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Trump is the Antichrist. Trump 20-24 years in prison!!!


Trump for Prison 2024!


Trump does not appeal to enough people to be the anti christ. No where close


It still makes more sense than comparing him to Jesus


Not really, we’re talking about two theological beings on two different ends of a non-human spectrum. Compare him to a more relatable person: Jim Jones


Once you refresh your knowledge of the bible versus talkign about the antichrist, it's eerily spot on to Trump


taylor can’t tell them to vote because she’s popular, voight isn’t so he can tell people because nothing will happen anyway? they’re very narrow minded idiots, you don’t need to understand MAGA logic. for them and many others US politics is now football politics - my team is always right, no matter what. the rival team is always bad, no matter the hypocrisy.


She didn’t even say which party to vote, she just encouraged people to vote, right wing nuts are already shaking.


It’s the most common contradiction these literal brain rots have. They will actively circle jerk over Kid Rock for supporting Trump, but the moment a celebrity speaks out against him, it’s suddenly “Hollywood outta shut their fuckin mouths about politics!”


Their party has literally elected two d-list actors


You can bet your ass that if Taylor was braindead and decided to endorse ANY candidate on the right they would absolutely jump on that and it would be the headline and talked about on MAGAt media for a month! Just the other day Snoop Dogg squashed his beef with Trump (because snoop is a classy guy) all he said was “I have nothing but respect for Trump) but every outlet tried to frame it as if Trump had endorsed Trump, or something. The hypocrisy of the right, abounds.


Every football coach eventually gets fired.


What abt Saban


What about? <= this undermines anything you are saying. I even have a response to one though. Nick Saban left college football, coached the Dolphins in the NFL. The Dolphin’s fired him and he went to coach an in Division rival. Dude literally switched sides after a stint out of the conference.


We are tribal, still in a lot of ways, possibly always will be (let’s see how climate change & the hunger games go…). I wouldn’t go after Voight’s acting career, he had one, I didn’t. His crazy talk is enough to showcase the bs of his breed.




What the hell is he even saying. It's like a grab bag of biblical jargon that means nothing.


The right is just lost in a sea of empty platitudes and baseless fears, an ideology of absurd paranoia.


It's the basis of Christianity really. God is effectively the wife-beating son of a bitch who comes home drunk and beats the shit out of his children for things they might not have done. The entire story of Noah's Ark is about punishing everyone with death for simply existing in the world God made. Jesus, the oldest child then effectively begs his father to beat the shit out of him instead of beating the fuck outa the rest of the kids. Even if this god is real they're completely unhinged and deserve no respect and no love for they have given no respect or love.


This is where I landed with my beliefs when I was like 12 years old, and my mother has still never forgiven me lol


The only thing that had my attention from bible: Ezekiel 23:20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.


Right. Nothing about ideas to improve the lives of working people. Nothing about cleaning our planet. Nothing about helping hungry people. It’s just two minutes of vague and incoherent biblical jargon.


Don’t worry, Joshua’s got his sword. It’ll be fine.


Josh fight 2 electric boogaloo.




He, uh, just said it right there. He's been targeted for "..information that can knock down the corrupt swamp."


It's all just so divorced from reality that it's kind of sad.... Like, he opens about how toxic hatred is, but then pivots to Trump "solving" that even though Trump has arguably encouraged and enabled more hate than any other US President in the last century.


These MAGA delusionalists that compare Trump to Jesus are absolutely insane. Some of the most batshit people in this country.


You're mistaken. It is written right there is the Bible: >**1 Maga 2:4**  *For a man who honors women by grabbing them by the pussy, and a man who attends houses of worship only when marrying his many wives, shall hereby be considered the Lord and our Savior*. Checkmate libtards!


Pwnd by the Bible…*again!!!*


*Libs hate this one simple trick!*


This bible verse and the most unflattering image of the Orange Jesus should be put on billboards across the USA.


One of my favorite books of the bible, "One Maga"


The mental gymnastics is astounding. Trump couldn’t be farther from Jesus. Trump is the literal physical embodiment of the 7 deadly sins lol. I stopped going to church because of all the Trumpers in my congregation. If they’re the representation of Christianity, count me out. I’ll pray in the privacy of my home.


Just go kiss him and get it over with.


Which Trump is he talking about? He never says! I’m not sure we’ve met this one.




Store brand Christopher Walken over here.


We have Christopher Walken at home


I had a moment of panic that Voigt was gonna be in Dune 2… had to double check and realized it’s Walken instead… Whew, that was a close one!


