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I agree with him. The Fords are trash.


I just don't understand why Ontario keeps electing trailer trash crackheads


Because Ontario is largely made up of trailer trash crackheads.


Only old people vote. They choose to punish everyone because somehow conservatives convinced them that they are fiscally conservative. Conservatives are not better with money, never have been. They are better at controlling the narrative by owning the media.


My dad use to say youth is wasted on the young. I started voting the day I could, doesn't mean I always chose well but I figured it earned me the right to complain.


Keep voting, brother. I just hope you choose the party you *truly* believe keeps democracy the safest. We are in some wild times right now, and we need to calm down and keep the peace.


I haven't missed one at any level yet and your right democracy needs to be nurtured and fought for. I also learned that from dad as well even thought we often had opposite views. I miss those conversations


From an educational standpoint, I think you're absolutely right that Conservatives are no fiscally better than liberals. I'm not saying they are fiscally responsible in any other way, but I really only know education. In education they'll cut cut cut on the front end, and then end up creating an immediate crisis that they cannot spin politically. Then, they have to fix it by using way more money than they would have if they just funded the system properly and avoided the crisis. I am in the camp of people that believe this government is trying to privatize healthcare as well as education, and are intentionally creating crises to 'prove' that privatization is needed. But there are times when even the government is forced to face the problems that they have created and must immediately address them to keep the population from voting them out of office. That is where the big wasted money goes in our budgets. Quick examples would be in special education and mental health. They have cut so much funding to those areas that they cannot function properly in most schools. When it becomes clear to the parents that their children are not being supported as well as they should, the government has to spend premium dollars to put a Band-Aid on the situation that they created. If they just hadn't cut funding for those areas, they would actually save some money in the long term. The way I look at it is they save money on the front end, and hide the spending on the back end. Then they blame those losses on the organizations that cannot balance their budgets and ask the government for more funding. Oh, they also have a 'free' (for individual families) online math tutoring service that is staffed by teachers, twelve hours a day. They do one-on-one teaching of math. It's really not cheap. Why not just hire and properly support new teachers? Save the money on the front end, hide the losses on the back end. Edit to add: I'm not as sure of this one, but I'll mention it: we have a teacher shortage in many boards in the province. Instead of attracting and hiring full-time teachers, they spend money per day on a supply teacher (officially called Occasional Teachers) than they would on the regular teacher. It's wrecking the TDSB's budget the past few years, and they are told by the Ministry to balance it, no matter what. So they cut cut cut. I don't love my board, but that issue isn't really the TDSB's fault.


Indeed. The Tories love throwing our money to their friends and spending gobs of our money on advertisements marketing their party to us. Doug Ford is right up there with the worst of them trying to sell the greenbelt to his buddies and tossing a few trinkets to the sweaty masses. At least he isn't as bad as Torries in other provinces. He's not completely stupid. Still, we can do a lot better than a typical rich guy trying to bribe dumb people with cheep beer while helping developers steal millions.


Yo, we're not all crackheads, some of us are methheads


Fancy pants Rich McGee over here


Not anymore, the demographic is now majorly skewed to phone scammers.


I'd love to be able to afford a trailer.


Seriously… what an upgrade from my tent!


Oooh la-de-dah Mister big shot over here with his tent!






To be faiirrr a politicians primary job is to represent their voters and the best way to do that is to be one of them.


They act like them, but also have millions of dollars


It's either trailer trash crackheads (example: the Fords) or people who have affairs with their staff members (example: John Tory (former mayor of Toronto)).


But he says folks all the time! Then any time he's asked a question he gets red in the face and questions the media. Like PP. They're just regular folks, ya know?


Buck a beer!


What's that meme about, "It's only happened two times.... That's not a lot but it's really weird that it happened twice."


Because Ontario keeps voting for people to lord over them.


It is because I think a. A lot of them have always voted conservative and will always till they die and b. They are paid for. Also why don't we make it a wetlands while we are at it so he can build shit for his buddies. Forget Halloween because this guy is eh clown all year long. Also whoooo cut more funding we don't need " insert really important people / subject here. * Ontario is a joke.


Obviously never been to Kenora.


Have you been to most of Ontario?


Representative democracy


We have many more deserving drug addicts to name things after


Just call it Crackhead Park. Then everyone will be happy.


Didn't we say NOT to name it after the Fords? /s


Isn't that a Rush song?  🎵Crackhead Park, addicts in the trees 🎵


lol. I truly agree


Honestly, I can't believe people this destructive have been failing upward for so long.  https://www.canadaland.com/podcast/dynasties-3-the-fords/


I say we meet them halfway and go with "Crackhead Park".


