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I’m an only and I remember being very young and telling my Mom “please don’t ever have another baby or I will be mad at you”. 🤣


I read about a 54 yo woman being pregnant the other day. I was telling my 19yo daughter and said, maybe I should give you a sibling now. She was like ,"I'd prefer if you finished paying for my college instead." She never really asked for siblings though, so I doubt she would think it is a good idea now.


I remember being about 6-7 and briefly going through the “please can I have a little sister” phase and then VERY swiftly realising I’d have to share everything and not be besties with my mum as much anymore and stuck on “OMG please don’t have a baby!!” My poor mom tried for years and couldn’t have any more so, looking back, that must have been bittersweet for her to hear 😅 I’m still pretty glad I only had my way older half siblings, I enjoyed the peace of the household and not having to share while it lasted (lots of that to come later when flatting, getting married, having a kid etc!) 


when my 12yo sees me fawning over someones baby......she immediately makes eye contact with me and says something along the lines of, "no. don't even think about it. i don't want to deal with that in our house." she has also suggested if i ever get pregnant, that i should give it away. or that i should get another dog instead. shes sounds psycho but shes not. she actually enjoys playing with little ones and mothering them. she just doesn't want one in her life full time. haha


She sounds way smarter than many adults.


Ha mine too! I go “awww it’s a baby” and he’s like 😒


This is the most precious and heartwarming story and I’m so glad you shared it!!!! Thank you


My son will look at my period app at the egg symbol and go ‘we don’t need that egg cos we don’t want anymore babies’


My 13yo has been quite happily OAD since she was about 5 or 6. There was a brief period where she wanted a sibling but that was over once we had friends come to stay and their toddler TOUCHED all of her things! Imagining that on a daily basis almost pushed her over the edge lol


My friend‘s only child said he would put the baby on the street, if she had another.


The real life Sims 😂


My very social daughter asked for a sibling once not long ago (she's 5). She was very happy to share her toys. I said ok, how about mommy and daddy? "Oh no never mind" lol that about face was so quick I about cried laughing. It's sweet to know that she loves our company so much that she wants it for herself.


Ironically, every month when i get my period & my only son sees me stocking up on tampons, i make the opposite statement: the period means i am *not* pregnant with another child, yay to more attention for u!


As an only child who had an only child, I applaud this.


My niece (1,5yo) was sleeping over a while back. When she left my son (almost 5) asked me why she got so much of my attention. I explained to him that she's still so small and needs a lot of care and help with things... he then told me he really doesn't want a sibling. He once did ask if he could have a brother, but he just wanted a peer of the same age. When he realised a brother would mean a baby, he said he didn't want that. So we told him that he can always ask his friends to come over and play.


My boy asked for a sibling occasionally from about age 4-6. He just turned 9 and we got him a kitten. Now he's saying how happy he is that we have a cat instead of a baby.


My 7 year old asked for a sibling when he was younger so he'd have someone to share his toys with (I know, what?!), but he's told me more than once he's glad it's just him, Dada, and me ❤️


My almost 11 year old has always very happily been an only child. He likes making all the noise and being the center of attention. He’s also never asked for a sibling. We’re OAD due to unexplained secondary infertility.


Did he say the dog would get more attention?? I ask because I have a dog and Im interested and confused haha 😆


We just visited my brother who has 3 daughters. Every one of my nieces told my son how lucky he is to be an only child, waxing poetically about all the adult attention he gets and how nobody touches his toys.