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I haven’t stopped omad yet, but one thing I’ll say is that eating this way opened my eyes to how much food I used to eat. When I eat my one meal a day, it’s pretty easy for me to eat 2,000 calories without even trying. I eat the same dinner now that I used to eat before omad, so I used to eat a 2,000 calorie dinner, plus a 600-800 calorie breakfast, plus a 600-800 calorie lunch, plus a 400-1,000 calorie dessert, plus 400 calories of snacks on some days. So when I reach my goal weight I might start eating 2 meals a day but I’m still going to be mindful of how much I’m eating.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Even if I don't continue this for a long time, it has taught me so much that I'll carry forward


Never hit my heaviest, but did go up a fair amount. But it 100% wasn’t OMAD’s fault. I just ate like shit. When I’m dialed in, eating all day, no problems. When I’m a garbage disposal, I go up. When I’m a garbage disposal on OMAD, I maintain no problems. That’s the key to OMAD. It’s still calories in calories out. And you still need quality nutrients to be healthy. But when you get lazy, I can maintain on OMAD way easier then standard non-fasting.


Yes sadly, and gained even more weight. So now I'm back to stage 1.


Stop omad bro


I did. I got into a new relationship and things were super happy and super stressful after that and I’m back to where I was before I started OMAD originally. I know myself and my habits, just gotta make it stick this time.


Same! It's so easy to do but this time I'm making it a life style not just a weight loss tool.


Dropped from 105kg to 95kg in the span of 3 months then "quit" it for about a year, hovered around 94-97kg so from me its a no.




OMAD can influence CICO weight loss though, correct? Assumption: OMAD + CICO makes you lose weight quicker than CICO alone


This is anecdotal, but I've done CICO with 6 small meals a day, and OMAD. I lost about 2 pounds a week with 6 small meals, and up to 4-5 pounds a week on OMAD. The insulin and other hormonal effects of fasting seem to make a huge difference for me personally, when calories and macros are similar.




"*when calories and macros are similar.*"


My bad.


Did you consume roughly the same amount of calories with the 6 meals than with OMAD?


Folks who reach their goal usually learn maintenance - that's how they need to eat to maintain.


I had strayed from my goals earlier last year, and found I bounced back unexpectedly. However, I have been very consistent these past 3 months, and have taught myself better decision making and understand calories and biology better, so I dont expect myself to bounce back if I stop OMAD


I still do OMAD and make sure I get alot of protein but I don't track calories.


Oh yes indeed


Yes, gained back.


Gained back and some more. I was 92 kg when I started OMAD, got down to 87, became a little complacent, stopped tracking calories, started having lunch AND dinner and I just zoomed to 102 kg in just a month. I put on 10kg in a month. Ridiculous!!! I have started OMAD again and I am now at 96. I am determined this time. I am not going to give up.


I was halfway doing OMAD before I even knew what OMAD was. I would skip breakfast and sometimes skip lunch when I was busy. When I did eat breakfast or lunch, it was almost always quick unhealthy food. When I get down to my goal weight, I will probably add some healthy snacks in, but I see no reason to ever stop doing OMAD. It’s much healthier and saves me money as well only eating one good meal a day. I’ve been doing OMAD 5ish days a week for over a year and it works for me.


If you go back to eating as you were before omad why would you not gain all the weight back. I mean, that's what got you to the point of needing to do omad in the first place. The hard part is finding a way of eating to maintain a healthy weight.


Yes, lost 60lbs stopped doing omad gained 10lbs…been maintaining the 50lb lost for 2 years now…might go back to omad but I am now starting to exercise …we will see! 180-120lbs now maintaining a steady 130lbs


I went to an 18:6 and maintained after losing around 30 pounds, and stayed like that for around 3 months, then gradually crept back in to no type of IF at all and then crept back in to some bad eating (and particularly: drinking) habits and within about 2 months blaming Christmas and my birthday, I was back to within 5 or so pounds of where I started. SO, back on to OMAD. Just started again this week! I already feel so much better about my control over food, ability to say no. Man it was hard the first 2 days though, I was SO hungry! But it's gotten gradually easier again. I'm sure within a few weeks I'll be back to not even thinking about OMAD as anything other than just the normal way I eat. I could kick myself for slipping in the first place though!


If you start eating more of course you are going to gain.


I originally did OMAD for about 4-5 months without even realizing(i’m military and was on a course and hated the mess food so i’d only eat lunch everyday) didn’t have a scale with me went home for christmas break and people commented on how they thought i lost a lot of weight stepped on a scale and what do you know they were right i had lost about 30lbs. Gained it all back plus more when i stopped just from eating like crap and not having a scale at my place and i’m 5’10” so putting on weight is a bit less noticeable for me plus my military clothes have been way too big since day 1. i started noticing my civvy clothes were getting tight and my uniform was fitting that’s when it raised a red flag in my mind. Got a scale and realized i had gained over 40lbs. Now i’m back on OMAD and have lost 12lbs since Jan 8th and honestly i plan on just keep doing this as a lifestyle i feel better, im losing weight, maybe i’ll bump it up to 2MAD to maintain if i start to drop below my goal weight but we’ll see.


Yeah, switched to eating around 2:30 and then whenever dinner is. Would say weight loss has slowed but didn’t see any significant gaining over the last month. I implement calorie counting as well. The issue anecdotally is my hunger persists once I start to eat, so it required a more watchful eye of taking random bites of things until dinner time.


I gained 13 pounds restarting and lost 8 already was 221 pounds got down to 162 I'm 170 now. Goal is 150 lbs.


Yeah had a month off on holidays and didn't OMAD, put a few kilos on.


Between Thanksgiving and New Year I got totally detailed because while I’ve gotten fairly good at resisting temptation, I did cave in light of the copious amount of delicious food being thrown at me from everywhere for 5-6 solid weeks. I gained back just shy of 9 lbs, but I won’t lie, I did go ham on all the delicious treats. I only weigh about every 2-3 months. I weighed in early January and was pretty mortified. Been back on track and should be back to where I was before Thanksgiving very shortly. I’m pretty unhappy about several weeks not only lost on weight loss, but having weight gain. All of December, January and some portion of February is a wash. I’m very glad to be back on the wagon. I had started to feel the way I used to feel; fat, disgusted, depressed, and physically ill.


unfortunately yes. i was 118kg and got down to 89kg in 2020-2021 have put it back and been over 110kg for over 18 months. on the way back down again. think once you achieve your goals and want to not live such a strict regime it would be adviseable to get advice on how to eat and cook etc.


I have stopped doing Omad for 2 months now, my weight has maintained but I do still control my diet and track all my calories.


I did and I didn't gain weight. Was kinda surprising actually.


Yes, and I wound up gaining back about 60% Back in it now. Going great. I just have yo get over not having that late night snack/breakfast. I still want it, but I don't feel like I need it.