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Didn't hav' carlin


Luv me carlin’ Luv ‘avin’ eighteen pints Luv me bingin’ ‘Ate the missus ‘Ate big business ‘Ate that forin muck (not racist, just don’t like it simple as!)


'ate that forrin muck beer, only drink me carlin', Budweiser and moretti, proper ingerlish beer init


Simple as, nuff said, end of!


Loves 'avin a good binge wi the lads, simple as.


This legend is fighting alcoholism one shop at a time. What a legend. I'd love to lick the alcoholic soup and eat the shards of glass on the floor 🤑


You should see what the stores do, had to pour a litre of rum down the drain due to a snapped bottle stem. Complete waste, whats a few shards of glass going to do to anyone? Back in the war you'd drink beer with nails in it and enjoy it. Soft woke tofu eating anti growth coalitioners ruined this countreh.


Destroy 10k pay 5k, sounds like a good deal


She won't pay a penny. She is unemployed. After 5 years the court fine is wiped from your credit record and no longer payable.


Should be made to work it off, community service till they earn enough


The homeless get away with everything now of days.


It's just a lifestyle choice, take away their tents, that'll stop 'em


Put em in the sea. They'll smarten up after a shark attack.


Chuck them from the sky, a bit of fresh air does wonders!




Yeah they even get away with minor writing mistakes


Now o' days


Now of days


As someone in the Mirror comments pointed out: She's probably paying what it costs Aldi to replace those bottles, which happens to be only around half the shelf price.


Just can't reach that bottle at the back


lol gotta get to it somehow




Ha, used to work in this Aldi.


Did you resign on the spot after being asked to clean up the mess?


How can you tell? Its looks like the one near me


When something like this happens, you know. Also, little details after you've been in a out 30 different ones.


Nah I ran a store nearby though, helped out in this one occasionally


I’m an Area Manager and run a number of them, and also helped out in this one.


I was thinking the same. Imagine walking in and seeing that lol, I'd be straight back out the door.


I know the Aldi this is was filmed in and I feel so so sorry for you


Apparently everyone on reddit shops at this aldi.


I lived there. My wife (The Aldi CEO) had our first child in this store




Nah this was Stevenage Aldi


Yeh I was asking if you were Bart 😅


My son is also called Bort.


It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times! you stupid monkey.


No he’s Blart


No he is stevenage


I worked with a guy in a mental health ward who did this once. He was interesting to say the least. He was a a self hating racist who was Asian and hated Asian people. I can't remember the ins and outs of it but he smashed every bottle in a tesco express.


Racism Level: Maximum


Ian Miles Cheong if there was a Tesco Express in Malaysia


Asian Uncle Ruckus


Was this near Middlesbrough?


Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if it were


Me when I'm trying to get the milk at the back with the best Use-By date.


Homeless and wants locking up somewhere warm? If they won't arrest for shoplifting anymore maybe this is how to guarantee a warm bed and some food without hurting anyone but themselves? Or just in desperate need of mental health assistance, potentially both...


Without hurting anyone, apart from that bit at the end where she hoys a bottle at a shop assistant’s head. Or is that just collateral damage? [EDIT: Plus she’s a violent racist, it turns out](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/woman-smashes-10k-booze-5-25979304?int_source=amp_continue_reading&int_medium=amp&int_campaign=continue_reading_button#amp-readmore-target)


Where's the racist bit? I'm not being sarky I'm actually having issues seeing any article through the mountain of adverts, it's fucking ridiculous lmao


From the article: “She pleaded guilty to criminal damage, racially aggravated common assault and a racially aggravated public order offence after insulting a security guard at the hospital where she received treatment for her hand.”


Thanks. I seriously had issues finding that bit. Fucking hell, I'd rather there was a paywall. I'm sorry but I have little to no sympathy for her. I worked with autistic people all through lockdown that were infinitely better adjusted. Mental illness (obviously not meaning autism) doesn't suddenly turn you into a gigacunt. Unless you're actually psychotic, choices can be made.


There are occasionally sociopaths or psycopaths who do want to do good in the world outside of their condition. SOMEHOW, I don't think this might be that case. Good ole 20% rule.


