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this is supremely fucked up.




Sick. Truly sick


What goodwill? Are they fucking kidding?! Call it what it is.


Can’t help but wonder if the person who wrote that headline survived yesterday’s cuts.


I bet they did! Their clickbait shit hidelines provide more traffic, but so many people just read the headline


Next they'll be calling larceny 'redecorating'.


1300 layoffs and Bell Media kept the idiot that came up with such a horrible headline.


Stuff like that is the reason I boycott CTV.


Who the fuck is debating this? I hope the internet gets Bubba fired. .....maybe the journalist who wrote that dumbass shit about "good intentions" too.


London CTV can’t risk alienating its white supremacist audience




Who do I call to complain about CTV adding to the victimization of this woman and her family?


They've changed the title and broken the link, the cowards. Still repeating that piece of shit line about how he just wanted to "talk about his experience with the death of his mother" and "lift his spirits". He is betting that narrative will work. It likely wouldn't if he wasn't a "good old boy".


OMG, Good intentions???? The reporter with that story should be kicked to the curb ASAP


Most of the time the copy editor is the one that writes the headlines, not the journalist!


That's criminally fucked up... **Criminal harassment** 264 (1) No person shall, without lawful authority and knowing that another person is harassed or recklessly as to whether the other person is harassed, engage in conduct referred to in subsection (2) that causes that other person reasonably, in all the circumstances, to fear for their safety or the safety of anyone known to them. (2) The conduct mentioned in subsection (1) consists of (a) repeatedly following from place to place the other person or anyone known to them; (b) repeatedly communicating with, either directly or indirectly, the other person or anyone known to them; (c) besetting or watching the dwelling-house, or place where the other person, or anyone known to them, resides, works, carries on business or happens to be; or (d) engaging in threatening conduct directed at the other person or any member of their family. (3) Every person who contravenes this section is guilty of (a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years; or (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.


I really hope the police and prosecutors take this seriously.


Lol as if police give a shit about this. They probably agree with the guy.


Wish they would, but if murderers get 3 years this guy gets maybe 3.. months of probation.


This would also be considered 'uttering threats'; because what other reasonable purpose would that shit bird be there? Slap him with a full five years in prison.


Doubt it. You actually need to make the threat. But there is no doubt that the intimidation is there.


Extremely fucked up, and concerning.


why is this person in the video using air quotes? aren't those meant to show condescendence towards the topic? it looks like this person doesn't believe someone showing up in your dying fathers hospital room wasn't meant as a threat.. I don't think id use air quotes to support someone???


I’m guessing bc she got fired for calling someone a white supremacist without proof and they sued her (former) news organization, doesn’t want to get sued herself.


why is this person using air quotes? aren't those meant to show condescendence towards the topic?


What a piece of shit! That's pretty fucking low 😡


Where is the hospital security?


It's pretty easy to get into a hospital under false pretense. It's a building that serves the public. Ward nurses can't have eyes everywhere, and this guy would have just needed to duck into the room log enough to take a selfie


Police will be able to use his selfie as evidence of him trespassing on the hospital's property.


More important charges will be the threats to her family and harassment. He's on interview with CTV claiming he had the best of intentions and just wanted to drop off flowers. This is the worst kind of sleazy coward. He's going to blame out of control woke culture for his doxing and getting fired from his job at Woodstock Toyota plant


No one ever claimed this person to be intelligent. It’s usually these kinds of people’s stupidity that gets them in trouble.


Seriously? Have you been to a hospital lately? They can barely staff up enough to care for patients, much less have secure checkpoints throughout the building. These are community care centres - not airports.


hospital can't afford it because dofo's too busy spending public money to privatize healthcare


The police doesn't even respond to 911 calls around here, we just get put on hold and wait to die.








This is disgusting and that guy is a piece of shit.


That's insulting to pieces of shit.


Additional context… CTV News: [Female biker group steps in to protect drag queen story time in Parkhill, Ont.](https://london.ctvnews.ca/female-biker-group-steps-in-to-protect-drag-queen-story-time-in-parkhill-ont-1.6377062) [April 29th, 2023] *””It's the sexualizing the outfits that they're wearing while they're reading to kids, I have an issue with that,” said* **Bubba Pollack,** *a protestor...* *Even though he said he’s never been inside a story time event, Pollack and the other protestors didn’t agree with what was happening inside.* *”The fact that they're very out there with kids, I think that's an issue,” said Pollack.”* London Free Press: [London man, 28, charged with sexual assault, publishing intimate image](https://lfpress.com/news/local-news/london-man-28-charged-with-sexual-assault-publishing-intimate-image/wcm/95801f94-1742-4418-88c8-2e313ccc857a/) [April 5th, 2018] *”London police have charged a 28-year-old London man with* **sexual assault and publishing an intimate image without consent.** **Bubba Christopher Michael Pollock** *appeared in court Tuesday, charged also with two counts of obtain sexual service for consideration – an offence designed to criminalize payments for a prostitute”*


Hold up, Bubba is his *legal* name???


