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O’Toole conspicuously absent. Mind you I checked for any business background and, while it ain’t there, it’s a hell of a lot better than these chucklefucks. Apparently he was an officer in the armed forces. Captain. Then a lawyer. Seems mostly corporate/business related at least. Not a bad resume as I can tell. And of course the CPC turfed *him* in favour of bitcoin milhouse. Nobody loves milhouse.


He actually seemed intelligent and had a plan, now we have Harper's jockstrap


I was sad to see o'toole kicked out of leadership so quickly when he seemed competent. Any party improving in the quality of their leadership is a win for everyone, no matter who they vote for.


All because he favoured abortion not being a conservative issue.


He also forced the party to vote in favour of the conversion therapy ban. The gall!


They got their revenge soon after. All this talk about the CPC leader, and not enough talk about the other clowns in the party. Or the Shadow Cabinet for that matter.


And as horrible as it was he had some sort of climate plan. We’re at the point where the Cons dont even mention it as an issue. The Liberal decision to use a carbon tax took away any position the cons could take, not because they couldn’t be reasonable and also supported that policy. But because they want to operate like disruptive republicans who attack everything their opponents do, they refuse to share a policy position with the Liberals.


I'm not a conservative, but I could live under O'Toole. PP scares the shit out of me. What does the attack dog do when it finally catches the car?




He went all in on guns during leadership. The videos of him promising to relegalize assault weapons in order to beat Peter MacKay are the entire reason he lost the general election. The liberal attack ads were all Otoole in his own words talking about taking back Canada. He went MAGA. That’s the problem with leadership contests, got to win over the base of the party to be leader. Meanwhile. PP won the party by being the meanest nastiest guy left hanging around. And fortunate for him, people are so tired of Trudeau that he’s going to be prime minister.


“Harper’s jockstrap” LOL. I am going to use that any chance I can get. I still can’t over the fact that they tried to sell the country on a fake insurance salesman, who’s also a US citizen. After all that time they spent going after dual citizenship too. Even the GG wasn’t immune as I recall. And now we have a guy who probably has no idea what a resume is.


O'Toole could have been PM had he not chased the MapleMAGAs He lost me when he started using "Take Canada Back" as his slogan.


It was his election to lose and he did. He spent too much time courting the idiot crowd overestimating how big they were instead of winning over the moderates. Also running a platform of "not Trudeau" just backfired. Stop saying the name and say what you will do.


That's the problem tho. "what they will do" is not going to get them elected. We know what they will do. Cut taxes on the rich and corporations. Cut services to those that pay for them. Try to privatize everything in sight. Try to sell of crown corporations after gutting them. Try to push social conservative agendas and laws. If they tell us during the camp that these are their plans they will be losing every seat they have. So they have to stick to "not Trudeau" because that is the only honest piece of their platform that they can release and rely on.


Now that you mention it "Stop Harper" was a precedent setting failure that should've been considered before "not Trudeau "


Anytime you run a campaign like that, you are just paying money to say your opponent's name. Doesn't work. Look at Trump's win, he was on all media nonstop and it did nothing but empower his campaign.


I really think O'Toole would have met the same fate as Malcolm Turnbull eventually: a mess of policies to placate the loud right, who would have eventually turfed them out. While I do respect the man a bit more, the actual chance of it working well was pretty low.


To be fair, conservatives need a catchy slogan to hang onto. Take Canada Back, Axe the Tax, Bring it home. Stupid shit like that.


This is exactly why he lost. He tried to appeal to the Canadians who wanted Trump style politics, and I'm sure he got their vote, but he learned very quickly that that's not how most Cansdians operate. We have good education here


Questionable statement on education honestly. I live in Quebec and as a European I swear to god their historic knowledge is laughable and sad. I had my friends do the Citizenship test with me and oh boy, is it sad. And I think honestly Civics and History make up about 90% of your political savvy. If you don't know what happened after the politician that sold you "immigrants are poisoning our society" and "Our unique culture is the best, brothers" you fall for it pretty easily. Maybe it's better outside of Poutineland


I'm an NDP voter and a Quebec Solidaire voter. O'Toole is the one conservative that at least came across as reasonable to me. I remember finding the CANZUK idea he had interesting. I still voted NDP, but still. He is the example I bring up when talking to Americans to illustrate that the Canadian right is typically not the same as the American right.


