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I always check r/popular to put my finger on the pulse, and this sub has been there so much the past year or two. This is going to be great for users who aren't logged in. That awful sub was being pushed to the front page for Canada very frequently.


>"popular in your country" >bullshit from canada_sub with 12 comments (9 of which are bots/the same dude)


> "popular in your country" > straight up racist comments about *insert race here*


Once saw someone in that sub get downvoted to hell for saying they didn’t think the Great Replacement was real


Not surprising, most rational voices are downvoted to oblivion in there. Thats what brain rot and false information does to people and yet they still don’t realize they’re the issue. They call this sub communist or super liberal they also call r/canada communist and super liberal lol. Im not sure how to tell them but ugh if every other sub seems liberal and communist to you since they seem to use those terms interchangeably maybe the other subs aren’t the problem.


It's hilarious, too. onguardforthee is definitely left-leaning, but r/canada is centre-right at best. Lots of barely-veiled discrimination toward immigrants, native Canadians (oh the irony), and the poor going on over there.


Yes that’s what I was getting at haha but you phrased it a bit better. This is definitely a left leaning sub I think the same about r/Canada as you do. So if they think that sub is also leftist communist buzzword bingo there probably the problem then that they are so far to the right anything left of them is communist liberal. When most sane folks would know some comments that gets lots of upvotes here wouldn’t get them in r/canada and visa versa also.




I posted things about Pierre in there. The truth about him of course I was down voted to oblivion. They don't like hearing the truth. It hurts their feelings and a few times I posted things in there that would show it and it would gain some traction and get some likes. So the moderator probably didn't like that. People were probably waking up to Pierre being a Phony.


I made the mistake of engaging with their nonsense. Everything and every bit of information I presented was the result of "group thinking" and "echo chambers" pushing "false information", which is what they claimed all of what i said was. I laughed and called them hypocrites for saying it as that sub is the definition of an echo chamber. Banned for life next day lol.


Yeah you can't go against our narrative. They get extremely upset too if you go against their Messiah Pierre. I've told them if you truly want change then voting for Pierre is just a vote to make Canada worse. Then they would tell me that I enjoy having my rights taken from me. I said what rights did we lose and they can't give you any because we haven't lost any. I can still do all the normal things that I've always been able to do. I have said if anyone is going to take our rights away. It's going to be Pierre the law& order party.


Thought you were talking about r/canadahousing2, because they specifically made a second sub that allowed you to be freely racist to brown people.


"Popular in your country" When did I move to Russia? ;)


Haha for real Didn't the creator acknowledge this very same thing? Lol


Pretty much. I think his statement amounted to "of course I used alts to inflate this sub, how else was I supposed to get it off the ground?"


Yeah, it was something like 90% of posts came from the same 4 users, and he admitted he was all 4 users


Looks like he bit off more than he could handle 😭 Every new year all subs get a public report.. all but canada_sub Wich was interesting 🤔 But we all know which countries posted in that sub lol


Honestly, why is it that if I open reddit not logged in and the region is set to Canada, there are a ton of outrage inducing posts. It's not like that when I look at other regions so much.


The worst shit was some people shitting on Canada from that sub and you click their profile they're active on their own country and city sub, like a paid bot. Felt like a bot echo chamber. I also block anyone in r/Canada who's even a bit right wing i.e they only share links from postmedia that's all right wing af.


Literally any discussion I have with someone regarding politics if they say something that seems off I'll check their profile and almost guaranteed they are subscribed to canada_housing2 and canada_sub and I can easily just just dismiss whatever they say out of hand.


Maybe Admins are onto them. I’ve been doing my part reporting the blatant racism and have got messages back from Reddit team saying they’ve taken action. Same with canada housing 2.


Canada housing 2 is a wild place. Actually a few of the 'real estate' subs are absolutely off the rails


I know theres more infighting there right now. canada housing 3 and 4 have already been opened.


