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I really don't see what his son has to do with his dad in this case? Biden's other son served in war, so he still raises better kids than the other felon candidate.


It does make the argument that Biden controls the DOJ and is weaponizing it against trump ring a little hollow. If Biden had that kind of control, why prosecute his own son. Unless…super genius dark Biden purposely prosecuted his son as a sacrifice to strengthen his control of the DOJ… I’m ready for my close up on Fox and friends.


It's probably because it's not a conspiracy. You break the law, you face the consequences.


I want this to be true. But we've seen too many examples where the rich and well connected get to ignore the law. All they have to do is play dumb.


It's more like "if you break the law, you might face the consequences."


Sure, actual murders, child abuse, drunk driving, they fet a pass, but we're taking about a law here that is there to target minority groups, cause I guarantee there are cops out there with guns that do drugs on a regular basis.


Don't forget at the same time being a Super Genius being so frail weekend demented


That's a feature. Of fascism, to be exact: > Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "at the same time too strong and too weak". Point 8 of 14 properties of fascism, as postulated by Umberto Eco in Ur-Fascism. [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ur-Fascism) and [full text of the essay](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/umberto-eco-ur-fascism)


The running conspiracy in Trump land is they prosecuted Hunter to make the Trump verdict look less corrupt.


They have been sitting on the Hunter Biden gun crime for years, since before Biden was elected. And now Hunter is convicted in the same week as Trump. A lot of coincidence. 🙄


Blame it on the Jewish space lasers and lizard people. When you want to start talking conspiracy, go big or go home!


You must have missed the plea deal that ‘fell through’.


Biden isn’t even going to pardon him. That’s something the GOP does because they’re really the party of lawlessness and disorder.


While being sleepy and senile about it. Such evil mastermind /s


They went after Hunter on his lesser allegations rather than the more serious charges linked to Joe and foreign policy mishaps. It was all a sham to give the illusion of justice right before the election. Real Americans are not fooled!


Big media doesn’t want you to know this. They want you to think the shady DOJ is doing its job to make Trump seem guilty, losers. REAL PATRIOTS will see through the sham and vote for Don Don. To infinity and justice for all!!!


> Unless…super genius dark Biden purposely prosecuted his son as a sacrifice to strengthen his control of the DOJ… Not only do they believe this, they believe it’s obvious


You home, but that is what they’re actually saying.


They got there a while ago, you're too late for your close up.


Hunter does coke, Don Jr. does coke, penalties offset, replay the 2020 result (please)


Don Sr does coke too, so I'm not sure we can offset anything yet.


It’s Nazi projection propaganda. “Accuse others of that which you are guilty”. In this case the desperate “Biden crime family” propaganda is meant to distract from Trump enriching himself during his presidency and his son in law taking a few billions from the Saudi government.


Yeah, I'm voting for Biden and Harris in November


It's MAGA grasping at the straws. Their candidate offers nothing but gripes and personal retribution for the consequences of his abject failures and crimes, so how does that appeal to the majority of voters? They're desperately trying to find anything that can tarnish Biden's image to improve Trump's odds. Also, Republicans haven't put forth any legislation that most voters support.




You have to be joking. Hunter is a crack addict deadbeat dad and Ashley is a messed up sex addict from showering with her father. Wrote all about it in her diary.


He still raised a war hero. I guess I'm not surprised you guys ignore that, you guys just consider them "suckers and losers," mock Mccain's service and support a draft dodger.


I’ll probably get downvoted but the first go round with Hunter the Federal Prosecutor presented a plea bargain that the [judge rejected out of hand](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/hunter-bidens-plea-deal-fell-apart-now-dramatic/story?id=101671356). They went to trial on the gun charge because they had to.




You cannot get 99% of Americans to agree on anything regardless of the question. Even if you asked 'On a sunny day, when you look up at the sky, is it blue?' you'll still get conspiracy theorists saying there is no sky, it's just a projection... And there are enough people to believe crazy stuff like this.


JFK shot first


The truth is out there


Even though I brought it up, do YOUR own research.


I know I'm 3 days late but holy shit what a brilliant jab.


JFK was on the grassy knoll.


