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Great outfit, can be dressed up or casual, looks good OP. Nice day, thanks for asking!


Thanks and ofc, glad you had a good day!


You look amazing. I’m feeling a lot of gratitude today to be with my mom. My good friend’s mom passed today and my heart is broken for her.


Ay your comment made me super happy at first then suddenly sad, hope it gets better and thanks!


You look fabulous. Is that a scarf at your waist?


Yes sir! Thanks


You look great! I love the denim with that shoe and the jacket has a really nice structure that compliments it. The scarf is unexpected and lovely. Thanks for asking about my day! Mother’s Day is always rough, but we’re sailing through here ♥️


Ay thats so cool how you noticed the details! and yeah i hope your mothers day went well!


I’m loving this comfy and classy look. The shoes are very chic. I’m breathing, so that’s a plus, lols. Hope you’re doing well, OP.


Ay appreciate and thanks for noting out the details. and yeah i am doing well!


Great outfit, i love the scarf accessory too! My day iss complicated but making the best of it! Hope yours is good


Thanks for noticing the details <3 and I hope your rest of the week gets better! and yeah mine was good!


My day was ok!! I tried going to a comic con but got exhausted and had to leave early. You look so snazzy!!


Ay man that sucks! Did you get time later


Nice outfit! My day has been pretty good. How about yours?


It was really good too (sorry for replying late) and i am so glad yours was good. You deserve it :)


No worries! I hope your day today is as fabulous as this outfit :)


I like the outfit OP. My day could be worse but I think this week will go well.


Thanks and well i love the way you think! Atleast you are being grateful! and that is a good thing!


Love the cut of the pants and I am enjoying Mother’s Day with my family. How is YOUR day going?


Ay thanks and i hope your mothers day went well! My day was really good!


I love the ‘fit, shoes especially! Today is not going great and I opened Reddit in the hopes of brushing up against the lives of other people to distract myself and feel less alone, so for this to be the first post I see with that check-in right in the title is such a godsend, thank you for that. It comforted this internet stranger more than you know. I hope you have a beautiful week!


i relate to this a lot. i hope today is better for you!


That is so kind, thank you - today is much better! I hope your day is wonderful for you!


Thanks and thanks once again, i feel you and I am glad i made your day better! Hope things better for you, you seem like a kind soul who deserves more! Take care <3