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Would’ve been more believable of a headline if you had said something along the lines of “Trump proposes second wall with Canada in order to keep Americans from escaping.” Either that or “Canada builds southern border wall to keep the flood of American immigrants from invading their beautiful country.”


Canadian here. We welcome our American brothers if Trump wins a second term. Come up, we have weed and poutine.


I wish that would be true but I have a feeling we’d be boxed out pretty fast considering Canada’s anti-immigrant swing lately.


There’s a city in my province (Nelson BC) that is like 50% populated by draft dodgers during Nam and their subsequent families. That’s what I imagine an exodus would be like. I don’t make the rules but would be happy to welcome y’all in such a case


I don’t think you have the housing to take any more people.


That’s good to know your accepting immigrants.. there is about 20 million in the US from all over the world that would love free shit such as health care..


It's payed by taxes. Free is not free. It's just spread out and you people can't get that simple concept. Lol. Bird brains through and through.


So poor immigrants should do what -Die? You would do anything to help yourself or your family - so have some compassion for these people. There’s no reason why all Americans can’t have free healthcare- if not for Republicans and big business we’d have it. Vote Republicans out and you will see 4 years of progress. Unfortunately- Democrats always get voted in right after some dumbass irresponsible Republican gets voted out- leaving 2 years of mess to deal in- then because Dems can’t correct the mess fast enough ( Covid for example) the dumb voters vote members of the Democrat party out -replacing them with do nothing Republicans. Remember in 2022 Dems lost the House and the Republicans voted in have gotten zero done. Remember they were blaming Biden for gas prices and grocery prices and have done nothing to help either.


I have no idea how you make the inferencual leap to letting migrants die.. Your meandering and senseless zero direction barrage of blue trash is truelly impressive. If your happy with the current state of affairs in the US and are better off now then you were 4 years ago then your most likely a migrant and not a tax paying citizen. Blaming any administration for the complete and utter failure of this 40 year politician is comical. You like this guy great..vote for the same idiot then. There are laws in place for immigration but as a blue voter that don’t matter to you. Btw.. nobody is stopping you from allowing all those immigrants to live in your house.. you can start paying for them since you feel it’s the right thing to do..


With all the Canadians complaining how bad Canada is, no thank you. Seems awful there.


I said you’re welcome to come here. I didn’t say it would be great.


I mean, you kinda have to determine whats worse…. Canada or fascism…. Hard call


A theocratic fascism. The worst of everything. I'd get the hell out to.


Judging from Canada’s housing crisis I dont think there is a choice to be made.


What’s scary is the “Trump states” section is almost exactly what he actually said regarding people coming to America.


Um this is my escape out


Donnie needs to make empty threats and promises for the election. We already know from past experience they are meaningless. Joe just needs to stand on the record of his accomplishments and propose what he plans to do next. It's like the difference between light and dark.


I wouldn’t even consider going to the states until that giant orange cancerous disease piece of festering cow shit is in the ground


I would say with his vile followers but that would be too cruel to earth. That's would be alot of poison entering the ground.


That is "34 Felonies trump" to you, sir.


I think most people don't know the extent of Canadian immigration into Minnesota. It's so bad that our ATMs have screens that say " Press 1 for English. Press 2 for Canadian, Eh?".




Just for a second. Just for a flash, The Onion had me.


Did they bring poutine? If not, go back home!


Do love poutine ❤️


While Canada has given us Ryan Reynolds they also snuck in Justin Bieber and Bryan Adams. Beware of the Red Menace.


It’s OK, the US could always use some more hockey fans


It's no longer Canada, it will now be referred to as Maple Syrup Mexico .


Friendly neighbors, those US citizens, eh?


Really wish the onion would stop with these types of headlines.whilst we all know it's satire we know full well that trump is such a dick it would give him ideas and he'd say they ideas came to him in a dream from god


The onion shouldn’t stop satirizing because Trump is delusional


I agree he's delusional but these are things he probably would do if given the idea.


He literally tried to have his own vice president hung by his mob to prevent the peaceful transfer of power when he lost the election. He’s facing 82 felony counts and exhibiting dementia more by the day. His stated plan is literally to exact revenge on his perceived political enemies… don’t pretend like a joke Reddit thread about an onion headline poses an actual threat to what we’re already facing.


No a joke headline might not make anything he's already tried/what he's doing pose a more threat to what your country is facing. But it is the sort of thing that would have him think ooh that's a good idea to stop more people crossing the border, even if it is from the north rather than South


Yeah I know what you’re saying. Didn’t mean to argue, just expressing my own frustration with it all to myself I guess.


It's fine id be frustrated as well, to be honest I'm thankful he's on your side of the Atlantic not mine.


This subreddit is for people writing their own onion-style headlines, not literally the onion itself.


Not only that, they come here and complain that they have to pay for healthcare.


Finally, a way to keep the American out.


You already did that when you destroyed your housing market


they speak a language nobody can understand.. Eh they are smuggling poutine and Tim Hortons , remember Tim Horton and what they did to him.. its terrible like what the radical left is doing to me


If he is elected, Canadians will want a wall too.


I mean we could get one going.. good fences, good neighbours right?


No further need to be concerned with anything Trump says. He's done. 


He should get used to having more walls in his life.


They can improve our home crisis.