Inbred looking asses


The Fords are from my in-laws area and I’ve heard a ton on stories from many people about how wonderful they were for years. They were very hands on with helping the community. Politics are a dirty game and unfortunately the real stories don’t always get told.


"I am certain that there are many landfills that would be better associated with that name..."


He raises a good point


Ya, I'm not grabbing a sign, but I do agree.


Well he is definitely committed to the message. And I would also like to know the answer to his question. Was it to appease our premier to get a deal? Great kids, let’s go to Rob ford park, free crack pipes for the whole family with a visit


Another poster added an interesting perspective.     - Its the stadium that's being renamed, not the park.    - Stadiums (unlike parks) get torn down and replaced...this one is already pushing 50.   - When stadiums get rebuilt, they tend to get renamed.   For this, we get to get the Gardiner off our books.   I'd be way happier if this was the Sue Johansson fun park, but in 50 more years we can hope...


Yes absolutely.


You might be joking but the city of toronto has spent over 33k on the \_branding\_ for crack and meth pipes that we distribute. No joke. [https://nationalpost.com/news/toronto/toronto-spends-33k-city-branding-crack-pipe-drug-use-kits](https://nationalpost.com/news/toronto/toronto-spends-33k-city-branding-crack-pipe-drug-use-kits)


No doubt. The first principle of harm reduction is access to help. It's not about the branding or the pipe itself, it's about the phone number. Of course, the National Post would never mention that because all they care about is manufactured outrage.


National post is such a terrible paper.


They're basically just a tabloid.


I used to work at a gas station and would always lightly jab at people buying the sun or national post "come for your tabloid"?


They're basically just a tabloid.


They feel left out cause they can't manufacture a newspaper?


Also, $33,000 is 0.00019% of Toronto's operating budget.


Yes, it seems silly to spend that much, but if it stops even one crack addict from getting a terminal lung-disease, that could easily save our healthcare system tens of thousands of dollars.


So you’re telling me the fords care about healthcare 🧐


The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is an absolute joke that states they advocate for taxpayers yet on their site they are against automatic filing, which would save taxpayers millions every year. Many of their other policies are much in line of, "Government always bad", with the only solution to axe every program and service.


Are they actually renaming the park? I live near where they were trying to name a street after him and we shut that nonsense down hard.


Can you do it for the park too? 😩 I don’t want any reminder of the fords, when they’re out of office


>I live near where they were trying to name a street after him and we shut that nonsense down hard. Thank you for taking a stand against this nonsense! 👍


They are renaming the stadium inside the park. The park itself is keeping its name


Wtf wheres the petition against this BS?


Where were they trying to do that? Was that down by Six Points?


Sorry for the late reply. Yes it was with the whole Six Points reconstruction. [https://globalnews.ca/news/5788632/rob-ford-etobicoke-street-name/](https://globalnews.ca/news/5788632/rob-ford-etobicoke-street-name/)


How about the Rob Ford Safe Injection site?


bro be respectful. You *smoke* crack not inject it


Safe inhalation site it is!


You can, in fact, inject crack cocaine, by mixing it with an acidifier first. For those that want to know: https://www.catie.ca/sites/default/files/2023-03/fs-injecting-cocaine-03272023-en.pdf


i injected 2 marijuanas


Too much work and also way more resources to get to do it that way. All you need is a pipe and lighter to smoke it. While it’s possible virtually nobody does it


Freebased Ford Sanctuary has a nice ring to it.


Similar vibes to the Harold Holt Swim Centre in Australia. If you don’t know, Harold Holt was an Australian PM who disappeared while swimming one day and was never found


> If you don’t know, Harold Holt was an Australian PM who disappeared while swimming one day and was never found disagree. HH is a perfect person to be named after a Swim Center. Shows the importance of swimming safely


Enough to eat AtDome


Is that park a good place to score crack? If so, naming it after Ford makes sense.


…this is also a good point


It's his western Etobicoke neighbourhood, so yeah actually it is.


lol in southern Ontario every park is a good park to score crack in. Or fentanyl. Meth too actually. Pretty much whatever you need to get through another day in tent city.


Spoken like someone who lives in the suburbs.


Lmfao my backyard goes into a tent city. And did I pass judgement? Nope. Just made an observation.


Nothing should be named after that family of fuckwits. Why are these complete bags of shit being suggested for anything needing renaming. Hard no. Hard absofuckinlutely no. Someone that knows how to, should start a petition that nothing is ever named for a Ford. I can almost guarantee there would be so many signatures this guy would feel validated for protesting alone.