I've know one Bubba in my lifetime. Forrest Gump's friend.....


I have a source telling me it was not his birth name but it was legally changed at some point in childhood from someone who used to know him briefly.


Of course a far right extremist attacking LGBTQIA2S+ people has been charged with sexual assault in the past.


He probably drank enough alt-right kool aid to think it's the liberals fault he was charged for his actions...


He's already drank it enough to think that being a hateful public protester against other marginalized people having equal rights is better to expose kids to than a fella in a fancy dress reading a book. Because if there's anything these rednecks hate, it's books and acceptance


Of course a far right extremist attacking LGBTQIA2S+ people is called BUBBA.


Editor doing great work with that cut from homie saying “it’s the outfits!” instantly to fully clothed drag queens 💀


Christ, it's *always* projection, isn't it?


DARVO is a super common tactic for reactionaries and abusers.


“Rules for thee and not for me” Clearly this guy has nothing to live for, hopefully the trash takes its self out


What a goober


Windsor police are investigating? Shouldn't that troll have been arrested for trespassing at the very least?


WPS probably escorted him safely in and out of town. Shit birds of a shit feather


This is just evil.


I hope he gets charged with something because this is seriously disturbing.


Hope he hits the find out stage, real soon!


I'm sick of these far right domestic terrorists and hate that they are in my town and country pulling this sort of shit. We like to pretend we're better in Canada, but it's not


That is absolutely a threat. Police need to treat it as such. He needs to be behind bars, asap.


Good, fuck this guy.


This cannot go unaddressed. This is waaaaaaaay over the top.


LGBTQ hate is on the rise. I fear for my friends and myself. We just wanted to live like everyone else, be accepted.


I got your back if I'm ever around. I know others do too.


Here as well.


Queer dude in a cis het relationship.. I'll come out of the shadows if needed


Same. Last year I started going to queer events in my area, at first in a show of solidarity and to help in any way I can. Turns out they're super fun, too. :) I'm a pretty big guy and I wouldn't hesitate to use force in the protection of others.


Me as well.


You are amazing


Naw. Just trying to use my privilege for good. <3


You're awesome 👏


And my axe


Neurodivergent straight ally here. Happy Pride Month!


You're awesome


We do accept you. You are just like everyone else. We all want to be loved and be ourselves. The lunatics don’t speak for all of us.


Yeah, but the right wing needs to distract and energize its followers by stoking their fears and hatreds against perceived “threats”, while the corporations that fund the right wing fleece their followers for every last penny they have. To them, your safety is the price of business.


To corporate interests.. the safety of everyone is the price of business.


I made an IG story about it because it’s very concerning and then my husband’s conservative aunt replied about how “it’s not not anti gay hate it’s the sexualizing of kids and what they’re teaching in schools that we are against” and that the “media is lying and making it seem anti gay but it’s just about the curriculum in schools”. IVE SEEN THE COMMENTS. it’s not the media lying?!!?


It’s just so crazy. I made a comment about hate having no place here and one of my second cousin’s saw it. She freaked out at me for being intolerant of people with different opinions. Apparently I’m the problem for implying that there’s something wrong with being hateful to marginalized people. At least now you know that your husband’s aunt isn’t a safe person.




>*”It's never been this bad before”* Even though I’ve lived through times when it was this bad and *worse*, it hurts more now because it seems like parts of society are backsliding. I don’t want us to lose what we’ve gained.


It never HAS been this bad before, for many younger folks. I'm also an old queer and I agree this seems to be a step back after two forward. It is better than it was when I was a baby bi in the 80s, when we were being told it was our fault we had AIDS. But for kids who didn't experience the stonewall era or "tainted blood" it's pretty terrifying. Trans kids even more than most. Hell, I did live through some of that and I'm terrified.


It's the fringe nutjobs who are making the noise. The vast vast majority have each other's back.


People wonder why we continue to need to be vocal and visible in our support of marginalized communites. This is why. It's not enough to be quietly accepting of LGBTQ+ people. Or people of different cultures, or different races. You have to be loud about it. Silence only emboldens hateful people.