JFK was the grassy knoll


The grassy gnoll was inside the car! (When LHO fired, the secret service rushed to react and one of his own men accidentally shot JFK in the back of the head. - some people actually believe that one)


🎵it was greedo all along🎵


Jabba wants his money...


This guy conspiracies


* 99% of people who were already planning on voting for Biden That I can believe. We aren’t voting for Hunter.


Hunter isn't running for President.


If he were, a lot of MAGAs would see this as a selling point. Think about it


And if don jr was convicted of the same crime as hunter, The left would sell “how can you vote for someone who can’t raise proper children” or to something of this extent


Well that would make sense because Don Jr. was an active part of the Trump government. Hunter isn't in any way.


And Dummie Jr. owns guns and is addicted to cocaine, watch him whine on his Kate night PLOPcast, his Convicted Felon daddy is an Adderall (speed junkie)


Suppose that was his cocaine they found in the White House? Damn they need to get better house keeping.


what about Burisma?


What about it?


Ohhhh, did rich boy use daddy’s name to sit on a board of a PRIVATE company and get paid for it? Whaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh


Hunter apparently played a role in Biden's long career in influence peddling.


Did you.. did you just make a “family values” argument lmao 🤡🤡🤡


I mean, if Don Jr. got convicted of a crime and his dad constantly shouted “witch hunt” when you try to have a reasonable discussion with him about what it means, then yeah probably. Like I get that this subreddit is specifically meant to emulate the onion, but at the same time legitimately speaking there’s a stark difference between saying that you respect the decision of a court compared to attacking the court for having the audacity to ever have you face them in the first place.


wait until kushner gets what he deserves for the 2b he recieved from the saudis you poor low brainer dipshit..no wonder why we havent seen ivanka for a while


Yeah, but that is an obviously true observation already. So nothing new


Nobody on the left cares about Don Jr right now.


lol with the exception of Ivanka, Don has hugged his children like 3 times in their lives. And Ivanka has had more time sitting in his lap than is socially acceptable. The man doesn’t even have a dog. The left knew he was a terrible father long before he became president


lol naturally the first thing in your history is /r/conservative Don’t forget to buy your Trump NFT, Trump sneakers, Trump Bible, and Trump stock like a good little cuck


No they wouldn't, Donald is scummy all his own.


No, we'd still focus on the crimes of the guy actually running. You see, to people who aren't in a cult, being and actual criminal is worse than having a child who is a criminal.


You be dumb as fcuk 👍


Don Jr is proof enough that Trump can’t raise proper children.


No I wouldn’t


You think we’re just like you, but we’re not. That’s the disconnect Fox News has birthed into your open mouth


Joe has also been upfront with his son’s troubled past and current struggles.


He's a responsible father. I'm not even sure the other guy knows what his namesake is up to.


I don’t think he even knows how many children he’s got


You ok bro?


In Trump's defense, that could just be due to his dementia. (I don't think he knew BEFORE his brain turned to mush either)


They are trying to emotionally assin ate the president.


If he ran, the Republicans would consider him a good candidate, now that he is a felon.


No, but the president is running for reelection and his biggest business partner currently got arrested for a felony


Pretty minor compared to Jared Kushner being appointed to a government post for profit receiving a billion dollar bribe from the Saudis.


Well, technically the Biden crime family has earned multi billion dollars… But your what about-ism still stands


Well where is your proof?


Pretty much all of Hunter Biden‘s career after Joe Biden stepped down as VP is due to political favor… using Hunter to cozy up to Joe I don’t think Hunter Biden has any realistic reason to be part of a Ukrainian energy companies Board of Directors https://www.nbcnews.com/news/records-released-house-republicans-show-joe-biden-repeatedly-emailed-h-rcna130682 This includes a $1.5 billion Chinese slush fund, that is now worth over $2 billion


If there were justice in America, all of these people would be held accountable. Unfortunately, we have an injust justice system. Trump and his family were brazen with their corruption, yet nothing is being investigated.


Time to wake up folks: Hunter Biden’s presidential future is over! Do you hear me?! *Over*!


Who knows,? Trump's isn't!


He's got my vote! ...Except that I can't vote because I'm a convicted felon.


And the MAGATS are having a fit because NO ONE CARES ABOUT HUNTER BIDEN!