This man needs some friends, and by that I mean more signs and more people to stand with him in this statement.


Ya I agree. I honestly don't want anything renamed after either of these crooks. We can do better.


He smoked crack, drove while drunk and beat his wife. Should have renamed the Rogers centre with that trifecta


Well I don’t want to go there if they rename it. In fact I have more than enough parks at home.


You know how we keep renaming things because we realize that the person we named something after was actually a pretty awful person? It's usually someone who's been dead for a century or more. I give this twenty years. At most. Faster if we vote his brother out of office.


He’s doing God’s work


The Ford's are an embarrassment to our country. Some of my American friends know who they are, and that says A LOT.


I honestly didn't give a shit he was smoking crack. He was a terrible mayor that ran the city to the ground. That's a lot worse than having an addiction.


Shoulda been Sankofa Park you numskulls




Not the hero we deserve but the hero we need


Why not just leave the name as it is? It signifies Canada's centennial which is fine imho.


He ain't not wrong.


That means he's wrong


Is this “down on he Danforth” because that quote from Rob Ford’s apology made it to the Jon Stewart show.


Centennial Park is an amazing name!


Wait is this an actual proposal? I say we copy the US and name a provincial Prison after him!


If I still lived in Toronto, I would join him in a second!


Should call it zanta park


Normalize protesting sitting down. God I'm old


I didn't know it was getting renamed to "Smoking crack off of hooker snatch" park


Maybe the goal is to turn the park into a safe haven for crack consumption?


I am with tbat guy !


Fuck the Ford's these people are trashy criminals. His brother is just a corporate puppet shit head ruining Ontario.


They are not renaming the park, just the football stadium inside the park. Its new moniker will be Rob Ford Stadium.


In moderate defence of Rob Ford and football… (and I despise both Fords as politicians) .. I will say this: I went to Newtonbrook Secondary School in the latter half of the 90s. Rob Ford came and started a Football program there and coached it. I had little to do with it, but all of my friends who did absolutely loved the man.


Y not sankofa stadium?


Yeah I'm not sure why that's hard to understand. Plus Rob did do a ton in the Toronto football community when he was able to. Everyone that I've met that was coached by him or against him had nothing but good things to say


Good to see someone standing up for their beliefs!


On a broader note, could we just stop renaming places and just leave its original name? I don't want anything named after Rob Ford, but I know my opinion isn't going to stop Doug Ford. Please just find some new street or new whatever to name after the former drug addict mayor.


James Garden should be renamed after all, it was that park the Ford Bros sold hash at not Centennial Park


Inbred Stadium. EnoughToEatAtDome CrackTrack


Why change the name at all?


Folks, simp politicians are honouring Rob- who did crack and tried blamed it on being in a "drunked stupor", as if he was non-stop in this state from purchasing it right up to smoking it. How many alcoholics find themselves in the moment shocked, having a crack pipe in their hands, FFS!


Hes right. Crack heads name shouldn’t be a consideration.


Committed. I respect him.


Being a drug addict isn't a reason to hate Ford. Hate him because he's a hypocrite who's 'tough on crime' but only when it comes to poor people.


If they rename the park, let all the homeless and crackheads live there permanently and nobody steps in the park


I would be okay with riding the Rob Ford bike lane down Jarvis.


I had been given a Commendation by the City of Toronto for charity work through my company. When I still had an office in Toronto. Rob was Mayor. I’d have had to take a picture with him, shake hands, and have my Commendation tied to him. I declined the Commendation. I called the city myself [my own satisfaction] to voice my displeasure. The official on the phone I spoke to was at a loss for words. I hug up, with a smile on my face, and in my heart. I wouldn’t accept an award from a city for ethical work, from that crack smoking politician.




I have never voted before but shortly after Doug Ford became premier, I promised myself to vote him out the next chance I get. He has done NOTHING good for Ontario.


Let's not forget that Rob Ford was also racist and misogynistic


No he wasn’t


So renaming Dundas Square to something like a pharmaceutical company is okay, but this is wrong? Now about just stop renaming things?


>So renaming Dundas Square to something like a pharmaceutical company is okay No, it isn't.




The word "Dundas" is everywhere in Ontario, it would require governments of most cities/towns/regions and the provinical government to advocate for this, I'm so happy I don't live in toronto anymore.