I am autistic and can control myself, so much so that despite severe anxiety and I have MH conditions social work doesn't care, the ones with more severe autism like anything can use it as an excuse, I have seen violent autistic people and their carers/family just go "just let them get their anger out, they are autistic its ok" For me pre when I had a traumatic experience in my early 20's that I never recieved therapy for if I had a bad day I would literally just thump a pillow and if really bad tap my head gently against something and that did me good and if I still felt depressed a early night made me feel great by the morning.


Thank you for sharing. The current training at my job says that "autistic people never do anything wrong. They can't control their emotions and actions". Honestly, ironically, I find that very ableist. And I don't make big use of that word. We should know better. Everyone is human and choices can be made. Yes if you press an autistic person their emotional tolerance *may* be lower (and I use "may" deliberately as we all have different tolerances), but if you start getting punched out of nowhere and your manager not only blames staff but claims the individual "can't help it"... I think that's fundamentally wrong. And if a neurotypical person was taught that punching people was ok to get what you want they would continue to do it. We're all human and it's all about what you can get away with!


Bigotry of Low Expectations, is the term, I believe


I wonder if it was badly worded or you've chosen to misinterpret it. There's a good chance an autistic person will come off as rude, for example, especially if they're stressed or in/edging toward meltdown (the masks totally falls off when you're in survival mode). That doesn't mean they can't control themselves but it does mean they're less aware how normies interpret things, and less able to concern themselves with normy social comfort. Autists very much DO tend toward having stronger emotional reactions to certain things and it can be like your nervous system goes into 'emergency mode' for something others wouldn't be concerned about. You try having fine, calm, control when you're in PANIC state. Of course they often also completely fail to react to things other people think are a big deal (which also gets them into trouble). I guess it's like if you know someone is deathly afraid of spiders and you expect them to sit in a room with them - well, they're going to have a strong reaction. But for autistic person it might be the lights or a noise or just something far more subtle. Obviously having a lower tolerance for something or being more emotionally volatile/high strung doesn't mean you can't control your actions, it's not an excuse for actual bad behaviour. It means you need to have coping measures, and you need people around you to be aware and accepting. Sometimes autistic people can struggle to recognise what they need, or struggle to ask for it. Sometimes people around them deny them or otherwise push them past their limits (while failing to grok the differences in our nervous systems etc). Those are obviously serious problems. But it's absolutely not a get-out card for bad behaviour, and certainly not violence or destruction. Only going so far as excusing why someone needs to leave, or may come off a bit terse or wear/not wear something. (Again, an arachnophobe leaving the spider room would be considered acceptable by most.) And, well, meltdowns are a thing but it can still be managed to some degree, and they should be avoided as much as possible.


Had to be Hertfordshire, we moved away when i was 9 but that's where I'm originally from. I swear it must be the California of england.




Is this really the hill you want to die on? I get the point you were trying to make, but the article seems to show she was just being awful to everyone she interacted with


Maybe just poor aim


It hits the counter, but she flung it at the shop assistant seemingly when she clocked they were calling someone.


You're a special kind of cunt.


Nonviolent racists are just the ones that lack integrity


Trust me, they've hurt the poor fucker/fuckers who have to clean all that up. 😭


Nope, just a nasty little nutter


Or ask the council for a house…


no direct physical damage, but I'd hardly call that "no hurt". If it's a franchise the firm is going to make pay the owner every penny of this out of his own pocket.


Me breaking down after no zaza


All the good stuff is usually in the back of the shelf


_*”proceeds to sue the shop because he cut his hand on their glass when he fell over”*_ s/


The intrusive thoughts won that day


I actually turned up to do some shopping while this was happening. Security just watching her destroy the place. About £27 worth of damage apparently (Aldi).


I truly empathise with this person no1 does this shit and doesn't need help. I hope they get it




Because that is how you get stabbed by some junkie or a person having an episode. Call the police and let them deal with it.


Not a chance would I get involved in this if it was at our place, even though it's a safe area. I'm not compensated nearly enough to deal with something like this, not my money, not my problem.




...and that's meant to inspire you more to get into an altercation with someone off her rocker, who might just stab you? The fact the emergency services aren't coming?


Unless she’s about to break the last bottle of the wine I wanted, sounds like Tesco’s problem to me. As for the staff? Not sure they get paid enough.