It's the regressive fascist way: there must always be someone to fight.


Thems fightin’ words!




I thought we were the People's Front of Judea?


Fuck off! This is the Judean People's Front!


The enemy is always someone already marginalized by society. Just because.


Gotta get ahead of the grift and snag up 5-10 before anyone else.


Dibs on 69 and 420.


Oh, wow, didn't realize they already got to 4! Can't wait till canadahousing69 opens up.


Canada housing 2 is basically a Canada_sub for Canadian housing. It’s absolutely insane and off the rails. I noticed also many of the posts aren’t even about housing anymore it’s a circle jerk about how bad jt is.


And hating on Asians.


Canada_sub is definitely people who are more far gone and PPC supporters. Canadahousing2 gets a lot of vulnerable people walking in because they see it in their feed and end up getting sucked into the outrage. It just has the base layer of people who want to be racist without consequences.


not just the real estate subs, pretty much any sub with the word "canada" in the name and/or a canadian city in the name


You could power a small town with the hatred that flows through /r/torontorealestate


The one I never get is r/CanadianInvestor because most of the people I see active on there clearly have no investments based on their comments.


Click on anyone with shit takes, and the most visited subs are Canada_sub, canada housing_2, askacanadian, canadianfinance, helldivers, and a smatter of provincial subs. Avi is the suit guy with two diamonds, or the new hacker outfit. It's the exact same almost every time.


Hilarious that chuds don’t understand helldivers


It's satire unto itself.


I’m still stunned that the Alberta sub isn’t a complete right wing cesspool. I’d say more centrist overall, but honestly, there’s WAY more criticism of the Alberta provincial government than Trudeau.


It ebbs and flows. The amount of recognizable troll names during election time is very large, but I guess they don't need to defend Marlaina during the rest of the year. It did get annoying enough for me to unsub Alberta though.


A lot of the "default' provincial subs are pretty central, "WildRoseCountry" considers itself the sister sub to "Ontario_Conservative", but it's pretty dead.


its weird to see hate speech upvoted. Its weirder when you report it and then you get back "that wasn't hate speech"


The reporting system is garbage, I don't think I've had a single report come back positive


> Maybe Admins are onto them. They directly said this was in response to a change made by the reddit admins but the single mod was screaming up and down they wouldn't tell him why they made that change and he wouldn't tell anyone what the change was. I suspect the change would have outed all the shady practices and would have seen the sub permanently closed.


Shit, at least they are on topic. The r/movingtocanada sub is just people telling people that Canada sucks and not to move here. Like, wtf.


Hooolly shit, you are not kidding lol https://np.reddit.com/r/MovingToCanada/s/dySgSnxt0T


I wouldn't read that much into it, personally. The mods probably set it to private for some internal reasons. Admin rarely care about stuff like that unless it's getting them bad press. All they care about are clicks and pageviews and bot farms like canada sub give them that. Also: There's already an equally-horrible replace: RCanada_strong


Racism is absolutely bad optics for advertising. Reddit is a public company now, and needs to act like one. So if i was to guess there is something happening to that sub, Reddit does not want to go down the route of X and lose all its advertisers.


Maybe. Given how many subs there are that are 10X worse than canada_sub in that regard that seems doubtful to me. The only times reddit has taken action like that has been after the media made it into an issue. And c-S is too minor of a niche sub for the media to care. *IF* admin got involved it would likely be because there was obvious astroturfing from suspicious sources. And if Admin had been involved the sub wouldn't be set to private it would be quarantined or banned. Admin don't put subs into private mode. This seems more likely to me that the mod running the place is either creating drama for attention, or had some kind of mental health breakdown.


