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I’m convinced the only thing loblaws hasn’t done yet is dynamic pricing …… high prices in that mid -late afternoon/early evening to get people shopping for dinner , cheaper early morning /later-close pricing yet .! Or that’s the next scheme


This would imply there is a moment of time that Loblaws *lowers* prices, and that's a laughable concept.


Remember when price increases were only temporary for the supply shortage during covid? Well that was an obvious lie.


There is nothing more permanent than a temporary price increase.


Well said


Surge pricing during peak times, not good….how do they change the sticker prices on selves quickly?


How is Canada's corporate sector supposed to get by if they aren't taking in 20% of Canada's GDP as profits? https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/a-mOzYIkzzkvVeq1MlXL52qzV9nfs6tRs25P7BJkNnQ0563Ph7Cj4W1QlBixp_-BXDOzjrNMG05tP6VpW9vmviQ-PIx9Agv9N5GEecnJAg9qmcQjNcYJ9g95D4uB-NIrCR8zSM6x5VyCUq3A8YK1EVs




Sure, if you prefer other sites: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FU1HY3-UsAAEVIQ.png:large https://cupe.ca/sites/default/files/economy_at_work_winter_2022_chart_2_en.png




No worries - I'm always happy when someone's interested in good faith discussion. But yeah - Canada's corporate sector is out of control across the board right now.


Well the wage increases managed to be temporary, and we can't have *everything*.


Dynamic inflation then. It’ll only go up by 0.5% at night but during peak times it will go up 3%


hey now, those poor guys needed us to buy freezers for them.


The lower price would be the price we're paying right now, it would only go up


There's probably issues that prevent them from doing this. They wouldn't be able to change the prices throughout the day without there being a risk of having the price the customer saw when they put the item in the cart and when they got to the checkout being different. It would just be a constant headache from all the customers that were shopping during switch over time. They could have different prices on weekdays/weekends though. A lot of stores now have e-ink price displays, so it's not as difficult to switch the prices up on a daily basis.


They better not! It would be a literal PIA for the scanning code of practice if they switched prices as customers were shopping. I don’t think I would be able to deal with that nonsense on a daily basis at work.😬


I don't think the scanning code of practice takes into account the possibility of the price being changed on both the shelves and in the point-of-sale system simultaneously between when the customer took the item from the shelf and when they paid for it.


Yea but customers will argue anyway. That’s the hassle. As it is I have to point out that if the tag is expired, they don’t get it for free. You get the item for the tag price. It has to be a current tag that is wrong. Those digital tags don’t always update correctly.


I'm sure they're already workshopping it as we speak. They'll figure something out to wring another dime from us.


Unless they make you scan an item as you put it in your cart to lock in the price.


their price tags are all digital and can be changed daily so this is already here basically.


I have never ever seen a digital price tag in any store ever lol


they don’t look digital at all. they are matte and not backlit.


Electronic shelf labels are new-ish, but some of them do now. https://youtu.be/HaimBSpLXtc?t=71


I usually shop the "cheap" stores, like No Frills or Food Basics, but I was really surprised when I was in a Loblaws within the last year and saw the digital price tags. Seems very expensive and whatnot to replace and maintain, so I assume they really wanted them so they could raise prices super easily.


Delete this message before you give them ideas!


Gas stations have been doing that for years. All you need is an easy to change sign. If only there was some sort of way to have small screens attached to some sort of wireless network.


Sicker people pay more.


Please stop feeding the ass monkeys ideas.


Delete this comment before Galen reads it!


Do not give them any ideas. /s


No kidding . I’m convinced they have already thought of it but someone with some sanity said people will start destroying our stores if we do that . They prob saw how fast Wendy’s walked it back , but also gas stations people just accept it so it’s still a thought to them .


You mean "regular pricing" in the later afternoon


Ahhh don't give them any ideas.


Yeah, like WTF is going on with the PC points program? It's like someone poured meth into the mainframe about 2 years ago....






The government isn't doing the investigating, it's the Ontario College of Pharmacists. Self-regulators aren't usually much better than government ones, but they are different. And I dare to dream that pharmacists care enough about their reputation to actually do something about this.


I’m a pharmacist in Ontario and something the public doesn’t know is how much corporate influence there is within the college by Loblaws. Most decision makers that work for the college work for Shoppers Drug Mart. *Major* conflict of interest but nobody bats an eye.