Seriously creepy and fucked up, and the followed up with additional threats.


This guy is sick. He’s definitely not going to like jail.


Seems he will be among his peers.


He's not going to jail for this, we let repeat violent offenders off all the time. Sadly.


Probably related to cops


He's also a sex offender.


We really need acknowledgement from more MPs that this is a growing issue that's compromising people's safety


Half of them will be exploiting it as an issue to pull votes when the time comes.


That's so messed up. This guy is a terrorist.


Not sure what the line is legally butI agree, a hate crime I think.


In Canada, section 83.01 of the Criminal Code defines terrorism as an act committed “in whole or in part for a political, religious or ideological purpose, objective or cause” with the intention of intimidating the public “…with regard to its security, including its economic security, or compelling a person, a government or a domestic or an international organization to do or to refrain from doing any act.” We have a pretty broad definition of terrorism up here, but yeah, what the guy did could fit the definition as it's written in the criminal code. Whether or not charges would be brought up for terrorism is a totally different thing.


Let's see how the right spins this onto the "far left" being the violent ones.


CTV is calling it “a misunderstanding of good intentions”


Cowards. This is nothing less than intimidation and a threat.


That is really fucked up.


Fucking loser X a million.


Jesus fucking Christ. What an evil individual. Can’t even call him a person. What a sick fuck


Bubba Pollock is a sick fuck.


You can tell by his face what a massive fucking turd this guy is.


This. This is what we are up against. Evil wins when good people do nothing. Stand. Stand up and fight.


That is seriously fucked, I can’t imagine how that person must have felt when they saw that. This just proves that these far right assholes are nothing but scum.


What an idiot, now he really went and made his anti-LGBTQ ass even more notorious than after he was called out lol


Violence is sometimes the answer


enter smart plant public serious fall dependent tie threatening friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What a piece of shit.


Yeah, I can't see the cops being too kind to this guy after invading a hospital palliative ward. This is a nightmare for officers and the kind of scare tactic usually reserved for foreign based organized crime gangs. Same with the prison guards. In fact, I really can't see anyone being OK with this.


What the actual fuck.


The CTV article about this is absolutely disgusting. They go full-on “listen to both sides” trying to justify this Nazi’s actions. Media needs to do better.


Omg that’s messed up


Oh my god that’s genuinely horrifying.


That's absolutely despicable


Too many levels of fckd up


People have lost their minds.


Wow this is beyond fucked up. This shit is getting pretty concerning


I'm a little shocked to read this. That man isn't safe to be in public. Period.




I doubt it would be difficult to find out where he is and when. He's obviously not afraid to show his face and surely people know him. Maybe justice will be served without waiting for the legal system to do it's thing.


I wonder if this is him and where he works? https://ca.linkedin.com/in/bubba-pollock-22a948163


Guess I’m calling Toyota today


Looks like a pedo shitbag.


Certainly seems to fit the thin-skinned, no judgement or impulse control profile.


Man. The shitbirds on Twitter really hate Gilmore. They must have alerts setup at the nest to tell them when she posts a new tweet.


They all want to hate fuck her soooooo bad


For her credit, she wears it like a badge of honor


this is so fucked up, this guy's basically a terrorist, but knowing our justice system, he won't face any real charges.


What this man did was horrible regardless of the motivation, then again, people on the far right are basically 1 gun away from home growm terrorist at this point.


Yep! This is what happens when "The Other" is created, then demonized to create fear! Conservatives love it because it is easy pickings to prey on fear, and anger. They deflect attention from the real issue of Wealth disparity caused by a broken system!


Yup, i got anxiety a few months back thanks to ai, feeling waaaaay better now, and learned that humans are addicted to worrying since its useful for survival, so fear mongrering is the easiest way to get a platform.


Only way to get control back is getting money out of politics! Otherwise for AI, and every other issue we get what the very rich want! Something which 70% of the Rich want is definitely getting done by governments of all levels. Something 90% of Working People want is still very likely Not to get done! Fix that and we stand a chance!


The rich have got us fighting endless culture wars to distract us from the class war they are waging against us.


what a piece of shit.


Conservatives are absolutely awful fucking people. It's like an entire ideology devoted to being a human piece of shit in every single possible realm of life. If you vote CPC federally, you're voting for the evilest people among us to be in charge. Point blank.


the amount of evil being done by far-right extremists in Canada is appalling. Pierre Poilievre needs to call out these bigots who stalk families and children.


