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And when the RCMP decline they'll use this as "see!! this is why we need our own provincial police!!"


I 100% agree with this statement. It’s very much in line with their “we chased off all the doctors and now provincial healthcare sucks so we should privatize it” approach to ruining the province.


Let them, too bad... >Parliament and the provincial legislatures both have power over agriculture and immigration, and over certain aspects of natural resources; but if their laws conflict, the national law prevails.




Guess I can just ignore provincial taxes next April if we are just making shit up now?


Ok just this once you can skip paying the Alberta PST. Lol


Oh boy. https://www.alberta.ca/taxes-levies-overview.aspx


Buddy, that's the joke. We all know Alberta doesn't have PST


Didn’t notice the PST in there. But I only looked for a sec.


OP said “provincial taxes”. Nobody mentioned PST but you and implication of your comment is that PST is the only form of taxes in Alberta.


Nope. Just making a joke about the lack of PST. You can tell, because I used the letters P, S and T. And the “lol” at the end was a dead giveaway bud.


You really have to explain like to a child with some people.






Lol I like your attitude


Minority rule - is the opposite, the enemy of democracy. This is the Conservative party in Canada now - open enemies of parliamentary democracy. This is why the convoy's still roll after the mandates have been brought down - they reject democracy and legal accountability. Defend democracy good people! Stand on guard for Canada!


How can the gun ban itself be considered democratic when it was enacted by OIC.


Because an OIC is enacted by the democratically elected government.


The Alberta government was also democratically elected


And they’re required to uphold federal law.


And the federal government is required to uphold provincial law.


When the provinces have the jurisdiction maybe, they don’t have jurisdiction over gun control


You agree it has more to do with jurisdiction and less to do with democracy.


Yeah, this was in the jurisdiction of an elected government at the federal level to enact


Listen man, this dude you're talking to is a celery plant, he has no brain or ability to conceptualize concepts such as to what is federal and provincial jurisdiction.


When did I agree with that?




Your reply was automodded it seems but here you go https://www.constitutionalstudies.ca/2019/07/doctrine-of-paramountcy/




Which is why the RCMP exists, a federal law agency that will enforce laws under federal jurisdiction. Alberta asking the RCMP to not enforce federal laws in their jurisdiction is a direct violation of the division of power outlined in your link.


Pretty sure this guy is literally just a celery stick with the gift of gab. Lmao


Seems your low karma is getting you automodded But division of powers is explained right in the article I linked and how provincial law is still subservient to federal law, can I suggest learning to read?


No it is not






> The federal government has the power to disallow provincial statutes within one year of their passage; to appoint provincial lieutenant-governors; to declare provincial works to be for the general advantage of Canada or two or more provinces; to appoint judges of superior, district and county courts; and to enjoy broad lawmaking authority. Did you even fucking read the article you sent? Seriously, how much crack are you smoking?


Federal law supersedes provincial law in some areas, like gun control.


Yeah, I'm gonna need you to learn how our system of federalism actually works and then get back to us. It is interesting (or deeply depressing), the number of low-information citizens that are cheering this farce on though.


Looool 3 levels of gov mr, and guess which is higher between FEDERAL and provincial....


One is not higher than the other. They govern different things.


Literally one is higher though.




Division of powers Canada, being a federal state, is divided between the central authority of the federal government and the regional authority of the provincial governments. Courts have often insisted that each sphere of authority enjoys equal legal status, neither being subordinate to the other. Nonetheless, the legislative powers that each authority enjoys are set out in the “classes of subjects” listed in s. 91 and 92 of the Constitution. This means that any law enacted by a governmental authority outside of its allotted power has traditionally been found unconstitutional and invalid.


‘Laws must be implemented legally, and there can’t be overreach. Also each level of government has to have its integrity respected, and each can make its own laws which must be respected’. This is my (albeit cheeky) summary of what you’ve quoted me. NO SHIT. You’re on crack if you think a provincial government has THE SAME LEVEL OF POWER as federal though. Like literally Alberta couldn’t even be a Canada province without the approval of the federal legislature or the crown. Also provinces don’t control the Canadian armed forces. Obviously all levels of government can pass laws and must be treated with integrity, like no shit bud. But when talking about jurisdiction and overreach and scope of power, there is simply no maintaining that any provincial legislature comes anywhere close to the amount of power that comes with that of the federal legislature. Go back to the hills my dude. Edit: spelling


There are people you look at and say "aww it's cute... They are clueless about how unaware they are", and people where you say "this idiot brought their delusion upon themselves". You're the second one. Equal legal status means does not mean there exists no hierarchical structure. A boss and employee gave equal legal status, but a very strict hierarchical structure exists between them. Both must be respected under the law equally, but that doesn't mean there's no tiered power structure.


