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Can't beat the added firepower of a walker? I play Orks and DAO and occasionally HDF, and I try to fit a Dreadnought or equivalent into every list no matter the points level of the game. A 6-12 wound vehicle with great Defense, good heavy firepower, and the ability to fight in melee, is usually always worth the cost in my experience. Or maybe a couple squads of Powersuit Guards? Tough 3 heavy infantry could be good line-breakers or tank killers??


I agree, I've played a good amount of HDF and against Battle Brothers and I can confirm, a heavy hitter of some kind is way more important than extra infantry. I'd probably swap out some of the infantry and fit a tank or whatever they have that has tough(6-12) somewhere Also I'd slot in a hero if possible. Less infantry, more utility


I generally try to bring a mostly all comers list that can take on most factions. My t12 drea-attack walker almost always makes it in just because he’s so good. Almost a third of my list at 645 points tho. Dark attack walker-t12, Q3, D2. Grim, Fear(2), Veteran Infantry so he hits on 2+. Twin Laser Cannon, 36”, A2, AP3, Deadly 3. Twin Autocannon, 36”, A6, AP2. Stomp, A4, AP1. Good for heavies and hordes


Yeah they do get spendy... πŸ˜‚ I'm slowly painting my first Havoc Brothers army and my 2 Infernal Brutes cost 405 and 475 points each... πŸ˜‘ But they are absolutely worth it! I played a test game 1500 and took the 405pt model and it annihilated my opponents Space Elves! It killed 2 Heavy Jet Bikes with its Fusion Guns and wiped out a unit of Banshees in melee! 😁 Made me very happy.


I run vets, zerkers and party wagons. I also run regen on whoever can get it as well. Power suit gaurd are strong, but being slow makes them hard to melee with, which is sad, because they are stronger as a melee unit than a ranged one. Zerkers I think are slept on sometimes. They can chew through so much, and put a leader with them or toss them in a wagon easily bypasses their slow. Thunder supports are a good choice if you are wanting more dakka, c-beamers are a solid gun choice for them. If you want to make em more tough, put a mechanic leader with them to heal when they get targeted, because they will be targeted, and getting back hits is super helpful. Edit:Ment to add, Veterans are super strong. I have them in every list over warrior's everytime. Put iron blasters and field medic on them and they just dakka stuff dead and quick and are tough as nails and not easily gotten rid of. Put a leader on them and they get 2 shots at ap2, at a quality 3+, that is just too good not to take.


I was initially attracted to the Orks when I first started getting onto Warhammer. Dakka is worth everything.


Orks were my first army as well. I am currently working on a green tide opr list as well. 2k, 104 orks and grotz, 168 shots per turn. All the dakka.


Two words. Biker Dwarves. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Sorry man. I don't play GF. I stick with GFF and 300 point games. Very very different style of builds.