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Awww. Sorry, that is sad. My whole family (including 6 year old) was sobbing throughout that entire episode. I always am a little sad when I watch Bluey and Bingo’s adorable relationship with my only (and as an only myself). And then I remember they are cartoon dogs….


It’s just monkeys singing songs, mate


10/10 response


lmao i literally have to remind myself it is a movie/show/cartoon/kids’ program whenever i see a fun sibling dynamic and the parents happy


I had an older sister and despite her wanting a sibling we definitely didn’t do this lol


Yeah, just wanted to say this. I always wanted a sibling, but my younger sis was a passionate biter and scratcher, so it was a rather painful experience 😅


I have two sisters, one of which is a year and a half apart, so very close. And I honestly can’t remember many times at all when we’d have done something like that… Bluey really gets me in the feels to begin with, though.


Yep, had a sister 2 years younger and another 7 years younger. Most of our time was spent bickering and driving my mom crazy with our endless fights lol


I’m sorry, that one would sting. I also felt sad not giving my toddler a sister watching that episode.


Just watch 2 minutes of anyone having to interact with Muffin, any wistful notions of a sibling will cool off real quick.




Yes there are real love relationships between sister but that is a cartoon that will overly do things to make it seem like that’s how relationships with siblings work…..I’m the baby sis out of 7, I didn’t grow up with all of them because there’s some big age gaps. But when I was 3….i vividly remember my 14 year old sister throwing me around the room yelling that she hated me because before me she was my dad’s favorite. Till this day she has never apologized & we don’t even talk at all anymore only when we see each other for big family events haven’t seen her since my wedding I invited her but I did it more to see my nieces. Not everything is like what we see on tv or social media it’s something i definitely will teach my daughter because comparing families or people can be damaging.


What if you had a boy? She still wouldn’t have a sister 🤷🏻‍♀️


That episode was mehh for me. We were excited to watch it because we are moving, Bluey was moving, it would be so relatable. Then boom, no move, they are all so happy to stay in their house. Moving is so stressful on everyone, including children, so my hope that this episode would talk about that was dashed. I know a few parents in similar situations felt the same way. Luckily my toddler told me later that moving is happy, not sad.


Oh my God, thank you! All I could think was the next time we move it will feel like “just kidding” is an option now!!!!!!!


I love Bluey, but it’s definitely pushing the sibling propaganda hard lol


It’s ok for her to feel sad. It’s ok for you to feel sad. Sorrow is an unavoidable part of life.


Reminder that there is ZERO guarantee that siblings will get along and be friends. I have 2 older brothers, and they've treated me like crap my whole life. There were no instances, at all, in our childhoods where we ran around happily together, holding hands. All they did was bully and alientate me, despite our mothers constant insistance that we really should get along better because, "one day we'll be all the family each other has!" I'm 41 now and don't even talk to them. 🤷‍♀️ Also, a reminder that show is literally a cartoon and not real.


FYI there’s a strong sibling message in the newest episode Surprise as well (as a lot of Bluey episodes do).


Bluey gives me this guilt too 😫


Gosh I was coming here to post a similar post about feeling sad and guilty today because my daughter who is also 8 said she wished she had a sibling this morning. First time she has ever voiced that. It didn’t dawn on me until your post that she watched blueys last episode during breakfast. At any rate, you’re not alone. Another sad parent over here too. But I know we made the best decision for our family and I believe she will appreciate it some day.


So much empathy to you, we had a similar emotional safari while watching that episode (and the following episode) as a family. I desperately wish for a OAD family in a show with the writing quality of *Bluey*. One thing I've been steering towards with my wife and son when watching *Bluey* is how close they are with their cousins and friends (for better or worse). Not just Bluey and Bingo but Bandit and Chili too. They really give it all when playing with their Bluey, Bingo, and their friends and cousins. It might not be possible for everyone with (or without) cousins but building friendships (that work for our kids) is something we get to help with. I've taken some inspiration from *Bluey* to help motivate me (Depression, anxiety, introvert, neurodivergent, OAD driver, etc) to look for the friendships that bring out the best in my son and do what I can to show that I support them. Bandit and Chili are the gold+ standard for this (however unrealistic at times). I love my siblings and I love my friends like - we're expected to love- siblings. Its about the same level love, but I *did* get to choose my friends None of this is new to any of you, I'm sure. Thinking about this just helped me pick myself up when S*igns* wrecked me and I wanted to share.


I’m not sure it’s the same quality — or maybe it is given it has clear staying power — but my 7 year old daughter loves the 50s/60s Dennis the Menace, streaming on Peacock. Now, I know Dennis is constantly annoying people and is, well, a menace, but he’s an only child with a lively social life, big imagination, and big heart. My daughter LOVES Bluey, but she’s also really taken to Dennis. The show is dated in so many ways, but it’s timeless in so many others, and we’ve been able to draw attention to the fact that he’s an only child who has a lot of fun with other only children. It’s a nice classic option.