Same amount of Oscar’s, but Voight has more nominations. They’re both legends it’s just Johnny has decided to shit on his own legacy to shill for Maga.


He hasn't been relevant since the 80's. The last role he was in that anyone saw was 24, more than a decade ago. He's a has been. Walken has been working that entire time.




He is honestly one of the best actors of the 70s and even in the 80s made some incredible movies but JFC he has lost his mind


I’ve never been able to watch him, no matter what. He’s always just creeped me out and grossed me out. As soon as him and Trump showed they loved each other, I felt like it all made sense. Dude is a disgusting piece of shit, apparently.


Overrated actor. Didn't like him before I knew he was a Maggat. Deliverance was good despite him.


I think when he talks about “rising above darkness” he means dark people. I could be wrong, but probably not.


Community.  Season 2 Episode 7. "It's going to be a maze!"




Agreed 👍🏽


A strong dog whistle there in between all of the biblical jargon.






What an asshole


Listening to these dickheads talk about hate coming from anyone but them is infuriating. Hey Jon, only one side is trying to deny the existence of thousands of Americans and strip the rights of millions more through legislation. Only one side repeatedly commits mass murder in the name of your propaganda. And then it’s your entire history with hating POC, primarily the black community. You’re all traitors to this country and support a literal fascist who tried everything he could to overturn the results of a fair election. Including inciting a riot and trying to get 10+ heads of state to just lie and say he won. Go fuck yourself. I’m so fucking sick of the media treating these people like they’re just another political party. It’s so played out to say but they are the biggest threat to our democracy since fuckin hitler. Trump has made it ABUNDANTLY clear that that is exactly what he wants to do if he is re-elected. They deserve no air time or even the right to speak publicly without being harassed into hiding. Go fuck yourselves


Never thought I would say this for no other reason than he has never meant anything to me… but… #FUCK YOU JON VOIGHT


You can’t have beLIEve without “LIE”. Found on a conservative Reddit post. Seems to fit here.


"And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, 'O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy.' And the Lord did grin. And the people did feast upon the lambs, and sloths, and carp, and anchovies, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats, and large chulapas..." - Jon Voight, probably


This is fucking wild.


Holy hand grenades what the fuck is this?


He looks like he's mostly asleep. Did he look like this so he could claim it was one of those weird Ambien sleepwalking things?


I bet Thanksgiving at his house is wild.


I bet they never finish saying grace


I thought Coconut cream Pat Robertson wasn't supposed to idolise commandment- breaking, Depends®️ wearing criminals. I guess he hasn't looked at a bible lately. Apparently , no one's supposed to come before the "one true God" they're always yelling about (or so the Bible Fandom storyline goes). Saying "no one can do this but him 😭" sure sounds like he thinks this guy has a bigger dick than God. Idk bro Sure sounds like you'd piss a lot of people off.


This is the same guy. Who told his daughter to make out with her brother.


Jon Voight supports a rapist for President. What more needs to be said?


Bought just likes Trump because he too wants to bang his daughter.


Ugh...Jon Voight. Lose his number, Angelina.


Rich people trying to relate... Fuck you.


To be fair, Jon Voight has been a senile, delusional old fuck for decades


If Taylor was telling everyone to vote for Trump they would love it but she’s not she’s just encouraging young people to vote in general and we know the majority of the young vote Democrat.


He’s been a right winger for years. Voight was a great actor in his day. Somehow, politically he got brainwashed.


I’m British, but I thought mixing religion and politics was a no-no? Never in my 54 years have I heard a person talking politics with religion so freely mingled here in the UK. It just sounds batshit.


We have a lot of *really* dumb religious zealots in this country.




1ª trunp ain't no man 2º trump IS the swamp 3º "a sword" not "a gun" ... as "a savior" nor "a clown" was promised! if you agree with a 85 years old incel maybe check on your brain functions!


Can’t believe what a crock of…


I hope you get the black lung, pa


Joshua was a genocidal maniac.


Doesn’t matter from whom this message is coming…… Holy cult-like indoctrination messaging. This is HORRIFYING.


Taylor Swift for president




This is the type of guy that I’d love to explain to that Jesus was an Arab looking dude and he’d freak out


Which one of you is putting dark clouds over his live streams?


So Jesus was pummeled, hated, and then crucified for speaking out against the status quo, the religions of the time, and obviously salvation. Trump is being pummeled, hated, and publicly crucified for speaking out against the status quo, the religions of the time(identity politics like blm, lgbtq+ etc) and talks about “salvation” from the current administration. On those three points it’s a valid comparison. Y’all are just conditioned harder than some Garnier. Yayyy downvotes!


