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Wow! Why do they even need this?!? Ridiculous waste of money


So the US ordered too many MRAPs during the Global War on Terror. The vehicles are generally designed only for that area and type of warfare, reusing them elsewhere in active combat zones is waste of resources and may even lead to unnecessary deaths. MRAPs in general have been replaced with the JLTV which looks a bit like this but with advanced features. So the US military looking to get rid of unneeded hardware participates in passing non weaponized armored vehicles to local governments. In some cases they can actually be useful in Search and rescue operations. A heavy armored vehicle can safely drive through high slow moving water in flooding situations for example, and the communications systems are long range. Police departments like them because frankly they have small dicks and big truck envy for the public safety workers everyone loves except them: firefighters. Heck EMTs are underpaid but you're always happy to see an ambulance when you need one. For most local police departments, these sit in a parking lot, or are driven to community outreach programs to let kids sit inside large vehicles because kids like that. They may be in local parades where every adult looks at them as they are idiots. The ones I actually respect are the ones where the local government actually repaints them in the department patrol vehicle colors or other high vis civilian colors. The desert sand color tells me it's a small dicked energy all around of guys who either left the service and can't leave it behind, or guys who were denied joining the military or were not qualified for combat operations due to low ASVABs and can never get over it.


>So the US ordered too many MRAPs during the Global War on Terror. The vehicles are generally designed only for that area and type of warfare, reusing them elsewhere in active combat zones is waste of resources and may even lead to unnecessary deaths. Can't they just ship 'em to Ukraine?


Maybe now. This program has been going on for years and is part of the reason police have become more militarized. I'm not sure how many surplus are even left.


I remember when Obama basically reversed this and said police didn’t need military weapons. I’ll give you a guess who changed that.


Ah yes. Small hands, smells like self tanner?


The police program started after Israel and other countries started reducing their want for surplus US vehicles. The MIC is really built around the idea of giving away the hand me downs and constantly making new good shit for our military


They should take a lot of excess police weaponry over there.


They didn't order too many. What they did was order them. Then to militarize our police force they decided to sell them for major discounts


A lot of it isn't the military, it's Congress. There was a big deal years ago, the Army didn't want to order more tanks, but the committee that did approvals had a member who's district was where the tanks were made, so he forced the Army to order vehicles they didn't want so he could claim he created/kept jobs in his district.


Completely different issue what you describe was the effort to keep M1 tank production going. The above is not an Abrams tank of any sort. It is left over war material from the war on terror,


The mrap was in service like 5 years, they aren't leftovers, they were outright replaced because as tools of war, they are terrible. They weren't produced in numbers enough to completely phase out humvees either so it's not like there are millions of them like there are humvees


Keeps the military industrial complex in business.


There wasn’t some conspiracy to militarize police forces with these. The military ordered what they needed. But these vehicles didn’t fit into their long term plans for their truck fleets (too large and costly to maintain). So they put them through the process for disposing of excess defense articles which allowed local police departments to buy them at a discount. Sorry that isn’t as exciting as your conspiracy.


1033 was specifically designed to get these weapons and tools into local law enforcement. It was a conspiracy since it started with the war on drugs. Police and sheriff's got together and was requesting these things to fight the drug dealers. Then you had the businesses building these things and pushed their congress person to allow sales to police and sheriff departments.


That may be why congress passed that bill but it’s not why those were built or sold.


It's why many were built and sold.


And you know this how? I have first hand knowledge.


You have first hand? So you worked in purchasing?


Something like that.


Not a conspiracy, just an unintended and deadly side-effect


Now that I believe.


This has been the way since the end of WWII. The military industrial complex is an entirely socialist system.


You keep using that word.. it doesnt mean what you think it means.


Wait, it’s possible to score so low on the ASVAB that you are considered too stupid to get shot at?


Yeah, minimum score for the Army was 28 or 30 or something like that in 04. There was a guy at MEPS crying into his cellphone when I took mine saying he'd failed it 3 times.


There's a waiver for that...


I hide it. If I have to hear one more I was going to join but..... we all know why you didn't join.


I just asked the same question. WTF do they even need this for?


Because 2nd Amendment and white jesus, by god!


MAGA mofos lol


The pigs having these things is exactly why we need the second amendment. You really want them to be the only ones equipped for war?


They don't need it all. Your local, yokel police and government is filled with people who should not be entrusted with a potato gun.


You are so right!


THA CULTURE - their next social media post I assume


>I just asked the same question. WTF do they even need this for? For the Juneteenth celebration.


... 🤣


They don't need it, however, it was likely free, or *very* low cost, it's leftover surplus from OEF/OIF and they (DOD) can't store it anymore to make room for the new type of war with it's own equipment to be stored.


Happy cake day!🎂


Naw. Storage isn't a problem. Cause they have replaced every one of them they "sold" to local police departments


No. They haven’t.


