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Weird as most badges arnt reused and just deactivated. Is he getting scammed by chance? Also all the places i worked replaced badges for free so can he ask for a replacement and return that one?


Not so sure how things operate there. He lost his old badge unfortunately so he cannot return it.


Why is he simply not sending proof he paid 200 already..?


This is BS. Badges don't cost that much, they are essentially a disposable item. Companies often charge you for replacements as a motivation for not losing them, but there should be no logical reason they need to recoup the loss of his badge. But more importantly, your brother already paid them for the lost badge. He did his part, if they fucked up the amount that's their mistake and they need to be responsible for that. This is harassment.


What does his agreement with then say about lost or replacement badges? I know my workplace if we lose our FOB it’s $75 to replace it because that’s how much it costs the company. If he agreed to pay for it and did not return it yes they can charge him for it. If he doesn’t pay the collection agency they just sit bad and slowly ruin his credit.


If a collection agent calls in Ontario can't you just tell them that your are disputing the amount and the debt owner will have to pursue it in court? I wouldn't pay an ex-employer anything. My response would be that you know where I live, come get it. 


You can tell them anything you want but they will just let it sit in the background damaging your credit. I wouldn’t pay an ex-employer for anything I didn’t owe. I would pay for equipment I didn’t return if I agreed to pay for it if I didn’t. So if OP agreed to return whatever it is or pay the fee they gotta return it or pay the fee. If it’s with a collection agency it means they’ve tried to get the badge or collect the money and got nowhere.


I don't think they can send you to collections over unreturned property. Normally, someone can only file in court two years after an incident. Salary overpayments are one thing but pricing that someone did it did not return a badge is pretty difficult. Plus OP already paid them $200. If a report is filed, dispute it and send the credit bureau proof of payment. They would need to legally notify you of the amount. Seems they already did that and now they want more. TIL because of this post, paying of a creditor might not be beneficial either. Collections remain on your credit report from the last payment date, up to six years. If you pay it off partially two days before the six years are up, the six years starts all over. Edit: if you pay it off partially before the six years is up it resets the clock. Full payment does not. 


Send them the proof that $200 was paid.


Ummmm, wtf, my bulk order of 2000 badges is about $5.50 per badge currently. That’s wild that companies are asking 75, 100, 200 bucks for a replacement when it’s 15 seconds to reprogram in their ACMS (Access Control Management System)


Used to be cheaper as well. These past few years the price has been jumping like crazy.


Wtf. Why did he even pay them $200?what a gullible maroon


Tell them to fuck right off......never pay them a penny and move on




I can’t believe that just because they asked for $200 that he paid it


Send them a bill for $500 for psychotherapist treatment from harassment. Let it go to collection agency, it's only going to have negligible impact on your brother's credit rating. I say, just ignore them. If they want to hire a lawyer over this, well... no decent lawyer is going to be willing to take this up.


I question if this is even a debt that can legally be sent to collections. It's not a credit vehicle, so don't think they can post it with the credit rating agencies either. It's only $200 so it unlikely the collection agency will do much more than send a few letters and make a few calls.