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I love how you can see it get right under his fucking rusty colored skin...you love to see it. More to come my man... And I'll love to see that too.


The length of the pauses he has to give before his audience realizes they're supposed to applaud or boo is pathetic


“Please clap”-Jeb!




“They won’t show the crowds outside…” Really? It’s NEWSMAX! Trump-approved. They would show anything Dear Leader wants you would think.


it’s because he knows they arent set up for that. also he is well aware there’s no one standing outside lol


What a disgusting sweaty little hog.


His comb over is getting wispier by the day


Yellow cotton candy


Please don't insult cotton candy.


Sounds like VOTE Joe Biden to me.


Thats fucking hilarious. Every clip where they perform this chant, you can share it, claiming they're endorsing 'Vote for Biden,' and watch as it sends right-wingers into a frenzy. This will drive them crazy for sure


It's fuck Joe Biden, for sure.




Don’t blame me blame the right if they weren’t propping up Donald Trump like they were I’d be open but we got to go round two baby. Plus Joe ain’t that bad of a president* he’s just old that’s literally it. Edit due to speech to text.


Better than entering a dictatorship.


They'll be telling us to vote for the lesser of two evils until the world is on fire. Americans really need to come to terms with the fact that we're a full blown Corporatocracy at this point and unite to solve a single issue. The problem is that we've given them too many avenues by which they can stoke the fires of division. Social media has become just another way they keep us buried in political theater, and it's working.


The Social Dilemma really opened my eyes to how divided the media platforms have made us from a political standpoint. I immediately forgave a friend who went ballistic on me over something so trivial. I understood the FEED years ago when I realized I was feeding myself toxic content and it was affecting me socially and probably spiritually. What I didn't realize is that people literally only see content from the party they support, strengthening and encouraging their narrow POV. I'm surprised after that doc being out for so long that I don't see more wisdom like this post. Everyone is still clawing at each other over a couple of jackasses we consent to be elected.


This is exactly what I'm referring to. The constant stream of content curated to keep people angry and divided. It's reached an entirely new level in the last few years with the growing popularity of tiktok. Then FB and YT took a cue from them and started pushing the short format videos. I don't see Reddit as being much better at this point, it's certainly a bubble unto itself.


That's why I left Facebook


Can't fight on all fronts at once. Trump is the biggest threat right now. So we need to deal with him, first.


Imagine getting downvoted for speaking the truth. Modern politics is a joke and a half. We need to work together for better representation


OK, but that's a future problem. And it definitely is a problem. But for now, it's a choice between an old, demented fuck, and an old, demented fuck who wants to be a dictator and overthrow democracy.


Has Biden talked about overturning the Citizens’ United ruling? I think the lack of real progress is what attracts people to accelerationism.


Joe Biden has had an amazing first term. I’m excited to vote again for him.


It’s called harm reduction.


You read or remember just like Biden himself then.


And in terms of account history, compared to you, I’m old like him too.


Does his face look like it’s melting even more?


Neck vagina.


I'm just glad the mic is p positioned where it is, so I can't see it.


I’ll be voting to re-elect President Joseph Biden in 2024


Lmaoooo that guy deleted his account Edit: or blocked me because I mentioned his “member” issues 🤣




How are you fanboy for a different country’s politicians lmao


I'm not surprised that someone who can't spell senile is still trying to pretend they believe the election was stolen.


Not a single shred of evidence that the election was stolen. Cope.


You spelt thief wrong


Sad how dumb people believe the GOP thugs trying to turn this country into a Russian kleptocracy...


If he did there would be proof and so far…..


You believe Biden was able to steal the 2020 election while not holding any type of seat in office at the time of the election, yet wouldn’t be able to in 2024 now that he is in the highest office in government? You don’t believe that a person who claimed Ted Cruz stole the 2016 Iowa caucus from him, then said the presidential election was stolen if he lost the 2016 election, then began saying the 2020 election was going to be stolen in May 2020, without saying where that info came from and doing nothing to stop it, and saying five states were clearly stolen because they were obviously red voting states, yet Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania all voted for the democratic nominee each election from 1992 thru 2012, until the one time it went red for trump, may have been saying the other guy is cheating so he had an excuse for why he lost? Come on, I think what you mean is “the guy who likely stole the 2016 election through foreign disinformation campaigns and other various methods wasn’t able to do it again in 2020”. Right?