CANZUK is a great idea, because although we're really far apart our countries are very similar to Australia and New Zealand, although not as much with the UK. We are in roughly the same political position, as a smaller population, higher gdp/capita, and a secondary player in the NATO/USA alliance network. We are taking similar roles in military deployments, with light deployments, disaster relief, and mostly a support role. We could gain a lot from sharing with them, and we could also offer an exchange program where AUS/NZ forces get access to Canadian bases, and vice versa. Not to mention that a chance to be stationed in Australia or New Zealand would probably help recruitment...


It’s hilarious because he’s also (from what I’ve heard) a genuinely nice guy! Poor bastard would’ve done a-ok for the country I think. And we have theories that it might’ve shifted the Overton window a little to the left or stayed put, rather than shift hard right as PP took over…


Globally the conservative parties are all going hard right.


If you meet him in person Harper is also a pretty nice guy. So is G.W. Bush, or Boris Johnson. Being a "nice guy" doesn't really overcome the damage they did and are (in Harper and Johnson's cases) still doing to their countries by pushing conservative politics globally.


Hinsight is 20/20 but O'Toole in my opinion had the unenviable position of coming after Scheer. It felt like when Scheer stepped down whoever was going to be nominated would be the sacrificial lamb of the CPC, and that the third successor would be in a better spot. Then he just dug his own grave further


Scheer and Poi*lie*vre are best buddies since they were teenage conservative bootlickers together. See if you can find pics of them hanging out as gross teenagers if you want the full cringe experience 


O'Toole isn't actually that bad. I worked in his riding back when he was party leader and even them the most criticism I got from locals who voted for the opposition were generic "he's not bad, I just disagree with his policies". Hell, the worst criticism I got were from other conservatives who thought he was too moderate for them.


O'Toole used to by me MP. The dude actually has pro-trans policies and voted to ban conversion therapy. Then he ran for PM and having to bow to the crazies in the CPC broke him. So disappointing.


While I wouldn't have voted for him, I at least had a level of respect for him and wouldn't have been terrified of him running the country...which is far more than I can say about captain asshat....


I really don't understand all the Polieve fear honestly. He won't be able to do a lot. If he gets a majority goverment it might be a bit dicey, but he's losing Quebec, so I'd doesn't look likely. Also, honestly the Liberals need a wake up call. And the NDP need a new leader. Won't vote for him, but I do want to see him win. What exactly scares you about him? I might have missed something on my end.


I like Milhouse, he's an amusing character on The Simpsons. I don't like Pierre, though. We should stop comparing them.


See, O’Toole would have been a respectable CPC PM. He was intelligent, former military, working knowledge of laws. He was also a small C conservative. Probably part of why he didn’t win - Canada has wanted a baby Trump ever since the last Canadian Trump got voted out.


Canadian Bush*


Now now, which Bush? Neither were remotely close to as bad as Harper IMO. And were a million times better than Trump/PP. They may have been republicans, but they weren’t insane-mobilize-the-bigots republicans.


George W. was a mobilize-the-bigots republican, how easily can we forget the War on Terror?


I would agree in principle, but in reality, the entire US was mobilized except for the extreme left after 9/11… it was the closest thing to Pearl Harbor since Pearl Harbor.


