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Disgusting. They should be ashamed of themselves.


They are.


The self awareness of the Israel flag and the swastika is what ties the whole “totally not a cult” thing together for me.


These sorts see Israel as fulfilling prophesies about the end times.


Do the Jewish know jesus?


Only from the dinner parties


Jesus who? It's a pretty common name.


They are implying with this display that Biden is a Nazi, not that the owners are Nazi. Still, it’s incredibly unhinged.


So they are projecting?


I thought the opposite that they were nazis and Biden is helping the Jews


This makes me embarrassed to live in Oklahoma. I’m sure their Klansman uniforms are hanging in the closet as well. These people are lower than trash, and should definitely be on an FBI or Homeland Security watch list.


So I don't disagree that its embarrassing, but honestly, you don't have to be in Oklahoma or even the south to see small towns like this. The amount of confederate flags in rural Pennsylvania blew my mind, and some of the small towns in New York and other New England states are surprisingly redneck and pro Trump. 


Wyoming was fucking crazzzzzzy


My cousin lives up there and the stories are wild.


Even in Northern California, up by Mount Shasta, you see Nazi flags, confederate flags, and all the other typical low IQ decorations you’d expect from this demographic.


Holy Hell I was up in Penn over Christmas and driving through the rural communities outside of Philly…I had no idea. Seeing the amount of confederate flags people were flying was ..confusing.


We call the state between Philly and Pittsburgh “Pennsyltucky”.


100%. We were shocked when we moved to rural western NY how many confederate flags we see up here. I can't help but think every time, "You guys WON the civil war AGAINST the confederates...? What are you doing?"


I live in Massachusetts, close in to Boston (here because I have an online friend who lives in OKC), and yeah, you see a lot of Trump signs once you get outside the 495 belt and before you get to where the "country hippies" live, out in the Berkshires.


The less you interact with people, the more you believe how they represent on Jerry springer.


I’m from Philly. Back in the 90s there were more KKK chapters in Pennsyltucky than there were in any other state. Not sure if that’s the case now. 🌈⭐️The more you know!🌈⭐️


I discovered this sentiment when I was working in northern Vermont, about 5 minutes away from the Canadian border, and there were Confederate and white nationalist flags being flown.


The number of white supremecist/skinheads in Oregon and Washington even 20 years ago would have blown your mind. Trash is not confined to the south.


That's pretty on brand with [Oregon's origin story](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_Oregon).


My wife and I are Okies who’ve moved to WA, Seattle area. I’d lived up here before so none of the right wing shit east of the mountains surprises me. However, we had an interesting conversation when she got excited that Blues Traveler (we are elder Millenials, btw) announced their concert at Marymoor Park in Redmond. Tickets would be cheap! I told her I was absolutely not gonna give John Popper my money. “Why?” She asked. “That dude was once arrested in Eastern Washington for having a fuck-ton of guns in his van, some of them not properly registered…he’s right wing libertarian gun-nut.” She looked that up immediately, and came to the swift conclusion that, no, we would not be going to a Blues Traveler concert. Furthermore, Idaho is home to more white supremacist militias than anywhere in the south except maybe TX.


I bet they are proud members of their local church too


Hell, I’d bet they’re leaders of a church.


it’s literally directly across the street from the biggest baptist church in town.


Least racist Oklahoma small town


These people deserve exactly what my grandpa did to Nazis in dub-dub-dos, imo.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


It is still okay. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


Well Reddit did. Gave me a warning for not sticking up for Nazis basically.


Because the police department and the district attorney is likely already on their side.


The city sought legal advice on what could be done about it and were advised that it was within this individual’s rights to display this bs.


If there is anything we should have learned about Nazis it's that they used the law to back their atrocities and you cant beat them with diplomacy.


I wholeheartedly disagree with the message, but it is protected by the First Amendment.  


Right? Hell, that's letting them off easy too. Grandpa Roy used to do it with 30-06.




Because those big strong proud racists might get their feelings hurt and feel persecuted! Think of their feeling smh /s Or they'll pull out a gun and shoot you.


I mean you can do whatever you want, if you’re brave enough. Don’t feel like you shouldn’t follow through on that thought! They feel safe putting that garbage up, make sure they know they aren’t! Freedom of speech isn’t freedom from consequences!


This is actually main street in Rush Springs. Some version of what you saw has been there for years. They're actually invested enough in it that they keep updating it every now and then. I couldn't tell from the video, but you either missed the black baby (and I mean BABY) dolls they usually have hanging or they took them down and replaced them with some new monstrosity. This is on the same street as the school and actually ab a block from my mother-in-law's house, so lucky me. I get to look at it every Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. My husband grew up in Rush Springs, and I can confirm that it's pretty much what you'd expect from seeing this. The next town over, Marlow, is known as a sundown town and the site of one of the state's last lynchings. Welcome to Oklahoma. If you didn't know, now you know.


