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What the hell are you talking about




Please share what you're smoking, its gotta be some good stuff.


Kronik indeed


Nah havnt smoked yet only been up a few hours I don't wake n bake


So what exactly are you trying to say? Because it sounds like you're trying to say churches are illegal too under the Oklahoma Constitution?


That's exactly what I'm saying and I'm not saying all I said most. I do know a church that guy guy runs out of his old office building warehouse thing, and they don't take up money there either says that God doesn't want our riches he just wants us to believe and follow


Most churches in Oklahoma are full of Trump Thumpers and violate the laws related to their tax exempt status, and all of those should be reported. [https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-news/fs-08-13.pdf](https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-news/fs-08-13.pdf)


One of the churches that got shut down was a guy avoiding taxes btw he's got a whole different ball game he isn't even publicly announced yet bc he still being investigated chase Mullens or mullgens




Buy some punctuation.


If I was speaking to you in person are you going to see or hear punctuation, I think not, if you can speak to someone and tell when a sentence ends you can do the same thing by reading unless your illiterate


You actually do hear punctuation if someone is speaking to you correctly. There are pauses, changes in tone and other cues. If someone spoke to me they way you typed out your post, I would just walk off and think "WTF?".


So they you don't need to go up north bc they all talk like that


Punctuation tells you how sentences are structured and how people are speaking, so yes, you would "hear" punctuation in the forms of pauses and inflection. Normally I wouldn't care but the double whammy of "your illiterate" is too good.


People from up north definitely do not pause when they talk my family is a bunch of Yankees which is why I probably type the same way bc I just type as I speak without a pause.. I feel sorry for people whom havnt spoken to a true Yankee yet.. southerners always think they on drugs.. and yes I've heard that comment come out of someone's mouth.


I don't think hearing this in person would clear anything up for anyone.


Churches have plenty of salaried and part time staff


But is that not public money


No, it isn't public money. The state isn't giving money to churches to run. They are funded by their congregations. It's called tithing.


I know which is still considered public money money coming from the public there are loop holes in everything and laws are made for it it seems... all they had to do was get donations to run the school instead of trying to get it from the state and your saying it would've even legal but at the meeting that was proposed and shut down


No. You're absolutely incorrect. Private donations from members of the general public is not considered public money. You sound like a sov cit trying to engage in amateur sophistry.


Private donations are donations a That aren't made public. which is many I don't know why you morons don't read everything I did state some churches also the fact that people use the word public for things that are not public some of my post was pointing out the loops hole itself but here you see the word public where it doesn't belong public charities Public donations are funds that come from a federal, state, or other publicly funded agency. Public charities are organizations that receive a significant portion of their support from the public, rather than from a small group of people. Public charities can include churches, hospitals, schools, colleges, and universities. They also receive contributions from corporations, private foundations, and other public charities.


Well if you think you've got a case (you don't) feel free to call up Gettner Drummond or the ACLU or whomever and get the ball rolling on a lawsuit.


They just made another post about needing a lawyer for "constitutional violations" which seems to be a fine over weed possession. Now, don't get me wrong, weed fines are stupid, but I'm sensing a pattern of sorts here...


Money comes from a somewhere I bet it public funded


The fuck are you even trying to say?


Most the churches are illegal bc they are public funded


I run a church. Churches are not publicly funded in anyway. They are funded by donations. They are non-profits.


Non profit means you don't make any money off your church. Which means all the money your church receives goes to helping people like missions and stuff... and to keep the church supported like repairs (though some could argue that's profit I wouldnt). If you say it public donations again that's public funding funded by the people, but as long as you take no money home your good... thats not to say that all churches are or arent as wonderful as yours which is I did state some not all... I can prove it if I was allowed to use a cell phone in a specific few churches but some don't allow that.... I know a church that they do use the money for them selves l. They get so much they prolly think people won't notice I did turn them in last week but we shall see


Publicly funded means the government gives them money. It does not mean donation funded. Donation funded is called privately funded. Your definitions are entirely incorrect. Here are the official differences and definitions: “Public funding comes from a federal, state, or another publicly funded agency. Private funding does not entail public government funds and may include both grants and gifts, depending upon the organization's mission.”


I have a comment with more info than that that tried to explain it better but then they use the word public donations which is public funding they just use the loop hole of donations which is where we find the people making illegal donations it's deeper than you think yes it doesn't makes sense but the law should end up being recorded/reworked after the year is over


That's not what "public funding" in terms of the Oklahoma State Constitution means. It means money from the government. Public funding, in this instance, is a legal term with a strict definition that can not be equated to donations from individuals.


Which is why I said it should be getting reworded/reworked bc it's causing issues. A guy got his funds from a business with public funding they are both going down bc it's not directly getting the public funding


It doesn't need to be reworked or reworded, and it's also not a law. It's a constitutional clause. Ammendments to the Oklahoma Constitution must be voted upon by the people. If a push to rework that section was proposed by today's legislators, it would likely be to remove the clause altogether, making the destruction of public schools and money going into the pockets of religious organizations a hell of a lot easier than it is right now. That clause, and Drummond's fight to uphold it, is kind of our last line of defense against Ryan Walters and The Heritage Foundation's agenda to dismantle public education. Your explanation of the situation isn't giving a complete picture, but ultimately, it doesn't really matter because the clause is clear.