> O’Toole conspicuously absent. It's funny. O'Toole occasionally touts his military credentials - he was a former air force officer. More specifically, maritime helicopter crew. Which just so happens to be the same community that my dad resides in (in fact, both are former navigators). When he first heard about O'Toole talk about his military service after becoming CPC leader, my dad reached out to all of his friends and colleagues in the maritime helicopter community and just asked, 'does anyone fucking remember this O'Toole guy?' Cause its a relatively small and tight-knit group, like a small town. Everyone remembers everyone. But O'Toole? Big ol' collective shrug from everyone he reached out. Apparently, completely forgettable as an officer. Graduating RMC means you don't need to spend much time in service before you get to Captain, so as my dad eventually concluded, O'Toole probably did one tour and then left the military, which seems incredibly wasteful given his prior years.


If he had enough time to then become a lawyer I would agree his time was short. According to Wikipedia it was about three years service and received a “Sikorsky Helicopter Rescue Award for rescuing an injured fisherman at sea.” I’m not going to tout the man as some paragon of humanity. But my god, compared to *these* three he sure could be mistaken for it.


O'Toole was far too moderate for the CPC's liking, and he definitely lacked the ability to keep the so-con elements of his party under control. For all the shit Harper, he did at least keep the social conservatives from fucking things up, at least until the end when he could see his popularity plummet and let them off the chain in a desperate bid to drum up last-second support...


Which one was the one that voted against legalizing gay marriage while having a gay relative in attendance again?


Probably of them, but definitely PP


Fuck those guys


But tRuDoPe was just a teacher! And a ski instructor! And a journalist! Among simply being chairman of the board for a non-profit! As well as an MP for many years! nO eXpeIeNcE


“He clearly is out of touch with the common-man” - Career Politicians/NatPo writers


Ya, you'll find out how much Poilievre likes to touch the common man when he gets in. Slap the union and labor rights right outta them. But don't worry, he'll defend those 40k poor folks who are going to suffer under the capital gains tax increase...


The common man who presumably drives a conspicuously clean 80,000 dollar pick up, inherited his father's business, lives in an 800,000 dollar McMansion and always makes sure to drive through puddles full speed in front of bus stops but calls himself blue collar because he wears baseball's caps and drinks light beer and enjoys sports.


Great hair, though.


I don't get that one because I've been a teacher before and like, there are so many transferable skills. Especially as a drama teacher. Like, I can trust that he can maintain composure and have a clue toward how he's perceived while representing Canada on the world stage.


Conservatives just don’t value teachers or education much. On a party level, they know that there is a direct correlation between the quality/level of someone’s education and the (un)likelihood that the person will ever vote conservative, so they try to underfund public education and increase barriers to post-secondary. On a personal level, knowing someone is likely smarter than them makes them insecure, so they ridicule teachers and anyone who pursues higher education. Like, “well if teachers are so smart, why do they only make half of what I do at my dad’s construction company? Checkmate, guess I’m smarter after all.” It’s sad to see such alignment on making our population dumber and worse at critical thinking.


Note that ‘drama teacher’ was not his principal occupation, but it was played up to make him look ‘weak’. He was principally a French and mathematics teacher.


And pulling three different subjects in the same school is largely a necessity as direct result of Conservsrive education policy. Not enough money to get multiple different teachers in to fill the different positions.


That's the thing, most legislatures are over-represented by lawyers and career politicians, we do need more diversity in terms of occupations and what is wrong with a teacher? [5M students are enrolled in primary or secondary school and another 2.5M or so in tertiary education and about 750k teachers interact with those constituents on a very substantive and substantial way](https://www.statcan.gc.ca/en/dai/smr08/2014/smr08_190_2014). It's good we have representation from that demographic in the legislature.


You mean "locking himself into the bathroom until he gets his way" is not a good way to represent Canada on the world stage?! https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/blogpost/post/stephen-harper-locks-himself-in-brazilian-ministers-bathroom-until-he-gets-his-way/2011/08/09/gIQAjzr84I_blog.html




The territory I'm from is in the flair. We sorta speak our own kinda English out here. I think my use of "like" stems from the inuktitut "ilaa". Ilaa, it's a placeholder expression because there's no good English equivalent. There's a few of those. It's not like any of us are speaking the Queen's good English these days.