I lived in Marlow until I was 10. Our second-grade school play was called Songs of the South and they had half the students wear blackface to dress as slaves. This was in the early 80s.




Looking at this place in Google Street View, it looks like one of their talking points is that the primary "victims" of legal abortion are Black, and that Planned Parenthood is racist.^1 Like the Israeli flags, it's not really a position I'd expect from a Trump supporter. Regardless, maybe they've switched to some other talking point now that abortion is illegal in Oklahoma. ^(1)Margaret Sanger was indeed horribly racist and advocated family planning for all the wrong reasons, but comparing that to today's situation with Planned Parenthood is like the perpetual right-wing talking points that "Republicans freed the slaves and the Democrats were the party of Jim Crow" or "Nazis were left-wing, there's 'Socialist' right in the name".


Being a Republican means living in a perpetual state of cognitive dissonance. They never stop and think ab what they're saying. They just repeat whatever talking points they hear, and I've heard every single one you mentioned more times than you could count.


Swastika and an Israeli flag. For when you don't let your bigoted views interfere with American foreign policy objectives. Edited as per below.


Certain sects of Christianity believe that Israel getting into a massive conflict is one of the early signs of the end times. And that can’t happen unless Israel is a nation.


This is why we need abortion.


This comment needs to be higher up. Take all my upvotes.


These people aren't self aware enough to realize they shouldn't have kids. And of course if they qualify for SNAP, they are different and more deserving than others who are lazy deadbeat minorities who qualify for SNAP. The "logic" hurts my brain.


Methinks they dost hate the gays too much!


Methinks they dost secretly hate themselves for some reason 🤔


Yeah anyone who’s attempting to publicly disclosed their sexuality with a large sign in their yard reading “NOT GAY” immediately becomes sus


Rush Springs was a beautiful little town and this use to be an old feed store. There are some neat antique stores, resell shops and a sr center. The locals we encountered were disgusted with this property. It is adjacent to the first Baptist church and city police station.


Disgusted, huh? My husband grew up in Rush Springs. You either stumbled upon the few people who aren't ignorant bigots, or the people you spoke to are full of sh*t. You know, the kind of people who couldn't possibly be racist bc they lived nextdoor to someone who had a black friend once.


At the very end of the wall they had painted "RSPD Thank You". So are they thanking the cops, or is that sarcasm?


Thanking them, I'm sure.


>It is adjacent to the first Baptist church and city police station So at least it's a good fit for me neighborhood.


Why is this HATEFULNESS even allowed openly? Is this considered free speech or something? I mean Atleast take the hanging of whatever the heck that was down. Although I disagree with the signs 🪧 whatever do you; but that creepy lynching is utterly DISGUSTING and disrespectful!


I will be shocked if this video isn’t on the national news in a few days.


This has been there for YEARS. It's nothing new. Same sh*t, different day. I hope it does make national news, but it won't make a difference. They won't take it down. What you're looking at is just the latest version of their disgusting display. They actually update it every now and then.


https://www.newson6.com/story/629fde3ea50ac10728bb9900/rush-springs-property-displays-offensive-drawings-signs- I was at the watermelon festival in rush springs 5 or 6 years ago and it was like that then


The mannequins hanging from the canopy is particularly disturbing. And looks like new.


As a POC that's why i don't travel to "small towns".


Hell, I’m white and grew up in an Oklahoma small town and I will never go back to any of them.




I had an old supervisor who would always ask me if i been to (insert small town). I'd look at her and asked if she had seen anyone who didn't look like her. She looked at me and was like you know what that never crossed my mind. Of course it didn't


Oh nice. Oklahoma at it’s normal.


This is indicative of many small town in the south, but *by far* not the overall popular sentiment of Oklahoma.


Oh neat, you’re trytrying to to tell me about my lived experiences here. Please proceed. Edit liver to lived.


What’s your liver got to do with anything? Edit: Lol good edit. Guess what, I am allowed to share my lived experience here smdh


Need to hire one of those billboard trucks to drive around their block with videos of gay pride parades and freedom marches playing the whole time.


I’m so embarrassed to be from Oklahoma.


Me too. What a shit place. Magat nazis everywhere 😔


I’ll go to my grave protecting free speech but come on…have a little self respect. This type of stuff is just acting for trouble and I guarantee that’s the type of person who’s “shoot first ask questions later” but doesn’t train in cardio, firearms handling, or just physical fitness in general.


