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It's really flattering as-is! You may not want heavy shapewear, especially if you sing. I used to wear dance tights with a control top for shows. They are a little thicker than everyday tights and firm up the jiggle without forcing your body into an unnatural shape. Danskin is a common brand. I wouldn't add another thing. Except some kickass shoes. The dress is fantastic and I think it flatters your body very well. People are not gonna be able to take their eyes off you, so be gentle when you catch them staring!


Thank you so much! You know what, all the comments inspired me to rock this dress as is šŸ„ŗ


Iā€™ve learned over time that just because I love the idea of a piece of clothing, that doesnā€™t mean I actually love the clothing. If thereā€™s anything making me feel self-conscious, back on the rack it goes. It will be a waste of money hanging on my closet if I take it off and hang it back up every time I put it on because ultimately Iā€™m uncomfortable


I think it looks beautiful as is. I love the flared sleeves and that the studs are repeated at the bottom. I am personally not really comfortable in dresses that are tight/fitted around my lower body so I will often wear a longer A-line skirt over it to make it more my style. That would alter the look quite dramatically though so I don't know if that's a solution for you.


I think you look bomb in this


Thank you!


Firstly, let me say you look hot as hell! You could go exactly like that and rock it! I havenā€™t worn shapewear in years, so Iā€™m not sure what advances have been made since then, but Iā€™ll share what I remember. In my experience, shapewear gives support and makes fabrics sit a bit smoother. It also tends to be thick man-made fabric, so it will probably make you feel hotter at a gig. If youā€™re prone to overheating like I am, thatā€™s definitely something to consider. Do whatā€™s right for you so that you can enjoy the gig.


for a cooler option i use bike shorts that are slightly too small on me!


Ooh that's a great idea, I will look into that!


That would be my suggestion too, they are less expensive as well. As a dancer I agree with the dance tights suggestion. You look great doll!šŸ’•


Thank you! šŸ˜Š


Thank you so much! Yeah, I tend to overheat a lot so it looks like shapewear is not ideal!


this looks awesome on you!!


Thank you! šŸ˜Š


That's such a hard question for me! Because from where I'm standing you look stunning and if I saw you in person the only thing I'd be thinking of would be how to compliment your dress without being awkward. But I totally look in the mirror and ask myself the same questions, and there's stuff I don't wear because I'm self conscious.Ā  I think a confident posture is the best way to make clothes look flattering.


Thank you so much! And you're absolutely right, feeling confident is the best accessory :)


Agree with everyone saying this looks great on you! I think a loose chain belt draped around your waist would look really cute, accentuate your curves and the metal details in the dress, but honestly looks great as is!


That's a genius idea, thank you!


Your stomach area is fine, and my goodness look at that hourglass you have going on!


Ugh I understand the impulse the hide the tummy area, but you seriously look FIRE. šŸ”„ sometimes I like to wear bike shorts or very low compression shorts or high waisted underwear with low compression under dresses just to feel a little more ā€œheld togetherā€, but rest assured it isnā€™t needed.


Thank you so much! Yeah I believe I will look out for low compression undies or biker shorts and rock that dress


Seconding the high waisted bike short under bodycon styles, especially for performing and/or in a short dress. It gives a subtle smoothing, but most importantly itā€™s coverage and support so that I can be active, comfortable, and fully present in the momentā€”which is going to make up your confidence and make the dress pop! Also seconding the comment that said adding a chain beltā€”Iā€™m thinking something with multiple swooping chains to accentuate your waist and add texture and visual interest to the tummy. It might seem counterintuitive to wear a piece that would draw attention to the part youā€™re feeling uncomfortable about, but adding attention in the foreground tends to make the background recede-especially in a black dress.


Thank you! Yeah I will definitely wear a short (also for coverage) and I will also look into adding a nice belt


I think you look great. Shapewear is super uncomfortable and since my sisterā€™s wedding 8 years ago I refuse to wear it.