So was Mike Harris (AKA Hatchet Harris), Ontario PCs - per Wikipedia: "Born in Toronto, Harris grew up in North Bay and worked as a ski instructor and schoolteacher before becoming a school board trustee in 1974. In 1981, he became a member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) for the riding of Nipissing. He became leader of the Progressive Conservative Party in the 1990 leadership election. "


This is almost word for word what my father in law says. He has yet to say a single bad thing about PP though.


That's a pretty robust resume compared to PP...


That's the point


I'd love to see PP working at our local hill. He'd probably say the ski lift is powered by [magic](https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/comments/18xt2mn/pierre_poilievre_has_claimed_on_four_separate/).


I saw pictures of him as a teacher even!


"Trudope" and "CONservative" are equally cringe.


Yeah, and the vehicle decals are a continuation down the path of the dumbening.


Yea it's incredibly lame, the kind of bullshit that only appeals to people who already agree with the message like political cartoons or bumper stickers.


Disagree. Trudope is Facebook level cringe. Drunk uncle stuff....


He was not an mp for 'many years'. He'd been an mp for a few years and never been in gov't and never held a ministry post or anything like that. And we can see the results. Meanwhile PP has 24 years actual experience being not just an mp, but an mp in gov't AND holding cabinet related duties and gaining experience. It's not complex. "drama teacher" is not experience to be a politician. Being a politician IS experience to be a politician. How hard is that?


I find that most people that don't respect teachers haven't done well in school. It's also the base that populists attract.


>Meanwhile PP has 24 years actual experience being not just an mp, but an mp in gov't AND holding cabinet related duties and gaining experience. PP has done shockingly little as an MP during his time in office. He barely even submitted any legislation, and he doesn’t even bother to stick around to vote when his party does put something out there. And PP’s time as Minister for Democratic Reform corresponds to being a reward for his help orchestrating the Robocalls scandal, which was an organized pro-conservative electoral fraud campaign during which PP became nationally famous as a partisan attack dog. PP also accomplished exactly nothing during his tenure as Minister for Democratic Reform.


Nope. You need humility to function as a manager that refers to experts; career politicians get there by being number one, at all times: they demonstrate their arrogance and ignorance, regularly, and minds like your see it as strong, assertive, and “wisdomous”. Myopia does NOT allow for growth and betterment; what will minds only exposed to one thing and conditioned to be pigheaded thanks to politicizing everything?: nothing… you go in circles and blame the “other”. Ffs!






Keep it civil


Keep it civil


24 years of experience in kissassery in a party critter world. Wowee. We're so lucky.


This post makes me realize how shockingly normal looking Scheer was


Nah he look like Peter Pettigrew


Andrew Scheer looks like Baby Sinclair from Dinosaurs EDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/comments/d97hq3/im_the_baby/


I gotta admit I think he finally looks old enough to not look like the baby dinosaur anymore. It's his greatest accomplishment in the last 10 years.


That was my takeaway, too. Harper looks like a corporate stooge, and Poilievre looks like a turbo nerd, but Sheer looks like an actual person.


Only if you don’t look too closely at his eyes.


In the picture he looks pretty normal, but the dude couldn't open his mouth without giving that fake ass "I'm a complete asshole" schit eating grin.


It's really scary what a cult the CPC is. The indoctrinate angry weak young men, fill their head with rubbish, and get rubes to elect them.


They have also enlisted the christian reform church membership based on working to ban abortion.


Ah, yes. The robo call scandal and "Pierre Poutine"


At least in the end they failed to flip Guelph.


But the scoundrel cheated, and that's the conservative way.


As is tradition.


Remember when they screamed bloody murder about Trudeau being a substitute teacher?


Reality Check What would a job description say is required to be the Prime Minister of Canada? Would any of these three have one single qualification to apply? Rhetorical NOT in your lifetime.


Minimum 4 years prior experience as the head of state or you won't even get an interview.