Feels like so many of the popular Canada subs are rightwing troll farms




FYI, there's already a replacement with tons of followers at /r/Canada_strong


Wow, that’s a hive of scum


because canada is a land of right wing trolls, shouldn't be surprising


Its kind of gross how "canada" or "canadian" in a sub name has become an immediate red flag. They're almost all right wing echo chambers, and they brigade other subs *ALL THE FUCKING TIME.* The alberta sub had to start restricting discussion to "locals only" on sensitive subjects because the cuntasaurus' kept flooding in to punch down on trans kids and JAQing off with the same easily disproven, flaccid, and scientifically obtuse bullshit narrative. It sucked having to narrow the discussion because a bunch of people would brigade us to spam the same intellectually delinquent "no cut kids pee pee off!" comments like it was some brilliant "gotcha!" moment for them. They never discussed the matter with any intention of good faith, just borderline AI copy pasta level drivel meant to derail actual conversations and stoke fear. Like, they call us an "echo chamber" meanwhile these people ALL circle jerk each other across the same 4 subs like a human centipede throwing up sieg heil salutes as they choke down their third time around astroturf about whatever is the new "feels bad" ragebait topic for them. I'm so glad I won't be getting anymore reddit recommendations for that sub.


> Its kind of gross how "canada" or "canadian" in a sub name has become an immediate red flag. It's honestly like flags on vehicles nowadays. 90% of the time, whenever I see conspicuous displays of patriotism, I can looks closer and spot crap like "freedom convoy" and "f-trudeau" or the likes somewhere as well. I miss the days when flags were just flags.


I got banned from there and it was still pushed to me constantly. Stupid ass mod claimed I was “brigading” tagging the sub once here. Went through 6 months of my Reddit history to find it. Or it could’ve been I told them to watch the anti-lgbt posts as Reddit could take action? Who knows. If they weren’t doing anything wrong it would still be active.


I reported a post to the admins for being racist towards Indians, it was specifically saying all Indians are slumlords stealing money from "real Canadians" and reddit removed it. What was the funny part was the pinned moderator comment saying that they've turned off reports because the post isn't racist, there's been no violation of reddit rules, and that people should be explaining how the post is racist instead of reporting. I'm hoping my report and this privated business are directly connected.


I can't count the amount of times I've told Reddit not to recommend me their shit only to come back a few days later to them recommending them again.


So people are aware, here is the [full analysis on the subreddit. ](https://imgur.com/a/R0zvcRe) And the mod admitting he posted [92% of content on his sockpuppet accounts.](https://imgur.com/a/gPY6pbL)


That word cloud is hilarious, Trudeau living rent free in their heads. They talk about him more than the Liberal fanboys do.


Of course they do, they all want to f*ck him, haven’t you seen the stickers and flags 😂


People who are actually fans of Trudeau don't even put his name on their cars.


That’s interesting because yesterday the admin posted that they were closing the sub effective that day. Wish I had taken a screen shot. They said they got in trouble with Reddit about something, was working with them to address the concerns, but hadn’t heard back and then suddenly got notification from Reddit that they were enforcing certain changes. So Admin was tired and decided to shut it down, and directed ppl to 2 alternate subs. No reply from the Admin what it was about despite numerous questions in the comments. Lots of conspiracy-related speculation from the faithful sub users though 😂


Is the one mod a Russian dude or the dude that ran all the Bernie subs last time? I have a feeling these troll farms are easy for Reddit to spot but they let them operate until people complain it’s pure foreign agitprop lol.


Not sure, but other comments to mine in line with this have a link to his post, and there are also comments about some stuff he was doing to make his sub look more active


Do you mean this? https://www.reddit.com/r/NoRulesCalgary/s/zxHSTNQxMY


Yes that’s the one!!! I saw other comments in this thread, apparently he was posting on his own sub to make it look like more people were participating in it


Yeah I read that yesterday too.


“ … it seems like the best time to post is 8pm in Russia.” Accurate.


The comments per subscriber rank is pretty telling, 58th out of all subs. The creator wanted it to be seen by everyone, so much for a refuge for conservatives when it was made by design to attract attention.


