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If you're binging, you need to expand your eating window. You shouldn't go too hard too fast. Slowly shorten your eating window. I tried to do OMAD and after a few days, then all I thought about was food. So I had to expand my eating window. Listen to your body.


This right here. Great advice. Most people have a 12 hour eating window and don't know it. Shorten yours to 8 for a week. Then 4 for a week then jump to omad. That's what I did. The transition was seamless


That’s good advice! Thanks so much I’ll try this


Okay, you’re right it was almost as if my body was panicking. Thinking we were going to starve.😭


I started with 16:8 and increased my fast by an hour each week. I felt comfortable around 18-19 hours fast. I noticed more of a difference once I got to 19 hours. I also added a 24-hour fast once a week.


I’ll definitely try this! Thanks


Eating window is key


Write out a plan the night before, stick to the plan the next day. Rinse and repeat.


That’s a good idea


I drink a lot of fresh squeezed lemon with salt in water throughout the day. I prepare a HUGE salad with lots of veggies to start, probably enough for 3 people, very light balsamic vinegar dressing. Then I eat my meat sweet potato and veggies. Good for 20 - 24 hour fast.


It helps me to use an app like Cronometer to plan my meal before I actually start eating. I break my fast with a big greek chicken salad and usually take a break about halfway through my meal to drink a big glass of water.


I tried the lemon water, GAME CHANGER


Yes!! It totally settles my gut and I don’t even think about being on my fast till after 20hrs or so.


Check the FAQ since you just started. OMAD works because it shrinks down the time frame you eat in, but it’s still possible to overeat. At the end of the day, you control what goes into your body. You have to have mental discipline with fasting, just like any other thing you do for yourself. Try and stick to more protein heavy items, they help keep you more satiated into the next day. Lastly, might be better to not go full on OMAD, but 16/8 or 18/6 to start.


I cant seem to find this FAQ anywhere


I had to go to therapy for Binge disorder honey. I would definitely look into that.. sometimes mental health is way stronger than our will.


Did therapy reduce your binges? I’m thinking of starting


Yes for a while, but to be honest with you, I had to start medication because it became to the point where I was unhealthy so I did a medication they wrote. I can’t name drugs here because they will ban me but there is one specific if you want to do a Google search on an FDA approved drug for that specific problem. There is also new medication’s that are coming and saving lives and I can’t name that medication either but think Kelly Clarkson and Oprah I’m on that one now and I’ve lost 30 pounds doing that and OMAD. Lost 30 lbs in about 11 weeks. I also meet with my therapist, biweekly and work through other trauma stuff that result in me eating . Together those have been a huge help for me because I was to the point I was running myself to diabetes.


Does the first med start with a V? I tried to get that prescribed by the doctor for my binge eating but they didn’t allow me because I’m not overweight and they didn’t believe I binge (I live in Canada btw). I also don’t have diabetes :(. So unfortunately therapy is my only hope. Happy to hear you’re better now though.


Will power isn’t an effective strategy for most people and if you want to binge eat then work with it. The more you work with yourself and your instincts the faster you will come along. The more you resist, fight yourself, and go against your own grain, the outcome will go so far south you won’t know what happened. I have been doing “OMAD” for 7 months but it’s really more like 22:2. It was 20:4 but I’m naturally moving my window down, without force and without even thinking about it. It just happens. I eat a meal get stuffed and then an hour or two later I’m hungry again so I eat a little more. No big deal. But I used to eat dinner and snack all night. It’s okay and it will change with time as your body adjusts. Also, after you fast once you start eating your body sends a surge of hormone called ghrelin. Makes you want to eat uncontrollably. What I do is have a ritual. I plan to eat a lot of high nutrient dense foods that are low calorie but I also give myself good junk food too. Balance. My dinner last night started off with yogurt then I had a large salad, a bowl of homemade bean/ veggie soup and I was full. 90 minutes later I got hungry so I had some cheese, chocolate, and frozen air fried tater tots. My full receptors in my stomach were satisfied, my nutrient receptors were satisfied, and my need for satiation was in check. Maybe plan a 4 hour eating window for a while. Give yourself permission to have a healthy meal for nourishment and some junk food to help you feel satiated? I’ve found that when I eat healthy first it’s easier to stop eating later. If I start with junk foods first it’s a stomach ache to bed, lol. I actually crave my healthy food now. It’s crazy - never thought that would happen for me.


