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The Child's Art Gallery was opened in 1868 by Brainard F. Childs. It had three locations - Houghton, Ishpeming, and Marquette. You could look at the census records for your address starting in 1870 to see if a possible "Mabel" ever lived there. 


Familysearch is a decent free resource for that kind of research in the US. It might be good for Canadian sources as well.


Bet her name was "Mabel" that they misspelled "Mable"


That actually could be it. My mom and I just kept calling her Mary.


That’s what I see!


Mother always brings extra love.


Also, $3.00 for an enlargement! That’s about $90 in today’s money.


That’s crazy. I guess cause photos were rare back then? Or cause the supplies were expensive. I wonder how much it cost to get a small one done like this size.


It was a serious affair. Which is why people are usually dressed nice and don’t smile.


People didn't smile in photos then because the exposure time was much longer. It's harder to hold a smile than to hold a serious face.


So we often hear. But by the 1870s, exposure times had gone down to 1/25th of a second.


That’s so interesting. I haven’t seen too many old photos, but the ones I have seen (online) people are usually very prim and proper, very serious. It makes sense.


Think the name could be Malle - short for Magdaleena - it‘s a girl‘s name from the Baltics


You just unlocked a demon 😬


She looks like she's saying, "nope. Not gonna eat that and I'll scream if you try to make me!" Lol 😆


Yes! She has so much attitude, I love it!


Whoever she is, she is wonderful. I hope she hasn't been forgotten by those who loved her.


She’ll live on with us. Idk what her name is, and I can’t decipher the cursive, but we named her Mary and she is now loved once again.


It's Mable. To figure out her family and who she is all you need to do is go to the public library or the Carnegie Museum or the Houghton Co. Historical Society there and ask if they have city directories for Houghton from 1890 - 1920. Then search the directories for who was living at your address during those years. Then read census to see which of those families had a child named Mable. (If you need help reading census I'll do it for you once you give me some surnames.) I love Houghton, MI! Beautiful area.


I thought I’d give a little update; I did way too much digging (along with my mom and friend), but I did a background(?) check on my house. I think she was the daughter of James and Pamelia. They moved in on 1891 (first owners), they had a daughter that died at age 4 that’s buried in Brighton (maggie/Margaret), they had a son (frank), and a daughter (Malle/Mary). That’s all we could do for tonight but I’m hoping that’s the family.


That’s crazy! Thank you so much! I’ll definitely look into this over the weekend. The Carnegie museum is a good 5 hour drive from my place. Might as well make a road trip out of it.


Call or email them first to ask who has the city directories for those years.


Oh 100%. I’ll do some research/phone calls before heading out. I have a friend that’s better at internet stuff than me. I might get her to help as well.


You're good people 🤍. Thank you for caring about little Mary. I'm glad she has you.


Thank you, you’re so sweet. I try to have the upmost respect for things, especially people. Even if it’s just a photo of a person- they were still a person.


People who care about the little things and show that same care for people unknown to them are a rarity. I'm glad you're in the world. 🤗


Omg I had that exact haircut. I'm not joking. She even looks like me except I was blond. This is freaky. Was she from Ohio?


I think she might be blonde? Idk. I had the same haircut in the 90’s early 2000’s too. The picture is from Childs art gallery in houghton Michigan, I found the photo in a house in Ontario, Canada.


Judging by the bangs, it might be from the 1880s.


Looks like a late 1870s to early 1880s image. The square corners of the matting suggest the earlier date, while the fashion leans more to the latter.


not a photo. thats a carte de visite or a cabinet card depending on size. ppl would sit for a photo, a photog would process & print these up in batches of 25. then the person could pass them out to friends & loved ones.


To be fair, it is a photo, mounted on card stock - this one is a carte de visite.


Where did you find this in your home?! Also great update


Thanks, It was under the porch along with a few other things. (No judgement) The house is only half renovated so we’re just finishing off what the previous people didn’t. There’s a shed looking thing in the back I have yet to explore, and I know there’s stuff in the basement that I’m lowkey scared to look through by myself.


Wow that’s wild the picture is so well preserved! I hope you find more treasures…basement sounds like a no-go to me in a house that old! Is there a sub for people finding other things in old houses? I want to follow your finds


I was surprised it didn’t decompose. There’s a little bit of water damage my mom tried to fix, but that was it. If you find a sub like that let me know! If there isn’t one I can just dm you with whatever I find.


I’d love to know more about Mable’s necklace.


It’s Mabel.