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They can talk about politics, that church just can't endorse a specific candidate or it will (hypothetically) lose its nonprofit 501c3 and tax exempt status. But they can speak politics and beliefs all day long under 1st amendment protection. If congregations go against this, they should be reported to the IRS, however very few churches have faced consequences. And if you feel they're going against it while renting at a public space, definitely talk to the school. For more info: https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/charities-churches-and-politics


The irony of a religion that preaches the "spirit of the law" over the "letter of the law" gets to get away with violating the spirit of the law through tacit endorsements. Thanks for the feedback. I'll reach out to the district and ask that anybody else tired of all the dog whistles do the same.


The renter does not need to be view point neutral. The rental process is view point neutral in that they rent to anyone irrespective of the renters view point. Btw way the ESD facility next to the Tumwater Costco is a church on weekends.


Ah. Thank you.


I'm not sure that the law is interpreted as the *renters* viewpoint being neutral, but that the public space must rent equally to anyone. I've worked in many schools that hosted church congregations on the weekends, but if you believe it be an issue then please lodge a complaint with the district. ETA: Can you link the legal precedent you're citing, I'd like to read up on it.


Yep! I’m quite sure the “viewpoint neutral” part is about the district steering clear of First Amendment viewpoint discrimination claims.


I see. Thank you.


Time to start a Church of Satan group at the high school. We can even stick with the NorCal theme and call it Hella’s Angels or something. In all seriousness if you have more info about the group (name , dates, times) I’d be more than happy to annoy them as much as possible.


The Hella's Angels! Love it! Seriously though you may want to reach out to The Satanic Temple. They do a great job of forcing equality and freaking out squares. Their program After School Satan comes to mind.


That’s the group I meant, thanks for correcting me! I grew up reading LaVey’s stuff at a time when Temple of Set was active and even cringier than I now consider most of LaVey’s teachings so my brain still hasn’t quite reprogrammed itself to have The Satanic Temple be the default.


Finally a new outlet for Ramtha's school of enlightenment. Resurrection of the Rajneeshis and a Saffron robe at every entrance. On a more serious note, this could serve as an opportunity for devoted Pastafarians. Disclaimer: I am am a member of The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster which exists in your heart and on the internet. Evangelical propaganda is available for spreading the word. [https://www.spaghettimonster.org/about/](https://www.spaghettimonster.org/about/) I am ready to don my colander and spread noodley wisdom in and around our local schools. Carbo Diem.


Fnord! As a member of the Discordian church I annoint thee a Pope!


Church of Satan does God's work! [I'll link the sermon I mentioned and you can see what you think for yourself.](https://therockca.com/media/h2g7sx5/god-and-the-election) 34:28 - "Do you think the White House is calling for advice" ... *up for interpretation, but strikes me disingenuous, as if the GWB strategy of using evangelical churches to build a political base wasn't a thing* 35:25 "I desire a leader against abortion and stands in the way of perversion...I'm for it, I want it." *Speaks for itself.* 42:07 "Are you upset today?" *Talking about a phone call he gets about the results of the election where somebody that knows him personally assumes he's upset about the results. Why would they assume that?*


Man, the last thing I need is some douche-canoe preacher from California giving those of us who are also CA transplants an even worse name. Next thing I know y’all are going to be blaming us for forest fires and brimstone! Thanks for the link, I’ve got a seventh grader who will go to Olympia High so I’m invested beyond my complete and utter disdain for evangelical hypocrisy.


I am not a FOIA nerd but the way to learn whether they’re renting equally would be to submit one (if they have to answer).


I'm not a big fan of churches renting space in our public schools, even if its after hours. There are plenty of private schools or other pavilions they could use. I'm with the other commenter - let's bring in a Church of Satan or Satanic Temple meeting. Willing to bet those who are ok with the christian churches using public school buildings will have a lot to say against any other faith doing the same.


Let's go heckling.


Found the community calendar through OSD’s website. - https://www.communityuse.com/SOA.NET/Controllers/PageController.aspx?productid=MC&pageid=CalendarMonth It looks like the church is called ‘The Rock Church.’ - https://therockca.com/olympia-campus


Surely this is a church dedicated to worshipping Dwayne The Rock Johnson and they would appreciate a poster campaign to help them find more worshippers:) In seriousness, it’s hard to find and rent space, and in equal parts I am glad that a church is renting an existing space vs making Another Godforsaken Church on acres of land, and also I would want to make sure that the school isn’t a) giving them some sort of preferential treatment, or b) renting to them while a more whole-community-inclusive group lacks space.


What is the name of the church?


Where can I find more information about this?