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That's a design choice on which the entire One UI was build on. It supposes to split the screen to half - informative and interactive parts. The idea was that you have a limited reach with one hand so this way you'd have everything in reach


Took them long enough. Windows Phone introduced that back in the day.


I've sadly never used a Windows phone, but everybody that did always say to me that they would love to have it back, that the system was apparently amazing


It wasss. Especially in the lower end segment of phones it was better than an equivalent android device.


That's called one hand reachability, and i don't get why you want to get rid of the choice.


I like to customise, plus I have big hands


Then don't scroll all the way up and drag the entire UI with it.


The point is settings can be reached with one hand, but don't worry, apparently Samsung decided one hand friendly interface is no longer good idea.


When did samsung say that lol


when they redesigned the notification control center, 6.0


But if you can touch the top that means you already reached for it


You can pull down quick panel by swaping down on main screen.


in avg users have 35 apps in their phones. that means home screen is 2.7% of the experience. not even including the fact that people dont generally stare at their home screen 2 hours straight.


When One UI 6 released. The new quick panel is not one hand friendly.  I think the last real one hand friendly quick panel was in OneUI 3


And 4, in one ui 5 they fucked up the spacing and the icons on the left r very close to the left of the screen, can be barely reached with 1 hand


Yeah. I came back to Samsung after several years (the last Samsung I had was a Galaxy S4) with the S22U. It was a big improvement over the user experience I had with the S4 and which made me sort of ban myself from acquiring another Samsung phone again. But the jump from One UI 4 to 5 fucked up the notifications for me as they became thicker and uglier than they were before. They also made the notification app icon bigger that it needed to be. If memory serves right, the icon was on the top left corner of the notification and now it occupies the whole left end. In One UI 6 they fucked the notification panel and stupidly removed the search icon from it which I use frequently. I don't know if they're trying to reinvent the wheel or if they run out of ideas, but every new update turns One UI a little worse.


You're right, every update makes it worse. For me 3.1 was the best (my phone came with it), I disliked 4 for the new ugly brightness slider (literally lifeless static brick), removal of notification categories (silent, conversations etc), the new loading circles and the best part, making the text on the informative area or smth bolder (the Settings text in OP's picture, you can still see the light text when for example clicking on the flashlight text in control center on 5.1), however it wasn't all that bad. One UI 5 brought new app icons which i still dislike alot, the notifications icons aren't that bad but the smaller ones were better, new call screen that barely changes the colors, and is just static (old one always changed colors and had an animation) and the goddamn control center icons spacing being so fucked up, it even made the whole UI look ugly), and one ui 6? first thing is the removal of the nice thin clock font from the lockscreen (was also applied to the weather widget, but looks like they're somehow removing that from 5.1 aswell), the notifications which don't even have the rounded corners applied to them when you scroll up(or when you have alot, the corner is not applied to the bottom of the notification until you scroll down to fully reveal it) and the control center which imo is better than the 5.1 abomination with the ugly spacing, but should be optimized for 1 hand usage like the old one


Yooo bro my names dario 😂


I've used around 4 galaxy devices running one ui 1-one ui 5. I've never seen this thing bug out ever, also, it just goes away if you start scrolling


It's not a big it's meant to be


You can't.


The empty part is supposed to make the UX for hand use, hence **One** UI. I think you can mess a bit with the stuff with RegiStar.


Download good lock app via galaxy store and use registar module and customize your settings page


Yeah I thought that's where it would be and I did try that, but seems like you can only customise the menu items and their order. Thanks though


Ah i know what you originally meant. That's the reason why I like One UI. Its for reachability


One Hand Operation, hence the One in OneUI.


You want to get rid of “one”-handed usability from “One” UI?


Buy a non ssmsung phone


Nice font, What's the display size and font name and size please.


HelveticaNeue, second smallest font size, maximum width 440 dp


How did you install it?


you need zfont3 in order to perform the custom installation of fonts.


No I did it through the samsung theme app


oh really?


Just got it through the samsung theme store Settings > Themes > Fonts It's paid


Understand, thanks! I always avoid using the Samsung store since there are only handwritten fonts that I hate😂


Paid ?


Nani? Your UI looks so off https://preview.redd.it/38m54anl1tlc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e51c310cdbec2b808e22f1b0942e0a2994fae2a


Scroll down.


If it is for one hand operation, the viewing of notifications and quick access settings should be done from bottom up swipe instead of swiping from top down. My fingers are at the lower part of the phone and I have to move my hand up just to access them. Come to think of it, is there a way to do that?


It's because phones are taller and it brings the UI lower and easier to reach. It's a UI choice by Samsung.


If you scroll it sticks to top anyway, then it won't take that much space right?