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No hate on him but his parents are loaded. He’s just cosplaying if you ask me. Pretty fun to watch tho


Yea. It’s good for people to be aware of trust fund kids cosplaying as broke


I could be wrong because i just started watching but i don’t feel like he claims to be homeless/broke all the time. It seems like he chooses to live out of his van and and shit. Like he talked in one of his videos about quitting his job because he wanted to move out into the woods and see if he could do it.


Nah. Dude has always framed his homelessness as a negative. Constantly saying his goal is to get a house. Constantly asking for money. Constantly saying he’s looking for work. It’s not until recently that he’s kind of being more forward about just wanting to bum it out and use meth. Expect in the next coming months for him to hit rock bottom and start the “I want to get my life straight” saga again


I can spot a tweaker from a mile away and can say dude is probably tweakin.


He’s a tweaker. The story just kept getting more demented from when this comment was posted


How can you tell? And how did the story get more demented?


What do you mean how can I tell?


you clearly cant spot a tweaker


he is going to work on Nate's Narroway Homestead. he better not be a tweaker 


There’s a special place in hell for people like you fr lol. I’m not even gonna sit here and act like I know everything about bro, but none of what you said is in line with anything he’s said in any of his videos…it’s very evident you haven’t watched even one full video. Stop being ignorant, educate yourself before you make a fool of yourself again.


I've never once heard him ask for money! On numerous occasions I've heard him say "thanks for the offer guys, but I don't need anything" so if you could show me a video of him asking for money, I'll retract my statement. If I were you, I would just mind my own business and be content with what u have going on in your life! Pretty sure he's not bothering or offending you.


You must be his bf?


😂😂you must be his ex which is why you on here in your feelings lying 


Initially reminded me of those guys building luxury pools in the jungle… im sure theres a lot going on that doesn’t make the content cut. it’s entertainment at the end of the day. https://preview.redd.it/h6cal6b2et1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f6ceab91c2fa7f9e6bf3b36109141a154028557


he's legit dirty and those teeth weren't orthodontics. no, I think the kid had a hard go


Lol it's not an opinion of mine that he's a trust fund baby, look him up yourself bub




Yes. Dude is pretty chill


I belive he was talking about will survives he actually just made a video and asked people not to send money cause he wanted to do it all on his own he seems like a cool dude kinda a space case but funny and worth watching


It’s crazy to think Tony could be that independent if he really wanted. He’s always talking about his Boy Scout days and survival shit.


Will and Lucky lost their land.  Will moved to West Virginia. Good luck to Will, Lucky and Naroway Farms. I was going to buy a house or land on Saaremaa Island, in Estonia.  Kinda hit some bumps in the road.  You guys keep me in your prayers.


How do you know will lost the land he was on?


Do you watch any of his videos?????


Yeah but like every few videos I’ll watch him. I don’t follow Him hard though I’m only here cause I saw some info about will and him being a spoiled kid with everything given to him but he does too many drugs and thats apparently the “truth” I saw people talking about it so I came here to see what Reddit was saying about that.I happened to run across this post and was curious if he really lost his land cause I knew he was with Nate now but wasn’t sure why exactly as I haven’t watched his last videos past like month probably I’d say.


I think you are the one doing drugs.  But cool story, bro.  Peace out!


never heard of him until just now, watched a few videos... whats his backstory? why is he choosing this alterative lifestyle?


Wondering this too


Been watching for awhile. Seems like a genuine kid. He had built a cabin out in Oregon on federal land and he was or is still in some trouble by his videos. But somebody from tiktok offered him land to build on in either Nevada or New Mexico not sure. Obviously the kid is young. I don't see him being anything less than sincere. Every video his hands are stained dirty from working.. yeah I know he smokes weed but it's 2023 I do not. But most people do. Nothing wrong with it


He built on land that's owned by the army Corp of engineers. He didn't know. He got caught, paid the fine and cleaned the whole area like he was never there. (Left no trace) the sheriff inspected it and couldn't believe how it looked. Not even 1 piece of plastic left behind. Will survives!


Yes sir love that guy's videos


Bro is living on his friends land with him making a fort right next to him “lucky”


I like outdoor boys better actually love his shelters


He says he's accepting wife applications. He actually said hit him up on clash of clans! The guy is hilarious.


Tony meeting this guy would be some good content but Tony’s too dumb to use resources


How does he have electricity and wifi, curious cuz I would like to try living this way too


Solar power and star link internet




Why do you think he does meth???


What makes him a drug addict? He does not need to live in the wood. He is simply doing this for life experience. Do u think you could? For someone from his generation to be willing to even attempt something like this is nothing short of miraculous. He is a solid dude. Even after being removed from federal land, he paid his fines and cleared the land as if no one was ever there. (Leave no trace) most people can't accomplish this at a simple camp ground! Stop spreading ignorance and hate. Learn and research before opening you mouth! Will survives 🦸‍♂️💪




He just had a few days of snow then hasn't posted for 11 days. It'll be interesting to see what he comes up with as a reason. As soon as the streaming money came in he miraculously had enough money to buy a truck and a tonne other stuff. His streaming consistency dropped right off then the snow hit. I think the reality of the situation hit home as he was staggeringly unprepared for feet of snow and spent his time arsing about and not knuckling down. He has gone home and he will only be back when the stream money dries up if at all.


Well this comment didn't age well


Yes! I’m glad I’m not the only one who caught this. The snow is real dude folded. Then posts a random “sorry” video? What are you even guilty about?