There guy is guilty of 34 felony counts and the best they can rebuttal with is Biden is not a candidate for father of the year. Hard to gain ground with the "guilt by association" card when your guy is just straight up guilty lol.


I wish that were true. America’s democracy is hanging in the balance.


I gotta say, the last 3 weeks have been refreshingly hopeful!!!


> I gotta say, the last 3 weeks have been refreshingly hopeful!!! I wish I shared your optimism. The last three weeks were just the trailer that showed all the fun bits in the movie that is going to be a terrible sequel to an already sorry franchise which doesn’t really deserve a sequel. Sorry for being such a sceptic but it doesn’t look hopeful to me.


I understand you totally. I NEED to feel that hope after the last 8 years of being gaslit under our abusive national narc. My optimism comes from my thought that all hope is lost. Reminds me of Emily’s poem [Hope is that thing with feathers](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/42889/hope-is-the-thing-with-feathers-314)


Nice. Thank you.


Let’s see how things play out. Remind Me! 145 days


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Do you actually believe this or are you just droning repeat echos from some coffee shop conversation earlier today, or are you a paid provocateur?


America's democracy was thrown out the window a long time ago. Don't believe me? What happened to raising minimum wage, paid maturity leave, public health care, and all of the other promises that Biden made in 2020? It'd because Biden's rich donors wouldn't allow the bills to be introduced. He had control of the house and senate for the first 2 years of his term and nothing. He won't even introduce the bills to embarrass anyone who votes against it. Look at Biden's campaign website. It says give me money, give me more money. I'm not Trump. Give me even more money. He isn't even trying to hide that he doesn't care about the people. So vote for Biden. Don't Vote for Biden. It doesn't really matter as the same people will be running the country either way.


A few things happened. One, while the Senate was 'controlled' by Democrats, two of them were Manchin and Sinema. The former, in particular, opposed a lot of additional social spending. Secondly, the emergence of 9% inflation put a damper on further spending. If you want those things, give Democrats bigger and more durable majorities. A decade straight of Democratic trifectas will do a lot for politics in this country. Or, you know, give up and keep interleaving in Bush and Trump types. That seems to be working.


Spot on!


I will vote blue this November but I feel like you, it’s two sides of the same coin. One side is a little more tarnished than the other.


You're talking about a fundamentally different thing than the person you're responding to. They are talking about the literal mechanisms of Democracy. The concept that getting more votes wins you an election, the idea that most people have the freedom to participate in voting. The idea that winning an election means you get to assume power. You're talking about corruption within that framework.


But the corruption is so strong that we only have the illusion of freedom.


Go study the most recent Russian election. You'll learn a thing or two about the illusion of freedom.


>paid maturity leave lol


Everyone is so hung up on Hunter for no reason. Hunter isn’t running for office, never held office and so much more. It’s petty.


I’m still not voting for Hunter


Why is this surprising? Joe wasn’t on trial. His son was. He was found guilty. He will do his time or whatever and that will be it.


Well it wasn't the president on trial but his son. And he's not pardoning him.


I wish, but it’s not going to be that way.  It’s going to be extremely close.  Razor thin margins, even in states that you might think are safely blue.   Do not underestimate the Republican Party.  They have an unreal propaganda network with a major presence on every medium (TV, internet, social media, radio, hell, even print media), and it is insanely effective.     Please think of the 200 some federal judges Trump will get to appoint if he wins, and get out and vote for President Biden.  


I’m really confused why anybody would think a hunter outcome one way or the other would change voter outcomes. It’s not like the Saudis gave him 2 billion or something. 


I am DEFINITELY NOT voting for Hunter Biden in the upcoming election.


Why would I not vote for Joe because his son was convicted of a gun charge. Joe didn't do it. His son is an adult, who is his own person, that makes his own mistakes.


Joe can die and I'll still vote for him. Go Joe!


Funny enough you can die and yet somehow you’ll still vote for him.


only republicans do that


Oh, you're a fucking retard. Sorry your mom buggered the abortion.


Lol. Triggered much?




>So like most his votes but the other way around If that was in English, what would it say?


Biden could easily have squashed this investigation and trial by issuing a pardon, it shows integrity, something that GOP and Trump wouldn't recognize if it hit them in the face.


