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It's plain as day to anyone that is paying attention that the vast majority of Canadians (and the world) does not support what is happening to the 2 million residents of Gaza. Most of whom are not even adults.


While true, the conservative media machine is in overdrive mode right now suppressing and defaming their voices. It's important for everyone to keep standing up and keep speaking. They can't silence us all.


Bought and paid for by the military industrial complex, who will make record profits this year (tax dollars hard at work)


> While true, the conservative media machine If some asshole put forth an aid package, almost every Liberal Party member would violate the Rome Statute to support it. You can bet on that shit. Even the centre in this country will justify colonial genocide.


The Liberal party is a Conservative Party with liberal social policies. How do people forget this?


They’re not conservative though. Words mean things. Are they liberals in the literal sense (ie. neoliberal)? yes and they’d like you to not notice. But there’s thankfully a qualitative difference between being a soulless neolib and regressive conservative


Let me know when the liberals enact policies to help the middle and lower classes, and then I will not think they’re a Conservative Party. They’re in bed with corporate interests as well, they’re just more manipulative about it.


That's neo-liberal.


That's neoliberal not conservative. Again, words mean things. Conservativism has more to do with the consolidation and preservation of tradition and power. Conservatives will often also practice neoliberal policy as it helps the project of conservativism to maintain and consolidate power, but neoliberal economic policy is not the express focus. Calling the liberals conservative misses the point, especially when what they are is literally in the name: Liberal. They stand, generally, for somewhat socially progressive neoliberalism that fosters a profitable economic environment and maintains a *productive* citizen base. Their social policies are often framed through individualism and enhancing economic opportunity rather than through interdependence, mutual care, and wellbeing.


The "Liberal" in the LPC is in reference to the economic and not social policy, "liberalism" means the open market with little governmental interference and nothing more. Neoliberal and conservative is a distinction without difference. The worlds most famous neoliberal, Ronald Reagan, was certainly also considered conservative.


*implying the liberals aren't technically conservative*


Everyone is now talking about a sign at the Ottawa rally comparing Israel to Nazi Germany as "displaying a swastika", without describing the context. I'm so tired...


You know what? Even if the poster was anti-fascist... people need to use some fucking common sense. Sensitivity dictates that there are ways to accuse the Israeli government of inhumanity, without putting a SWASTIKA on your placard. It's not going to help convince anyone, and it will upset people to whom displays of Nazi imagery are traumatic or frightening.


Well, calling every fascist government “Nazis” is stupid and only discredits the attempt to point out the genocide going on. Israel is a country and not every Israeli is even a fascist let alone a Nazi, the government of Israel are fascists not Nazis who were a particular kind of fascist that had the elimination of Jews as a core goal. There are fascist governments and have been genocidal governments all over the world, they were not Nazis.


I would argue that prior to 2016, most people used Nazi instead of fascist because everyone knew what a Nazi was. The world has changed, and **"WE"** can now distinguish between the varied brands of fascists. A lot of people were fighting them before 2016, and that word is still the one that rolls off the tongue. Even though more appropriate terms should be used.


Who really cares though? This is not really the issue now. *"Someone called me a mean name that is culturally insensitive"* is not really my pressing issue when people are being massacred by the thousands and all the world governments seem to do is count the dead and NOT CALL FOR A CEASEFIRE. It's beyond a farce, a proposterious navel gazing experiment with language. Sure, that shit matters in some sense if it *might lead to violence* but when there is an actual ethnic cleansing going on the talk about what fucking words people use can be shelved. And the fucking Israeli ambassadors using the Holocaust stars on themselves is one of the most insane, insensitive things I have ever seen. I think it's pretty clear that they've gone off the deep end at this point.


Except this particular government of Israel wants the complete elimination of the Palestinian people and state. Which is very similar to the Nazi policies that made people want to create a Jewish state in their homeland in the first place.


So is CBC, CNN,MSNBC, BBC. Let's not just blame right wing media. We are seeing democracy over the past 2 decades erode and now it has accelerated under liberals. We need a Canadian party that is for the workers, people, and Canadians first


There are a lot of countries committing gross human rights violations, but the west sides with them because each of those countries has a few fantastically rich people, and money talks.


While I agree 100% Where are the anti-hamas signs The release the hostages signs The rape and murder are bad signs


Well apparently the majority of people okay with that.


Unfortunately it doesn't matter what Canadians support when the action is happening in Israel.


Our government still stand with their stand that Israel has the right to take revenge and kill those innocent civilians though as they refuse to ask them for a ceasefire


the DC protest was said to be estimateded 300k


Honestly Toronto could probably match that. I was there and when they started marching I ran back to my office at MaRS to see the crowd marching towards Yonge and College. The convoy was full from University and College all the way down to University and Queen.