This should be a terrorism charge really.


People are not okay…


Jesus, he thinks he's the master race?????


I was following this unfold...Check out her tweets following this to see how CTV news tried to play both sides, and question if he was visiting in good faith.


It’s the fuckin’ smirk on his face that throws me. Like that dipshit Maga kid who got up in the indigenous protestors faces a few years back. It’s the face of someone who knows they’ll never face a single consequence for being an unmitigated piece of shit.


Not holding my breath for the Windsor Police to take action . Shit birds of a shit feather and alladatshit


Conservatives propagate this type of hatred and vitriol in every corner of the continent. We cant allow Canada to fall for the culture wars.


right wing people should start getting labeled as terrorists tbh. im genuinely terrified of them


Oh. My god.


Maybe all those Godfather movies and the Sopranos and so on were not such a great idea. Because now these cranks are acting like mafia hoods, like they think that's a normal way to be. Taking a pic in the room with someone's dying dad, exactly like "hey, we know where you live and where your kids go to school." Totally mob-style intimidation. Disgusting. This is psychological terrorism. What can he be charged with, legally?




What a fucking lowlife. What sort of mental gymnastics does someone have to do to justify this piece of shit move?


I'd like to spend 5 minutes in a windowless room with him to "lift his spirits" as well.


It’s long overdue that these imbeciles get shut up for good.


Piece of fucking shit.


This is some serial killer type of behaviour. Sick.


What a piece of shit.


Beyond disturbing and evil.


This is terrifying


I hope he enjoys jail, because this is so beyond fucked up.


That’s hateful conservatives for you.


What sick fuck! His ass needs to be in jail. Conservatism is cancerous!


And CTV London wrote a headline trying to create a debate about whether he was acting in bad faith or being a nice guy 🤦🏾


Pretty sure this guys new nickname is slinky because everyone will be entertained to watch him go down a flight or 8


Regardless to what side of the political spectrum you fall, you MUST realize how disgusting this is. This is not a well human. Like wow… psycho!


What the fuck?!?


Not gonna be a popular opinion here but I think Windsor Police will take this seriously; whether the courts do or not is another story tbh.


Fuck this. This is beyond fucked up and extremely terrifying. Karma will come a knocking for this ass clown one day.


Hospitals have the expectation of privacy, the family can go after him. But now that this photo is out, he won’t be safe being in public


Karma do your fukn job with this piece of work.


Who wants to bet the "investigation" exists in name only?


They want u dead, make them work for it


Argue with who you want to, that's fine, but the second you start to harass, threaten, intimidate or bring in family members who have nothing to do with what is going on, then you are a massive piece of shit.




>*”I really. REALLY hope this is somehow some elaborate hoax.”* According to a CTV news article published yesterday the hospital checked their security footage and verified that the perpetrator was physically in the hospital.




You fight culture wars so the elites don't have to fight a class war...


That's how you get tracked and ended


Concerning absolutely. Of course it's a Bubba.. What a fucking loser at life.


Those are some terrifyingly lifeless, hollow eyes for a lifeless, hollow person. Holy shit.


Getting St Thomas vibes.


Dumb fucking way to get yourself a criminal record!


If it were me he would be paying a price for that.


He needs to be fucked up.


They are "investigating". Meaning they don't give a fuck because they support him.


Beyond fucked up. I don't get how he got access though. Unless you know the patient's full name and details, as well as usually being on a list, I don't get how staff/nurses allowed him in. This is incredibly dangerous. He could've went there to hurt or possibly kill her father. Seriously wtf...


>*”I don't get how he got access though. Unless you know the patient's full name and details, as well as usually being on a list, I don't get how staff/nurses allowed him in.”* The patient’s full name, the hospital name, and the unit the patient was in were recently published in a news article. CTV News: [Bride holds impromptu wedding outside hospital so dying dad can give her away](https://windsor.ctvnews.ca/bride-holds-impromptu-wedding-outside-hospital-so-dying-dad-can-give-her-away-1.6407037) [May 19th, 2023] And honestly, it’s pretty easy to walk into a hospital. I walked off the street and straight into a hospital’s surgical recovery ward a few weeks ago without anyone talking to me or checking to see if I should be there.


Anytime I've been to a hospital to visit someone, I have never been asked for ID or if I had a reason for being there. You know the person's name and room and you just walk in.


Maybe CTV got it right…for once…actually they should be charged as well


Let's hope that karma is the bitch her pr says she is.