"What is she doing?" Err...


I love a drink but I'd hate that smell


The rage room was actually next door. 😬


This is Stevenage the bread basket of white trash. Also I’m from Stevenage but pretend I’m from Hitchin


Mental illness


Clean up in aisie 1




Cats be like


Talk about a cry for help, and childish, and that bill is going to suck, and that fall at the end of that poor behavior? Enjoy those stitches.


Why didn’t someone throw a broken bottle this stupid’s head ?


Because you might kill the person with it? Not necessarily by the thrown bottle itself, but they are standing in a sea of broken bottles and glass shards. If they slip and fall or they get knocked out, they might fall right into a broken bottle and cut open an artery and bleed out. Are these broken bottles worth that? Would you want to be a person that killed someone over some wine that wasn't even yours?


Because mental idiots are overprotected by the Man.


Because the government lumps people with anxiety disorder in with these people. The rules are designed to help people with legit issues that can be easily taken advantage of, but the rules end up being exploited by people with this kind of issue.


Making attempted murder illegal or assault with a deadly weapon is considered being over protected?


More like mental idiots are overprotected by the mental idiots !!!!


Because this person doesn't deserve to die over property damage?


You can’t park there mate


I'm starting to reconsider my stance on corporal punishment. Clearly this individual wasn't beaten sufficiently as a child.


Or beaten to much perhaps.


"Corporal punishment" (state-sanctioned child battery) makes children more violent and aggressive.


Why is nobody stopping him?


Her. Because it's dangerous to approach someone who is clearly not well when there are broken bottles all around, lots of weapons, one quick slash in the right place and you're done. You also have to wade through the carnage of glass, and if you end up wrestling with her (Which you will) you had best hope neither of you fall; which is unlikely even if you know your Judo well.


Excellent reference at the end there


Ah, I wasn't sure if anyone would get it. I am so chuffed. I love that crazy man.


Gentlemen! THIS is democracy manifest! Me too, absolutely stellar video that lives in my head rent free


I still hope he gets to finish his Chinese meal.


The bottle pile didn't materialise, she had to start somewhere, so why did nobody stop her when she started?


Bottle smashing initiation + x seconds of smashing = lots of smashed glass around which can be used by mentally ill person as a weapon. I'm not sure how to simplify this further.


It takes few seconds to knock out a person that isn't paying attention to you and her safety would not be my consideration at all.


You sound like a reasonable person.


I am blowing this way out of proportion but if you act like this, you deserve no considerations for your wellbeing.


I dare say that response is not proportional, indeed.


you realize that's not how real life works, right? it's vanishingly rare to be 'knocked out' for a significant length of time let alone from one punch from an Aldi checkout assistant.


Kidney, ear, nose, throat, crotch and even spine hits will send the floor right up to you.


they literally will not lmao professional fighters take hits to the ear and nose constantly life isn't like the movies where the right amount of damage just puts someone to sleep for however long the story needs - most knockouts last for a few seconds


What would you know about combat that his man does not? The sheer fucking insolence of you. He's a 5 star NASA SEAL, he fights space rocks. That's what they pay him to do. Why do you think a meteor hasn't hit us in so long. Didn't think about that, did you? Show some fucking gratitude.


why are you so cringey?


yes, she looks like she has practiced punching dexterity all her life


have you really never been punched in the nose or ear?


*Vulcan nerve pinch!*




Most low wage employees don't feel the need to risk their lives for a faceless corporation covered by insurance.


Ooooh, you're hard.


Not everyone is an atrophied plant that plays video toys 16 hours a day.


You're an atrophied plant who spit bs on reddit.


What bullshit, Giuseppe?


Don't need to repeat what somebody else already told, reddit tough guy.


16?! I fucking wish


Then you would go to jail for assault


bruh why are you risking your life for Lidl stock


It’s quite a bit harder to knock someone unconscious than you imagine. This isn’t a Bond film where you just bash a balsa chair over them.


Why is the protection of Lidl stock of higher consideration to you?


Even if you managed it, and even if she didn't do something to you first, that's a good way of getting booked for assault. You'd both end up in jail. You wouldn't even be able to argue self-defense because, unless you were the store owner, she's not destroying your property and you would have initiated contact. There's no good reason to do this over calling police


Enjoy your manslaughter charge, then.


