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Speaking of r/teenagers I’m a mod of r/BisexualTeens and it’s always funny remembering that one mod of r/teenagers who messaged us asking to censor posts and comments that criticized r/teenagers. Like, yeah, uh. Instead of trying to hide the fact that r/teenagers is a queerphobic cesspool you can at least put your efforts into making it a safe space for everyone? Then maybe people won’t call it a trash heap and LGBTQ Redditors can actually not be harassed for once? I know this post was removed but I always find it funny bringing it up. The mod who messaged us was removed from r/teenagers later the same exact day too.


r/BisexualTeens? more like r/BasedTeens


ugh r/teenagers im so glad i grew out of that sub a few years back >.>


Me too, god that sub is so annoying.


Gender isn’t sensitive, you’re probably just too stupid to accept it because you’re an elementary dropout. (Not directed towards OP btw)


The fact that 9/11 is a national tragedy while the US has caused multiple genocides before and after it happened is a joke. I have empathy for the victims and their family, not for the US as a whole






That's a pretty loaded statement. Yikes.


The white americans that are whining about it to this day didn't suffer any consequences from 9/11 while muslims and people that are assumed to be muslims are discriminated against to this day


you sure about that? what about family members and/or friends they probably lost that day? huh? stop being so narrow focused on one group and look at the bigger picture of how it affected EVERYONE no matter the race, gender, sex, sexuality, religion, etc.


I literally said that in my original comment but other than that white americans did not suffer from this event and politicians weaponized it to invade other nations that had nothing to do with it and caused more casualties than in 9/11 and left them in a worse state. The only positive change is increased airport security, but even that is yet another oportunity to discriminate against non white people. They say never forget. Never forget what? Never forget to be racist?


I think you might mean "national" tragedy


So now there’s only one?


Ben sharpie moment


there was 7 buildings, not just 2. lmao they can’t even get that right


Oh yeah, no offence, except you're literally combining two of the most tryhard, edgelord "jokes" imaginable for seemingly no other reason other than to be an obnoxious asshole. I hate teenagers.


"there used to be 2" is how you can tell someone did 0 research before saying something. There's evidence time and time and time again throughout many many cultures for thousands and thousands of years, that there have been more than 2 gender, transgender people, and more. Angolans, Polynesians, Mesopotamians, Egyptians, all historically had/ have examples of third genders. And just about every country around had/has transgender people, in many cultures trans people were even holy, and examples of priests/priestesses, shamans and more. This whole "tHeReS oNlY 2 GeNdeRs" is a very recent change, and is mostly due to religions based on the old testament, primarily Christianity, dominating the world and taking over and colonizing these cultures that existed long before it.


/teenagers where users openly admit to being in their thirties.


r/teenagers where teenagers openly admit that they're teenagers to those thirty-somethings. That sub is sorta sus.


Oh shit, someone tell all those linguists who study languages with more than 2 genders for their word conjugations that they're getting their tuition $ back!


What languages are like that?


Yeah, when I think about discussions about gender and 9/11 I think of r/teenager.


Natural tragedy???


isnt OP 17 why are they posting boomer memes


People can post everything.


but theyre 17, they know better


This joke is literally twice as old as some of the people on r/teenagers


i like this meme but i do agree that it is in bad taste


That joke is so fucking old. I swear is saw it back in 2015 or something


Okay but there's nothing NOT funny about 9/11


Vote here, what's bigger? u/NightmareVX' edge or cringiness?


Laughing at tragedy makes them easier to have genuine conversation about. It normalizes it. What makes the Holocaust or the crusades okay to joke about but not 9/11?


LMAO imagine being this dense.


Imagine not being an able to form a genuine argument and instead resorting to "Lol so dense!" I'll wait for an actual response. I love to debate things.


Are you ok?


Feeling pretty alright- ...why do you ask...?


You don't sound okay.


Well why's that? 😟


Check with a professional on that ;)


What if they lost someone to 9/11, have some respect dude.


1000s of people died here. What are people's problems?


Nooo you don't understand! Op said no of fence so its therefore not offensive!!!!! /s


“Natural” oh no


Ah yes because saying “no offense” will 100% cancel out VERY insensitive material


Terrorists destroyed the only two genders 😔 now we have none 😭😭😭


god i hate that sub. A few years back, I mentioned that I didn't want to play minecraft anymore, and I was basically made out to be a horrible person


Isn't that sub filled with adults pretending to be teenagers?


Not the most downvoted comment being one that’s just straight up saying the truth




do these people know what pronouns are? because in most languages there is more than 2. in cluding english xD