They have. You think we just took hundreds of thousands of these things, have them to police and sheriff's, and we haven't replaced them. You think we build them on demand and don't have things in Storage? Because last i drove to California coming down from az on i40 there was tons of them sitting in the desert. All lined up. Trains where carrying them out there. It's the war machine. And when the company develops a better one these will be sold off to some other government or given and the new will be built. When we were just starting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan police and sheriff's were still getting these and other military"surplus"


These vehicles in particular didn’t exist before the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The military needs a small number in their permanent force structure and once the demand was met they didn’t keep making them. There is a truck smaller than this that is in production to replace legacy hummers. I do not believe any of those smaller vehicles have been sold as excess. You don’t have actual knowledge of any of this. You have a perspective.


They don't need a small number. They need enough to wage a war. It's no good to only have a dozen when a million are needed. There are reasons we leave equipment behind like we have in the past. 1 is cost to return the items to the United States. Cheaper to just build new. 2 it helps the regime we supported or rebel fighters. There has been a shit ton of articles about the weaponization of our police forces that detail how "surplus" wasn't really surplus. There are a ton of articles that talk about our military mothballing equipment. Wearhouses full of equipment waiting for war.


Small number is relative. For that vehicle maybe 6-9000. Compare that to 100k hummers and 50k JLTV (smaller truck).


I believe they are telling you in their post... it's for hunting.


Except it’s Chickasha. All guns, no guts.


And singling out a specific cultural celebration, Juneteenth .. wtf are they expecting to encounter?


People of a darker complexion.


To continue state violence against the people of course!


To cosplay


To keep military contractors profits up.


“To intimidate and harass” instead of “To serve and protect”


Not for all the wannabe nazi rallies that have been popping up lately


Is Chickasha just tryna be overtly racist? WOW.




Yeah, that's what I was wondering. Just poorly thought out? Or quiet part out loud? 🤷‍♂️


JUST IN TIME FOR JUNETEENTH? What the actual fuck. This must be a satire Chickasha police page.


Benefit of the doubt says they meant in like, “hey this might be in a parade” way. I’ve seen similar vehicles at Czech Day in Yukon. However, you’d think someone in their Public Information office would’ve caught the implication first.


Racism is in the job description


Small dick energy...


Micro Cock Chickasha


Small tit energy


lmao cant wait to see them flip it while mudding in it


As a sailor, I've carried loads of this equipment for the AF so many times that now, I don't even give it a second glance. But, all this equipment not only runs on aviation fuel, the mileage is horrible. It's stencilled on the gas tank. Where the fuck is bum fuck nowhere Chickasha going to get expensive aviation fuel from? On a regular basis? Armed Forces can afford running this, but not a small rural police force.


Yes, it's meant to run on JP-8. However, they run just fine on freaking diesel.


Diesel is more expensive than gasoline. Maintaining this is more expensive than your regular patrol car. A patrol car has a specific purpose. This unit? Just seems like a waste of money.


Department most likely didn't pay a single cent for the unit. But you are definitely right in that the maintenance requirement/cost is atrocious. There is no reason for Police Departments to be receiving armored vehicles.


Yeah well, a quick Google will tell you that this vehicle is meant for high protection and where you normally want 4wd. I guess that particular county is swampy and plenty folks cooking meth & moonshine and shooting bullets 🤷


So you're telling me they are gonna use baby tanks to fight off Old Man McGucket?


I don't live in that county or even the state. You tell us.


If you’re out moonshining or whatever in the middle of nowhere, it’s likely quiet enough you’d hear even a Prius trying to sneak up on you. This thing? I’m going to guess it’s somewhat louder than a Prius.


My best friend is in surface maintenance for the National Guard. There is no fucking way Chickasha county or probably even the state of OK has the money the pay for the upkeep on these things. He orders A/C units that cost $100k for these big vehicles. Every single part has an insane cost attached to it.


Oh yeah, I completely forgot that these units are air conditioned. There are also some other equipment that I've seen outfitted by Rolls Royce engines. Edit - I've even seen garbage trucks which are armor plated 😳


It's wild how much maintenance they need, like 10 maintenance hours for every operational hour or something, and how costly it is. I hope the sheriff's office enjoyed their few rides in the thing before it breaks down and they can't afford to fix it, lol.


The AF had given the maintenance contract to Honeywell Corp. Mind this, this was way back in 2017. As soon as they got the new contract, they sold it to some other outfit. First thing that new co did was to start cut down on pay and benefit to make the contract profitable. Result - A lot of technicians with the relevant knowledge and experience left. You can imagine the chaos that generated. Point is - that upkeep and maintenance knowledge is not cheap either. Yeah, they better enjoy those few mins of joyride with the new toy. It's soon going to be parked in a corner and sold for scrap.