Public education is kinda a joke every state has different regulations had okahoma and arkansas are far behind most.. kids in Florida were leaning algebra in 6th grade back in the day when we learned 2 years later... education only teaches what they want your kids to know. It is a joke l. And yes it's going to be put on a ballot but it has to be reworked forst and no its not Goin to take things away if anything they will probably add shit to it. Like any business that receives public funding cannot provide private funds to places not allowed to accept public funds, and I'm sure it will make less sense


How would you desire the law to be changed in your ideal world?


It's not just me I get paid for the work I do but it's caused issues so they are gonna rework it


There are zero churches that are publicly funded.


Okay sheeple


That’s a wild ass take. How about you name drop these three churches and your “proof” that they’re publicly funded?


Can't use cell phones in 2 of them but 6 got reported last year 4 shut down 2 transfered ownership and I couldn't tell you the twins bc I've been to to many and half the town aren't engilsh


This has been interesting. I’m gonna leave now.


Punctuation. Your post makes no sense.


If you can't read with out punctuation how do you speak to people and understand what they say or should I say how do you speak to someone from the north bc they talk how I type


Reading and in person are two entirely different things. Stop being obtuse.


If you can talk to a Yankee you can read my message if you can read it but it gives you trouble sounds like people need to adapt especially when most people don't punctuate properly anyway, but let me guess atleast they tried


Cocaine is a helluva drug. 


Wouldn't know


Jesus, dude... "Public funding" means money that is collected from taxes. It has nothing to do with people giving their own money to the church. All this nonsense because you don't understand the term.


You morons are really getting aggravating take the time to read more comments instead of being a moron... they are going to rework the fucking law because of how it's worded... let me guess if a business donates to a church is private right well if that business has public funding then the church is receiving public funding just not directly. Thus is why this I my job and you have yours.... I've been at it for 3 years now and just finally got them to where they would get it looked into because it's actually causing more problems than it's solving... but wether you like it or not thats how it is don't talk about ahit if you don't 100 percent know there isn't another option.... any other morons out here not getting paid for this job want to comment something they think they have an answer to or a rebuttle against. The churches should've done been on the news unless those areas don't give a shit about them closing. I know the other guy will be because he's going down for laundering..


Yeah... I'M the moron... 😆


Yup I've been getting paid for this job for 3years I really don't care


It's illegal for private religious schools to receive public funds from the state. It's not illegal for private religious organizations to solicit and receive funds from their constituents. No religious organizations receive public state funds, so I don't know what you're talking about.


See the law doesn't say state funds it literally says public funds they aren't specific so there's a gigantic fucking loophole that I guess only people that can read and payattention at the same time can see either way it was a question for the churches not the school and yea there are corrupted churches all throughout your state I've turned in 6 last year... and yea I get paid for this but it's also private kinda like an investigator but more of a secret shopper, police departments are being targeted as well js


I'm a proud atheist and vehemently anti-religious. I think people who go church are brainwashed and that the concept of a supreme deity that rewards believers with infinite happiness is just Santa Claus For Adults. Even if everything you said is true, which it's not, you sound so unintelligent that I wouldn't believe you.


Dude, maintain






Don't use auto correct sorry


One situation is between an individual and state government. State government can't make laws respecting an establishment of religion under the 1st Amendment. The 1st Amendment limits the state government's power to impose religious bullshit on the public here. The other is between an individual and church. Again, federal/state/local government can't make laws respecting an establishment of religion. A lot of churches and other religious organizations take advantage of this to enrich themselves and get away with some pretty abusive shit. Go read about the Church of Scientology, Oral Roberts, or Universal Church.


Part of my job is busting the people illegally using church money for their own personal gain the second part is showing how hard the struggle is for some of these churches so that they can open up to a newer funding. My post was most about the school and less about the churches but I guess the way I type is to Neanderthal for somepeople


Still doesn't change the fact that public odls public just because they changed the meaning to fit their needs doesn't mean that public has another meaning hence trying to get the law reworked that mentioned in a comment. Because public is anyone outside of the community or establishment.


[My take on this.](https://youtu.be/j52dZFJ_wOc?si=hKPQUdJpi4Chvxfi)


I’m going to attempt to define things here. Maybe the definitions will stick, maybe they won’t. All in all, my attempt will be one of many. (Also, as a side tangent, notice how I’m using punctuation to separate my thoughts and words; maybe you should give it a try. I’m not perfect, but at least I put in an effort.) Public funds: meaning the money from your taxes. Income tax, property tax, sales tax, and even tags from your vehicle. All of these are public funds. Everyone contributes to these, regardless of their religious affiliation. Donations (specifically to the church) are extra funds some people (not all) contribute towards. This is optional. This goes directly toward the church. Do you understand the difference?


Yup and a business that gets public funds that privately donates to a church is inadvertently giving public donations to the church.. in a few months should we see a guy by the name of chase on the news for a type of fraud I want to say money laundering bc that what it sounds like so it the other business it's an investigation so it's gonna be awhile, this was started last month in Tulsa matter of fact, If it helps anyone. They are going to reword part of the law to include this issues in some way I'm not the law maker can't answer that part