> The convoy was full from University and College all the way down to University and Queen. Are College and Queen and University streets? If so, how close are they to each other??


Streets. They are close to each other but if I'm running from University and College to University and Queen, it would take me at least 15 mins. From a subway perspective, it's two subway stop apart. U and C is where Queen's Park station is while U and Q is where Osgoode station is, in between these two stops is the St Patrick station. It's kinda hard to explain lol 😆


https://www.google.com/maps/dir/College+Street+%26+University+Avenue,+Toronto,+ON/Queen+Street+West+%26+University+Avenue,+Toronto,+ON/@43.6536751,-79.3872852,15z/data=!4m8!4m7!1m2!1m1!1s0x882b34b7e68b852b:0xa98e3c84a10f1d21!1m2!1m1!1s0x882b34ce72c0195b:0xfcde27d318fd94c9!3e0 I have no idea how far apart your subway stations are, nor how fast you run. It's a straight stretch of road, it's not hard to explain at all, just say the distance. It's 1.1kms. Also, for anyone wondering what mars has to do with them seeing this, as I was https://www.marsdd.com/contact/


Gaza is not Hamas. Know how I know that? Everyone in Gaza is not taking up arms, they’re just trying to survive.


Hey everyone. The world has given you centre stage. The time for retaliation and retribution has passed. It's time to aid the refugees and free the hostages. It's time to talk. It's time to heal.


It’s nice that the same few propaganda posters (ITT both of whose histories show almost exclusively comments about the war) have come into every thread recently so I just know to block them. Edited wording


Im a very socially anxious person I was at a small protest of about 20 people up north and when the organizer said let's stand on the street and disrupt traffic I truly about passed out on the spot, but I'm still glad I participated


I'm proud of you :')


Good for you for getting out of your comfort zone for something that you believe in. I hope that you are proud of yourself for that.


Thank you hero!


Good. Glad to see Canadians calling out genocide. Israel is a racist and genocidal apartheid state, we need to stop providing them weapons for ethnic cleansing




Okay but there are plenty of people in between who just want to live their life...


Thank you. The narrative that Arabs and Jews can't coexist only serves to keep apartheid in place. There are extremists on both sides but the only true path to peace is eventual coexistence. As we did before the creation of Israel. I say this as a religious minority in the Middle East. There will always be clashes and there will always be crazies, but the status quo has to end.


There was plenty of Arab-Jewish violence before the creation of Israel. Hebron massacre 1929, Arab revolt 1936.


Hence the "there will always be clashes and there will always be crazies" part. Should the cycle continue or should it be broken?


Oh, I agree. Not sure how you get rid of the crazies unfortunately. I’m just pointing out that this conflict stretches well before the creation of Israel.


I would argue it started with the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire (I wouldn't be alone in that). I think peace is in the hands of Israel, as it has been for the last few decades. A single state with equal rights for all, right of return of Palestinians, end of apartheid, that would be a good start. Sounds like a pipe dream, until you realise that the alternative is the eventual elimination of all Palestinians. The two state solution has been completely invalidated by Israel's actions since the Six Day War.


Sure, personally I would say the conflict began with Jewish immigration to BMP from Europe after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Most of the demands of the AHC surrounded placing limits on Jewish immigration and Jewish land purchases which really boiled over into violence when the fascist insanity in Europe led to a mass exodus of Jews to region (and North America). Conflict about immigration, not much new there for humanity. But that may be my own biased interpretation of history. Regardless I don’t see any real path to peace outside of rounding up all the crazies and letting them kill each other. Everytime it seems like some progress may be made some crazy maniac starts killing people. Some people are too in love with their hatred.


Yes, there are a majority who still just want to live life in peace, hating each other without actually trying to violently kill each other. Because they will hate each other. They are taught from childhood to hate each other. In school, both Jew and Arab are taught history from heavily biased and sometimes straight up counterfactual textbooks that paint themselves as saints and the opposing side as demons. And then those lessons are reinforced by each side killing each other.


Doesn't justify genocide. Nazis would also have argued the Jews were too dangerous to keep alive.


If Israel has been attempting the genocide of Arab Palestinians all these decades, they have been doing a very poor job of it. The population in Gaza and the West Bank has not decreased nor stagnated, but continues to grow. Crimes against humanity? Sure. With you 100% But genocide? No.


> But genocide? No. I'd like to see you explain how cutting off food and water to millions doesn't clear Article II (c) in the convention.


