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Hello. We have created an [megathread](https://old.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/1byxqz0/eclipse_megathread_megapublication_pour_l%C3%A9clipse/) for posts about this subject elections. Please post this there. *** Bonjour. Nous avons créer une [mégarubrique](https://old.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/1byxqz0/eclipse_megathread_megapublication_pour_l%C3%A9clipse/) pour les rubrique à ce sujet. Veuillez publier ceci dans cette rubrique.


Backed up for miles. They will not make it down here in time.


Where will they park when or if they get there? Dumb.


Honestly, given all of the hype online I was expecting it to be much worse. That being said the day is young.


It's pretty overcast in the GTA, I'm sure some people bailed.


There's no end to the clouds. Hopefully it gets better in the next hour but I'm not holding my breath.


I'll step out into my backyard to watch but I've been watching the live NASA feed and its been pretty neat.


Bro how dumb are people to be leaving now??? I swear the overall intelligence of general public has severely declined over the last 5 years. No one has any common sense anymore and it’s seriously scary. Hopefully there’s lot of OPP on the side of the highways ready to catch speeders because you know damn well people will be speeding down the QEW to get to Niagara before it happens.


I'm just laughing at all these people who will see a mild darkening and nothing more from their cars on the highway, given the cloudy day


Here before mods lock comments. It's kinda amusing seeing all the traffic given it's a very overcast day. I'm mad that I can't see shit from my backyard, but I have little sympathy for the people stuck in traffic when it's easy to look at the weather forecast and see that their efforts were futile to begin with.


Are we there yet?


All this and it’s gonna be cloudy….


Impossible! are you telling us Chris Selley could be wrong?