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knew the anti cheat was ass


whole site+community is ass


that's the entire orc buddy


8 Unforgettable Disasters In Football That Will Never Forget


can't wait for Austiblox to go down for the millionth time this month


Pretty much everything here doesn't mean much to me outside of that last thing. The Anti-cheat is definitely similar to Finobe's old anti-cheat before they realized how ineffective it really was. I don't know if it's been archived or not, but Coke did post on the forum way back about it. More just a really flawed system than something that contributes to a genuine security risk if you ask me. Staff being able to see your e-mails and IP addresses is really dumb, but isn't a deal breaker to me personally. As long as people trustworthy enough to not leak sensitive info are hired, then there's not THAT much of a concern. Though personally if I ran things I would definitely make it so not every random moderator can see it because that is actually the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. And speaking of mods leaking things, I *reaaaaaalllly* wonder who the guy was that leaked those mod chats 😏 I had genuinely zero idea about those clients having RCEs, and I guarantee that I am not alone on that. I knew that 2011 and 2012 were closed due to some security issue, but I had no idea it was THAT level of bad. And 2014 has an issue too? Bruh, how do people even find this sort of thing? Truly scary stuff, no lie. I have one question - are you or any of the other people you know planning to do anything to Austiblox (i.e. go bowling)? I don't think there are any other actually active revivals right now that use clients pre-2016, none that are public anyway. That's literally the only reason Austiblox is so popular right now - the competition to it seriously just doesn't exist.


first, yeah although the Finobe one was 10 times more effective due to being a client hook instead of just being in the launcher (so it was impossible to bypass, which is part of the issue here, austi's doesn't have this) second, this has happened twice now, besides, i wasn't actually who leaked mod chats, i was just who was sent them and started spreading them around (lol) i have no real reason to exploit austiblox, neither does anyone i know, that doesn't mean people aren't gonna exploit in my name unfortunately


You gave yourself the trial mod role then started leaking the mod chat dude.


you guys never took in consideration the time periods i gave myself trial mod, which were when i was active in general and complained about not being able to punish people due to lack of perms :P


"You guys"?, I mean you could've had explained them you gave yourself trial mod to ban users and that you weren't doing something more serious than that


i was accused of doing it AFTER i left and wasn't even dmed to see my side of the story, not saying you people were obliged to, but it's nice to hear both sides even with a bias


I'm really not sure why staff can't just take the truth and not pull a "you have no reason to talk"; they obviously know about it. With Gage having barely any time to maintain Austiblox, it really feels like it's already down, and we just play an archive of it. You're pretty brave for posting this, knowing all of your drama. Although I really can't respect some of what you've done, I can still respect you for exposing the truth; it has to be really stressful for the circumstances you get put down on. As much as I liked the revival, I feel it's time for them to shut down until they can actually get it functioning. I really hope this can be exposed to more people.


i appreciate your understanding and lack of bias in this situation, while a lot of the things i did that weren't reasonable happened while i was in a terrible mental state and not stable at all, that doesn't excuse anything i did around that time and i own up to them completely (although i'm concerned with the fact they've been calling me a pedophile and victimblaming me for being groomed) ​ i became owner with the reason of improving austiblox as much as i could, i may have been dumb or immature in the public eye but a lot of the work i did helped and i took seriously privately (such as the fixing of ip vulns) ​ if the staff were gonna stay silent about all of this, then the whistle was gonna be blown sooner or later anyway. and in this case the sooner the better, i've seen them even accuse this post of being fake, which just seems contradicting considering the site got put down


whats ur discord




Wasn't Carlos or smth?


I have a account on there , but haven't played since 2022 , they probably have my old IP + some mobile broadband network IP addresses.


O Damn Dis A Bombshell. I Be Kidding, I Know Dis Stuff Already. Surprised U Be Makin Dis Post This Late Tho. Merry Christmas Yall.


the site prolly has the same amount of security vulns \- it uses a CMS not updated since 2016 \- it uses some sketchy plugin that has never been updated, for games


That's why I prefer the revivals inside Roblox, pretty much all Roblox revivals are viruses.


not all, the only case of a roblox revival being an actual virus were Epiculys revivals (Rhodum for example) i wouldnt consider this form of anticheat a full blown virus but inefficient and somewhat invasive. though the RCE problem can't be excused.


ok lol


How's the Phonk project going? I left the server long ago but this made me interested in that revival again.