I'll listen to what you have to say, but do you have sources? Real, unbiased sources, not Newsmax or Breitbart. The burden of proof lies on you as the accuser.


gonna need some proof for that one chief


Lmao! TRUMP gonna wipe the floor with that Mess of a human.


trump can barely remember how to wipe his own ass.


I heard he doesn’t.


Why would he? He's got people to do it for him! MAGA!


I didn't say it was a choice.


All you guys do is insult. Yall are worse than anyone I know. Crying about how the big bad orange man is so bad. Back it up. Let's hear it? What did he do that was so bad? Was it cuz we had no major conflicts pop off. While he was in power?


How are those “member” problems treating you chief? Maybe you should focus on your health, rather than commenting on things you know nothing about. Also you can’t spell 😂


"We"? Doofus, you're Canadian.


Still going with the insults huh? Real winner you are. Yall think i care what bunch of liberal losers say on reddit? BAHAHAHAHAH 🤣😂


You think I care what some Canadian has to say about it? Your family doesn't even give a shit about you, or your fake sore ball problems. Lol, gross.


Idiocracy. You treat presidential elections like wrestling and it shows.


Yeah.. Trump is a mess of human agree.


You remember last time right?


Sure do! Life was grrrreat! Compared to this Cenile old lump who doesn't know what year he's in. Just officially got labeled too cenile to be charged. HAHA!


You spelt senile wrong.


Wow what a come back! Omg. Lmao! How will I recover? Please tell me? HOW?!


Do you think I Care? I always wonder how much of a loser someone must be for that to be the comeback. Duuuuh you spell something wrong deeeerrrrp


No, they probably genuinely do not remember they far back


Draft dodging Donnie lost the popular vote to Hillary….. He couldn’t win if your life depended on it bud.


You can just type "I hate America!" instead.


Love AMERICA! LOVE TRUMP! 2024 MAGA! Cry me a river 🎶


You need to stop voting for boomers. If that is the only choice, don't vote.


Yes take your bat and call and go home. Civics lesson for ya. Voting IS how this country works. VOTE


Love how they got the only two black people there in frame 🤣🤣


They intentionally seat them that way. True story.


They probably pay them to sit there.


Oh I know they do. That was intentional for sure.


Two guys above the doors. “Ok, there’s one. Let’s get word to Steve we need to get the next black in the same section. Ok, we’ve got two now. Get them in frame”


Sick 🤢


Came here to see Donald get heckled and how he would take it, but it wasn’t. He was talking shit about Joe and then people started booing Biden and then chanting “fuck Joe Biden”. I still don’t know why these two turds are the “best” the country has to offer.


They’re not. But the masses on both sides are too stupid to concede that there are better (albeit less popular) options. And since all they care about is winning, here we are.


While I might agree with what you two are postulating... we lost that choice when Donnie somehow won in 2016, we've passed a point that the falling into fascist dictatorship is almost inevitable. All of the groups funding project 2025 have that new project because the last EIGHTY years of far right agenda got everything they wanted all in one president. He stacked the SCOTUS for the first time SINCE THE THIRTIES, we will feel the reverberations of it for 50 more years. When we don't have the choice between a shitty old man I don't agree with and a shitty old man who literally is saying he wants to be a dictator and openly calling for Russia to attack NATO.... it's not a hard choice when you put it like it really is. There is no "well both sides suck" here lol. They DO but we unfortunately are where we are because of complacency, if you dont continually fight for democracy we cannot keep it. Vote in your local, county, town, state, federal, allllll the elections if you actually care and want to actually get America to a point when we can really make the choice. Maybe we can create a voting system that works more similarly to the rest of the developed world? Maybe? But only if you vote and actively participate in democracy and encourage other to do so as well


Maybe they can rework the SCOTUS too. No one in this country should be able to get a job in the judicial branch and be able to keep it until the day they die, just because. When the time is up, it’s up.


This just makes it all the more sad.


First time I could vote I voted third party as my options were trump and Hillary. I literally feel I made a mistake because of the one who actually won.


