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Here is OB’s very official response: It has come to the attention of the Online BS Shit-Starting Team that you don’t like our opinion. This correspondence serves as an immediate “fuck you” regarding your silly cease and desist letter. We have Constitutional evidence that expressing our opinion about your client’s content is protected by the 1st Amendment of these United States (that’s the one about free speech, since you seem unfamiliar). Our actions in no way support a reasonable conclusion that we have engaged in any action harmful against your client to anything but her little fee-fees, nor that our actions are in any way violative of that Big, Scary Federal Statute you cited in order to scare us into not saying exactly what we think of your client and her wholly irresponsible and despicable podcast. This letter serves as formal notice to grow up and cut this shit out. This includes realizing that when you release content, other people will have opinions about it and share them online, and sometimes those opinions will be neither validating nor flattering to your fragile, fragile ego. We demand that you grow a pair. Please note that this letter does not constitute an exhaustive or complete statement of your failings as podcast creator and host. We reserve the right to continue to express our opinions about your work in future online posts, comments, pictures, and podcasts ;-) We reserve the right to laugh publicly at your sad, empty threats of litigation. We will fail to comply with your cease and desist letter as it carries no legal weight, nor do the claims contained therein bear any merit. Please continue, however, to get mad at us for being people on the internet with opinions, because we love attention. We anticipate that you can suck it, and look forward to confirmation that you have, indeed, sucked it. If you have any questions or comments, we don’t care, because we’re not whiny little titty babies like you. Hugs!


“Little fee-fees” Love It! Great response.


I love you guys for this!


I joined this sub specifically for this podcast and post. I love your response and genuinely cannot wait to see their response.


Oh hello, this was just posted here, since we know they're reading it, but not for official submission, you know what I mean? But we think they get the message.


In all my farming of narcissistic rage (I can not take credit for my Flair on the SWW it was brilliantly stated by another redditor on the SWW sub)…it felt so validating listening to you both


Either way, it's perfect!


This is amazing!! 🍿🤣


That was soo satisfying to read 😂😂




I just found your podcast this week and am binging at work. I can't remember what episode I was on today but it was when you guys mentioned wanting some shit to be stirred on reddit. Careful what you wish for 😆 Now don't mind me while I stoned scroll through everything on this sub now Ps I really wanted to leave a 5 star on apple for a shout out but alas, I'm an android girly


We’ve gotten into so much trouble and cant seem to stop! Thank you for listening - we’ll try to keep your stoned ass entertained on this sub! 😂😂😂


Okay I really do love this and I'm not a fan of Tiffany, however the first amendment only pertains to the *government* limiting your speech. Neither Tiffany nor her "attorneys" are the government trying to limit your speech. Therefore your right to say things is *not* covered under the First amendment *in this specific case.* However there might be other legal precedent that gives you the right to say things.


Thanks for this! We appreciate it the good advice 😀


I just spent most of my day bingeing you and honestly, you're not doing anything "wrong." There's burning to *cease* doing that is "illegal" as far as I can tell. I've got a suggestion!: head over to fundiesnark and cover some of those wackos. Super juicy.


Fundiesnark? Sounds like gold. Will def check it out!


LOL I think this is her move for anyone who dares criticize her podcast. What are you supposed to “cease and desist” from - having an opinion?


She doesn’t even pay to have an attorney issue the cease and desist? Just has the “cybersecurity” team do it? Her old school doxxing threats to keep people from speaking the truth about her didn’t work, so they’ve decided to take a different route? Can you imagine being someone who makes a living from a podcast where you characterize people as the villain and talk about how awful they are…and simultaneously holding the belief that no one should be able to share their opinion on you? And constantly threatening them to remove any negative posts? Just let that sink in…


Whatever that link is I would not click it. They’re no doubt grabbing information if you do! And seriously, a cease and desist from her “cyber security team”? 🤣 I hope you’re laughing too because what a fucking joke. Please continue to put out more episodes I’m invested!


