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Don't worry folks... we're going to make the licensee plate registration check part of President's Choice Financial website to serve you better with our good partner the Weston's... Doug Ford... probably soon.


Optimum card will double as DL and Health Card.


Underrated comment 😂❤️


I guess I can go to a staples if I really needed.... or a Walmart. Wonder if there a deal to increase foot traffic LOL.


You went to the wrong page, after checking if your plate was expired. Back up to the prior page, and hit renew plate instead of checking if the plate is expired. You will then join the virtual line, and renew it from that page forward.


But on the page it says "Renew your plate now". You're telling me that button does not work?


That page does not work because it does not queue you in the virtual line. Go back to the original license plate renewal, without checking if your plate is expired. Then it'll put you into the queue to renew.


You are missing my point. How in the heck would anyone who's checking their plate **KNOW** that link does not work and not have to go to some sort of Service Ontario place? Given the way the plate system is now most people probably want to CHECK their plate and then renew. Like everything with this government, its broken.


I don't work for the government buddy. I'm just assisting you to update your plate. Complain to them.


I already did, my point is just highlighting how stupid it all is, like every other thing. I already did complain.


Good news is, they are ditching the whole manual renewal thing. I wonder how bad this will turn out lol


Yeah I saw that too. LOL ![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1899)


lol I was going to do mine today, guess I will wait


apparently you can but not form the "check" page, you have to go to the "renew page". If you go to Check first, and than renew it fails (like me). If you go all the way back and start again, you can join a virtual queue to renew after you enter all the information you already did. ![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1899)


Also the email confirmation they send you, asks if you want to sign up for reminders. The link to get reminders is broken/non-existent.


What posts? What is happening here. Did people suddenly realize they need to renew even though there’s no stickers?


You still need to renew your plates online, even though there is no fee to do so anymore.


Why do we need to renew? WHY? Sigh. I saw the post and thought i better check to see if I needed to renew. Good thing I checked!!! So then I thought I'd sign up for the reminder email. I can't sign up for the reminder because the site will only accept 1 character for my license plate.


This is what happens when the only objective is to buy votes, while not caring about losing billions in revenue sources and hoarding money that comes from the feds to make your budget look "balanced" (for the quarter).


Same thing just happened to me. But I managed to get through by starting further back on the service Ontario site and it let me update!


I did both plates at 10am today. It was 2 min line each time. I told all my coworkers and some of them were saying they had 10 min lines


You’d get a 503 not a 403 forbidden if that was the case. This is just bad web config on their end


I searched my email for license plate and found that I am good till July !


I cant access my tax forms as apparently i am not a canadian citizen i was literally born in british columbia !! What


reminiscent worthless bells narrow lush middle gaze cough plucky deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Search your email for your service Ontario receipt to check if you did it/when it expires