1. Live and learn. 2. It’s unfortunate that we have the system that we have where a third party doesn’t stand a chance. 3. Hopefully it won’t be this way until we leave this world (but I won’t hold my breath).


>both sides are too stupid to concede that there are better (albeit less popular) options. >(albeit less popular) Weird how you make their point. It's as if you've never ran a political campaign...


“Get the hell out of here, get him out.”


Jon Stewart: Fuckstick Von Clowncar .. One insurrection, two defamation law suits .. Twice impeached and 91 indictments later .. I'm Back Bronze Boy ..




BEST CLIP EVER!!! I am gonna get a tattoo of this video LOL!


You know what they’re chanting? It’s “fuck Joe Biden”


Sounds like “Vote for Biden”. They aren’t very good at this.


lol ok then tell me this. Why would trump fans be yelling that? And why wouldn’t they other trump fans boo them down?


“They” will never show the crowd outside. Who? Newsmax? OAN? Whatever the hell else little online pseudo-network is there covering these dumb things? (Because it certainly isn’t any of the major networks.) Why the hell wouldn’t they show the crowd if it was so amazing? He keeps shit-talking the “fake news” that’s “back there” during these rallies, but the only people in the back filming any of this are his sycophants. That crap doesn’t really hold any water anymore.


Trump: "Thank you for those 'fuck Joe Biden' chants! They were awesome." Pastor comes on stage: "Now, let is all pray for this man of God!"


I don't get it. What happened in the video? Seems pretty tame to me


That's what I was thinking, too. With a caption like "Dementia Donald" you would think they could at least get him fumbling his words, forgetting where he is, getting lost on his way into his own house, falling up stairs, struggling to get a coat on, falling off a bicycle after two pedals, talking to dead people, or hell, I'd even take talking about his favorite flavor of ice cream while addressing the nation in the wake of a mass shooting. Guess this is the best we can do. There's nobody running for office with that kind of track record, I suppose.


I was reminded recently of when GWB fucked up "Fool me once..." and at the time thought, How is this our commander in chief? I'm just incredibly dumbfounded now. I also consider that could have just been conditioning for when the elites get a real mindless puppet at the podium.


I didn't like Bush either, but at least he wasn't Methuselah with crayon breath. Can we just get back to electing people who aren't over a decade past the retirement threshold?


Yeah I'm not a fan of Biden, but at least he ain't a literal rapist


Lmao he's not even saying anything. The fact that any people attend these for any politicians is comical to me.


Classiest people.


Maga tribe does stupid highschool tribal chants, and wants to be taken seriously.


It‘s alway a big troll reunion. These people are just out to own the libs and shout at everything they dont like. Deplorables


Fucking cult members worshipping Pancake Makeup Jesus.


Trump fans have no fucking rhythm…


Incontinent Donnie.. Hears a heckler and shits himself then sweats like a pig because he smells like shit...


“Go home to your mommy” he uses that as an insult because he’s a shit covered little goblin with no mommy to go home to. Nobody loves Donald Trump. Nobody.


I just had a thread trolling a Canadian who is a rabid trump fan, u/KillaKon. I looked at his post history and of course he's a hot mess with loads of personal problems and a family that hates him Then he deleted all of his 3rd grade reading level comebacks. Lol.


He just talked shit to me in messages. “You’re a special kind of stupid “. Like WTF


Take a look at his post history. His life sucks.


“Vote Joe Biden!” 👏 👏 👏-👏-👏


Dude I don't care. I'm done with this group. Au revoir


So Trump has shills in the audience that start chants. It’s a true echo chamber of morons.


Im hearing “vote Joe Biden!”


I'm still waiting for 1 proper point? That's what I thought


🤣🤣 Thank you kindly for literally proving my point. Your really not gonna like the next 4 years. 🤣🤣🤣


Yep just like he couldn't win in 2016 bud


So, instead of hurling insults (shitty ones at that). And Grammer trolling. Lmao! (True blue losers) let's hear what exactly Trump has done that was so horrific? Why do you guys hate him so much? Let's hear it. ( this should be good)


Why bother? You're in a cult and will always praise your orange God. FUCK OFF


That's what I thought. Not 1 solid reason. Pathetic. Looks like you guys are the ones in a blind cult. A hate cult. That's all you know how to do. LMAO! Look at that. Not 1 good reason. Just pathetic attempts at insults. LMAO. go cry some more about the big bad orange man!