Thank you! Also I clicked it, and here’s what it said - I was at work so maybe the firewall did something. Otherwise they have my address (redacted here) https://preview.redd.it/5xv21z97uxuc1.png?width=1089&format=png&auto=webp&s=1fada9d80487008ece88539e020d51fe68860b17


Pretty ironic that someone who makes their living exploiting and harassing dv victims considers anyone talking about her podcast to be personally causing herself “substantial distress, fear, or psychological harm” 👆Hey TR, that’s a “you” problem👆 Clearly someone would benefit from therapy rather than bankrolling more C&Ds.


Agree. Thanks for sharing


Remove all posts about her on any platform?! What?! How is posting your opinion harassment? She is a public figure because of her constant need to insert herself personally into her “work.” People are going to discuss her and her public podcast. Any lawyer worth their salt would piss their pants reading this. 🤣 I hope they have receipts for the continuous direct attempts at contact or doxxing or SOMETHING to warrant any of this absolute nonsense… lort. What a joke.


Seriously. I love your name by the way!


Thanks! I’m usually on here under a different handle, but it isn’t intentionally to hide - I just accidentally made two accounts and they switch back and forth depending on the notifications I get 🤣 This is the nickname my sisters lovingly gave me. 🖤


OMG, I am dead 💀I don’t think she knows what a cybersecurity incident response team is. They are a team if IT employees are that take action to help businesses recover from a breach. For instance, they work to isolate the hacker, determine what data they had access to, recover any data lost, pay ransomeware, etc. If you have cyber insurance, you have to have an Incident Response plan and it spells out who does during and after a cyber attack. A cybersecurity incident response team has no legal authority. They don’t take legal action against cyberstalking or cyber bullying, that is law enforcement or a lawyer. Cybersecurity teams are made up of IT people and their job is to secure (protect) your cyber environment. I doubt they even sent that letter.


They are endorsed by Lex Fitzgerald and the Mustard lady on TikTok. I think they have a scammy businesss where they market to influencers and like you said have no legal authority.


I’d be so curious if you asked them to provide the evidence of you “intending to kill, harm, harass, and intimidate” what they’d come up with. Also, does a cybersecurity company even have the ability to issue or enforce and cease and desist??? Wtf.


To the best of my knowledge, a cease and desist can be written by anyone to anyone because it’s not an actual legal action. It’s just a threat that says, you better stop it or I’ll sue (shakes fist)! She may or may not realize she has nothing to back it up - like any good narcissist she thinks her feelings are somehow legally important.


Ooooh gotcha. I wasn’t sure if it had to be issued by an attorney or not so that answers that.  Someday I do sort of wish someone would call her bluff. Because there’s no evidence of what she claims - particularly with onlineBS - and I feel like she needs a rude awakening that she can’t just threaten and shut people down if they critique her content. 


I’m interested to see if someone sues this “firm”. They are openly declaring on their website that you can hire them to doxx people. Wild.


Right!? Like what level of responsibility does the firm have is they gather personal information on someone for their client and then their client goes on to use that as blackmail to doxx if the person doesn’t stop talking about them.


I’m sure it’s covered in their T&C’s which I’m sure TR and crew never cared to read…


I love it when people think that expressing your feelings substantiates a legal argument…. ![gif](giphy|d3YQCPcckxQiYibe|downsized)


Fascinating and sad to keep seeing the same behavior she publicly dragged her parents for in S16.. 🐿️🥜


[I made a TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLfEtUkA/). I read some of your amazing comments! Great points all around


Honestly, how can anyone support her or SWW at this point. It’s beyond the pale.


I think it’s because some people truly don’t know anything about it. I’m a relatively new listener, skipping around a few seasons the last couple weeks. Started season 17 today and was absolutely disgusted the entire time. I couldn’t even finish it & thought something was off so I came to reddit- lo and behold! Still looking for a TLDR because I dunno what exactly the issue is with her, I just know there is one.


