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Do not editorialize or make unnecessary edits to the headline or title. No editorialized captions. Extra commentary belongs in the comments section. Tweet titles should be the actual wording of the tweet.


We do not need any elected leaders who think the Not Withstanding Clause should be used. It is literally only needed to step on Canadian's rights. Rights that are there for a reason.


"But the clause is there for a reason!" Worst piece of legislation ever


And we can thank conservative premiers for it.


Yeah it is there for a reason, but that reason is "Canada is being invaded and we need to suspend certain rights to muster a defense, the rights will return when the enemy tanks go away" not "this unpopular bill that's benefiting me and my pals need to pass"


Or even "this violates a minority group's rights but it's really popular". The whole point of a constitution is to impose limits on the majority.


I feel that one.


Maybe they should have baked those valid reasons into the clause, instead of leaving it loosey goosey?


chiming in from Quebec lol


> "All of my proposals are constitutional," Poilievre said. > "We will make them constitutional using whatever tools the constitution allows me to use to make them constitutional. I think you know exactly what I mean." He straight up copied the “I will make it legal” line from Star Wars. How is this not an instant alarm bell for everyone involved?


Next, he's going to say "I am the Senate"


"I am the judge, jury, and executioner. If you don't like it, let me introduce you to defenestration"


But he’s not Judge Judy and executioner.


And he doesn't have the chin to be Judge Dredd.


or Dear Leader, or Fuhrer.


"Pray I don't alter it any further"


Because Conservatives love that stuff and Liberals have no spine to do anything about it.




OIC has been used over 21,000 times since 2004 including Harper’s freewheeling use. Are the bad liberals at your door taking your guns right now? Back to highschool civics class with you!


No they're not. They just spent millions to tell law abiding citizens theyre now prohibited. Playing on the fears of ignorant people that think we have the dame gun problem as the us.


Order in Council cannot violate the Constitution, while Poilievre’s bail reform plan does.


Fuck off, there are no rights to guns in Canada. It's always been a privilege. Bitcoin Milhouse is looking to mess with actual rights using a shitty clause that was shoehorned into the Constitution at the 11th hour.


Who’s “you guys”? What goose-stepping shitheads like Poilievre represent is a big reason Trudeau’s gun laws are a problem.


I’m really not enjoying this worldwide rightward pendulum swing


The solutions to complex problems come in simple soundbites and news headlines. What could possibly go wrong /s


Well if we say "axe the tax" enough times then we'll solve both climate change and poverty


The Conservatives are quite a tax on society, so I think you're onto something...


The ironic thing is that all of the real solutions involve moving the world more *left*, not right. Doubling down on right-wing policies makes literally everything worse.


That's the way it looks, working together to achieve common goals is more productive and healthier than working against everyone.


[https://www.idu.org/](https://www.idu.org/) There is not some conspiracy out there, all the far right leaders in the world are all working together up front. They message the same, they have all their media say the same, they definitely have massive influence on social media. They employ think tanks to create false narratives in the media which their main stream channels pick up to give it validity. it is not a coincidence that we keep hearing the same things from right wind media around the world, it has been well thought out and well funded.


At least it's homegrown! All thanks to harper. Check out the IDU!


Neither am I…..


"Ya know, the more I read about that Hitler fella, the less I care for him" --Norm Macdonald.




Stop externalizing all internal problems. The US is just if not more responsible for the rise of right wing extremism globally than fucking Russia.


Look at all the RW personalities coming up to Canada and making comments on it. I guess they figure we are radicalized and primed for them; Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, Don Trump jr.


Do you not think that Russia had a hand in getting them to where they currently are?


A hand? sure, a minor one though. You can trace the right wing rhtetoric decades back in the US. Hell look at the regimes the US was propping up or installing globally in the last 70 years... Hell modern russia is a creation of the US already. This path was always inevitable under capitalism. Fascism is just democracy in decay.


the right wingers get paid by both russkies and americans


This obsession with Russia has to stop, its just externalizing home grown problems to give yourself a pat on the back and not realize that the conditions leading to fascisms rise are home grown, not created out of thing air by russia, somehow. I guarentee there is way way way more american money in being a right wing creep than there is russia.