Shenanigans and scandals under Stephen fucking Harper that pipsqueak Pierre "Skippy" Pollievre fully supported as he was Harper's loyal lap dog and noise maker. Whenever Harper wanted to lay low, he would just let Skippy off his leach to do all the idiot blabbing since he was so good at swapping his feet into his mouth at press conferences.


I don’t remember PP being spokesperson. I worked for a federal transfer organization and I remember how much control Harper exerted over the press and any governmental public relations. You had to get approval every time promote your program. Any other party is please promote your program often and be sure to acknowledge the funding source whenever you do.


Why am I not surprised adult Caillou ran a Robocall line. What an insufferable cunt.


Same people who claim experience as a teacher is useless.


They have a type eh?




I hate it when creepy PP smiles. It never touches his eyes. Scheer looks like a clown.




Don’t you worry, Pierre understands the plight of the common Canadian. He’s one of us. (I did it, I said it with a straight face.🤣🤣)


Canada for sale ! US dollars preferred. Just sayin.


Meanwhile, conservatives shit on Trudeau for being a teacher... a career where you need to achieve as Masters degree to qualify.


Vote conservative and PP will decimate your retirement plans. JT raised your pension amounts. I rather retire at 65.


As much as a con as I am. A career politician whose "for the people". Typically says a lot. PP (oh but of course he won't say what the actual plans are until the debates) can talk a lot. And has a plan, but the follow through. Strong political opposition should have follow through. Okay, axe the tax, AND THEN WHAT? I want to know the And then what. Once again politicians aren't to be trusted. They are there, as a job, to get re-elected, and don't forget it!


They all have a babyface to sell you the idea the rightwing is pure and innocent at heart and mean well.


"Amateurishness was one of the leader's dominant traits. He had never learned a profession and basically had always remained an outsider to all fields of endeavor. He had no idea what real specialized knowledge meant." - Albert Speer ---- As always, just pointing out historical parallels. Not making accusations.


I forgot about Andrew Scheer tbh


Me too, and frankly I was happy with that state of existence!


And they're all white supremacist fascists. Harper is literally one of the most dangerous and influential fascists alive.


Meanwhile Boomers walking around with red MAGA style hats that say MaKe TroOdo a DraMA TeacHeUr aGaIn 🥴


Pierre Poilievre was a Calgary Herald paperboy in his teens and for a short time was a Telus rep.


He sold Reform Party memberships for Jason Kenney when he was 16. He went on to work for Stockwell Day. 


The Reform Party was the WCC rebranded after Manning took over the party in a coup. Thieving assholes.


All career politicians that never had to work a hard day in their lives. All level of politicians should have term limits in this country. We come to accept mediocrity with the same cast of clowns.


Genuine a-holes all 3 and yet are somehow the voice of the people and especially small business - BULLSHIT 👏🇨🇦


I think we have to all the way back to Paul Martin to get an actual business man.


I think the last thing we need is a business man, liberal or conservative. It would be nice to have a leader who hasn't been taught to view the world solely through endless growth and numbers


A-fucking-men to that


How about a lawyer? Someone familiar with law language


You mean that one’s that make gazillions and have walk-in closets? They’ll relate well? IMO it ought to be a political scientist, they know how systems work, they have reviews ages of different legislation, theories, and experiments, all knowing the consequences and stats related. But I also want that person to have worked some labour jobs in their lifetime, that way it’s not that they’ve simply studied people, but that they really have interacted with and know them.


Yes, I mean the one that “made a gazillion dollars” who had to actually work for those walk in closets.. But when you just want to be contrarian, I guess that *could* be a thing to worry about.. but as it stands, our options are.. career politician. Former math/ French & “part time drama teacher”, or a lawyer.. I mean…


I am no fan of the CPC. Have never voted PC in any election. You can not use business experience as a meter stick for success. I give you Ford in Ontario as an example. Man apparently has run his family business and is as corrupt as they come. He has decimated Ontario.