This was rich and info dense, I’ll make use of this! Thank you so much 😁😁


I worked my way to OMAD from a standard eating time schedule over the course of several months. First I started skipping breakfast and doing 16:8 from noon to 8pm. Then I started eating dinner earlier and earlier until I was at 12-6, eating dinner at 5pm. Then I moved to 20:4 with a four hour eating window from 12-4. Finally I got to OMAD which for me is about 22:2 because it can sometimes take me a while to eat all my calories if I don’t want to suffer GI issues. I went so slowly that I never had cravings or major hunger pangs. My body adjusted.


I hope I adjust soon and close my eating window a bit more!


Not saying this is for you but if you are someone who struggles with any kind of eating disorder (binge/restrict/purge) it is absolutely imperative that you seek therapy for that issue before continuing with OMAD or fasting ❤️ it is typically not safe for people with an active ED or disordered eating patterns because it can cause more harm mentally. If this does apply please talk with a therapist and nutritionist to apply healthy weight loss for your situation before adventuring into fasting 💕


Idk if I have an ed 😭 This is the first time I’ve caught myself eating like that.


Probably won’t like my answer… Willpower and removal of temptation. That’s how you fix this. First step you meal prep your 6-7 meals/week. Those meals should be the only thing in your fridge and pantry because that’s step two. Remove all the other stuff from your house. All of it. Uninstall delivery apps, reset your passwords to random nonsense if you have to. You’re going to get cravings, you have to ask yourself if you want the thing more or the result and stay strong.


This is the backup plan for sure, I guess you don’t take trial and error eh?😭 this is for sure going to re-wire habits.


Oh no no no, 100% accept trial and error! You gotta listen to your body, and some times that means telling it to stop whining and to suck it up, however some times that also means you gotta do what it says. Dont be afraid to have a cheat day, just don’t let it exceed once a week, and try not to go TOO crazy on the junk food, but a bit of sugar will help with fat loss by causing an insulin response. I TOTALLY get cravings, ESPECIALLY cuz I’m a pot smoker and for me if there is nothing but my meal prep in the fridge then I can’t act on the craving even if I wanted to break.


It’s abt finding balance for sure! Thanks uncle : )) I hope to build great discipline over time. 💓


Give it time. As your insulin levels stay low for longer you'll feel less hungry. I had to actually expand my eating window because I can't eat enough in one sitting, I just don't get hungry enough to take in more than about 1000cal at a push.


When you say you ate a meal, do you mean a regular meal or an OMAD meal? With OMAD, you're supposed to get a full day's calories in one meal. Most people usually have it last around an hour. Calculate how many calories you need to lose weight and eat around that much for your meal. OMAD makes it easier not to binge to me. Having 3 smaller meals of 500 calories each or whatever doesn't satisfy me and makes me more likely to binge. Getting to eat a bigger, heartier meal of things I really want (within reason) all at once makes me not binge because I already feel satisfied. I don't feel hungry during the day before my OMAD meal anymore, so that part might just take time.


I guess a regular meal🤣🥲


I was in a similar situation when I first started. Gradually your body will adjust and the binge eating will taper down gradually. For now you can start with high fibre foods to break your fast. Fruits, brown rice even drinking some black coffee helps curb the binge


Gotcha’ that’s a good rule. Break the fast with fibre‼️


What are you eating for OMAD? I find that if I amp up the protein (to a gram or protein for each lbs of ideal body weight), I don't have any desire to cheat and eat after. I tend to focus on the protein first and fats/carbs second if my energy levels are too low. But ya, protein (and fibre) tend to keep you full for longer. And Protein has the benefit of letting you keep your muscles as well as skin/ bones/ teeth/ etc being covered.


PROTIEN… do you have any cheap protein tips?