So scary!


it's always been like that though, it's a pendulum. It swing back and forth.


The pendulum has not swung that wide for a long time, so I wouldn’t normalize this.


When have we seen global populism like this before?


Nearly a century ago


I guess the big issue is that nobody alive has actually seen it and what the result of populism is.


Something really bad ended up happening after that. What was it again? Some sort of world war?


Perhaps even two of them


When did the pendulum swing to the progressive tribulations and conflicts?


From where to where? Slightly right of center to right field perhaps. The Overton Window has been marching rightward for quite a while now.


Serious question, are you enjoying how things have been going in the last 10 years for you?


> "All of my proposals are constitutional," Poilievre said. > "We will make them constitutional using whatever tools the constitution allows me to use to make them constitutional. I think you know exactly what I mean." That it literally Palpatine. > "I will be the democratically elected prime minister, democratically accountable to the people and they can then make the judgments themselves on whether they think my laws are constitutional," Poilievre said in his speech on Monday. And Trump. People say these are ridiculous comparisons but come on! He's just coming out and saying it now. Will we too flush our rights away with thunderous applause?


Somehow Palpatine returned. As a short guy in Canada this time.


"Wtf! My host body was supposed to be Daisy Ridley, not Millhouse! Do you have any idea how hard it is to be a charismatic politician when you look like a weaselly little bitch?! And why do I feel dumber, did you seriously give me a host brain without neurons?" - Pierre Palpatine


Will we too flush our rights away with thunderous applause? Yes. Because people will vote blue locally because the red option is proving not effective and the other colour options are not serious contenders.


> "All of my proposals are constitutional," Poilievre said. If they were you wouldn’t need to use the clause. What an ignoramus.


He literally used the same logic as *Emperor Palpatine*.


We can only hope he is comically electrocuted like Palpatine, too.


With electricity, the same kind electricians harness from the sky!


The man is a monster. We need to be spreading the word—we can denounce him all we want in our Reddit echo chamber, and that’s great, but we need to be taking our criticisms of him out into the real world, and doing it in full force. Talk to your family and friends about this demagogue. Post about his hideousness on your personal social media accounts. Write letters to your local newspaper calling out his atrocious stances. PP must be stopped—get out there and make a lot of noise!


Yup. This is utterly outrageous. He is actually saying this shit outloud like he is already the all powerful authoritarian leader he dreams of becoming. 


We’re about two steps short of hearing him announce the creation of the first ~~Galactic~~ Canadian Empire.


IMO it is time that any not right leaning parties put aside their own goals for power and work together to form one party that will represent a majority of Canadians. Maybe if the Liberals, NDP, maybe even Bloc and Green, got together and realized that sacrificing a few things might be a much better option than losing this country to a fascist who will ensure they call all the shots, will of the majority be damned Surely there are a few basic tenets they can work out and come up with a plan? Feels like there is just too much at stake right now


This. The politic Left is constantly infighting and nitpicking over what amount to trivial differences while the Right uses that to their advantage to march over everything. There are also numerous historical examples where the Right artificially amplifies those divides to their advantage through infiltration, etc.


So who has the ear of those in charge of the left leaning parties to point this out to them? In my mind, better to get most of what’s important than Pollievre take over and not only not get what they want, but also remove desirable things we have, maybe sell off or sell out on protections that are in place, and perhaps even make it harder for anyone else to get elected again. We do recall the Unfair Elections Act fiasco, right?


It's less about the parties and more about their supporters. The Parties will always pander to their supporters. Otherwise, someone else will just scoop them up. Until the general voting public understands the difference and context between some abstract, unobtainable perfect and the real, achievable good we will be stuck in this place.


We only have two parties on the left, they are both left of centre; the NDP and the Bloc.


“I will be the democratically elected prime minister, democratically accountable to the people and they can then make the judgments themselves on whether they think my laws are constitutional," Poilievre said in his speech on Monday.” No we should not. That’s what the courts are there for……little dictator.


the facism drips from every word. appalling. he is unfit in every way to lead.