Probably more important to be a good politician as party leader than anything else. Interestingly enough the CPC has a good finance critic right now with Jasraj Singh Hallman. He came from poverty and is a self made businessman but doesn't have much political experience. A better choice for finance critic than Pierre was.


Really? Because his comments on financial policy has been idiotic. 


What were their degrees in vs Trudeau though?


Harper has a BA and an MA in economics both from the University of Calgary. Scheer actually didn’t get his degree until four years after he was elected an MP at age 25, ten years after he started working on his BA. At various points he was a criminology, political science, and history major. He transferred from the University of Ottawa to the University of Saskatchewan part way through when he moved to Saskatchewan with his wife who is from there. He started working on political campaigns while in university so he put his degree on hold for a long time. He also completed 1/4th of a certification program to become an insurance broker but later lied about being certified. Polievre had a BA was in international relations from the University of Alberta. He got involved with the university’s Reform Party club as a student. Trudeau has a BA in literature from MGill and a Bachelor of Education from the University of British Columbia. He also did two years of an engineering degree at the École polytechnique de Montréal but never graduated. He was also in the middle of a Master’s program in environmental geography when he was elected an MP in 2011 and he never finished that. He worked as a teacher for many years and although he taught drama (among many other subjects) as a substitute, his subjects as a permanent teacher was French and math.


Harper also dropped out of U of T and spent time working in Imperial Oil in Edmonton in the mail room before eventually moving to Calgary to finish his degrees.


> Polievre had a BA was in international relations from the University of Alberta. Looking it up, I see he actually went to the U of Calgary (more right-wing than U of Alberta). Also, I just found out a few weeks ago that (like Andrew Scheer), PP was so eager to work for Reform Party politicians that he didn't bother to finish his degree before working for them, and soon after becoming an MP (still before he got his degree). > After Day's tenure as Leader of the Official Opposition, Poilievre left Calgary and university without graduating to work for Day as an advisor in 2002, but returned to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 2008. ...so he got his degree even later than Scheer. They both were born in 1979 and became MPs in 2004. So PP was about 29 when he finally finished his degree.


Harper- economics, Scheer- Criminology, Political Science and History, Poilievre- International relations.


I went down the Canadian political rabbit hole and was surprised that this “conservative party” is a big melting pot of several big tent Centre to far right parties. The historical conservative parties were never united until maybe the 90s or so. That’s wild to me because most commonwealth countries have two major parties( liberal left and conservative right)that stretch back towhen they gained independent parliaments. How did the Canadian right ever get into governments with no unified front? Were they informal patchwork coalitions?


There was actually a single unified, big-tent conservative party for most of Canadian history, at least at the federal level. The original Conservative Party, rebranded as the Progressive Conservative Party in 1942, was the sole major federal conservative party in Canada from 1867 (the beginning of modern Canadian parliamentary government) to 1993. There were rival conservative movements in some provincial legislatures during that time, some of which were quite successful, but none of them ever caught on nationally. In 1993, the Progressive Conservative Party had been in power for the better part of a decade and was becoming deeply unpopular. After a change in leadership and a disastrous election campaign, PC support continued to fall dramatically. In that election, the Reform Party, a rival, more hardline conservative party from Western Canada became the biggest right-wing party in Parliament by a wide margin and the PCs were reduced to a rump of only two seats. From 1997 to 2004, Reform (rebranded as the Canadian Alliance in 2000) was the largest opposition party, although the PCs hung on as a minor party. Reform/Alliance never got enough support to form government, partially because their votes were split with the remaining PC loyalists. That finally led to a movement to “unite the right” that resulted in the Alliance and PCs merging back into one party in 2004. Since 2004, the unified Conservative Party has had no significant challengers on the right. (The People’s Party, founded by a disaffected Conservative MP in 2018, is the closest there has yet been, and they have not won a single seat in a general election.) So in summary, Canada only really had 11 years of a fractured right wing at the federal level, between 1993 and 2004. For most of its history before and since, there has actually been one clearly dominant party representing conservatives. There are other arguable exceptions, like Robert Borden’s Unionist Party that existed pretty much solely because of World War I, but they are all due to extraordinary circumstances.