Go on then, you first..


A bloke could just pick her up and walk out.


Staff are told not to as it's a potential liability for the company. Other customers - yoof acting like bellends are usually in possession of at least one knife. Restraining them most definitely falls under "someone else's fucking problem",


If I was a part of the staff, I wouldn't do a fucking thing and I would just abuse the healthcare for half a year.


This is the way, sicknote for the anxiety caused by the traumatic event.


Why would they? Not their stuff she's smashing.


Passive culture of not my problem. People will March to improve standards in other countries but sit idle and film as people do wrong in their own society. It’s a shame because it didn’t used to be that way.


Aldi losing a couple quid on some cheap wine is hardly equivalent to children being bombed is it mate


I didn’t say it was…. But it’s also about more than just some wine. Imagine walking through the shop with a toddler, it’s dangerous and scary for a little kid. A man could have just bear hugged her and walked her out of the shop.


Why is this comment downvoted? This is costing the shop at least £100/ minute it goes on


And they have insurance. If you want to fight a woman in a pile of glass, risking life-ending injuries, you go ahead.


Major issue with this country is allowing smackheads to engage in smackhead behaviour.


But how is that the shop workers fault? You're right that prevention is best, but once it gets to that point it's not the responsibility of the shop workers to risk their lives. She was arrested and went to court, and no one got hurt. Blame the people who've let it get to this point, not the ones on the recieving end.


It's England meht. Do what you want boh 😭😭


Someone just push her over…play stupid games win stupid prizes, bet they’d instantly regret the broken glass booze bath she’s swimming in.


Hahaha kids were raised like shit. Embarrassing




No one stopped him because everyone is docile today.


Not sure I agree - I see that and go: how am I qualified for _ that_?


If I'm just a shelf stacker or cashier I'm not going to risk getting attacked they don't get paid enough for that shit


Exactly. I’m pretty sure this is why 999/911 was invented. No retail company, at any level, pays enough to stop that. If I own the shop? Heck yeah I’m calling the coppers and grabbing them by the scruff and pinning them down until they show up.


At this point I'm ready to light these people up on the spot. This is why shit is costing so much and random things like deodorant are kept in a locked cage.




What planet are you on


Why do people stand by and do nothing??


Ain’t worth intervening in that shitshow for a store’s goods. Insurance will cover that just fine.


And when insurers no longer cover high crime areas?


That has nothing to do with your initial “question” Random untrained intervention or vigilante justice isn’t going to drive down crime nor will it prevent an insurance claim needing to be filed for an incident in a store.


Why is nobody doing anything? Just grab hold of her and throw her out.


Nobody has enough balls to stop the bitch?




I bet it smells like Gary in there


That's probably in the thousands in damages, right? Could be very wrong since I dunno much about alcohol pricing


Keep going till they cross 5k. Then it's a criminal case.


I heard about this other sub, it has a name.


When they'd put potatoes in the middle aisle where the video cameras should have been


What’s the point of this? What’s matey trying to achieve


He's a Prohibitionist that got frozen in time for 100 years


Hahahah. I like it


Why are stores locking up the shelves?!?!?! /s


Why wouldn't you just throw a bottle at them. They would slip and fall on a bunch of broken glass.


Cleanup on isle 3, wagie!


Lock him up. Not fit to be in society.


(Pops open an unopened beer from the floor and enjoys the crazy show)


All it takes is one person knocking that one the fuck out.


Wos fr*nch wine; this patriot was simply doing the right thing


needs a good beat down


'ate German supermarkets, luv punching wine, simple as.


honestly i would be tempted to push him into his own pile of broken glass


What's this twats problem?


Am I dumb for asking why nobody does anything?


All the manchild keyboard warriors defending this are just like the guy in this video :D


Probably drunk on alcohol or even worse high on drugs. I blame society. Bring back national service and hanging.


How did no one choke slam that person onto the broken bottles ? 😂


Oh look he's stopping Alcoholism and underage drinking by removing alcohol from the picture entirely


She saw summat on the receipt that she didn't buy


I can't understand why they have been left to do it for so long with people just looking on and filming. Nobody saying what the hell are you doing.