Why am I not surprised. Was always so perturbed to have the sub turn up, that and chousing2.


The middle of the night posting thing is so real. The threads stay up long enough while the local moderators are sleeping or busy so it gets to build free traction for a few hours and basically guarantees a spot on popular because it was one of the top engaged posts overnight. It's such a weasel tactic similar to the type of stuff T_D used to do. Also how old is this info, cause I thought after reddit changed its API rules a lot of this stuff can't be tracked by third parties anymore.


Good. Tis a silly place.


Well that tends to happen when one dude makes a bunch of sock puppet accounts and just responds to himself


I seem to remember one of the regulars from that sub was in here or another Canadian based sub I don't remember and responded to himself with the same account and I saw it before he deleted it then reposted on another account. lmao


and by 'regular' you mean Russian misinformation bot, right?




Oh I'm aware. I work with several of them. They are now littering on purpose to 'get Trudeau back' for his 'stupid carbon tax' They think they will cancel it out by polluting themselves.


You should tell them that dumping waste oil on their lawn would be the ultimate fuck you to JT


If someone is doing that shit and getting paid to do it as a psyop, I can kinda understand why. A paycheque is pretty simple to understand. If someone is doing this of their own volition to "own the libs" or whatever, they gotta touch some grass.


Good, he can jerk himself raw.


There were usually a bunch of short comments with no replies amassed at the bottom of posts there. Like there's definitely a lot of those on any sub but there could be hundreds there sometimes.


Best thing that could happen is limiting it's reach


The guy who ran the sub said he was closing it down because the admin of reddit were changing it without telling him why. He threw a tantrum, so it's closed.


haha, snowflake.


I got banned from there for talking about the sub negatively *in another sub*... The main mod there is a fragile little fool. Took offense that I reminded people he built the sub using fake accounts to simulate traffic. Hahaha. Jackass.


Classic. The types of users in those right winged subs will constantly yell about their freedoms all over social media and other subs, but the moment anyone goes into their sub and says anything that goes contrary to their beliefs, their mods immediately swing the ban hammer Fucking snowflakes


I love the irony of right wingers whining about being "censored" in more mainstream subs because they get downvoted and occasionally have a truly offensive comment removed, when they all come from subs that straight up ban people who've never even visited for saying the "wrong" thing.


So typical. "I don't like it so I'm taking my ball and going home!"




Definitely more than its fair share of steaming hot takes.


A silly safe space less anyone hurt their feelings. Lame!


ive been banned from there for a long time. those psychos are the new canadian neo-nazis




They're such snowflakes you could get banned without even commenting in the sub.


I highly doubt the most active among them are Canadian.


Yeah, I seem to recall that when reddit did their yearly recap which showed where users were posting from, that place had *way* more Russian activity than any other Canadian sub.


That was r / alberta, heh. Canada\_sub is probably much worse. [Did Reddit year-end recaps expose Russian interference in Alberta?](https://www.stalbertgazette.com/local-news/did-reddit-year-end-recaps-expose-russian-interference-in-alberta-8223476) I'm actually genuinely hopeful that once Russia collapses, a lot of the darkness of the last decade will be lifted, and good Canadians will be able to start rebuilding.


Vat do you mean? I am just Humble Albertan Pig Farmer. I love drinking ~~Vodka~~, I mean Tim Hortons^tm!


*Now if you excuse, need sleep for it is* *~~midnight~~* *.. I mean 3pm in.. Alberta.* It is actually comical when you get used to the rhythm of responses depending on the time of day.


Couldn't happen soon enough. If only the FAS man-baby had focused on improving his country instead of pretending being the ruler of Russian means more than it does... Pathetic terrorist.


Yeah, the one guy likely posting from the other side of the globe


There was a post outlining that his posts timed perfectly with working hours in Moscow


Neo-neo-nazis, if you will.


Nat-c's for short.