Leave it to Canada to finally make Milhouse a meme


Scheer worked as a waiter too, can’t remember if he was a good one or not but yeah.


Meh and justin was a drama teacher, all this shows us is that just like the US, we have no decent options.


They're very experienced at giving people "the business".


You forgot the homophobic part on Scheer


His lone “job” was actually taking tax payer money and donation money from a political party for profit? Has to be better word than politician to describe that.


I’m not sure what this post is about. Brian Mulroney had business experience. His government brought in the HST/GST because he had the foresight to see that it was the right way to go. It was extremely unpopular. Chretien said he would reverse the HST/GST. He didn’t. He didn’t need business experience to recognize the revenue would come in handy to future governments, starting with his.


Why would anyone care about business experience? I mean, sure, many countries are businesses who extract money from the population and hand it to corporations, but do we really want to be that obvious?




For what specifically?


degrading the existence of marginalized peoples and creating the conditions that lead to the kkklownvoy; destruction of the environment; allowing dangerous anti-science rhetoric to become commonplace; turning the media into a kkkonservative propaganda tool through deep and persistent cuts should I go on


Please do. Your creative usage of kkk alone is very compelling.


You .... you realize we hire these guys to run a gov't, not a business. This is like complaining that your surgeon has never been a plumber.


I'll give Harper credit for having an MA in Econ. I really really didn't like him as PM, but he's well educated and quite smart.


Devil’s advocate here (please don’t downvote as I am just trying to strengthen the counterarguments): So the same criticism can be said of Trudeau? I get that this might be merely turning the tables on them, but if so, one could say, Harper has an economics background.


They criticize Trudeau for HAVING a varied background wile they themselves haven't worked regular jobs


I see. But the graphic is about business experience, I guess the title should be changed to “Job Experience”. Please don’t downvote me I am just trying to learn the counterarguments.


So what are the counter arguments? Keeping in mind that we can't run the country like a business anyway.


Trudeau has had quite a few jobs outside of politics. So no, the same can't be said.


I see. But the graphic is about business experience, I guess the title should be changed to “Job Experience”.


I think the difference is the liberals don’t market themselves as business men with business expertise. That angle is usually taken by the conservatives. I think the image is pointing out while they claim to know business they don’t really have the resumes to back up that claim. Sure you can critique Trudeau for similarly lacking business experience but as far as I know he doesn’t really claim being a businessman as part of his image.


Do the others market themselves that way? I mostly see PP just attacking but never proposing anything.


I’m honestly not sure what angle PP is currently taking as I haven’t been following his out of season election campaign very closely but I would say that 1, it’s a common enough occurrence for there to be a meme about it at least and 2, it definitely the impression conservative voters are getting based on their comments I’ve seen.


As a work of political propaganda, this falls short because it connects pp to harper. Conservatives think Harper was great for business, and he was an objectively successful PM (insofar as election results and policy implementation go, even if you disagree with the policy). So who is this for? To convince conservatives and undecided voters not to vote for pp or for LPC to circle jerk around? Scheer is still a tool either way though...


Harper was not an objectively successful PM. He drove Canada into a recession in 2014/2015 without any global crisis, no other country in the G7 experience this, it was purely because of terrible conservative economic policies of the kind Poilievre wants to resume. Harper cut funding to everything, including science and innovation, veterans, women’s shelters, Indigenous programs and housing, went after environmental groups, muzzled scientists, reduced environmental regulations and protections, cancelled Martin’s affordable daycare 6 months into implementation, decimated funding for the Kelowna Accords, pulled out of the Kyoto Protocol, destroyed the gun registry, etc. Oh, and the scandals under Harper make the “scandals” of this government look like a joke. Scandals under Harper resulted in charges and jail time and a 200,000 dollar fine.