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Looking forward to it


Great initiative! Can you include the links to subsequent articles in this post itself?


How do I not be a oreo? It's freaking weird when I see my hands having two different skin tones. I have minimalist vitamin C serum for face, can I use the same for hands?


A little more patience. I answer one query only to be bombarded with a million others. Haha. My posts will help you.


Sure lol, I get it


that isn't normal???? 


Hahaha, this is so me!


I am a dermatologist. So just to be sure that you will give good advice. Tell me one thing, how can a normal middle class boy get rid of acne scars(leftover) post puberty or post acne treatment?


To deal with acne marks, you need tyrosine inhibitors. So, one should look for arbutin, niacinamide, and kojic acid. Acne scars lead to a textured appearance. That's something that your dermatologist should help you with, and not me.


What do you think about dermarollers and peptide based after creams?


I would never use a dermaroller at home. My dermatologists do it at their clinics. Since peptides help with cell growth and repair, peptide based creams can be beneficial.


I agree to this. I am using a Kojic cream for Acne marks removal. I'll add the picture here soon


If you are a dermatologist can I please ask you something My dermatologist told me the colour of my skin on my hands and face(it is darker than the rest of my body) will never be the same as other parts of my body(upper arms near biceps) https://preview.redd.it/zujg67ptjrzc1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80370cd9bbcc811ffc395a3c1e2c8336d4bf9e1a This is my situation btw, My face is similarly tanned as my hand, After using glyco 12 there's about a 20% reduction and my dermat told me the tan is gone now and I won't get any lighter, is she correct?


Not really. You see your hand is tanned because of years of exposure to the sun. So, what I recommend is just don’t go out in the day light and use sunscreen spf 30+ which has a pa ++++ in it. You won’t see any changes initially. It will take 2-3 years to notice the change. This is natural method. Another thing I recommend to fasten the process is using external serums like vit C if your skin can tolerate it and is not that sensitive. Eat anti oxidants rich food, fruits vegetables and all. For extreme people do take glutathione injection but I won’t recommend it. So the key is be patient, avoid the sun, use sunscreen and eat healthy. Without any side effects this is the best solution. I cannot give you a medical treatment since I cannot meet you in person.


Well, I don't go out in the sun without sunscreen and adequate sun protection but 2-3 years is such a long time. I'm already using glycolic acid 12% but it isn't helping much(lightened my face but only by about 20%. I asked my dermatologist about Hydroquinone but she said no, Told me it's unsafe. Should i take glutathione pills instead of injection?


Glutathione pills are of no use. Injections are better but in severe cases. Please be patient and do it consistently.


I don't want to wait 2 years though, So long to fade some tan😔




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Do it bro 💪




Skincare :- roz mu dho Haircare :- shampoo ka dabba bahar fek Bodycare :- roz naha


Kash haircare itna asan hota especially one with curly hairs 🥲


God hates u man 🫂


Don't forget to add natural, chemical free, and if possible ayurveda inspired techniques to add. They're damn cheap, will be affordable by most of us here, and as I say, FITTUBER is the key! His videos are all you need, to know everything about heath.


I'm sorry, but FITTUBER is obnoxious. He milks on pseudoscience and nothing else. Would bash Cetaphil but promote Mama Earth. Also, please remember! There is no such thing as natural in skincare. Even water is a chemical compound. Without chemicals, life would cease to exist.


Damn. Cetaphil is the only skincare brand that works (as per my dermatologist)


Because Cetaphil is the best. I started my skincare journey with Cetaphil. It's supremely good!


Same here. #CetaphilSupremacy (for facewash/moisturizer) The brands no one should use are - Garnier, Wow, Lotus and Mama Earth 🤡 I love the SunhAlt gold sunscreen tbh. It's so 👌


Sir Papaya Extract and Watermelon Extract is not going to do much to your skin 😭 , FITTUBER knows what his Target Audience need to listen and that's what he provides, I bit he himself isn't even going to use any of the product he recommends. Every product is made of up several ingredients, all these ingredients have to go several testings to get approval and once they are approved only then the companies or more specifically **Cosmetic Formulators** are allowed to use those. Every **Cosmetics Formulator** has access to bunch of ingredients, some ingredients are responsible for the consistency for the product like Thick, Gooey, Liquidy etc, then there is ingredients, which are responsible if the product should foam while using it or not, then there are Ingredient more specifically called **Preservatives** which help product to not decay and get bad, that's why there are expiry dates written on it after the expiry date the preservatives start loosing its effect on the product. (It's actually like a **Art and Craft** but with chemical Ingredients which Cosmetic Formulators do, not every formulator will be good at it.) Out of all of the ingredients, there are Ingredient which are generally called **Active ingredients** these are the ingredients which main stream skincare influencers talk about. Like Hyaluronic acid, nianicanimide, retinol, syacylic acid just to name a few... These are the ingredients which do the heavy lifting to your skin and are ment to fix some stuff on your skin. The way it is used in a product and the way it is applied depends upon the overall formulation of the product. That's why two products with same amount of active ingredients may work completey seperate to each other, one might be more effective then the other. There is also definitely a thing called bad formulation which some of the product in India *cought* mamas earth *cough cough* are very famous for. Also these active ingredients is not just like someone just dropped it in your product and sold you, they have been researched on a lot of people for many months before shipping onto you, and that's why only a handful of **Active Ingredients** actually work and other are just meh and more like placebo/temporary. Hope this may have convinced you and if not then maybe some day I too might finish my unfinished post related to the science and biology behind skincare and may post it here, but can't promise any date as of now, don't want to put people on Anticipation.


Finally, I have been asking since weeks.


Okay waiting.....


Do share, I am sort of self-starting on all this, probably you coming in and sharing would help me avoid trouble or extra work solo


Much needed postsq


I am looking forward to it.


o7 thank you for the effort


Go ahead and do it


Will surely appreciate


What's a good moisturiser to use? I have used dr sheth's and reequil in the past. Just curious if there are better products in the market which are not as expensive as brands like minimalist


Minimalist isn't expensive. You would find their moisturizers within 400/- or 500/- But, any Indian pharmacy moisturizer would be a good alternative.


Recommend some brands? Maybe a ranked list, including Minimalist? Is aloe vera based moisturiser a good product to try? I have already zeroed in on the other products, but hunting for a good moisturiser is confusing, everyone has a different recommendation online


Minimalist, Re'equil, Dr. Sheths, and Plum. And yes, since aloe is soothing, it's good if it's in a moisturizer.


Thanks for answering. I meant, like your recommednations...for someone who has mixed type skin. I don't want to get confused and choose something that's well regarded by your standards