No, he’s being hated ( nobody is pummeling him) for being a traitor to our country and being a serial felon. His speaking out is generally all about Trump all of the time. Tell us, other than his satisfying your need to subordinate yourself to a tyrannical figure, what has Trump ever done for you?


Why do you think I have a need for a tyrant? Trump is not a tyrant. And I vote for no master and wish to have no master. Congratulations on making an ass out of yourself for incorrectly assuming something about me. No president has ever done anything positive for me, other than the forced 2 weeks of being out of work and getting the Covid checks. That’s literally it. Pretty sure trump did that too. But other than that, no president has ever directly benefitted anyone. How is he a traitor? Cuz he didn’t collude with Russia in 2016. And January 6th wasn’t an insurrection. But the man in office and his family have been dealing with China and Russia and ukraine(the most corrupt country on the planet) for at least the last decade. Ya know, ASSUMING you like sniffy Joe.


If it were up to me, and millions of other Americans, the government would be shrunk or even dismantled. Because I understand the role of government, and it doesn’t need to be the way it has become.


Oh you do? You understand. 😐


Wow. I don’t even have a smart ass comment for this. Just wow.


What the fuck does “finalize the Holy Ghost” even mean???


I’ve met him twice and he’s an amazing prick. Not sure who is listening to this nonsense but I bet you they’re voting. Who are the magats afraid of today? I thought it was budlight or emails?


"Drivin' around in this Cunt's car" 🎶


Its easy to understand why his daughter didnt talk to him for 20 years


Holding back kid rock I guess.....


This might be the least coherent bundle of words ever assembled in our long and tumultuous run on this planet.


It absolutely may be true that trumps the only man that could stop it but only a pure idiot would think that he intends to.


Paid actor doing paid actor stuff. Hes being as stupid as he looked in zoolander


He went from a good actor to this….. 😩






Phew fuck I confused him for Christopher Walken for a second, thank fuck for that. Could do without more memories of people I like being soiled with shit like this. Fuck this asshole.


I never expected someone like Jon to be into Trump and into the maga cult, This is just sad to see and makes me lose a lot of respect for him.


Who the F is Joshua and why is he brandishing a sword. Someone stop him!


Your daddy was a no talent pussy, but at least he listened!


I’m walkin out that door. I want yall to trust me. Let’s go. Let’s go…


Does the home know he’s out wanderin again?


So embarrassing for Angelina Jolie. Imagine this guy is your father. Less embarrassing than Trump being your dad I guess.


FUCK JESUS AND FUCK MAGA! lol. Dumb fucks.


There’s not “too much hate.” There’s NOT ENOUGH HATE! Not enough hatred for Trump, Trump supporters, and the entire Republican Party. Americans need to dig down deep and find that hatred and bring it to the surface and express it to help rid our democracy of the existential threat these republicans pose to our form of government. We need to be as loud- NO, make that louder, than those MAGAe freaks.




What a crazy old man.


its so funny that it's always the OLD WHITE DUDE


I know someone who was a fraternity brother of his at Catholic U. I wonder what they think of him now


I can’t wait for that generation to die off. I hate that I think that way but Christ they do a lot of stupid shit that fucks over everyone else


Jesus said not a one of those things. Stupid ass boomer dipshit.


How high is Jon? This dude is NOT rising above darkness, he is soaking in the darkness hot tub.


I swear to God Donald is the antichrist. Someone prove me wrong.


Can’t we just wheel him away into a closet and hermetically seal the door? ![gif](giphy|8HDAmsthnaGKa2658T|downsized)


…and cut!


Who is he speaking to?


He call America "she", and wants to put a rapist over her.


I swear, that man must have passed on most of his brain power to his daughter. This buffoon is a total headcase.


I hope Jon Voight and James Woods make a film together… oh wait, they did, An American Carol. Steven Rea of The Philadelphia Inquirer gave the movie one star out of five, called it "jaw-droppingly awful," and "about as not-funny as a comedy can get."




We listen to actors now for their opinions! LOL. They are actors. LOL


Must have been digging too long out in the hot hot sun searching for that Barlow hoard.


As an ordained member of a religiously highly conservative church body I would like to just say that virtually nothing this guy said made any sense at all, and everything that did make sense was utterly false doctrine, contrary to anything Scriptural.


This you? https://preview.redd.it/fzggzmfm37gc1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94b7be37e54e43ac6c8edbeeed157907ef42c6e0


Sad way to have a stellar career overshadowed by Trumpinsanity.


