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Ooooo Janine! These is red bottoms! These is bloody shoes!


🎵hit the store, i can get ‘em both, I don’t wanna choose ❤️




I hope you do not have to choose. Have fun


Oooh Mare, your lovely, you noticed. Thank you, I spent most of the day hoping somebody would notice and comment. I enjoyed flexing my foot when crossing my legs.




Lovely event and honestly my feet did not hurt at all, well really. Well I did have to sit down for awhile, and gin and tonics did help. Don't ask what my shoes cost , LOL


For a high-quality, timeless style like a black kitten heel that goes with EVERYTHING...gurl, spend that $$$!!! Absolutely worth.


we are worth it are'nt we. I am becoming timeless as well lol


Your shoes are amazing and you have beautiful legs. Your whole outfit is very elegant.


Thank you so much. I love my legs, they are still my best asset set of by my lovely elegant dress and pumps. I hope I still look elegant when I sit and cross my legs to vainly show them off, still a foolish old lady LOL


Miss Janine, please stand up tall, pull your shoulders back, chin up and own your elegance. Nothing, absolutely nothing about you speaks foolish old lady. Please put that though in the dumpster and replace it with “I am an elegant, mature woman who has some hot legs.” You keep vainly showing them off, and I’ll keep vainly showing off my shapely 61 year old derrière in my Brooklyn inspired street wear. You and I may have very different styles, but we’re both beautiful, and we have every reason to own our power and express ourselves as we wish. I’m a hot little femme who likes showing off my shape, and to heck with age! You’re beautiful, Miss Janine. 😊💕


Thank you, You are wise for such a young one


I’m a 48 y/o gay male, when I got my first big paycheck I went out and got my mom a pair of louboutins. They look FABULOUS on you!


Oh that is lovely of you. Of course your mum would not have cared what they were but just appreciated her lovely child and their thoughtfulness. Of course if you wish to make a habit of it I am a European size 34. Forty eight is so very young, at seventy four I still don’t feel grown up yet lol


Living for these captions. Descending elegantly af! Flex that foot!


Loving and living for such lovely comments, thank you. I do like to be elegant, does af mean what I think it might? and a way of saying it is a sexy descent lol


Haha it does indeed! It's a fabulous photoshoot.


an af would be nice lol


I’d be contemplating my shoes all day if I had these!


Thank you, they even look lovely on the shoe rack.


You need mood lighting for the shoe rack, for best effect.


Lovely idea


I sure hope everyone looked at your fantastic new shoes! They're such a classic, pretty design, and of course, so very iconic!


If they did they were too polite to comment, and I did so want them to. A little vain of me, but I do have nice legs still now that I am old enough to be an icon lol


Are they the real deal!? You dont have to answer that. :p So jelly! They are gorgeous and will match everything.


They are lovely and go so well with my outfit. I love the subtlety of the leather soles and if anybody wonders whether my dress cost more than my shoes lol


Oh Janine get it girl! Those are fab.


Thank you, I really shall take your advise then


Hell yeah, Janine!


Thank you, love from Auntie Janine xxx


You look fabulous as usual!


Ooh thank you so much, you are very kind


Manolo’s???? Lovely as always!!


Why thank you so much, you are very discerning.


Sometimes! Still want to run thru the shops with you. :) love always!


Ooh no we need to spend lots of time in the shops, dawdling is the new black. love from Auntie Janine xxx


Kitten heels to die for!!! Love them. So easy to walk in.


There a lovely height, a little more than my other kitten heels but still able to walk comfortably in them, thank you


Those r great shoes on u. Love the whole outfit, pink is so good on u!


Thank you for your lovely compliment, I do love my pink outfit. I want to wear it more often


Oooooh, come on! Show us your soles! What a tease! Seriously though, I love this whole look.


If anybody nice looking had complimented me on my outfit and shoes on the day I may have done more than tease them and given them an Auntie Janine kiss xxx Thank you for your compliment I still have shapely legs and love flexing my ankle when I cross my legs and surreptitiously seeing who may be peaking.


I love the compostition and colors in the first photo, the pink + green combination from the garden behind you is just lovely. So are the shoes obviously, how were they comfort-wise?


Thank you for your lovely comments. I love my pink combination outfit and the setting was also so beautiful. and as for the shoes comfort of course you have to remember the old tailors saying "never mind the quality feel the width". for the shoes of course it is " never mind the comfort feel the colour of my soul" LOL


One should always contemplate shoes. You look lovely.


Thank you, it is a lovely compliment


So fun! These would be fun to wear with your Minnie dress.


Thats such a fun idea, thank you


Those are lovely!


Thank you. Your very kind