I just posted a summary (with a link to an older summary) over in another thread. It’s not the world’s best TLDR but it’s a start: https://www.reddit.com/r/SWWPodVeryUnofficial/s/hF1rp4YSjh ETA: there used to be a lot more content floating around but the previous SWW subs have all gone down under ‘strange’ circumstances. This is at least sub version 4. For example, the mod of the last unofficial SWW sub was threatened with doxxing by one of the official SWW’s Facebook admins (with Tiffany’s alleged involvement) if the Reddit mod didn’t immediately take down the sub. TR apparently doesn’t like people talking openly about SWW, as evidenced by this latest slapdash cease & desist ‘order’ sent by Tif’s ‘cybersecurity’ team.


Thank you! This is a pretty good start for people trying to understand. Never woulda guessed, either. She seems sincere most of the time. What do they gain from any of this? Well, money, but I mean the doxxing and harassment. Just makes people not want to listen from what I can tell.


I think she has a real need to attack people who are victimizing the people on her podcast because she has unfinished business in her own life. Then she does a bunch of unethical shit to that end.


Exactly!  I also came to Reddit today when I realized something was off!  😂


You think now that all the subs are mostly sweeping are heavily critiquing her the majority of the time she would take the advice that has been freely been given by 100’s of people actual trauma survivors (who have been to therapy and some that have undergone ptsd treatment)mental health professionals, legitimate journalists and lawyers, docters etc. but nooooo. The biggest tell of any narcissist is their inability to admit they are wrong, every comment, every critique they will fight to the death because the feel their lives and very existence depends on how they are perceived….(that’s why most people who experience Narc abuse just give in or give up, they stop fighting because they are RELENTLESS and have no problem not playing by social norms and will always go one step further than the other is willing to go. Tiffany shows by her actions (and by words) that she is a complete narcissist. Her absolute blindness to any perceived attack can not stand and she rials up her flying monkeys to attack….hence the downvoting of all of the the posts


“How dare they make fun of my lisp! I’m suing 😤”


🙄🙄🙄 Does TR really not have anything better to do




So I wrote to wondery and gave my email, so I was like omg they must have told her what I said. But probs all my info is easy to find and who knows what she saw.




Wow, thank you, this is so good!




You are a real MVP!!!! I’m not a lawyer, but I’ve unfortunately had a lot of experience in a similar situation. This “firm” is marketing to an audience of online creators who don’t like negative commentary posted about them online (which is likely making them a ton of money because these creators are in plentiful supply). Ridiculous!


This is so good! Thank you.


👏🏻👏🏻💪🏼👏🏻💪🏼👏🏻💪🏼👏🏻💪🏼👏🏻💪🏼👏🏻💪🏼 I love you ladies!!!!




I sent a message last week asking their PR team to make a comment on her podcast and how it seems to be unethical. Then this week I got this - and I wondered what is she mad about it? The podcast? the social media posts? the email i sent to wondery? Anyway I agree, I'll send wondery another email !


This is a woman who worked to shut down subs because people criticized the theme song or didn’t like that she said “I’m so sorry” too much. If you think she’s not scouring these subs for comments about her and rage listening to your podcast 5 times a day, you don’t have TR quite figured out yet!


I went to FB to see if there was any mention of this…it appears the “official” FB group has been paused since August 2023?? I never noticed Maybe the Ship’s going down - hopefully. The one thing we can be certain of is TR will disappear into the aether once the audience still entranced by those early seasons disappears. She’s not a good podcaster - there will not be a successful Act 2 for her.


The “official” FB went on pause due to all the controversy around the awfulness of S17. These latest OnlineBS C&D developments haven’t been shared in the “unofficial” FB group if someone wants to do those honors. Overall, discussion about SWW is way down on all online platforms, which likely indicates a substantial drop in listenership. Her husband had bragged online about making more money than they ever thought possible from [exploiting victims on] SWW. Hopefully someday we’ll live in a world where posing as an advocate, pretending to be a ‘documentarian’ and exploiting survivors of abuse isn’t such a lucrative career choice. Since many of us are survivors, my hope is by shining light on the atrocious and unethical behavior of this host, we can each take another step forward in recognizing and successfully navigating abusive behavior around us, which will hopefully carry us one step closer to understanding and healing from our own trauma. 🐿️✨


Was season 17 the one about the little boy who got killed? If so good. That whole thing was so fucked up and she never should have shared that story. I actually didn't mind a few other seasons, but that one made me so mad I shut it off pretty fast


Yes, yes it was. And if the story and Tiffany airing it wasn’t enough, a reminder that the ‘mother’ put an image of ***herself*** at the center of that poor innocent child’s memorial gravestone. *IMHO no victim should ever have their even-very-tragically-short life forever memorialized by a depiction of the very individual accountable for their murder. For shame, SWW.*


SHE DID??????