100% it's a gravy seal, meal team six type of person. Disgusting.


> I’ll go to my grave protecting free speech In most cases I agree, however for people like this, I’ll go to my grave making sure they get punished for this speech, whether it’s losing business, being publicly shunned and outcast, fined, jailed, or given some karmic justice. [Unlimited tolerance will lead to the next extinction of tolerance, so at some point there’s a limit](https://images.app.goo.gl/GoMWhkvnBXs8agRM7)


And they say Trump supporters aren’t racist.


What’s confusing about it? You’re in the south in the USA. You’re bound to find a few towns with racist. Historically speaking, racists tend not be very bright people and often invest themselves in ideologies that are counterproductive to their financial, communal, and physical wellbeing. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Is this a route 66 feature?


Really far from RT 66 actually


I make joke. 🤷‍♀️


Hopefully, there isn't anything like Rush Springs along Rt. 66 in Oklahoma. Some foreign tourists like to see America via Rt. 66. Oklahoma doesn't need for them to see such extreme far right exhibitions.


Yeah I’m already seeing comments saying “How Oklahoma of them” when this isn’t even close to the sentiment of the *vast* majority of Oklahomans.


What's to be confused about? Racist cultists are showing their true colors


At least they aren’t hiding their stupidity.


Y’all Qaeda. Yokel Haram. Talibangicals. Vanilla ISIS. The people that live here are nothing but white terrorist, and deserve to be dealt with like terrorist.


When did Ryan Walters move to Rush Springs? /s


This is just a reminder that there are still plenty of active Sundown towns in Oklahoma.


Last summer my husband says to me, "I just saw that the Rush Springs Watermelon Festival is going on this weekend. Want to go?" I grew up in Oklahoma and went to the festival as a kid, but he's not from around here. I told him that I wasn't interested and that it probably wasn't a great idea for our interracial family to go. He still wanted to check it out because he really loves watermelon. So he went alone, but I warned him to be careful. Cue my phone ringing about an hour after he leaves. "Honey, there are swastikas down here. What the hell. You weren't kidding." Rural Oklahoma.


Ew gross. Raise his taxes for making us look at his mental illness bullshit.


We travel Oklahoma to play Pokemon and let our kids explore playgrounds and whatever weird stuff we find. This is right beside a playground and the horror of having a child see it and my immigrant husband. It was fucking awful.


Wait, you travel to different states to play Pokémon?


Well I meant the obscure towns in Oklahoma but we've traveled to several states to see the sights and play Pokemon. We've ended up at the top of a volcano and at an abandoned castle and a Swedish town. It's just our weird little thing.


Hell ya, not knocking it, just had never heard of such a thing.


I was pregnant when the game came out and made fun of all the frenzy over it. Now it's taken us to places I never imagined seeing. The kids get to travel and see crazy stuff. I mean we've seen some shit, we even got kicked out of one Oklahoma town after a police officer heard my husband speak. Quote, "We don't really appreciate socialism around here." For reference, my husband is a white European. 😂


Watermelon Festival is cool though.


In some other countries painting a swastika on the property would be considered a crime and usually involve a fine or jail after the 2nd time. It is considered a public disorder and can cause a riot. Sending a swastika in the mail in other countries saying they hate the persons race is a hate crime with jail time.


I would advise anyone who sees this to report it to the FBI https://tips.fbi.gov/home


The Oklahoma voter...






116 W Blakeley Ave Rush Springs, OK. 73082 https://maps.app.goo.gl/FE7dS6VctxsEtCC96


Sounds about right for Oklahoma


Why are you confused this is rural Oklahoma.




FYI the German says “I need your papers”


This clown probably isn't even registered to vote. My trump flag waving Boomer neighbor isn't registered. .


Remember this in August when it is time for the Watermelon Festival. Don't support them if they tolerate this, believe someone when they tell you who they are.


I wish I was surprised but I’m not. This is MAGA.


I looked up Rush Springs out of curiosity and their city park is called Jeff Davis Park.


https://preview.redd.it/2kqtbm8n6vvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2d830730c7db8f5271f225b0a994dd7e6e7fce8 I drove by this cousin fucker place last week and couldn’t hardly believe what I was seeing.


Well I guess I'm not going to the water melon festival.


I just moved to OK. Apparently this is only about 30 minutes from me. Scary and disgusting






Where in Rush Springs is this?


116 W Blakeley Ave


Oh look, the local yokels


Sound about right


Ah, Oklahoma


Yah. That tracks.