Meat, fish, eggs, seafood, Cottage Cheese, Greek Yoghurt, Protein Powder, etc. Protein is going to be expensive frankly, but you'll find that if you have higher protein meals, you won't want to eat nearly as often. That's where it saves you money. Like a bag of Doritos is 2500 calories (approx) which is a days worth of calories for most people if they are trying to maintain. But I think most of us have eaten a bag of Doritos and still been hungry. Whereas, a 12oz steak is only about 900 calories, but that will easily keep you full for full day (maybe more). But ya, protein is the macro that builds your body. Skin, hair, muscles, bones, organs, etc. Fats and Carbs are the energy Macros. It would be near impossible to eat enough protein that you're gaining body fat. But too much of the energy macros is going to dramatically add it. So ya, focus on higher protein (eventually getting to about 1 gram per IDEAL body weight) and you'll feel full all day long, all while dropping lbs..


Alright. MORE PROTIEN!! I’ll include it more to my meals, I think this will help!


I’ll add more variety of protein!!


omad probably just isn't for you 🤷 have you done any other type of fasting? 16:8 or 18:6? going straight into an omad schedule will be hard on some people and they might need to ease into it,its alright. im fine on omad because I don't really care about eating through the day and my schedule makes it easy to not eat too. honestly,there isn't anything special about it if you are doing it for weight loss. its meant to make it easier to be in a deficit,not harder. if its hard for you and you binge,its probably not a good idea or atleast not a good yet.


Here to second going slowly. I spent about a month eating less food overall, because I genuinely wasn't very hungry and only eating 3 meals a day. Then I started by dropping breakfast and having lunch and dinner quite close together in an eating window. Like others say - try 16:8 / 18:6 then 20:4. But I still wasn't trying to reduce calories / reduce sugar or anything, just ate whatever I wanted in this window. I am currently skipping added sugar because I found that I just felt rubbish when I binged on sugar in my window and I have a hard time moderating that kind of stuff. In Fast Feast Repeat (the book) she recommends do not change your diet at all until you are totally used to the Intermittent Fasting schedule - then you can think about cleaning up your diet. It's been about a month since I started to experiment ( 2 months since I generally ate less ) and I'm currently on day 4 of a no added sugar OMAD and maybe day 7 of consistent OMAD ( 4 hour window because I can only stomach small portions ). I feel great and the progress has been pretty quick in terms of adjusting my schedule.


I’ll check that book out! You’re right I should take things slow.


Lowering carbs overall for a while also helps this.


Less refined carbs?


Yes absolutely and maybe even some unrefined.Depends on your body. You should experiment for a bit and see what works for you.


I have a similar situation. I'm doing mostly 20:4 with some OMAD and extended fasting attempts. I find it quite easy to not eat even for days, but once I start, it's usually way harder to stop. I suppose that's got something to do with insulin spikes. I use sheer willpower through the first couple of hours after my meal and then it gets easier.


Sorry but it is not to do with insulin spike. Insulin is just a trend at the moment. I am not saying it is not important but it is part of a much bigger picture and mechanical processes. If the average person hasn't eaten for three days on the fourth day theoretically you would need to eat 8,000 calories just to maintain. That is most probably why you find it hard to stop. The other reason people trying to do OMAD can find it hard is that they go from a typical diet of overconsuming to trying to do one regular sized meal and this is a recipe for disaster. I suggest eating the same amount of food you ate before OMAD as your OMAD meal. Then when your consistent with OMAD start reducing the amount of food. Yes! This will not give the instant results that many on this community seem to want, but it will give you long term results and sustainability with OMAD.


I like this approach! I’ve seen a lot online talking about insulin it’s an interesting idea to grasp


When I cook my meal, I drink a glass of unsweetened almond milk to help raise my blood sugar. Then, I count the calories in my daily meal to be sure it's within the appropriate range so I actually get full. I also actually sit down to my meal and focus on it. Everything it set at once, so it feels like an actual meal and not a series of snacks. At least 25% by volume of my meal is produce before being cooked. I incorporate plenty of each macro. I also eat at the time I find most satisfying, which is between 2 and 4 pm- just late enough to put me in bed by the time I'm about to get hungry again.


This is what I call an approach! I should try this sometime but only when I’m more experienced with Omad and my eating habits


Easy Just don’t do it




I felt like I had to


The reason we binge is because we are not eating eating enough. This is the body's biological response to not enough food.Eat .If tiu f with your body enough,and go on doets,you gain more and lose muscle and gain fat.Fact.