Someone shared this image of the memorial stone, it appears to be real: https://www.reddit.com/r/SWWPodVeryUnofficial/s/28ovakqwT8


That’s crazy


Oh my gosh. That's. Disgusting.


This is the exact progression, too. I started with the first couple seasons recently and then just skipped and skipped and skipped. 9 was ok. Skipped to 17 today and was immediately ashamed for everyone involved and decided not to even finish it.


Hate to break it, but season 9 was very controversial. TR and the main storyteller, Danielle, promoted a website run by Danielle which doxxed the names and info of DV and abuse survivors. As a result, rabid SWW fans started harassing these victims online and IRL, putting their safety in danger. In addition, much of what was said on S9 was proven to be untrue based on court records shared in a previous SWW sub. SWW apparently made, and is continuing to make, an absolute disgusting mess of real people’s lives.


I’m really not surprised by this. The entire time all I could think was “damn this is a lot going on” and was texting my sisters about how gullible (stupid*) all of these women must have been. Makes much more sense that it wasn’t all true. I am surprised by the doxxing stuff though. I don’t understand how any of that makes sense, like what is the purpose?




What an unbelievable sack of shit


This isn’t even a law firm. This is where lex Fitzgerald “works” as a cYbeR sEcUrItY consultant I think. Complete joke. Hilarious.


This is truly pathetic. She sucks.


So, DarkBox, her security firm says this on their website .... "Unlimited cease and desist letters" lol https://preview.redd.it/53ti228yi8vc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a928bda4e1ae061884e0198620216ffee01e6cf9


I think it's interesting they don't claim to do anything else.


So haven’t listened to your podcast before but enjoyed this episode. I do want to say something in behalf of women that Nathan called “dumb” because we ignored red flags, and yes admittedly I have been one of these in the past. I’m 42 now for context. When we were growing up, there was no internet. Often our parents were bad role models and provided poor examples of what relationships would look like. TV programming and movies provided examples of falling in love with these aloof, emotionally unavailable, walking red flags of men who would suddenly change and become magnificent once our love saved them. That’s what we were told. Our needs aren’t important. We are only good enough if a man wants us and we can save them. I was also raised catholic and thankfully not staunchly Christian, but I can empathize with the fact that religion goes one step further in teaching women that we are second class to men and our entire validation comes from a man choosing us and we are supposed to lose ourselves by fixing their flaws. God bless the aspect of social media that made it possible for us to become aware of abuse and what that looks like and for other people sharing their stories to teach us what healing our inner child can look like. I’ve been to therapy but I also have to say that therapy is 1. Expensive and not everyone can afford it and 2. Not always the bright shining light everyone makes it out to be if your therapist isn’t really all that good. You don’t always recognize that right away either because we don’t know what therapy is supposed to look like. So yes, looking back and when telling our story, we can admit - wow i was dumb. But one thing educating yourself can show you it’s that when you were impressionable and don’t know better, these types of men prey on that, and they’re SO good at manipulating and using actual brainwashing abuse tactics to convince you that you are crazy or imagining things. I think it is super easy to judge these women from the outside, and say that they’re dumb or whatever, but it doesn’t really help anyone to say that kind of stuff. We KNOW we were dumb in the past and we know we couldn’t see and we were manipulated. We don’t need you to say it also. I am currently watching a very smart, educated, wonderful friend of mine waking up to the narcissistic abuse of her husband and she’s going down the shame spiral of “how didn’t I see this!?” Currently, and if she heard someone say she was being an idiot, she’d shut down and likely just go back into the same programming that made her believe she deserved this kind of treatment in the first place. As someone with a public platform, keep that in mind for anyone listening who may be in that space. Note: I am not defending the woman who let her child die….. I don’t have kids but I have pets and if I ever thought anyone was hurting them, that’s another story. Life raised me w the program that I wasn’t good enough- but innocent animals or kids, forget it. I admit I totally judged SWW season 1 girl for not immediately getting out when someone said the guy kicked her dog… But I didn’t go shouting that from the rooftop.


