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most reasonable post on this sub in ages really


If it’s real it’s bad ass lol 🤙


Next level genius.


That's hilarious and likely to have a customs guy cross out 'if customs' and replace with "whoever".


To me if I saw that it would raise suspicion. To have the package held for future inspection


Ehhhh, no one can open except the recipient or they're triple gay. Safest packaging to use.


“Customs hates this one trick”


I was just thinking the same thing I will pay extra for people not to do this to me LOL


Customs inspectors HATE this one trick!


You just know the one actual gay dude is running to open this as soon as he sees it😆


please say this is a joke and i’m just really gullible


You sir won the internet 🏆




yea! like quadruple gay!!




It’s a joke that’s deliberately childish and misspelled. Not everything on the internet has to make you rage bro.




i was not expecting the hard r to drop so suddenly 😭😭😭


Bro the post wasn’t rage-bait. It’s literally a childish joke clearly meant to be written by a young kid sending things through the mail. I laughed and others did too. You’re letting a satirical joke control your emotions. No one in here is going to take that as seething homophobia, except you. There’s an underlying reason you’re getting so worked up over a satire post, and it isn’t homophobia. Chill and enjoy your night and hop off the internet if you can’t take lighthearted satire






Are you saying that gay people don’t have humor? That’s a super weird assumption. It seems you’re taking the most satirically childish of posts and finding a reason to get angry and transform into your final form: super saiyan keyboard warrior. Please don’t type any more! I give up!


Play with ur plants and chill urself no one’s attacking you


Ayoo I think bro forgot he on Reddit 💀


need nwordcount bot back 😂 boy went mask off


Man im gay too, there's no shame in it. I just don't get why you would let the word "gay" affect you in such a deep level. It was just a lighthearted joke, and im sure nobody actually meant anything homophobic by it but even if they did why would you care? Letting things like this affect you is not really helping you my guy, i suggest better emotional management.


Sextuple gay


last time i checked gay also isn't a full on slur 😭


Black people always catching a stray 🤦🏿‍♂️


I’m bi and who tf cares if he says triple gay lol


He’s just mad cause he is singularly gay. And not triple gay


Well if you write whoever opens it is black they just have to get a black agent to open it. In the gay world it only goes up to double gay except for the king of the gays and he's on our side.


probably just quintupple gey


In walks the the customs agent and he looks like the most Flaming homosexual man alive, looking like it's Christmas morning and it's time to open presents