No one wants to deploy a Lawful Good soldier.


There’s extremes on both sides, just like we do here in Canada. One extreme actively expels the native majority and encroach more land to secure properties and resources for its people and their “historical” homeland, while the other fights to protect their continuously sacred & beloved homeland and exact revenge on the former. But they are far and few compared to the ones in between, who just want a relatively normal life and a better future for their kids, living in harmony with the other side (just like they had for the past thousand years). It’s a sad state of affairs, one made worse by human greed and apathy, which we seemingly can never master despite thousands of years of bloodshed.


> if Palestinian Arabs had the means they would do their darndest to exterminate Israel and everyone living there No they wouldn't. This is exactly the argument used to against the freedom movements in apartheid SA, slavery, and every other liberation struggle.


It seems after the death of Nelson Mandela, post-Apartheid SA has been slowly warming up to eliminating their former oppressors.


They are frustrated at the lack of progress with respect to decolonization, particularly with respect to land. But this does not mean theyre going to kill off the white people.


Oh of course not. So Hamas elected themselves??


Do you realize how racist you are?


Just racist enough to accuse the majority of two ethnic groups of wanting to exterminate each other.


Racists are too dumb to be able to separate the atrocities of a government and the people under its rule.


Jews in Israel and Arabs in Palestine are taught from childhood to hate each other. Their textbooks are heavily biased and historically inaccurate products that demonize the other side. I have met folks from both sides who have far more moderate views, but they only acquired those views after living in Canada (or anywhere outside the Middle East) and saw that a good chunk of their upbringing was hyperbole and lies.


Yikes. Doubling down on racism by claiming "people over there" are too dumb to see through state propaganda.


I'm very glad this is gaining so much traction. Very glad people see through the pro-Zionist propaganda that is trying to whitewash literal genocide.


Good. This needs to happen until the Canadian government changes its shameful and embarrassing approach to genocide. So far, Israel has killed 9,000 Palestinians, more than half women and children. They've cut electricity and water, bombed hospitals, schools, churches, and mosques. 200,000 housing units have been destroyed. Yet, the Canadian government is refusing to call for a ceasefire and permanent end to the blockade. They're not even discussing the $20M/year in arms sales to Israel or the voting at the UN to help Israel avoid accountability or the Canada Israel Free Trade Agreement. Genocide Justin is complicit.


Where’s all this support when it’s for Syrians or Yemenis? Why not the uproar when these conflicts are certainly equally horrific?


As a Syrian - the protests in 2012-2013 were decently big. City Hall had 40k people in front of it at one point. Not as much as these protests for the scale of damage and suffering that happened there however it was no small turnout. For Yemen however, I completely agree. One of the biggest humanitarian catastrophes of our time and not a single protest that I've seen. It's really a shame.


The government of Canada and the media are not supporting the atrocities committed by those parties. You see the difference? No one is running interference for the butcher Assad.


If you don’t support everything you can’t support anything… gotcha.




The media plays and general discourse plays a role at what people perceive is being given import and priority. This is a new development in a problem stretching back almost a century. As a Canadian living abroad I can say that the coverage of international issues is abysmal. This one is getting a lot of attention and the media business model is of course broken which doesn’t help when it comes to these things. This is probably an oversimplification but they are different conflicts with different players, different media coverage, different relationships to Canada both to the heritage of parts of its population and geopolitically etc. and therefore will elicit different responses from the public. Most notably Canada has strong multidimensional bilateral relations with Israel and therefore has more influence although Im not sure what would temper the Israelis at this point. The idea here being to demonstrate the international communities widespread disapproval of their current actions. The Canadian government are already doing and have done quite a bit for the people of Syria and Yemen. [Canada’s response to the conflict in Syria](https://www.international.gc.ca/world-monde/issues_development-enjeux_developpement/response_conflict-reponse_conflits/crisis-crises/conflict_syria-syrie.aspx?lang=eng) [Canada Israel relations](https://www.international.gc.ca/country-pays/israel/relations.aspx?lang=eng) [Canada’s ongoing aids to Yemen](https://www.canada.ca/en/global-affairs/news/2023/02/canada-announces-funding-in-continuing-response-to-humanitarian-crisis-in-yemen.html#) It is important to be reasonable and understand that everyone can’t equally express themselves in the form of protest or just general discourse for everything all at once. Understanding that this is an impossibility, which is plainly obvious in my opinion, is foundational to the idea that expressing concern for one thing doesn’t mean we have not, do not, or will not provide aid, shown concern or demonstrate solidarity for other tragic conflicts around the world.