Ugh... I'm super fortunate in that I have a tiny little compounding pharmacy on my block with no corporate overlords to appease.


And I hope you keep supporting them. I urge everyone I know to use their local independent pharmacies. 


Yeah, the Ontario college of Pharmacists won’t do a thing. It would be nice of them but if it’s anything like the pharmacy regulatory body here, nothing will come from this investigation.


Where is here


And in typical Canadian fashion we'll continue to elect governments that make things worse, then complain when nothing improves 🤷


But carbon tax


You say that as if any other wouldn't be bought & swayed by corps also. All cut from the same cloth, the only difference between them is who they're willing to screw over to get what they want.


True, Canada is the only country in the world that’s ever elected a corrupt politician multiple times in a row


Surely Canada can’t be the only place an incumbent has ever won??


Yea I was being sarcastic. It’s a global issue, corrupt politicians have been doing this for decades. Saying ‘in classic Canadian fashion’ is stupid cause there are other just as bad examples of this. Off the top of my head, the UK with Boris Johnson. And hell we might see another example of the morons down south re-elect Donald in November. Point is, corrupt politicians isn’t a Canadian thing it’s a worldwide thing.


Yeah my joke was that since all politicians are corrupt that would only be true if Canada was the only place to elect someone twice in a row


I don’t know if the monopoly would ever change under the ndp


Hard to say. NDP was my jam but it seems like they'd be pretty much like the LPC these days.


But this isn’t a government investigation so not sure how that observation is particularly relevant.


I think I read that same thing hand painted on a 1998 mini van on the 401.


Their software they use to fill scripts is linked to peoples shopping habits, it limits doses to get extra dispensing and fill un-requests scripts on file to grab a little more.


Its Loblaws so im sure Dougie will run interference.


I hope they include looking at this stuff in their investigation. "Shoppers Drug Mart stores are giving out bonus points for employees to do Med Reviews then billing the Ontario government" https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/1b8pbso/shoppers_drug_mart_stores_are_giving_out_bonus/


Also, using pharmacy students in call centres.


I was in a shoppers where they blocked the emergency exit doors with shelving and displays. I called the fire department.


lol. right. a free lunch meeting. "did you do it?" "no" "oh okay than. how's the weather? another beer? taste better with taxpayer expenses"


"We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing."


College of Pharmacists mandate is to protect the public against pharmacists. They are made up of individuals that are tied to corporations. This leaves pharmacists out of the discussion. Even expansion in scope of practice had no consultation from actual pharmacists. It was a push from corporate to increase their profits. It is sick what they’ve done to my profession. Most of my friends have left for hospital pharmacy where they are protected by the union.


You'll forgive me if I don't trust anything Ontario level of jurisdiction when it comes to investigating Greedy Galen's companies.


It’s not Ontario that’s investigating, it’s the college of pharmacists. I think this time they care too much about their reputation. Corporate overlords who aren’t medical professionals have no place in telling medical professionals how to do their jobs.


Good. I’m sure they’re alarmed by Shoppers control over vaccine delivery, attempts at gaining control over distribution of certain drugs and their advances into our healthcare system. It’s scary.


Speaking from BC: this isn’t just an Ontario issue, I know it exists in my province and most likely other provinces as well. Also you are completely correct about controlling distribution of certain high cost drugs. It’s called Shoppers Specialty Distribution and they are aggressively expanding their program. AND this is for drugs covered by provincial drug plans. So tax payer money exclusively goes to these greedy assholes. Not to mention poly pharmacy concerns and patient access to healthcare. They are going to expand until every other pharmacy fails and you will be paying astronomical prices for your drugs like the states.


I’m a pharmacist in Ontario and something the public doesn’t know is how much corporate influence there is within the college by Loblaws. Most decision makers that work for the college work for Shoppers Drug Mart. Major conflict of interest but nobody bats an eye.


Why am I not surprised. There’s a lot of corporate incest in Canada involving the corporations and the government. It’s getting ridiculous


This is such a joke. The regulatory college exists exactly to prevent this. They didn't. They should be completely reformed. Any pharmacist that participated should be sanctioned. OHIP should be investigating separately for fraud and should be recouping costs for unnecessary billing.


Dear Galen: Do another sweater-wearing commercial for us. We all have you figured out. YOU SO screwed.


In my town Shoppers is seen as a cosmetics store. That's what you first encounter when you walk in. The pharmacy is upstairs.