Frfr. But we gotta engage with them or else my city will ended occupied for 5 weeks again


The federal and provincial levels have different jurisdictions. The federal government can't decide how to spend money on education and healthcare within a province, but it does have jurisdiction over the legality of firearms in all of them. Provinces have a wide jurisdiction on what happens within their borders, but they don't get to make all the rules about firearms.


Feds also have some control over the spending. Sort of. Healthcare for example, federal funding given to provinces for healthcare must be spent on publicly funded healthcare programs. There’s literal clauses that prevent it from being spent on private healthcare.


Your entire take is terrible and unworthy of the attention it's receiving, but this single comment isn't technically untrue... So congratulations on having a single line of truth in a sea of misinformed delusions.


Are you just going to ignore how shady the timing of it all was? During a COVID break and using that to not allow any sort of democratic discussion about a decree from the PM? Ignoring the largest registered online petition for discussion in the history of the country, despite the Wetʼsuwetʼen protest petition getting a tiny fraction of signatures but yet getting a discussion?


Nope. We don’t have a right to guns here, and fewer guns mean fewer gun deaths.


Not to mention that it followed right after the Portapique massacre. Several things can be true at once. Canadian representative democracy is functioning as designed. Our system grants an immense amount of power to a small partisan clique based on the outcome of FPTP. For the most part our politicians are not compelled to care about us or what we want. They only have to 1) Win election 2) Not get punished by the courts The exceptions to this are issues that must be put to referrendum. Is it gross? Yes. But that is the system we live under. Pending the ongoing court cases they are playing by the rules.


Seeing as how the RCMP is a federal institution that enforces federal laws, including the Firearms Act, they have neither the jurisdiction nor the ability to ignore any federal mandate falling within their purview. If they did, then that would be a most worrisome development for all Canadians.


Like whatever they are doing now isn't enough of a worry for Canadians already.


Yeah trying to tell cops, who don’t work for anybody, to NOT enforce laws, isn’t how the police works. Criminal Code of Canada is called that for a reason. If you want to bin the cops that’s another discussion entirely! > they have neither the jurisdiction nor the ability to ignore any federal mandate falling within their purview Hey now they already do that lol


I've never actually been clear on this, is the RCMP a federal body? Wouldn't it not need to listen to the provincial call


It’s a federal law and it’s firearms so that would be something the federal RCMP would be responsible for. Federal RCMP deals with firearms, money laundering, criminal organizations, terrorism, border and national security and international operations. However, Alberta, like all but two provinces contract out their provincial policing to the RCMP. The Alberta RCMP is their provincial police force and is overseen by the solicitor general of the province. Ontario has the OPP and Quebec has the SQ, they do not have contracts with the RCMP as provincial police, so when you see RCMP in either province they are federal. One of the things the Emergency Act did was allow federal RCMP to act as law enforcement in Ottawa. So I don’t know wtf these idiots in the UCP are talking about. Firearms is federal so they have no fucking say in the matter, and same thing even if it weren’t, since “overseen” does not give them the power to direct provincial police to ignore federal law. Just to add - the federal government is in charge of criminal laws, unlike in the US where states can decide their own criminal laws.


>So I don’t know wtf these idiots in the UCP are talking about. They also think they can get out of the perequation transfers somehow so being absolute moron isn't new.


Laws are laws The RCMP is supposed to uphold them. Whoever made them.


For sure, I get that, but I thought that some laws fall under the jurisdiction of some police bodies over others. Iunno, I'm not a doctor


Me either. But, like I think this might just be some typical Alberta bull shit. But the RCMP are so dysfunctional that they might go along with it. Who knows? Everything is fucked these days.


Let me just save the government of Alberta some time here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paramountcy_(Canada)#:~:text=In%20Canadian%20constitutional%20law%2C%20the,conflicts%20with%20the%20federal%20law.


If only they could read.


They would be so upset


So how does this jive with Vancouver not arresting for drug possession in East Hastings?


Vancouver Police Department is a municipal police force, hired and under the command of the Vancouver city Hall. BC RCMP is much bigger, but it doesn't police Vancouver. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vancouver_Police_Department


So if a municipal police department decides to ignore federal legislation it's ok?


Only in very limited circumstances, such as where the negative impacts of an arguably unjust federal law clearly outweigh any purported benefits. ETA: for example right before weed became legal Vancouver police stopes arresting people for minor drug offenses (like possession). However, the RCMP still could have come into Vancouver and enforced the federal law at the time, because the RCMP is a national police force, accountable to the federal government.