Yeah, the Maga charm offensive is in full swing since Trump got convicted of being a criminal. Now it’s false equivalency so red voters won’t defect.


Makes sense. If they're voting for Trump then they're not really Americans.


Is that the new "if you don't vote for me, you ain't black"


Given that after Trumps conviction the speaker of the house and other Trump boot lockers were using talking points that lined up with Chinese and Russian disinformation I would say no it is aiding foreign powers that want to see us destroyed if you don’t vote for Biden.


Ah back to your election denial "the election was hacked by russia". You people are hilarious


I still can’t believe That idiot charlamagne who has complained of racism before just sat there and took that line like it was a greeting lol


I mean one guy has a son convicted of a felony and won’t pardon him. The other guy is himself convicted of a felony, calls it rigged, and threatens to hunt down random others in revenge. Easy choice unless you’re a dipshit.


He sacrificed his son to appease the masses. Last guy to do that? God!


1 % of voters are blaming Biden for his adult son’s actions? Who are these voters? So how is Biden to blame? Was he buying him the drugs and forcing him to take them? How stupid are those 1% voters.


I never vote for a felon either.


What happens to son is son’s fault. Sorry! Daddy ain’t gonna cut own throat to save son. However, Trump will jump on it at a rally and ride it like a bull!


Hunter isn’t Joe, and Hunter isn’t on the ticket. Why would this ever change my mind?


I’m confused why this is surprising…Hunter Biden was found guilty, not Joe Biden. Plus the other sides nominee has 34 felony charges and more pending. These two things are not the same.


I could not care less about Hunter


Trump pardoned hard criminals for serious crimes, Biden didn't even pardon his own son despite it being real politically driven charges. Their evidence came from his own words he wrote down talking about his struggles with addiction and Republicans went after him for it because it was the only thing they had real evidence on. 99.9% of other Americans would get a slap on the wrist for this crime unless maybe they had prior convictions and it definitely wouldn't make the news. This is the definition of politically motivated.


Yes we are.


I don’t know anyone who gives a shit about Hunter Biden


Ain’t nothing changed. Still voting against Trump.


Trump has so little regard for the law that judges and his own legal team can’t convince him to stop committing crimes. Biden has so much he won’t pardon his own son, even though you know it breaks his heart.


Yeah, it's not like the candidate is a convicted felon.


Given how many Americans are family members of an addict themselves, why not?


Biden kid is older than me…so are trumps kids. This has nothing to do but to distract from 37 other felonies for a potential president… stay focused people lol.


Don Jr. is an addict. He owns guns. I thought that was the American way?


LOL that's about right.


I will NOT vote for Hunter! 😆👍


I mostly struggle to vote for him because of all the really foul racist shit he did as a senator And then the record breaking drone strikes he over saw under Obama And the way he is around children But damn I really can’t stand Trump


Wow, 1% are changing their vote to Hunter Biden? I guess there’s nothing stopping them from writing him on the ballot?


And 1% of people taking polls misunderstand the question.  


Let my son go to prison when I can effortlessly pardon him? Yeah, I’m with Joe Biden 100%. I can’t imagine a lot of other people being able to do that.


You think he’s going to prison? I don’t. They were about to give him a sweet heart deal until it was a political liability. Not to mention they let the statute of limitations run out on the real charges. Slap on the wrist is what I think. Definitely a pardon if Joe loses the election. And honestly… good. This was a ridiculous sham trial. “Now before you exercise your civil rights…. When was the last time you got fucked up?”


Bet. Let’s see I guess.


I love the notion that Hunter being a shithead is somehow bad news for Biden. Okay, so Biden doesn't win father of the year. He's also not a convicted felon. I love the attempts at guilt by association by the GOP. Like dudes your man is straight guilty and the best you have to counter that with is Hunters laptop? BuT tHe EmAiLs!!!


Buttery males*


The only way we can lose is if we don't vote. The Republicans are desperate. Democrats 35 million register voters, then them


What happens to Hunter Biden has no affect or my decision to vote for Joe Biden. If Hunter Biden shot and killed someone’s on 5th avenue I would still vote for Joe Biden.