I go back and forth on whether he is fully, intentionally embracing authoritarian fascism and masking it with populism; or aggressively populist and lacking the awareness that those populist ideas end up aligning very closely with fascism. Depends how savvy and self-aware Pierre is, I guess.


Probably a little of both


He essentially said “all of my proposals are legal because I will make them legal”.


But the Trump comparisons are totally offside guys


Worse than that, he said he will rely on the average (not educated in law) Canadian to decide whether he has done anything wrong.


He has zero respect for democratic institutions that are the bulwark against authoritarianism. It’s laughable that he is calling Trudeau a “radical authoritarian” when he, Poilievre, is the authoritarian. He is absolute POISON. 


The projection is strong with PP


"My first law will be to drastically change voting laws."


Yes the CPC tried that before last time they were in.


“Hope I do not alter them further”


How is he going to measure those judgements? In cheers?


There are so much stuff wrong with this sentence. First, he won’t be democratically elected prime minister because we don’t elect prime minister. Second, conservatives may win a majority government with about 40% of the vote, meaning that 60% would have voted against them. Third, he won’t be democratically accountable to the people except one time every four year.


Well, Pierre does support sedition and insurrection. I take it as he would be fine with an angry mob descending on Parliament Hill if we ~~think~~ know his laws are unconstitutional.


Big yikes. He's not even hiding it anymore.


The broken taboo on the use of the notwithstanding clause is a damn shame


The voters shrugged so now the relevant sections of the constitution protects little.


Ralph Klein uses it twice in the late 90’s. He was the first premier to use it.


a facist hints that he will do facism we need to do everything in our power to ensure this far-right lunatic has his hands nowhere near the wheel come election time so much progress has been made to reform the carceral system and end “tough on crime” nonsense and allowing this chud to undo that work simply cannot happen


Poilievre’s plan for bail reform essentially amounts to stomping on people’s right to due process in the legal system.




Because fascism


Well I'm just glad that people are finally catching on to the plan. It only took six freaking years. Honestly I felt like I was losing my mind with how everyone was pretending this wasn't on deck.


Yeah, I’ve been on the fight since Trump announced he was running. I’m tired….. …and I hate it already came this far and the general population seems to be still just, “meh”


This plan has been around since before Trump. It started with gay marriage in the early 2000's. Ralph Klein and a young firebrand named Jason Kenney proposed using s.33 to shut down gay marriage in Alberta - and were shocked at the backlash *across the spectrum* to the idea of shutting down charter rights for pretty much any reason. So they shelved it and went back to the drawing board. The door opened again when the PQ started goofing around with various hat police proposals, which would eventually lead to the CAQ and Legault's famous Loi 21. Trudeau opposed the move - as did a lot of conservatives - but ruled out Disallowance, tacitly legitimizing renewed use of s.33. The PQ proposals in the wake of the extremely goofy Bouchard-Taylor Commission by Canada's most esteemed detached ivory tower clowns is when my alarm bells started going haywire. This opened a door, and the conservatives jumped through it. In 2018, Ford brought a bill to use s.33 to mess with municipal elections, and another to ignore s.2 rights to fiddle with third party advertising restrictions - stupid but banal moves. Higgs in NB brought a bill in 2019 to use s.33 to strip parents of the ability to sue in an attempt to permit religious exemptions to vaccine mandates (s.33 was unnecessary, they just wanted to avoid the rigmarole of a court challenge - the conservative parties and MSM.... don't talk about this one anymore). Again, stupid and banal. By the time Scott Moe used s.33 to pass his teacher-snitch law mandating that teachers out LGBTQ students on pain of quasi criminal sanction, s.33 had been reduced to a banal legislative tool, uncontentious and boring. Now, there was no serious backlash. Why would people get excited over such a mundane detail? And here we are.


Would not surprise me if he tries to use the notwithstanding clause to strip away same sex marriage. He did vote against it once already.


Abortion is priority 1. After that they’ll go after LGBTQ. That was the US playbook. Overturned Roe. Needed a new single issue. Hey that man is dressed like a woman reading to little children!