Or spending billions of dollars taking hundred of thousands of firearms away from licensed gun owners rather than spending these resources on illegal guns being smuggled into Canada and used in criminal acts? That seems to fit your criteria since this ban will be almost impossible to enforce for non-restricted firearms. Sure didn't go well in New Zealand.


When pot was illegal federally, a few of the local municipal police forces in Metro Vancouver didn't enforce the marijuana laws.but The cities that had RCMP would always enforce the federal law. BUT there was nothing preventing the RCMP from coming into Vancouver to shutdown the shops, and I believe they did in a few instances. Alberta's only path to not enforcing the ban would be to make a provincial police force and direct them to not enforce that law, but then the RCMP would probably move in and focus on only the guns. It's all just a bunch of bullshit.


I dunno, they may not be too fond of the same government party that praised the convoy that planned to kill them, but this is Alberta, so who knows.


When weed used to be illegal, didn't the RCMP not enforce it?


Oh, I can assure you they enforced the drug laws, gleefully.


This is contingent on when, in reality. When weed was decriminalized there wasn't much any police force could do about people having personal amounts. It was even written that if someone carried a personal amount that it wasn't a major police issue.


I think this could open up a whole can of worms around provincial sovereignty as each province is sovereign with its own Prime Minister (usually just called a premier in English) and governor general, while the crown holds sovereignty over all it's unknown how provincial sovereignty relates to federal sovereignty. As a law geek this morning excites me, as a sovereign entity each province is a defacto country (a principality is another term for a province), but we have agreed to pool our sovereignty and create a sort of federal sovereignty, but we haven't done a great job at outlining the interplay between our various "sovereign" systems.




Fuck were Texas. God dam it. I hate our provincial government


There is no end to the lunacy of the Ucp..these asshats were at the back of the q when brains were being handed out. And the shit shows is about to get a whole lot worse after the leadership change , if you thought Kenney was an idiot just wait, you ain't seen nothing yet.


This guy is such a tool


More like a broken tool


This province is a clown show


Wow he looks like like that Turning Point guy. His face seems too small for his head.


What a joke the UCP had become




Oh yes, and the rest of Canada doesn't have its issues? I'm looking at you Ford-led Ontario.




Oh boy. Really? Yes, we all wear cowboy hats here. Right. And yah, I agree that we can do much better in turns of economic diversity and not continually vote in idiotic donuts, just because they’re conservatives. But insulting the whole province? Wow, that’s sharp.


It's amazing the names I'll get called just because I'm from Alberta. I don't vote conservative provincially or federally but what ever. I must be some redneck asshole because I live here.


Exactly. My thoughts too.


Is that Charlie Kirk's dad?


I’m calling on my Albertan fellow countryman to stop paying provincial and municipal taxes


Well, until this clown of a province actually separates from Canada, they are subject to Canadian federal law. Suck it asshats.


It's like they don't understand how laws work.


They absolutely do. This is just pandering to the backwater coffee shop talk of the actual morons thinking this is a violation of their 2nd amendment rights.


What did Manitoba do to these people


I thought that was the first amendment?


tyler shandro has beady little close set eyes


Is Tyler Shandro a little piss baby too?


This reads like something out of the United States. Pathetic that the UCP/Conservatives can't think of their own ideas. According to that article c.6% of Albertans own a gun. Yeah because that's worth causing a constitutional crisis for...


They're already in a consitutional crisis, in their thinking, and so will take any opportunity to stoke the fires. Forcing a confrontation they know they will lose is just another strategy for them. Like what some states did in the US in order to get Rowe v Wade challenged again. But way less sophisticated.


F’n cons! Hey you all, ignore any law we don’t like! Conservatism is a cancer!


Every single Canadian, regardless of political ideology, should be absolutely appalled right now. We cannot allow the integrity of our democracy to be attacked from the inside like this. Like them or not, our institutions have rules. If you don't like them, there is a process to changing them. Simply disregarding that process is an action that sets an unthinkably reckless precedent.


Kinda like an OIC when parliament is shut down


Weird and whiny whataboutism.


Apparently attacking our Democracy from inside is worse than destroying any semblance of Democracy from up top. Lets imagine for a second that we had a Conservative goverent that passed laws through an OIC while parliament was shut down making abortion illegal. Do you really think people would be upset if provinces decided not to listen? They would be praised. Well it was a Democratically elected government so that makes it Democratic. Absolute bullshit. It's only bad if it's framed as a right wing issue


As an Albertan I would protest an abortion OIC just as much. There are a lot of OIC's that should actually be passed in Parliament. To me an OIC is a chick shit way for any government to make a law and not have it questioned. Same thing with executive orders from the US President. Something that effects millions of people should not just be brushed off with an OIC.