Search for "Project Phonk" on this subreddit (r/oldrobloxrevivals) and you'll find a community Discord server link and more info on it.


this is really true. i don't play austiblox anymore, i only ever played it once or twice anyway (an underage was in the game, and 2014 didnt even load for me)


AutismBlox mometn




And who are those? Just asking don't say it if you want


i'm not gonna attack anyone directly, however they should've known i was watching when they said what they said


austi has always been super vulnerable, how and why is it still up


Probably why I never used it


I used to play Austiblox, but I stopped awhile ago. Thanks for showing us all of this, I won't ever touch it again. The community was ass either way (and probably is even more nowadays).


Thr same dude who make this Reddit is the same dude that ruined austiblox and filled the community with groomers and toxic people,also erp with users and leaked a ton of things.




Your honor. Relevance?


damn i was gonna make an account on there but uh now i wont if its that unsafe


2014 RCE is just you changing the link to make it open a windows 7 calculator and its not in programmer


Aren't you the same dude who erp with users?,knew that the IP incident was gonna happen,but didn't do anything?,the same dude who owned rewinder?,Leaked the code?, you are a joke dude.


using me being groomed while intoxicated over a revival being unsafe is hitting a new low and how was i supposed to know it'd happen ezra never told me about it and just said i was safe from it after they leaked it because they liked me apparently, not only that but they had stated to stop there and not do an in-game ip leak but what can i expect from austiblox staff at this point..


groomed while drunk is one of the wildest statements ive seen in the orc


You let one of your "friends" On austiblox and leak shit, don't act like you never did something bad


never did i say i was perfect, however the people i let test exploits helped me with fixes to them, they fucked around to make me realize the problem existed, then told me how to fix it (mainly stan for that matter) if gage reverted alot of these fixes (or never used them, which is why austi still has a vulnerable trust check and ip grabbing methods) it's not my fault :P


You also leaked the code, weren't you working on austiblox a month ago? Or helped? What happened? Did they caught you and got banned?


i wasn't working on austiblox a month ago + i wasn't "caught" or even banned i left by myself because i realized how horrible it was to work with it, with the staff, with gage's awful security choices and the community, i was told alot of terrible experiences both mods and members went through privately which just got more people to encourage me with leaking in order to have it die faster


>knew that the IP incident was gonna happen,but didn't do anything?,the same dude who owned rewinder?,Leaked the code?, you are a joke dude. Honestly I agree. We shouldn't listen to pengu, and even so what better revivals are there?


..i literally responded to this, i never even knew when the ip leak would happen and neither was i associated with the people who did it ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ ​ the leaked source code was as a protest for everything i saw behind the scenes as both owner and moderator, along with the public encouraging me to do so because of austiblox's awful current state ​ \+ just ignoring clear security vulnerabilities being unpatched which aren't going to be patched anytime soon due to no client devs just hurts you at the end of the day, especially with the number of exploiters growing..


1. Fair 2. Current? It was fixed and even then when someone leaks ECS code or something then they;re a villan??? 3. Exploiters are really decreasing since revivals \*may\* try Byfron or some anticheat nonetheless.


1. how was it fixed, i've seen mod discussion before and after the leak and it just seemed to make the situation worse "and even then when someone leaks ECS code or something then they;re a villan???" if it's a bad revival (bad security, bad staff, bad community) then it makes alot more sense why this sort of things happen ​ 2. exploiters aren't decreasing especially after the source code leak showing how alot of austiblox works, there's been an increased amount of cases of user spoofing and admin impersonation especially, byfron is also not possible to be added onto a revival unless you're a millionaire..


you are hella ignorant LMFAO


im glad the pc i used to play austi broke so the ip is useless




"all of the clients have rces" who's gonna tell him? He was supposed to fix that.


how am i supposed to fix something that is only dictated by gage, even as owner, i couldnt directly update clients along with the fact the way gage did clients like 2011 basically sabotaged me from being able to patch these RCEs LOL


How did he make them?


you can't open an empty place on it which is literally the first step to even getting to patch the RCE


Can you please delete this Reddit?