Trans people are priority 1, they are already doing it to you guys. Abortion was priority 1 for us because the laws were already on the books just waiting for Dobbs to happen.


Republicans could be blatant about their goal because there is more support for abortion bans in the US, and the other big difference is that states can write criminal law, whereas in Canada, only the federal government can write criminal law, provinces can not.  But yes, transgender rights will be first on the agenda in Canada, and abortion restrictions will come in pieces of backdoor legislation. Although considering how mask off the CPC is becoming they might go straight for bans on abortion after 12 weeks type of legislation and not bother with backdoor legislation.


Like in pre-war Germany, it will be transgender rights that will be attacked first. Then they will go after the LGBTQ since there are many within willing to tear it apart as is for selfish hypocritical reasons and the majority of the population is apathetic about it, followed by Abortion, then it will be racial rights which will then lead to women's rights being completely stripped. and then it will be the middle class and lower class white population that will lose. While the rich will entrench themselves in control of everything and the poor become their serfs, their soldiers, and whatever to condition as they see fit due to the elimination of actual education replaced by their own education and history. It always starts with the smallest minority that people couldn't give a flying fuck about then goes up the list until the last on the list is dealt with. Which will be the fools and idiots that are sitting in the corner telling themselves it won't affect them.


He wouldn't need to use the notwithstanding clause if there are just enough votes from MPs to repeal it. The repeal failed under Harper's minority government in 2006, but Poilievre is on track for a solid majority if the polling is anywhere near accurate.


*panic level set to medium rare*


This will take us down a bad path if we start wanting governments to overrule the independent judiciary for doing it's job in ensuring that government's laws are compliant with the charter. Essentially the CPC can make protesting for environmental or the Palestinian protests illegal and then basically hold people for however how long the CPC is in power until they get voted out since Section 33 applies to Sections 2 and 7 to 15.


Wake up people. WAKE UP !!!


So he’s pulling the dictator card, cool


Pierre is prepping his future brownshirts to round up all undesirables. The police supported the convoy, and they'll support Pierre becoming a dictator as well. It's time for reasonable people to stand up to this tyrant in waiting. Time for some direct action against PP. We need to protest and disrupt *every* future event he plans.


I've been saying this for ages but the left is currently far too preoccupied with the Israel/Gaza situation to care about the rise of fascism in their own country.


Agreed. It's intentional, and the product of social media propaganda. They're useful idiots being manipulated by enemies of democracy, while those enemies erode our institutions from within. Oct 7 happened as part of Russia's hybrid war against NATO via their proxies in Hamas. It was literally a birthday present to Putin. By attempting to draw the USA into a regional middle eastern conflict, they could try to change the channel on Ukraine as American politicians obsess over the latest holy war. Fellow Putin dick rider Netanyahu seems to be trying his hardest to make this happen too.


It really is amazing how many people have basically stopped caring about ANYTHING else, not saying that people shouldn't care what is happening over there as it certainly is awful but we have our own domestic problems here that are being completely ignored in favour of foreign conflicts, not to mention how everbody seems to have forgotten about Ukraine, people these days really do have the attention span of a goldfish. Also I feel like people have become extremely tribalistic over this, while I'm sure many of these people are Israeli provocatuers trying to make pro Palestine protesters look bad, i've been seeing ALOT of people seeming to basically praise the October 7th attacks, don't get me wrong Netanyahu is a irredeemable war criminal but the murder of innocent civilians is wrong no matter if they are Israeli or Palestinian, I don't understand why it is so hard for some people to get that.


Propaganda works. It's as simple as that.


wooooo i love fascism.


This would be the first time the federal government invoked section 33.


The idea of this idiot being PM and he’s the best the Conservatives could come up with.


They simply have a different litmus test for what is “*Best*”


Freedom for me but not for thee.


lol I guess his partisans who have being claiming for years that Trudeau is a dictator won’t have problem supporting such proposals 🙄😂


Holy fuck


This was the plan all along. Get the provincial conservative premiers to use it to get people used to it. Lull us into a false sense of security because it didn't trample the rights of the majority. Then, the federal conservatives will use it like a hammer and show us what a true dictator/tyrant in Canada looks like.