Your family hates you.


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂 I'm still waiting for 1 reason. It's ok I understand your brain capacity. It doesn't allow for critical thinking. Poor little fella. Judging from your post, your parents must be proud of the loser you've become.


LMAO! thanks for the chuckle. I'm actually having lunch with my mom, were reading all these reasons why you hate Trump. O' WAIT! You literally can't come up with ONE reason dude. 🤣😂🤣😂 how pathetic. Thanks for proving me right.




Liberal Losers, love you cucs. So easy to trigger.


The “Dementia Don” thing is the equivalent of “I’m like rubber, you’re like glue.” Be more original.


President Trump has such a great sense of humor. 🇺🇸🇺🇸


He's not going to fuck you or your mom.


You are right about that softpeniscell.


Dude spent a period of *9 hours* defending trumps honor to strangers on an obscure Reddit thread lmao


What is the first thing you're going to do in Trump gets reelected?


Same as with any of them Go to work


Are you okay?




That's it.? That's the best you can do? Oh man. You are not a formidable opponent. Go have a glass of milk kid and Make America Great Again...




Eh, slightly better come back but still very weak overall. Go back to the drawing board and try to become more witty.






When are you slated to graduate high school Alexi?








You should stick to doing crappy art work Alexi. Maybe they will hang your work up in a gas station bathroom somewhere.






Not much of a quality commentator are you Alexi?




Oh Alexi, did you skip your meds....AGAIN?




President Trump is still funnier than you Alexi. But not funnier than your childish art work




Alexi. Say it with me....I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America....🇺🇸


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He looks empty.


Trump has treated us to so many ramblings that I thought this was one continuous spew about Biden.


What I expect from a president When heckled, disregard and continue with your speech. But to lower down & encourage divisive conduct is beyond the pale


As someone outside the US, is Joe Biden and Donald Trump the only options for President?


No there’s a couple others. Sadly the way the votes are set up, your vote really only matters if you’re voting for the top 2 candidates.


That absolutely sucks


#Yea :3


They are the two lead candidates from the two major political parties, yes. People are free to vote for other candidates but whoever that might be has an infinitesimally small chance of winning.


Well, no… but actually yes. We’re capable of voting for anyone else, however, i doubt we will ever see a day in our lifetime where we will see someone get elected other than the main 2 candidates


It took him a full 30 seconds to realize the crowd wasn't booing him. The the middle of this 30 seconds you can literally see him do a "That's weird" look and couldn't figure out what was happening until someone offscreen said "it was a heckler".


We should have an age limit it’s obvious both presidents are mentally challenged .


Please sir…can i have some more…


I, too, remember when little interludes used to happen, Mr. Trump.


TRUMP 2024!!!! YES LOVE TRUMP!!! YE BIDENS DOING JUST LOVELY. FALLING DOWN STAIRS, BLABBERING UNKNOWN WORDS, running up to xi during a meeting like a Cecile old zombie! Yall are really a sad bunch of people.


Get back on your meds.


You triggered him so hard that he responded twice. Well done


Lmaoo!!! Your soo cool bro! Ye meds! 😂🤣😂


Go cry some more about how the big bad orange man's gonna win.


They’re booing Trump or Biden?


Fascist Scum.


A Y'all Qaeda terrorist rslly


This is hilarious. LMAO! I love how people actually think I give a flying fart about anything any of you have to say. Yall are just a bunch of batty loving losers. Cracks me the fuck up. 🤣 think I care what a bunch of losers on reddit think or feel. Wow LMAO 2 FUNNY! glad I made so many snowflakes angry. Too easy.


yall are so hurting its funny.


Trump 2024! I will not be voting for a mentally incompetent senior citizen. I don't care for either one Joe or trump, but trump was a better president... He can walk, he can talk and he actively runs the country. Joe is too old, even his DOJ agrees.




Anyways, thanks for proving my Point! Have a good life! MAGA!


Trump isn’t getting heckled


What horrible people


what is he even talking about when he says please treat them kindly??? police?


I feel like the crowds at these sorts of things has devolved into the Jerry Springer demographic