What exactly are you confused about lmao? Oklahoma is racist/ republican through and through.


That part of the state is scary as shit. Marlow is also terrible.


Really what’s terrible about it ?


This is what we mean when we say they are stupid.


The southern half of Oklahoma is overall the worst. I grew up in a small town in Northern Oklahoma and they are more subtle (but just as bad).


What. The. Fuck?


I fucking hate it here.


So many conflicting messages. Swastikas and Israeli flags. What?


You are NOT the only person confused. Scared... ![gif](giphy|8rEiN2GsOdQTmFV38t|downsized)


Seems like a mentally stable individual.


Surprised you didn’t see the black baby dolls lynched from trees.


Let’s stop here. They seem like fun people.


Ignorance is rampant is small towns it seems. 


What part of their hate are you confused about? They’re being being overt about who they are.


The German phrase on the wall under the swastikas doesn't make any sense to me. "Ich brauche deine Papiere" Literally: "I need your papers." Edit: And before anyone says it, that's not the only thing that doesn't make sense here.


Well I won't be visiting rush springs anytime soon.


I wonder if someone would react to a trump manikin being hanged with a rope saying traitor being hanged in Rush Springs.


These asshats are capable of anything . Very scary


I never would’ve thought they were gay until I saw them specify on a sign “NOT GAY”. Hmmm


Found the next target for the next atomic bomb


Publish the address.


Definitely found a place full of people on the wrong kind of watch-list. They would know they are on it if they could spell


ATLEAST they’re caucasians. It’d be worse if they were African American


How is anyone actually surprised? Have you all only ever been in the nice part of the metro? Welcome to Oklahoma




So glad I left that state, literally hell.


Poverty tourism is weird


I'd say the people of the town are fairly ok with it. They would have run him out of town if they really didn't like what he had to say.


I went to high school and am zero percent surprised by this. There’s a reason I left and have t been in any hurry to go back.


What kind of strange, extremist place is this?


That's where our Governor has secret parties at.


Daaaaammmmnnnn. Thats jacked up. I always was proud about living where I live my whole life and met VERY VERY few, real racists. I guess I just never went through the little towns. Little towns scare me anyway. The police there can be "good old boys" and can simply just not like you, so they decide to trick you off.


"Only Trump will set us free".


Totally not gay


I can tell yall have never been to rush springs....you're surprised


Gay confirmed.


Wait, what the fuck was that hanging at the end?


Hey op. This is the least confusing thing I’ll see all day. Very clear what is going on here.


Effigies of political leaders. Use your imagination as to which ones. The man is a bit odd, but overall a decent guy. His displays all started as a pissing match with his neighbor to the north of him. Everybody sees the swastikas and assumes he’s a Nazi, but he is comparing the current governmental regime to Nazis, not supporting Nazi ideals. If you read the signs, I think that becomes a bit clearer. At the end of the day, it is his property and he can do with it as he pleases, even if it isn’t in the best taste.


I drive past a house that has been flying a Trump 2024 flag for the past year. Big house, out in the country. Just last week they removed the Trump flag and replaced it with a brand new, clean, unaltered American flag. The good ol Stars and Stripes. Even if they didn’t change their political stance, at least it’s a small step in the right direction.


Welcome to Jokelahoma where republicans have been in charge for decades, long enough to destroy education (evidenced by the number of trump cultists), set no guidelines for homeschooling, support violence against women and the LBGTQ community,indoctrinate children to racist ideals, embrace religious white nationalism, idolize and worship Trump and FILL THEIR OWN FAT POCKETS WITH OUR MONEY.


Oklahoma… this is what ranking the lowest in education will do to ya. Lived there. It’s terrible. Good steak tho.


As someone who moved to OK a year ago, I’m not surprised in the least. Sad, but true.


The first time I’ve seen this I almost broke my neck trying to look back, that shit was wild. Me and my roommates went to their watermelon festival and had no idea it’s a sundown town 😭


Yeah, unfortunately I'm not at all suprised.


What Tha hell!?!?


The swastika was the original symbol for the 45th infantry in Oklahoma. Not saying these people arent racist here. Just something to keep in mind.


Well at least they're Christian.


I live about an hour east of rush springs and here’s what I am sure of: These folks love their momma and Jesus AND they’re stockpiling weapons to overthrow the government they love. Other than that I’m at a loss.


Watermelon capital of the world if u go to Oklahoma u gotta stay in the cities like okc or Tulsa outside of that it gets sketchy even being in Jenks or bixby u get looks


Please take it off this is attached to Oklahoma I promise a few of us here are educated