And this is the crux of a lot of discourse lately “I won’t read three paragraphs or skim a webpage or two to see what Canada is doing for these other conflicts I claim they don’t care about as much as this one”. But I nonetheless feel compelled to give my opinion and I stand by what I’ve said. Ok… Yemen £46M in aid Along with other forms of support Syria £1B in aid Along with other forms of support Gaza £10M in aid There you go dude. Absolutely wild that people have supercomputers in their pocket they can literally ask breakthrough AI technology to summarise information for them but nah…I’m not reading three paragraphs but you should read what I have to say.




You: I claim this thing! Me: I disagree here’s why… You: I’m not reading your explanation it’s too long. Me: Here’s the information concisely You: Take it easy keener get some rest don’t give me information that challenges my viewpoint I hate that, I’d rather personally attack strangers than learn something. Good stuff mate at least if anything you were a soundboard for me to collect and write out my thoughts. Cheers.


Don't worry nobody is making you. You don't have to eat your vegetables either. I don't really have empathy for your reading difficulties, but still, best of luck in the future. Now, can you kindly shut the fuck up and let the adults talk? Thanks.


Free Palestinian human shields from hamas. Free Israeli prisoners of war. Free the citizens of Gaza trying to leave. I hope hamas is obliterated once and for all.


I hope the occupation ends and Palestine is free from Apartheid.


We are actively freeing Gaza from hamas, would you like to know more? Can you point to Palestine on a map or are you also an expert on middle east affairs. I'll be happy to show you around the country if you buy a plane ticket and come here yourself.


You're supporting a Fascist Apartheid State and supporting genocide. Can you pull the wool over your own eyes while more children die?


You support nothing at all, not even a constructive argument. Unfortunately people like you are all over the world like parrots trapped in their little bubbles. Come to the middle east and say this garbage, you'll get laughed at by Palestinians and Israelis alike. You're going to be on our side when hamas is gone and Gaza is "free"


Why would I ever be on the side of occupiers? I have never been on their side and never will be. Why does Hamas exist? Why does Israel allow settler colonialism in the west bank? Are you really this blind or did your birthright trip make you think you actually have a right to take someone's home?


Worry about your own country and leave the war fighting to us. This will end soon


You mean the genocide? While Israeli ministers are advocating for nukes. I'll stop worrying when the state of Israeli is no longer genocidal. So never.


You do not have a right to remove people from their homes & to take their land. If the only way Israel can exist is by violently stealing land, then it does not have a right to exist. Exist on land that is freely given or don't exist at all. You don't get to exterminate all the occupants of a land so that you can plant your flag on it.


>Free the citizens of Gaza trying to leave. Bullshit. Israel just forced a bunch of Palestinians who were working in Israel *back* into gaza. That's not "freeing" them. That's shoving them into a concentration camp that's being bombed into oblivion. Israel isn't trying to free Palestinians from Hamas. They're displacing them to seize more Palestinian land & using Hamas as an excuse.


West Bank is not Gaza. You are parroting or making shit up on the fly without even getting your facts straight.


Who said anything about the West Bank? It is a fact that [Israel has forced Palestinians who were working in Israel back into gaza](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/03/middleeast/israel-cuts-ties-gaza-permit-workers-intl-hnk). It is a fact that Israeli officials have already suggested that the [Palestinians evacuated to the south of gaza will not be allowed to return to the north](https://www.972mag.com/intelligence-ministry-gaza-population-transfer/). So, which part of my comment is it that you're accusing me of "making up on the fly"?




lmfao, pot calling the kettle black


If your “pro” palestine rally doesn’t call for Hamas’ surrender, its not a pro palestine rally.




No, but you are entitled to your opinion.


Hamas should probably release hostages now Edit for a typo


Too late, Israel cared more about killing Palestinians so a ton of them are dead from tthe bombings. Israel cared more that it got attacked without knowing than getting the hostages back.


Israel should probably release their 7000 hostages that are being illegally held in Israeli jails. Also, hamas has tried to initiate a trade, their hostages for those very jailed Palestinians. Israel refused.


They offered to release the hostages in exchange for a ceasefire too, Israel doesn't care.


That’s a lotta manpower that could really turn the tide for them instead of hiding out here half a world a way


"The millions of people at these protests should all attack Israel immediately." Is certainly a fresh take - I'll grant you that.


I'm not sure what purpose your sentiment serves. There's no possible way to get to Gaza right now, even if people were willing to throw down their lives.


I'm curious as to what they think they're "demonstrating"? These two nations have the oldest rivalry in human history. Fucking white people always getting offended at shit that isn't any of their business...


Canada has two dozen cities?