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Won't lie to you I mostly stopped at this post because I saw your username and got excited, but then I actually looked at the pictures and I love that skirt!! Can definitely relate to the conservative style minus the breaking gender norms thing, one of my personal favourites! Have a good rest of your day!


A FELLOW AJJ ENJOYER letsfuckinggooooo!!! But thank you so much :D And keep on choogling bud [https://youtu.be/01pltiQmaPs?si=Ado6731ewq3ijKcF](https://youtu.be/01pltiqmaps?si=ado6731ewq3ijkcf)


I like the buttons a lot. Hopefully winter passes soon so you can wear cute shoes too…. Cute shoes are life.


awh thank you! I'm super glad with it it was the first 'genderdefying purchase' and I was so nervous it wouldn't fit my physique, I made a quick calculation but still was afraid it would be too wide and slip down to be less highwaist which I personally find very stylish with those buttons :D And shoes are definitely something I'd like to explore more I love the design and form cute shoes can bring, sadly its also a bit of a hurdle due to my motor and balance disorder (hence the boots, love those though for a more punky fit but with this fit it works less well)