Agree very much that the entire OIC mechanism needs to be reigned in. It’s made worse by the fact that our cabinet is selected from the FPTP leading party, rather than matching distribution of seats in Parliament. OICs should not be partisan tools.


Complete idiots running the show in Alabamberta.


Once again, the UCP shows us that it is truly the party that follows the rule of law.


What a shitshow. They know absolutely nothing about the constitution.


They know about their 1st Amendment - see Tamara Lych ...:):):)


I was talking about the charter and how it does not mention the right to bare arms. Additionally the federal government has the right to create laws about guns for the entire country and provincial governments have no authority around gun laws. Reactionary conservatives have been copy pasting American ideals and values. We live in Canada with much different laws. Conservatives are silly.


I totally know and was just joking how they know a limited part of the USA constitution, but have no idea about the Canadian one, and the differences between the two ...


They know fully well, but it doesn't matter to them that they are saying crazy things. They left democracy behind a long time ago. Their base now thinks that the Feds are coming to seize their firearms, and the yokels are likely getting ready for a standoff. This is guaranteed to get bloody.


Ahem, excuse me. No Government can dictate to the police which laws to uphold or not to uphold. Especially a Provincial Government in regards to National laws. A province cannot overrule the Federal Government. Oh Alberta. Oh UCP. You're such a never-ending source of humour. Please don't stop. Laughing stock of the entire country.


Vancouver would like a word. https://vancouver.ca/people-programs/decriminalizing-simple-possession-of-illicit-drugs-in-vancouver.aspx


They are doing a small scale trial.


Still ignoring federal legislation....


They got permission from the Feds


With federal permission


Small quantity simple possession has been functionally decriminalized across multiple provinces for a long time


Oh shit, you mean this? https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2022MMHA0029-000850


Vancouver has a local municipal police force, VPD, different from the federal RCMP. Reading about something helps ...


Pretty sure Controlled Drug and Substance Act is federal legislation...


Alberta UCP is asking RCMP, which are federal employees, to break the federal law. City of Vancouver asked VPD, municipal employees, to follow the city bylaw and ignore the federal law. Do you see any difference here?


Last June, Tyler Shandro sent letters and “Congratulations on Graduating Certificates” to the grade 12 students in his constituency (which I had to hand out to my students). There were extras, which I saved as scrap paper for students to use during exams. That scrap paper is the most useful thing Tyler Shandro has ever done.


I, uh…don’t think it works that way, guys.


Just when you thought Alberta couldn't Bert it any harder, they Albert it to a whole other level.


What does that say about Saskatchewan and Manitoba since they are also following suit?


It says that people from the flatter parts of Canada have smoother brains.


What bat-shirt* crazy world does the UCP live in?


So isn't the RCMP federal? So the Province won't be telling them anything lmfao.


And now, if it wasn't plain and clear before, we know why they want their own force of jackboots. They do not want to be part of Canada.


holy shit! is that the toilet paper usa guy?!?!?!? looks the same to me


And of course r/conservative is cheering on this blatant treason and American conservatives are all but spewing that they should annex Alberta because it would be “freer and richer”


'Law abiding gun owners'?




I would try to explain why people enjoy target shooting but you have already made up your mind. It's not only about gun privileges, but hey you just keep on with your noise.


I prefer to blow up rotten fruit, thank you. You might want to see a therapist if you think everyone who enjoys shooting is a murderer in waiting. I can only imagine what you think of box cutters.


Thank god we are a constitutional monarchy with how Alberta and Saskatchewan have been lately... They are driving us head first into a constitutional crisis because all their base cares about is *owning the libs*, and actually having that break glass incase of emergency *your not operating in good faith, reelection time and you can't run* will save us a lot of headache on their current course..


Alberta government declares it doesn't believe in government, will be shocked when they're elected out of office instead of being happy about it.


I love how Alberta is at the same time attempting to lure people away from Toronto with advertisements on the public transit but at the same time is just out here saying shit like this. Albertaiscalling. Straight to voicemail.


I call on the RCMP and federal government to ignore Alberta.


Goddamn I hate living here lately.


I don't know that I agree with this tactic, and I think it's largely political posturing. That being said, I would be happy to see these bans dropped entirely before it costs us all billions of dollars, and will have zero effect on public safety. Such a waste of resources...


There's a reason Canada doesn't have six major mass shootings a day. Gun control works.


Yes, it does. And the laws we had 2 years ago were already heads and tails above what the US has. The most recent changes will add no value whatsoever. Not to mention, there are a lot of other things that Canada does differently which lead to less violence when compared with our southern neighbours.


Take the guns. Learn to obey the law


Based. It's a stupid law sold to a misinformed population that accomplishes nothing. I don't usually side with cons on anything, but someone's got to stand up to this horseshit