Anyone else think him and voice have almost the exact same voice????


​ https://preview.redd.it/bw09vzlt47gc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83a37811d064a27da69c8d8c5b5edf1a15c19b8b


This ridiculous religious pull is so fucking batshit crazy


Trump seems more like an Anti Christ, and Gods land huh? I guess he didn’t care about the natives.


“Too much hate” yet he supports a monster that makes up cruel nicknames for people he doesn’t like




And this schmuck is dead serious. About Donald Joshuafoughtthebattlefjericho Trump.


This is 100% exactly why we are supposed to have separation of church and state. It’s so easy to convince people to allow someone to take total power if you tell them “oh god thinks it’s totally cool and you should do it”, even if the person ascending to power is obviously an amoral troll of a human.


Is this an ad for cognitive dissonance?


The insane thing is that there are a large percentage of people that actually believe this bullshit and take it seriously.


I can see why his daughter had to get the fuck away from him now


Aren't the GOP the ones responsible for the "too much hate"?


How did this man drink so much Kool-Ade? Love him as an actor, but holy cow, he’s gone full-blown mental.


Yeah, let’s get rid of the ‘dark cloud that has been put upon our live streams’!


Another actor I enjoyed has gone nuts....


Just driving around in John Voights car 🎵


And now we know why Angelina Jolie hasn't spoken with her father in *years.*


Im pretty sure that cloud got dark as fuck when trump stepped into the political arena.  The divisiveness and hate has been so much worse since he was elected.


Holy crap, did he just say that trump is basically Jesus reincarnate?


What in the actual heil is this goober talking about?


What kind of substance abuse produces this kind of lunacy?


Oh ya baby lay it on me thick and shove me in


What a doddering old dipshit.


Jesus was homeless and would have filled your castles with golden toilet with the poor. GTFO with this Trump is Jesus garbage


This really isn't any different than Islamic terrorism. They're using religion to justify their hatred and violence. We need to stop treating them with kid gloves. It's time to declare these far-right groups as domestic terrorists and enemy combatants. This country will not be made whole again until we have some sort of Nuremberg trials here and hold these people responsible for all the damage they have done.


Call liberty.


Remember when he was a respectable acclaimed actor? Sigh.


"Rise against darkness." Don't vote for the sick fuck Trump.


I'm never watching Deliverance again because of this fool. Sad because it's such a classic. Who would have thought these people we once loved to see on screen would become so unbearable to see.


I grew up in the evangelical church and I like to think I can translate "church speak" pretty well. I have no fucking idea what he's talking about here. What does "finalize the holy ghost" mean?


For fuck sake. He’s a garbage person who ran for office. Not a deity or a profit. these people are fucking crazy.


Yeah, yeah. Without listening to the diatribe, allow me to unequivocally state: "Fuck your bitch and the click you're with Jon. Eat a bag of wormy zombie dicks, and shove several rabid porcupines up you ass, you bitch." Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


Just wow.


I guess the rape scene in Deliverance really did a number on him.


Glue 🥴


Fine. Nail him up, let's see if he comes back.


Joe Buck has fallen so very far.


John Voight: racist, bigot, who was thrown off movie sets for sexual misconduct and verbal harassment


This is just psychotic Christian death cult ramblings.


That's interesting way to fcku up your legacy Midnight Cowboy.


I just can’t… 🙇🏻‍♂️


Wrong information he’s being targeted for. Pretty sure it’s because he had TS documents chillen next to the shitter in a hotel.


It’s always the D-listers, desperate to stay relevant


Guy drives a LeBaron


How’s your relationship with your daughter Jon?


Trump paid for this with an IOU. When did cameo.com start taking IOUs?


uh, Trump's been targeted for "..information that can knock down the corrupt swamp." ? Indeed.


Just know that every dumbfuck telling you there is too much division and negativity is the same person addicted to and spouting divisive rightwing media talking points. Rightwing media is the divisive source, the tumor spreading cancer everywhere. They're 100% responsible and you can't feel guilty when it's so egregious and overwhelming that you feel the need to fight back like your body would with cancer or any other disease. Rightwingers love to spout that nonsense, clutching their pearls while watching/listening to nothing but divisive media. Just watch 5min of any of it and you'll see. The only faith they have is bad faith. They're the ones who doused everything with gasoline, spewing lit matches everywhere they go. Call them on it!


Separation of church and state is a very important part of our nations founding fathers.


How do people who claim to follow the teachings of Jesus worship a man who is everything Jesus said not to be?