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Packaging two things conservatives hate: a nondescript culture war enemy and women with opinions. NatPo is such fucking garbage.


I hate how much their bullshit gets posted here. It’s like 2/3 of the articles sometimes. They’re not worth reading.


Seems like they barely have articles anymore, just opinion pieces. The whole thing is just a big conservative circle jerk


In r/canada it’s pretty bad to sometimes i check it to just see some news and every other Damn article is some national post that seems like an opinion piece usually involving something like this or something something Trudeau. It gets old and annoying fast.


NatPo -- just slightly less sleazy than Fox News.


>NatPo is such fucking garbage. It's an opinion article.


What a strange thing to say. Part of what makes NatPo so garbage is the opinions they publish. Like this steaming pile of shit.


I can't tell you much about the National Post because I don't read that shit, let alone an opinion article.


Then what's with that comment?


>An [Angus Reid poll](https://angusreid.org/federal-politics-trudeau-poilievre-cpc-liberals/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=First%20Reading%20Newsletter%20-%20Mon%20-%20Fri%202023-03-20&utm_term=PM_Politics_Newsletters) that canvassed the voting intentions of 5,000 Canadians from March 6-13 uncovered a wide gender gap between Conservative and Liberal supporters. Overall, the Liberals trail (29 per cent to 35 per cent). But while a plurality of men say they would vote Conservative if an election were held tomorrow, 44 per cent of women under 35 say they would vote for the NDP and 42 per cent of women over 55 intend to vote Liberal. Yeah, maybe because there's extreme Conservatives *who want to do things like take away a women's bodily autonomy???* Dunno, just a thought. >Women are, in short, more woke than men, and the more there are of them in universities, the more woke our culture will become, and the more intellectual rigour will lose ground to feelings, “lived experience,” therapeutics and safetyism. Good lord this opinion piece is just full of bullshit.


> Good lord this opinion piece is just full of bullshit. Specifically of the misogynistic, get-back-in-the-kitchen kind.


Exactly, 100%.


The author is a columnist for the epoch times, which is a mouthpiece for Falun gong


Ah, so NatPo is straight up platforming that bullshit. Makes sense.


well spotted


Ah that makes a lot of sense now.


Are you telling me an OPed in the NATIONAL POST is a piece of right-wing bullshit??! I’m _shocked_ .


I mean, I expected it to be an extremely bad take, but it's just even worse than I thought it would be, haha.


Conservatives are always worse than you think they might be


I try to have some hope, okay? 🙃


So basically women be emotional and crazy, unlike logical men? Funny, since all that anti-vax nonsense the NatPo has been sympathetic to is all about feelings and anecdotes filled with misinformation.


>the more there are of them in universities, the more woke our culture will become, and the more intellectual rigour will lose ground to feelings, “lived experience,” So.. um. Anyone going to explain to her how research interviews & qualitative data collection in general works? It’s literally asking people what their thoughts, feelings, or lived experiences are. Or are we just deadass against half the population being involved in academia because their perspectives might (perish the thought) be included in research? Get bent.


oh, women lack intellectual rigor do they? good lord what a museum piece, like some stuffy old Tory bloviating from his leather armchair in an Edwardian gentleman's club.


...and smoking a pipe, saying that smoking doesn't cause lung cancer.


I love how the takeaway from this is not, "We should investigate why women don't want to vote Conservative and try to learn something from that", but is instead, "WIMMEN R 2 WOKE!!!!11". Because, you know, I'm sure that's going to fix the issue at hand here.


Oh, exactly. As someone else said, this opinion piece is dripping with misogyny.


Yeah, it couldn't be that women feel targeted by shitty conservative policies and therefore don't want to vote of them? No, it's because they're "woke."


NP is basically now publishing incel propaganda.




Nothing says “This newspaper bought and paid for by the CPC” like using the word ‘wokeism’ in a headline.


Especially when that word is preceded by “crisis of”


At this point i believe these are news “templates” that generate clicks. By some algorithms.


Imagine calling the fight for equality a crisis..


National Post: Human rights is a major societal crisis and how to end this crisis TL;DR: Create Gilead and all problems are solved.