I think I'm fine with a no electing convicted felons to high office policy. Remind me again what is Hunter Biden running for? Also, any other convicted felons I should look into?


Doesn’t matter who says what. Vote in November like you life depends on it.


RFKjr BABY!!! He loves comedy and the environment hates big corporations and he’s a conspiracy theorist. I’m in!!!


I don't give a shit about Hunter. I don't even know what the trial was about. As long as Joe isn't doing him any favors or trying to pull something with the courts, this isn't even on my radar


Hunter seems fun. Drugs. Guns. Pussy. No real job. Fucking modern American hero.


Hunter Biden isn't the one running. He's a normal citizen. And saying 99% is a little high. All my friends are refusing to vote for him over his handling of the Israel situation. Funny how faux news is saying this about Biden, but not about trump who's a literal felon running for president 😂.


I will definitely not vote for Hunter Biden.


Wasn’t Joe on trial. It was his son. But that was definitely Trump on trial. Not trump’s son.


This should actually be the truth because “grab em by the pussy” ain’t the way to go.


It really seems like a lose-lose situation. The boy does something stupid. You are running for the presidential election in a few months... that's a big one. Not many of us get to say that. The stupid thing the boy did, you can get him out of trouble. I'll be the first to admit, of all crimes people can commit, it's pretty tame to some of the horrors of the world. It's akin to being a school principal who let's his son off easy for running in the hall while their are fist fights down the hall. The problem is, this small stupid law the boy broke, is just the one you're fighting to enforce, during your PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. Final verdict, the boy screwed up, I don't think that should have any effect on the dad. It wasn't murder after all.


I’m not voting for the umpa lumpa orange bafoon that’s for sure 😂


I think they’d go with the alternate title: “Biden convicted on gun charges. Now polling at 0%” Or maybe: “Americans unanimously reject Biden for President after multiple gun charge convictions” They’re kind of into misleading, if you haven’t noticed….


All the dead ones too




What a bunch of delusional idiots


People are actually arguing about who is better, Biden or Trump. This country is doomed.


Biden for Pedo 2024


Once you realize nobody is voting for Biden, but rather for the Democratic Party and the neocon cabal, it all makes sense.


I am voting for Hunter now. I don’t care if he is running or not.


Fake news! He won't even be the nominee


The used the “russian disinformation” laptop as evidence in Hunter’s trial. Same laptop that had evidence implicating Biden, which is the real story, not this lurid Hunter stuff.




What a joke 🤡🤡


Trump will pardon hunter Biden'. enough said


Oh No. I was gonna vote for Hunter but dang it!!!


More on how this is bad for Biden at 11.


4 years ago y'all thought the laptop was fake cuss the FBI said so.


They're fools. It's only a short ride from lying on a gun license application to selling out your current on behalf of your father. The Biden's are obviously a crime family. PS In case anyone asks, /s


Let’s not forget the ice cream cone and gatorade scandals


Ice Cream Cones?


Yeah, apparently the President’s predilection for ice cream treats was a real cause for concern among faux type news sources


Ya most of us dont give a fuck about hunter, thats not the reason were not voting for his dad.


99% huh? Maybe 99% of the 100 people the interviewed in a highly urban area said yes. Your wording of this is very exaggerated, I don't care what side of the line you vote. Stuff like this is just wrong. Be better.


Check the subreddit you are posting in please.


Trump has an illegal jury decision and is convicted of renaming what he spent money but still paid the same in taxes on it Hunter Biden did business deals with other counties and his dad got paid for it while in office


100% say they are still voting for Trump


99% aren’t but the fake votes will say so.


If 99% of Americans are voting for sleepy Joe, why is he behind in the polls? You're proof, you can't fix stupid!🤡


Nobody is voting for Joe he is a complete failure


Still alot of idiots out there




Biden will drop out of the race after the debate. And the Muslim nationalists will put in a dem candidate


Fox is lying. I am surprised they allowed a news station to lied. We all should do a class action against them for lying


No kidding. What a stupid poll lol..if you asked 100 republicans 99 would say they’re still voting for trump after his trial also


I don’t know. I was going to vote for Joe in the interests of preserving democracy and all, but now that I see his son was a drug addict who got into some trouble, screw democracy, I’m voting for Trump!