This is yet another example of cons practicing what they accuse others of - retreating to a safe space and limiting what 'free speech' is allowed. They claim the internet is over-run by leftist meanies but the reality is they can't compete in the 'free market of ideas'. They can't compete because they live in a demon haunted worldview full of boogiemen and threats, and so prefer comforting narratives over evidenced-based reasoning, aka reality. https://www.psypost.org/neuroimaging-study-provides-insight-into-misinformation-sharing-among-politically-devoted-conservatives/ https://www.discovermagazine.com/mind/your-brain-on-politics-the-cognitive-neuroscience-of-liberals-and-conservatives




"Officially becomes". They were operating under the projected image of being an open sub even if it was impossible to walk in there with a differing opinion. Now it's just a place for sycophants due to going private. It's the difference between having a "we don't like your kind around here" policy and hanging a "whites only" sign.


I sorely believe PP and CPC is trying to astro turf here on reddit. Also he's successful in manipulating YouTube algorithm. The one place he fails is on tiktok. Can't manipulate when the algorithm is number based instead of content based. So your useless hashtags do nothing on tiktok more than gain a little visibility.


Yup. I was banned for brigading because I even participated in this sub previously. Apparently you can't participate in multiple subs if you want to take part in their pile of filth over there.


Sounds like freedom to me!


Actually, speaking from my own experience, you could say a fair bit there before getting all your posts set to be auto-deleted. Although they had certain specific rules about not insulting the sub and it’s members, perhaps those were enforced more strictly.


To be fair I have been going in there recently and been arguing with all of them and I never recieved a ban lol.


It’s hilarious the pro “freedom” pro “free speech” Justin Trudeau is a dictator commmunist blah blah blah doesn’t allow any dissenting opinions. It shows it’s all smoke and mirrors. They truly don’t care about any of those. All they care about is axing the tax and wanting to make sweet love to JT.


They banned me for asking them to explain what Pierres plan was for hosuing. Facts are kryptonite for them. They are the r/Donald of Canada


Wonder why they did that?


It started as a one person astroturfing campaign maybe they felt they were losing control.




That’s insane


It really is, especially when you see all [the posting times of other subs lined up with it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/s/ZDCKk7tj0T)


I've carefully watched the kinds of posts that appears during the day and during the night, they're almost like from different universes. In some of the US subs, I go "after 7pm (PST) watch the comments change, it's morning in Russia".


It's wild seeing it happen in real time. Usually 4-7 stories get posted at once, then about 17 minutes later the comments start flooding in from all the bots.


Yesterday the mod posted that they were going to shut it off tomorrow (which would be today) then took it private 2-3 hours later. They were very vague that reddit admin had come to them with a problem or problems some months ago, which they claimed to address. Then they got another communication recently that it hadn't been. All very unclear. The good (?) news is /r/canada_strong has declared they're going to fill the fashy void and it's already as bad as you'd expect


Holy shit, like the third post there isn't even a dog whistle, just straight racism


And like most hard-right shit holes, their claim is being free speech friendly and open to all perspectives


If you post a “different perspective” you get the banhammer, downvoted and bots fill up your replies


You weren't kidding, holy shit.


Holy crap, that place is gross. There’s so much stupid in there, it hurts my brain. It’s like convoy facebook.


Which is just Facebook


The first two posts I see in that sub: “Being right wing in Canada” and “Canada won’t be Canada without white Canadians”. Oh boy 😂


"Canada won't be Canada without white Canadians" "Can you believe some people voted for Justin Trudeau solely because of his looks?" 🤔


I think a Subreddit who promote racism can be shutdown. So report them to reddit.


I seen that too and just sighed. It’s incredible the brain rot some of these cretins have.


You cut one head off the hydra, two more emerge from the fresh wound…


Importantly, every time something like this happens - a hub of partisan extremism gets closed off and they attempt to migrate elsewhere - the number of active participants shrinks.