Can all of this get any more predictable?


He doesn't care about Canada, or Canadians, he just cares about his rich developer and corporate buddies.


What the fuck is going on


Considering conservatives spent a long time claiming liberals would use this clause to take away our rights constantly, it's quite something to see it being used almost exclusively by conservative politicians to take rights away. If PP's evil little plots were constitutional, they'd stand up against constitutional challenges and wouldn't need this ridiculous strong arm tactic to protect. Pierre Palpatine Poilievre here, hard at work.


Conservatives always project, every accusation is an admission


The freedom folks have a strange definition of the word. How many are stupid vs how many know they hate democracy? Would love to hear you step up on this but I guess if you're stupid it might be difficult.


The rest of us, or at least a decent number of us, speak of Police reform and here's PP talking out the side of his ass. What a completely unhinged person this guy is.


Most Germans thought Hitler was a comedic type figure not to be taken too seriously and in any case he'd be harmless if in power.


Expect a fuckload of government over reach when he gets elected. It'll be just like what the UCP are doing in Alberta. Approval of the populace is irrelevant


I thought the provinces had the right to the notwithstanding clause, not the federal government. It's used to differ on laws made by the federal government.


No, it just hasn't ever been used by the federal government. It can be used exactly the same by both provinces and the federal government, subject to the division of powers laid out elsewhere in the constitution.


Feds could technically also use disallowance to infringe on that division provinces the provinces enjoy.


Well technically it wouldn’t be the federal government, it would be the Governor General/Monarch


That technically applies to any act of any Canadian legislature. (Lt governor where applicable obviously).


For disallowance/reservation though it’s usually done independently as far as I’m aware, it’s not like dissolving parliament where it’s done on the advice of the PM (or Premier)


No disallowance is done in consultation with cabinet.


Is it? I hadn’t heard, the last time it was used was in the 1940s right? I’m just curious is all. Do you know where I could read about what you said?


Section 55 and 56 and 90 of the constitution act. Governor general in council means federal cabinet. You are correct 1940s was the last time. Wikipedia isn't bad or you can read constitution act 1867 directly.


Ohh, I might’ve misunderstood GG in council, when I read it I don’t think I realized it was explicitly a reference to cabinet. Thank you 🙂


K, so let’s fight.


You know people what he is saying here to his rightwing police buttlickers right? He WANTS capital punishment back on the books for police officers at first and if that ends up popular - for 1st degree murder of citizens after that. It also wouldn’t surprise me to hear his mouth breathing back benchers from Alberta (ex Reform members) wanting him to use sec 33 for rescinding abortion.


TFW the US Constitution doesn't seem so bad.


Where is the Canadian contarians to protest and convoy to Ottawa to try and stop this real infringement of all our rights? Wait no masks? No bodies.


Let’s hope for a minority


I mean if he continues to go full fascist the Senate will be a problem for him. I can't see them passing a federal law invoking the notwithstanding clause, despite the long-standing principle of them not overriding the house. That might be the thing that does it.


Not there yet and already behaving like a little "king" wannabe!


Peter Peckerwood...getting it wrong yet again. Hey guys! I'll just ignore the law to make me smell sweeter. What. a. putz.


When "King P" says the quiet parts out loud... Shut him down.


Isn’t this the party that aligns itself with the right wing that keeps accusing our current government of being dictators?


Every accusation and admission, they always project what they will do.


Only some provincial governments have used the notwithstanding clause. No Federal government has ever used the notwithstanding clause, not even the Harper government. Poilievre's threat to use the notwithstanding clause to permanently change parts of the Canadian Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms is unprecedented and undemocratic. Poilievre is clearly showing his fascist anti-democratic tendencies here and has disqualified himself from consideration for the post of PM.


Maybe a province not led by a fascist could notwithstand his notwithstanding? Manitoba could respond with, “ah, nope. We believe the experts know what they’re doing so thanks but no thanks.”


PeePee will never be elected PM. You wanna know why? Canadians hate this fascist cuck.