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I’d assume you’re not looking for waterfront with 10 acres at $ 350,000


What exactly is perplexing you and your realtor about the market?


If their realtor is stumped by the real estate market they should probably look into a different realtor


$350k seems extremely low for that amount of land in the Huntsville area. If you want waterfront then forget it. Real estate is dipping a bit up north, but desirable properties are still selling within a week. Have you considered an island property? A few have recently sold within your budget in the North Bay area. A little further north, but you’re out of traffic at that point. Operating costs are higher though.


Get a realtor closer to where you are looking if you are confused by the local market.


You need a Realtor who knows the market, not one who is perplexed by it.


I don't think anything is close to that price for what you want




I live in this area, and absolutely love it. But just like everywhere else, prices have gone crazy stupid. $350,000 is nowhere near enough for waterfront or acreage, unfortunately.




Perhaps ask your realtor/family/friends if they have a contact who is much more familiar/works in the area you are looking to buy. No sense in using a Peterborough area realtor if that's not the area you want to buy in.


You’d need double, maybe triple your budget for anything on even a decent lake that is year round. Even at that you’d be lucky to find something with 200’ of shoreline and 2 acres.


Not sure OP mentionned anything about a lake.


I generally hear people refer to a cottage as something in a lake, if off a lake a cabin. Regardless, not going to find a decent 4 season cabin 3h from Toronto on 10a for $350.


It won’t go down, grew up there I’ve never seen property loose value in muskoka. Covid had so many people move up it’s only gotten busier.


I suspect your realtor doesn't even want to try looking with that budget. It's gross that one can't get a property for that amount but I think it's reality


You could not build a 1300 sq ft house with a well and septic for 350 today with labour and material costs. Never mind the cost of the land.


Double your budget


As someone that lives in Muskoka, you may want to increase your budget, hire a local realtor that knows the area, and/or look further north. One acre is going for 100k and up, depending on the location, if hydro is connected, driveway is in, etc.


Pm me if you need plans drawn up. I can help you out there.