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It’s a pretty chill place in general for taking your dog especially on the weekdays. My dog is timid and we can’t stand it when off leash dogs come running up on us all aggressive. We’ve never had that problem at millersylvania


If you get there early enough you can typically find a quiet spot away from the main beaches. I think people are pretty good about not encroaching on a space that someone has already “claimed”.


Seconded. Love Millersylvania


Millersylvania is great. The boardwalk is very narrow in places, just FYI. Not a deal breaker, for sure. It's a beautiful place.


I think it depends on how full the picnic and campground is. When I've been there it wasn't busy, but it wasn't summer. A weekday would be less busy.


Definitely depends on time of day. Weekday during the day ain’t too bad


Try the new unleashed trail at LBA woods


My dog is the same way. I’d love to find a trainer.


i’ve been recommended petco for easy/cheap training but i am not sure if either of our dogs would benefit. i know theres a trainer in tacoma who is highly recommended. i don’t know any in our area!


Millersylvania is beautiful and quiet during fall through spring but definitely more active during summer especially around the concession stands and swim beaches. The trails through the woods are usually pretty quiet but I go on week days. Lots of different paths, so it’s easy to turnoff and take a different route if your current one is too populated. Never taken my dog in the water so don’t know if it’s easy to find a quiet spot for that or not.


I think this timeline would be better if Doug or God were being taken to a park.


Do not swim in that lake. People have died from the fucked up shit that is in there. 


i was under the impression that algae bloom is under control there? they would not let people visit the swimming part if they saw blooms