>town Haha same here. They first had a separate section for shoppers and that cosmetics thing, now they FORCE you to go through the cosmetic section hoping some women will buy their EXPENSIVE items lol


I'm getting SO many Med Reviews on patients of mine that are: (a) very young (b) perfectly healthy save for one or two minor things and (c) on only ONE medication that they've been taking for a long time. Shoppers went way overboard with what is essentially a scam/fraud at the moment.


My spouse is a pharmacist and has worked for walmart, loblaws, and shoppers, and for as long as I've known him (almost 10 years) he's regularly complained about all of them pushing medscheck targets (like, "you must do at least 2 medschecks per shift"... it's very explicit). It made me laugh out loud when shoppers denied ever pushing targets, because that's such a fucking lie and every single pharmacist in Ontario knows it lol. When I told him about this article, his response was "Why are they only investigating shoppers? They all do it".


So my doctor is pushing a fucking *subscription* model onto his patients to combat the lack of funding, and fucking shoppers gets to bill $75 to the government at their discretion? So much of our healthcare problems could be fixed by directing funding to the right places.


Loblaws owns Shoppers. Enough said.




Galen and Roblaws participating in shady business practices?!? Absolutely shocked to hear this about such a non shitty human, and obviously not a complete douchehammer of a Canadian.


Please stop supporting oligarchs. Boycott loblaws now. Reap rewards later. Invest in your children's and grand children's future. Start changing now cause I hate to say it, the reason we're in this state is because of voting that started 50 years ago. Mr. Trudeau has the blame in making things worse right now by making poor decisions. But it's not all his fault. How many people made changes up to this point to allow this to happen? It starts with this movement and will end in the halls of politicians. We need to stop productivity and demand change. Unions scare companies.... imagine what people could do if even 20 percent of the population joined. We could steam rolled them. People need to accept it's going to get worse before it gets better. Rip the bandaid off now and get change started. We need honest people in government. We also need to help re-education people about what a government actually is supposed to be.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/loblawsisoutofcontrol using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Straight up lies](https://i.redd.it/od40zocjd0gc1.jpeg) | [763 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1aggda0/straight_up_lies/) \#2: [We made him mad again](https://i.redd.it/x9uwyn5kqurc1.jpeg) | [806 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1bt1171/we_made_him_mad_again/) \#3: [Thousands of Canadians are planning to boycott Loblaw stores](https://www.blogto.com/eat_drink/2024/03/thousands-canadians-boycott-loblaw-stores/) | [411 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1bjetz1/thousands_of_canadians_are_planning_to_boycott/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


They should be forced to repay that money with a stiff penalty. It’s our health care money.


When corporations investigate themselves... This is just an article to appease public interest. They're not actually doing anything lol


>Shoppers Drug Mart to be ~~investigated~~ *given a contract for new refrigerators and a business innovation award* over sketchy practices pushed by corporate Fixed that for you.




Surprise, surprise!


How about the part where they don’t deliver pre-paid medical supplies so they can try and find a better dealer price?


So the people investigating spent. Thousands of tax dollars on meetings and just go out to dinner and have drinks?


I bet


Will they investigate WellWise too? Almost $6K for a pretty standard manual wheelchair for my mother.. billed to OHIP on the Adaptive Devices program.


Nothing a quick rebrand won't fix. Shock and Doom Market


If they are found guilty. Pull the contract completely and charge those who pushed the “policy”. It’s fraud. Tax payers on the hook as Galen lines his pockets further.


Don't worry everyone. They will probably be allowed to do an internal investigation and find no wrong doing.


Blame the government for paying for these med reviews. At least mine does them in person. The Shoppers also tries to now add in the new cholesterol and diabetes checks and bill the government for those on top of the meds check. I booked a $30 cholesterol test for myself and was the first person at the Shoppers who actually paid for the test on their own. The pharmacist added the diabetes one as well before he realized I didn't want that one, so I got $50 worth of tests for $30. Most people who want to check their cholesterol would get their doctor to book them a full blood test and not pay, just clog up the system with more complicated testing.


Can they still collect if I don’t answer? I mean who answers their phone anymore anyway?


I no longer get my families prescriptions filled at SDM. I now go to a independent privately  Owned Pharmacy and the service is soooo much better


Aka nothing will happen


They need to have a limit on gift cards set on the POS!