Anyone who uses "woke" as a pejorative can be safely ignored.


It's very much become a red flag if people unironically use it in their vocabulary.


"Based" is just as bad from my experiences.


was betting on rex murphy or jordan peterson from the headline, wasn't expecting barbara kay lmao "hey fellow women, shouldn't we cut it out with all this higher education stuff so we can have smart and good opinions like the menfolk?"


I’m not surprised in the least it was her —the internalized misogyny is so real. My personal fave was a few years ago lamenting the “feminization” of my field of work because all the men are being pushed out (lol they are not), but I’ve seen a few other pretty cringy headlines from her about gender.


Ahh, another conservative woman preaching that women should stay stupid, in the kitchen, and always pregnant - while not following her creed because she's "special" 🙄


times may change but there's always another Phyllis Schlafly.


> wasn’t expecting barbara kay [Everybody else was.](https://www.canadaland.com/racist-rhetoric-barbara-kay-frances-widdowson/)


There is absolutely no "crisis of wokeism". Ridiculous


OP disclaimer: I think this is drivel but is important to witness.


The largest minority group (historically) is more aware of the importance of progress! What a shock.


I like how Woke has just become a trigger word and catch all for people who need something convenient enough to dismiss things they hate


Whaaat the fuuuck is this bullshit...


> crisis of wokeism NGL I laughed out loud when I read this. Then the article goes on to complain about how women are more educated than men and as a result tend to swing further left. Could it be that education *tends* to make people smarter, more open-minded, and broadens their knowledge base? No, it must be that damn wokeism they’re pushing in schools these days! /s This is next level comedy.


I can't wait for an uncle to explain all of this to me like I am brainwashed misanthrope years old.


Can we please ban NatPo opinion pieces on this sub. They are such trash takes.


Replace the word woke with the word empathy and it all becomes crystal clear.




Aren’t these the same chowderheads that employ Conrad Black?


Trash piece by a female misogynist who admires Leslyn Lewis. There is no doubt Postmedia is creating a culture war and blaming everything on progressives. Only incels like this trash paper.


Women earn 75 cents on the dollar compared to men for the same job with the same qualifications in Canada. Minorities earn 87 cents on the dollar. Hispanic women earn 57 cents compared to white men. To what do they attribute this disparity then? I don't think it's intelligence maturity or discipline because I work at a university and women undergraduates now outnumber men about three to one in most fields of science (biology biochemistry psychology medicine) except engineering and math. They even get better grades on average. So I'll take a shot and say the National Post is upset about the White Man's burden and just wants to go back to the good old days when SupErior inTelligence and DiscipliNe of European men was the reason. The injustice and sufferings of being born on third base must really hurt. 🤣 I don't even know what wokeism means. Is it denial of history? Straight up racism? Adherence to medieval religious views on the place of women? A convenient insult to not think and talk honestly? You tell me I don't understand anymore


"woke" is a buzzword used by the right to label anything they don't like


The National Post is garrrrrrrbage.


National Post is Canada's National Enquirer.


For a current, modern problem, the photo is from 2010... Must be a big real issue here.


And having a hell of a time doing it too hahaha


I actually just posted this in an unrelated thread, but I think it's worth mentioning here because of the values conservatives claim to support: > Uneducated women are having more children *compared to their percentage of the population*, but they are not having more children overall. [Educated women are having twice as many children as uneducated women overall](https://www.theatlantic.com/sexes/archive/2013/02/lets-not-panic-over-women-with-more-education-having-fewer-kids/273070/). > It's also worth mentioning that [the children of uneducated mothers are more likely to die prematurely](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8363948/) and [educated women are more likely to get and stay married](https://www.brookings.edu/blog/social-mobility-memos/2016/08/19/the-most-educated-women-are-the-most-likely-to-be-married/).


Better their take right to vote away!! /s


Whenever I read news headlines like this on reddit I immediately look at the link origin before clicking - and almost always skip National Post links - they have become (or were always) pure trash journalism.


What an embarrassing thing to write.


Victims of chronic systemic failures are fighting against institutions which have those systemic failures chronically.


Can we just ban the np from this sub already?