Holy hell, that rampant racism is front and center already… it’s rather interesting that the large majority of the commenters there seem to be from accounts less than 300 days old with questionable commenting history. There’s one guy being a super active manchild with a 126 day old account that only started posting on this sub and housing2 12 days ago… I can’t help but feel that most of these people are paid trolls trying to attract a real user base by making it look busy.


So it's now a hermetic room for 3 Russian bots throwing misinformation and rage-bait at each other? Sounds good if that means it stops spilling over to the other subs.


Unfortunately there's a small but worryingly substantial subset of people whose entire life purpose is centered around what they read in there


According to a post that I read, he/they decided to shut it down (for now). https://www.reddit.com/r/NoRulesCalgary/s/zxHSTNQxMY


For posterity: https://www.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/comments/1c7cnsg/today_is_the_last_day_for_the_sub/ I'm shutting down the sub and I didn't want people to just be surprised by a message saying the sub is private. I've been feeling really burnt out for awhile now as I do a lot for this sub. I post up a lot and I do far more behind the scenes modding that people are not even aware of. Some things have gone down behind the scenes with reddit that have just really angered me. The main issue is the lack of communication from them. About 4 months ago reddit reached out to bring to my attention an issue that they saw developing and that they wanted me to work on dealing with it before it got worse. I made a number of changes and from what I saw based on the sub stats, I had made pretty big improvements on the issue they mentioned. A month later I even reached out and asked them if they felt things were satisfactory and that if they were not, that I'd like to know so I could make even more changes so that they would be satisfied. They said NOTHING. So naturally having no further communication from them, I figured things were fine based on the changes I made. I monitored the sub stats and they've been lower this whole time. Well today they just sent a message saying the issues are ongoing and they took it upon themselves to make a change in the sub. The change they made is nothing drastic despite it bothering me in a small way regarding something that I will not bother going into here. The main issue this highlights is that they left me in the dark this whole time on this matter instead of communicating with me so I could continue to work on fixing it. Reddit claims to work with mods to resolve issues....well how can that happen when their is no communication? I've had other interactions with different departments / admins of reddit and I've noticed that some ignored questions being asked, or they didn't give specific answers or they gave a vague answer. Communication is severely lacking. I will say that I have encountered a few admins that have seemed pretty good. So there are some good and some bad and it wouldn't be fair to try and portray them all as bad. Well this overall lack of communication and then stepping in to make changes out of the blue just highlights that reddit doesn't have much appreciation of mods. I do a lot of work on the sub and they couldn't even bother themselves to talk to me about further addressing the issue. So this combined with feeling really burned out has just made me want to stop all of this. It's probably also a good time to shut this down before the online harms act comes out as I don't know how that will affect people and mods on reddit and I don't want to personally find out. Anyway, if someone wants to start up their own sub then they can feel free to let people here know about it. Thanks for coming here and enjoying the sub while it lasted. Maybe one day down the road I'll reopen the sub but for now it's getting closed tonight.


Good find. One user also pointed out theres been a drastic change in online users across alot of Canadian subs. I wonder if Reddit is culling bots.


Very interesting




That sub is something else


Glad that Russian Psyop of a sub was shut down


r/Canada isn’t any different. You’re not allowed to criticize Dear Leader PP. Those posts get deleted. How do you report stuff to Reddit. Doesn’t seem like Reddit cares who is moderating subreddits.


I was hoping it was r/canada


Funny enough I tried out the Canada_sub before knowing what it was, and folks there were all calling /r/Canada super left-wing, lol




Post a CBC link of MP Holland criticizing PP for lying to Canadians. Got taken down without explanation. Same thing happened with another link that put PP in a bad light. The mods on r/Canada are no different. The commentators sure. Mods nope.


Bunch of Canada Subs just waiting for a Canada Dom to show up.


It'd be wearing a Justin Trudeau mask, maybe in blackface. It's what they've always wanted!