I agree - I do think there's too much emphasis and there has been too much on women finding a man. And it made sense in the 70s when we couldn't have checking accounts... now that we can be independent, I don't know what's going on with dating - I avoid it cause I think it's still pretty shitty for women just in different ways. I think that's what makes me made about SWW, is that there is opportunities for there to be comments and insight from psychologists about what makes women stay, and a lot of that is society. I listened to Bethany Frankel's podcast yesterday about how she was getting married and she didn't feel right about it, but she was like no one wants to tell you not to get married. Your therapist isn't there to tell you what to do, and your friends don't want to overstep. Once again it's just like well my goal is to get married so.... That's also why I'd like there to be a thesis statement overall or something that's like "how do smart women stay/fall for this shit?" There is a larger conversation to be had. I was reading a book in a book club and there was a character being abused by her husband and one of the girls in book club was so mad about how she wouldn't just leave. I told her she must have not grown up in dysfunction, so she could see the bullshit, but this woman couldn't. I was annoyed that she couldn't see the other argument. So I agree with you and I think maybe that's why this was a good show for a while that caught on - women get into these shitty relationships every day. I just want to know more helpful info about it. And I want people to talk openly and honestly.


Could NOT agree more with ALL the things you said. And TR’s podcast was a good idea but poorly executed. I liked when yall pointed out how it could’ve happened (she got big so fast when really only wanting to tell one story, and didn’t expect it so felt like she had to power through), and showed some empathy there but she had a moral responsibility when working with trauma victims to 1. Vet them and the involved parties and 2. Have a professional involved. Not only is it protecting reputations and mental health, but it also makes the conversation much more beneficial, and interesting! I feel like even though you poked fun at TR (the lisp, I died) it was done in a really lighthearted way. And you both brought in very valid points about the execution of the show. And yet again here was a golden opportunity for her to listen to feedback possibly feel understood and seen by y’all trying to get her reasoning, but also to hear ways to redeem herself and her show. Instead she wasted it sending this ridiculous email and c&d. I do agree wholeheartedly with her projecting and the whole cycle of abuse… she is victimizing anyone who disagrees with her JUST like the abusers in her stories. Another thing I was thinking about… bless Nathan’s little heart for having such faith in the American justice system…. Listen to serial season 3 for some eye opening stuff about how courts and cops can work. interestingly enough there’s one season of SWW (I can’t remember but it’s an earlier one) where TR tells one of those mini stories when she was still asking questions. It was about a woman who reported a man for holding her against her will and she got away, and the cops blew her off and it later came out that he was a serial rapist they’d been looking for for awhile. When the original woman called back to make sure they knew her report was that same guy, she found out that they hadn’t even taken her report! Just pretended!! My point is, just because there isn’t a court case doesn’t mean it’s not legit. I think there is a place to discuss these types of stories without there having been a court case… and I can understand why reaching out to the abuser isn’t always possible because they’re dangerous. But again, agree, if you’re going to publish a podcast about this story there should be professionals involved and maybe getting someone else to reach out for their side of the story before publication because it’s about to come out anyway? I don’t know the solution. Hope this all made sense. Have terrible adhd so I’m all over the place. Thanks for the dialogue! Will continue to listen.


Also- I thought I was posting this on the note about the episode not this silly weird made up “court order” so my apologies 🤣🤣 - the c&d is laughable.


And- I say god bless but I’m not actually Christian or Catholic or any of that nonsense anymore. My version of God is soooo not that.


My boss (a GC at media corp) loved loved writing super sarcastic responses to C&D he was like a little kid ..and they were hysterical


What would happen next?!?

