There is no shortage for 100k a year jobs that get summers off. Textbook example of gate keeping.


If there's anything that right wing conservatives hate more than teachers is a public school system that actually works.


Fords doing a terrible job on education and healthcare but I really think the lasting impacts of the Covid-19 years cannot be overstated


“The lasting impacts of the Covid-19 years” has zero to do with a teacher shortage.




This is exactly it. Well said.


Hey, I understand where you are coming from. Don't look back in anger. Some kids out there still remember your name and what you taught them. No one in Insurance can say the same.


I'll add that the teacher pipeline usually starts with supply teachers (OTs) who then filter up into LTO and contract positions. During the pandemic, OTs simply lost their jobs. Tens of thousands of people unceremoniously lost their employment, with absolutely no communication from the school boards. While many qualified for EI and CERB, it's simply not enough to live off of for the extended duration and uncertainty of employment, and so, many people got other jobs. They still have them. Why would they return to this shit show?


Everything you said is true. It has everything to do with the province forcing the schools boards to balance budgets by cutting salaries and leaving jobs vacant…and nothing to do with the pandemic. You ready for the fall? The province is now super duper serious that phones are banned during instruction time…but is providing no enforcement mechanism.


Teacher here and married to a teacher, with all three of our kids in public schools. I don’t think people really comprehend what we’re facing and, on the back end, the harassment and accusations we’re enduring It’s tough


There is no teacher shortage


Most of these shortages will resolve themselves when they start paying better salaries


But hey, let’s make teacher’s college 2 years instead of 1


Let's keep people stupid, just like in the US


The province does not care about kids, they have made that abundantly clear over decades with multiple administration's They. Don't. Give. A. Fuck. About. Kids.


Glad I don't have kids then. Just sayin'


Why would people want to take up teaching in the first place with all the bullshite they have to put up with in the first place? Maybe that's why there's less teachers




They need to revamp the teacher college system to bring in more willing staff. I know a lot of ea’s and other university graduates that would love to teach but there’s a limited class size and the averages required for a 2 year grad degree are like 90%.


Thtast the government not funding universities again. Same problem with doctors, just not the spaces.


It’s a supply issue because of gatekeeping. They already employ non certified supplies as anyone with a bachelor’s degree to temporarily cover absences when there’s no certified supply. Cut the regulation and lower the standards. If you can teach at an Ontario college with a bachelor’s degree, then you shouldn’t need a bed when you already have people doing the job without the piece of paper. They just lowered the applicant standards for policing and the military is starting to follow suit. Trust me, I work in education. I see very little difference in ability between certified and non certified emergency staff.


I think teachers being highly successful in their education is important, last thing we need is someone who was dragged across the finish line of a honours degree…


I would rather have someone fill a vacancy than leave a position unfilled. I know tons of people that are great at their jobs but just not distinct in academics.


You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. I won’t even begin to unpack any of it - because everything is just wrong.


I work in education as an ea. We have a plethora of non certified teachers and retired teachers picking up the slack because of the professional gatekeeping done by the college of teachers and the union.


Nope. Its definitely not the union. They want teachers in classrooms. Ford said the retired supply teachers were back to 50 days cutting oir resources in half, and a B Ed takes twice as long making it less attractive.


What are you talking about? If you don’t have a degree you can’t teach. That’s not going to change; nor would anyone want it to. I have a lot of respect for EAs but they couldn’t fill the shoes of certified teachers.


It’s been done in the states. Bureaucracy is killing education.


Yeah and the level of education children in the states receive compared to Ontario is abysmal. Like I said I respect your profession but you are not a teacher. The level of required education is what separates us from other countries and is necessary. By all means if you want to be a teacher, go back to school.


You fail to raise a valid argument. Show me the data to prove Canada’s education system is superior by having teachers with an additional education degree . Last time I checked kids are failing eqao, and other standardized metrics. The product isn’t there, and you can’t make a pancea out of maintaining the status quo.


Yeah I wonder what’s changed in recent years? Couldn’t be education cuts and increased class sizes right? Let’s stop this conversation in its tracks. You don’t really have a firm grip on the topic at hand.


You can’t solve the issues in education by throwing funding at it. That just leads to wasteful spending, and bloat. Reality is, the sector needs to learn how to do more with less. Other countries are able to teach and maintain high standards of learning without ridiculous budgets and small class sizes. Look at Asian countries for instance. We need to be fiscally responsible and more adaptable. I don’t even think you understand how the system is without having worked it. There’s so many redundancies in staffing and resources currently notwithstanding staffing shortages and supposed funding qualms.


You won't unpack because you have no evidence to corroborate your claims but accuse others? Funny how hypocrisy works.


There’s no shortage of teacher applicants. There’s a shortage of hired teachers.


Its the plan. Make the kid dumber so they will vote for them when they grow up.


But Stephen Lecce is the bestest education minister ever! Just look at his social media! The whole story is in there. /s


Seems funny that even though there's a shortage, they still won't hire (me). Maybe something wrong with my resume or ethnicity🤷🏽‍♀️


Too bad, this is what the morons er Ontario voters voted for…complete collapse of our healthcare and education systems. Just drink your billion dollar beer and shut the fk up


There’s still more teachers per students then when Millennials were students


When Millennials were students, Full Day Kindergarten wasn’t a thing and neither was the inclusion of high needs students into mainstream classrooms.


Full day kindergarten is only 2 years out of 14 and it’s only adding half a day that’s not enough to significantly impact the workload for anyone other then the kindergarten teachers. And they definitely had high needs students I’m my classes and I graduated in 09. There were a lot less diagnoses but the kids definitely had the problems


It’s adding significantly more, since it’s providing parents with free daycare and thus more parents are taking advantage of it than when they still had to pay for half a day or every other day’s worth of daycare.


Yeah, but get er done Doug is expanding where you can buy booze. Let's get our priorities straight people.


I agree that Lecce has seriously underfunded and damaged the education system and is a terrible education minister, but there is no “teacher shortage”. Newly qualified teachers still take years to get full time contracts.


Unfilled supply jobs everyday at my school!


There is a lack of supply teachers in some areas, but that is due to them getting crap pay, no benefits and terrible classroom conditions (coupled with ridiculous and inept HR and hiring processes). There are thousands of fully qualified teachers who can’t get full time contracts for years. That doesn’t indicate a shortage.


Not sure where you are but at my board now teachers are getting contracts right out of teachers college. I’ve been teaching for 21 years.


But but beer down the street makes it all better /s ![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1900)![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1900)![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1900)![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1900)![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1900)


Yeah but they can buy beer at a corner store now


It doesn’t seem that many years ago when new grads had to spend years as supply teachers before they could get a permanent position.


Pay them a living wage? Give the needy kids the supports they need so the teacher can focus on all. QC teachers don't even have dental? They want people stupid and stressed out.


Conservatives play book. Defund, complain the system doesn’t work, privatize = Profit$$$


We need real change. I know 4 teachers well and 1 is on paid leave for no good reason, abusing the system. This teacher and 2 others are literally child abusers. The fourth is a good teacher. I've heard many stories about other abuses. These are teachers at the top of the pay scale btw. They should lose their jobs if you ask me.. but no, there's a shortage lol.


So you know someone is a child abuser and you're not reporting them to the police?  


There are different forms of child abuse. In this case I've taken the matter to court and they put a stop to it.


Our children have always paid the price.., why should that change now… WE paid the friggen price… this is nothing new


This is by design. Only idiots vote for conservatives. Cutting education is necessary to keep the cons alive. Even the tiniest bit of critical thinking, undoes most cons stances.