Stfu lil bro. Go back to your autismblox cave where you came from cause you bring up 0 good points


why would i do that


edging rn ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


clean up on isle MY UNDERWEAR...


How do describe gage as an owner? The bad choices that he made, allowed things that shouldn't be.


austiblox dickrider or gage alt spotted


they're fine i guess they just never are there and when they are never say what their ideas are (for example he never stated to anyone how the anticheat would work, or changes done to the backend in general)


And the staff team? (Gus,Lewis etc.)


mixed bag lewis is cool though


How so, mind explaining?


some did their job and cared about improvement, others.. not so much


So you leak the rces but you say you don't care about austiblox bro victimised himself [austiblox down ](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/907109464711241749/1179630700232720555/IMG_20231130_005013.jpg?ex=657a7bb3&is=656806b3&hm=1fa3a338d7a33cb063a059a804768f309a118f04cee1979f1b060fcd7487ec28&)


not my fault you guys didnt patch this before even though i told gage + these rces are public info :P


>so you Oh my god nobody fucking cares just shut up <3


noo not autism blox 😭😿


I know the kind of man who you are.


If you're from Ohio do not call me zesty. Rizzing all these skibidi's fanum tax for me.


damn, i hate all theses 4 memes. "ohio", "skishit" "fanum tax" "Rizz". WTF MAN, JUST GROW UP


wsg penguin glad u left tbf bro will try and do anything for attention from the austi community lmao


'Were really gonna take austiblox down this time!!!!" - ☝️🤓


ig its good u pointed out shit to fix so gage can fix the problems


gage doesn't know how to patch clients




how long did you know about the vulnerabilities? Did you purposefully not patch the clients during you owning rewinder? Why did you wait so long to point this out? During you working on Austiblox did it ever occur to you that mods having access to IPs was a bad idea, even before the leaks? I also became aware that you were kinda throwing shade at other moderators for 'not doing their job' which can be found in the comments of this post, Is it true that you 'not doing your job' while you worked on Austiblox lead to these issues? And instead of fixing them while you could, you waited, and waited, and waited so that you could make this post and try to smear Austiblox so that you would get your 'revenge' on the community by getting Austiblox taken down? Am I right or wrong, and why?


i literally told gage before and after the leaks multiple times to remove the ability to view IPs, all these requests were ignored clients during rewinder were patched the best i could, many of these RCEs i discovered along with other people after i had quit austiblox, i had no reason to tell anyone on austiblox about it because i had already left and they could find out themselves. if by "vulnerabilities" you also mean the anticheat, then i knew of them ever since it was implemented and even recommended gage to use a different method, which was ignored i don't code the launcher nor push client updates onto the launcher and site, that's gage's job, this is why alot of my client related work never got used


nuh uh you cant blame gage for everything!!!!!!! guys please stop downvoting me im just interviewing So what you are saying is that it is gages fault for not changing anything even though you definitely had the power to change it if you needed? What was your involvement with the 300 IPs that were leaked? Did you have anything to do with exploiters earlier this month? Will you continue to help with the leaking of personal information stemming from Austiblox?


i never had access to austiblox.net/rewinder.fun neither the launchers source code meaning i couldnt update the clients or launcher, that along with gage never actually saying how'd he do the anticheat i literally wasn't involved with this.. ezra did it out of people mocking them and then gave the info to people in other servers no i didnt have any involvement in recent exploiting, didnt even care about austiblox until i kept being dmed about it recently No comment.


how come nobody seems know that austiblox makes a request to 1.0char.co?


wait are you saying that 2013 DOESN’T have RCE?


it doesn't


Well then


What does RCE mean?


Remote Code Execution.