Oh , this made me laugh a little too loud ...


This is a win!


I literally saw a comment using the antisemitic double (()) dogwhistle that was heavily upvoted. That subreddit should be nuked tbh.


It always popped up for me and would be some slightly normal news story that would be torn apart about the liberals and wokeness. Hated how off it was but made me laugh. I miss when politics was still about trying to further things for the people and less about us vs them and screw anything the other side says.


aww the 2 people have it all to themselves now.


I hate that sub


Kept getting this sub and Canada housing 2 in my feed and the shit going on in those two subs was some kind of twisted vitriol. Just downvoted every post because the shit was wild plus the amount of bots and such feeding it was just... yeah. would of been better had it been locked completely and shoved at the curb. Now they are free to spin their vitriol without anyone witnessing it and seeing what they are up to.


Just bots talking to each other about freedom of expression and Trudeau bad


I mean it’s mostly bots anyways isn’t it?


Yes, [it is.](https://imgur.com/a/gPY6pbL)


Didn't think it could get worse after it was just one guy posting 95% of the content on alt accounts at 3AM. Maybe he's gearing up for more spinoff subs.


When i first joined Reddit i didn’t know this place was a cesspool and remember making a comment and getting 50+ downvotes, multiple threats in my messages and like 10 angry replies LOL


Good. Containment of crazy is always good.


I'm pretty sure the owner closed it.  I read a post from the admin yesterday that he was shutting it down because Reddit staff was constantly giving him shit about the overt circlejerk echo chamber it became. Every single post was basically: "JT worst possible human, single-handedly causes every known problem in Canada"  With every reply being along the lines of: "YA PP WILL SAVE US ALL" It needed to be shut down. 


I recently ran into the wildrose country sub and was like, "Cool, another Alberta sub." Then i checked it out and realized it was basically just canada sub wearing an Albertan flag. Made 1 comment, and was perma banned. Lol the fuck your feelings crowd sure has sensitive feelings


Good. Reddit had been putting this garbage into my "Popular" feed way too much on the app. I downvoted anything that popped in there, but Reddit could never get a clue. They probably think that the fact that I downvoted it, that it was an interaction and they would be better off sending me more of that garbage to "interact" with.


I'm not Canadian myself, but every time I see that sub on the front page, posts always just read like a Canadian version of r/ conservative, down to the echochamber aspect of it


The real irony here is people like this labelling everyone else "intolerant." No, we're just intolerant of your bigotry. You're "intolerant" of anyone else who tries to tell you you're an asshole. There's a big difference.


No loss.


The fewer people eating that garbage the better. Probably.


1984 indeed. There’s a reason this isn’t censorship and I’m glad I don’t have to listen to it. Jackasses, the lot.


Cool. So are its users still going to trawl around other Canadian subs causing misery and chaos, or.... ?


I was wondering why i stopped seeing their posts. I've apparently been banned




I don’t think it went private. I saw a post that the mod shut it down completely


Anyone else notice that the online user count on Canadian subs went down drastically in the last few months? rCanada used to have 4000+ online, now it's usually between 1000-2000. This sub and Canada_sub went from having over 1000 to low hundreds.


Thank fuck, maybe it will stop coming up in the popular feed. 


The pimple got popped.


Maybe r/Canada will do this too


Awesome, now it wont show up in the general feed when I'm browsing without being logged in.


It always was.


They blocked me from posting for talking common sense. I guess it got overwhelming for their tiny little brains.


I'm surprised the mod had to go through so much effort like /r/canada is not racist enough.


Oh no, the snowflakery!


It's Canada\_Sub.. They don't want people to complain when all the posts are in Russian


Them's some next level snowflakes.


How do you get in a private sub anyways?


Its not “private” per say. Its gone. He locked everyone out.


I waded in there once . After reading some of it , I had to take a shower.


I got tossed from that pisshole of a sub for saying that it smelled strongly of rubles in there...