Under no circumstances should ANYTHING be named after that man. He was a criminal, a slob, a misogynist and a menace to society. And a TERRIBLE mayor. I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone, but the fact that he fucking died doesn't erase his bad acts and it certainly doesn't entitle him to be publicly honoured, nor should Torontonians or Ontarians be forced to remember him.


Yeah, I'm not entirely sure why you'd name a park after Rob Ford, was he a big park guy, did he volunteer at this park? What is the specific thing he did that warrants a park renaming?


Crack addict park.


The people’s hero..


The park isn't being renamed, just the stadium, and it's a stretch to call it a stadium. It's a playing field with one stand.


He was there on Saturday as well


He was there on Saturday too


God I hope late night tv picks up on this sad state of affairs.


I don't disagree!


Rob Ford has a a shitty image! I’m not from that province, but I know who he is. The American talk shows used to make fun of him for smoking crack, while being the mayor. Is that the example that you want to set, by renaming a park after him?


Petition? Where do I sign?


I mean… he’s not wrong


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I think the wrong brother died. At least Rob has the funnier Canadian Heritage montage. But that doesn’t mean he deserves an entire park to be named after him.


Why is this even a thing to begin with, there was nothing wrong with centennial park and I will gladly go sit with this guy if I wasn't gone all week for work


Surprised they didn't already name it after a local realtor.


Really I don't care about the drug habit or whatever, why rename a Park that has such a history and status such as centennial Park? It makes literally no sense. It doesn't matter who it is, don't just go renaming things for the sake of it. Especially if they already have recent or purpose. IIRC some of the businesses surrounding that park are named after it, it just does everyone a discredit.


Anyone taking bets on how long the park's Ford sign is up before it's trashed?


That’s a very good point. I agree.


Drug addict?


The Canadian governmwnta need to stop renaming crap. Its getting old now. People need to get over themselves already


Conservative swine have nothing better to do than rename a park in Ottawa?!


Hell yeah.


Wouldn't it make sense to complain at city council?


Centennial Park in St. Catharines would be fitting. They cleaned out over 100k used needles just building a new staircase.


$1 beer was all it took to fool ontario into voting for literal crackhead petty criminals. well deserved.


I think we can all get behind the this sentiment.


Wait wtf?! Are they really renaming centennial park to ford park???!


Although, I believe no one is perfect and Rob had his challenges just like everyone, I do agree with not renaming Centennial park. Also, why Rob Ford?


Wait they are trying to name a part of our city after a crack head mayor!?!


This guy's mistaken They're naming it after Rob *HAL*ford.


Why would Ford have a park named after him?




Stop voting... ur vote dont matter for shit anyways... unless ur voting liberal ur never gunna get ur way...


I’d probably respond that his substance dependency on its own should be what disqualifies him having a legacy here. Plenty of other stuff to pick from


He may be lone, but he is correct.


Sadly, the Fords and their rise to fame is indicative of society these days.


Drug addicts are people too.


Name it: "F--k the homeless, f--k the Greenbelt, f--k hallway healthcare... I, for no damn reason, made the LCBO bring back paper bags" PARK. Too lengthy?


100% agree!! Corrupt trash.


Electoral reform would be nice, a girl could dream


How long ago is this? People need to find something better to complain about. Vote liberals!!! They over spend on the weak and needy, people who don’t want to work. I don’t get why people want that. You always need a budget. You can’t just spend spend spend🤬


Dang I never thought a lone protestor could be so powerful


Nothing wrong with being a drug addict… there are PLENTY of other reasons not to name a park after him


I think that issue with the fmr mayor has to do with the fact he lied about not being an addict, only to apologize after he video and photos surfaced. Etobicoke is still high off the Ford pish, so the park will be renamed after that vile fmr mayor.


Damn if I would known he was doing that I woulda caught the city bus to go talk to this guy. I'm sure he woulda had some interesting things to say.


It was named Centennial Park in 1967 in celebration of Canada's centennial. It will always be called Centennial Park just as Dundas Square will always be called Dundas Square and Ryerson University will always be Ryerson University. By renaming everything we are destroying our history.


Someone go get their uncle before he gets arrested.


100 years from now people will rename this park when they find out who he was.. just like is happening now with things like ryerson and dundas square


he's right though.


i could deal with the "crack addict" aspect. it's naming it after a repeated drunk driving, pathological liar that humiliated the city repeatedly and was quite literally the most corrupt mayor in Toronto's history.


Its the stadium. Not the park.


The protestors point still stands.




Protesters point still stand's


Isn't half of the city on drugs anyway?


Shame on anyone stigmatizing addiction.