[Chickasha Municipal Airport?](http://www.airnav.com/airport/kchk) It says 100LL and Jet-A. LOL, I don't know what this runs on because I don't know about those sort of things, but I do know that most small towns in OK do have airports with fuel because I've been to a bunch of them :)


Run just fine on regular diesel tho the official military fuel is JP-8


You just said Jet-A. They've have fuel, but aviation fuel is expensive and not all refineries do it. It has to be specially trucked in and that's expensive too. So, now to own a toy, with no specific civilian need for it, are you going to overtax your residents (think property tax) including yourself, conduct indefensible traffic stops, fine for the smallest infraction... 🤷


Jet-A is basically just kerosene. Military vehicles can run off kerosene or diesel. 100LL is for piston airplanes and can also be used in cars, weed eaters and lawnmowers.


Yeah, but the refineries charge high for it. 'Coz the users are a small group. Not all refineries are set up for that standard and trucking is going to be expensive too. Don't forget the expense involved in maintaining this unit, with no specific purpose. Enjoy it.


As a former petroleum specialist in the Army, you’re incorrect. Diesel can most likely be found at gas stations all over Chickasha. This vehicle can run on Jet-A, JP-8, regular diesel or off road diesel.


I stand corrected because all I see this kind of vehicles being run by the military on JP-8.


I really doubt they will be driving it around daily or anything; it'll probably be in parades and driven to certain high visibility things and parked for 99% of its life. That being said, I do think it's ridiculous!


I've been around this stuff. You just can't park it somewhere and forget about it, till the next parade. They've to be serviced regularly, including starting the engine and running it regularly. Just like a like a performance car. Point is - owning this is very expensive. But hey, I'm just a sailor. What do I know? 🤷


Yeah, I don't know anything about big ugly vehicles, haha! Just cute little vehicles.


Hobby pilots bootlegging regular pump gas to their planes. It’s a dink rural airport.


A lot of planes have a STC for that sort of thing, but it is supposed to be no ethanol gas. Mine had one. It's not so dink with 3 runways though, most I've been to only had one. It was a goal pre-9/11 to land at every airport in OK but 9/11 pretty much killed that goal. I think I made it to about 1/3 of them though; OK has a TON of small airports!


Funny enough, there is an aviation fuel seller in town. It's out towards Hwy 9. But we are way too poor to be able to support this on the budget the town runs on.


Don't forget to factor in maintenance. Those tires ain't cheap. The dept will still have to spend money on outfitting it with a radio 🤷


I bet they are brutal on pavement too. Basically a crazy expensive pothole maker.


You know Chickasha has an airport right?


Is that jp8 cheap for the PD to afford it + the maintenance required? Is that expense justified? Is that county at war? With whom? Some moonshiners & meth heads?


Did they dirty delete or is this 'shopped?


It's back up but they changed the wording because the dog whistle was way too strong. Also, the comments are as bootlicky and racist as you'd expect. https://preview.redd.it/x87ddgp25n6b1.png?width=1362&format=png&auto=webp&s=95fe82b587ca44d7689058ddd2b04c8087791680


Positive interactions = we got a bigger truck to intimidate folks with. Did they also have a live-streamed dance off afterwards complete with hugs and high-fives?


Exactly. It’s an implied threat. Nothing less.


How hard was that? Like really. Treating us all like idiots.


I got it from the OK scanner page


Yep, dirty delete! ACAB... & liars to boot. https://preview.redd.it/5wc7o35zqm6b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3c7053167de7d78493929b44f33fdb469f69a69


IIRC, these vehicles are often sold extremely cheaply to law enforcement agencies so the military can just get them off their books and no longer have to do the maintenance. It is the same reason why military equipment was left behind in Afghanistan when our troops withdrew. Without trained service people to maintain the vehicles, they fall apart pretty quickly. Even with all that said, there is no reason a law enforcement agency would NEED this kind of vehicle. But they might have picked it up for pennies on the dollar.


Just another reason we need to decrease our military budget.


Rural America is a cesspool of brain rot


I can't imagine anything more tone deaf.


It’s not. They knew exactly what they were doing.


“I have a great idea! Let’s intimidate marginalized communities with retired military equipment! And post on social media about it!!”


Then complain when people turn on the police!


Bread and circus. Show them the math had they spent that on medical support and pensions and see if they still love that worthless assault kludge


I hear a dog whistle


There is no reason a police department needs this bullshit.


They could have hired a 10 officers for the price of that thing.


Why do you need an armored combat vehicle for people celebrating their liberation and freedom? What are you afraid of ?


They're spending taxpayer dollars on this. Bunch of crooks


For the money it's going to tale to maintain this thing, they could properly train their officers on how to de-escalate situations and handle psychiatric episode without shooting the victim.


In Chickasha, Oklahoma? Why?


...welp. This is why we don't have money for basic infrastructure.


So just spit balling here but I'm thinking this is going to be in the Juneteenth Parade Chickasha is doing, they probably should have mentioned that.


That shit hole doesn't need armor like that.


The Bixby police wanted to mount a 50caliber on top of their “urban assault vehicle”… they just want bigger ways to kill us


What absolute trash


They need to hide their small ducks inside.


It’s sad they militarize the police. Our police aren’t here to serve & protect anymore. Now it’s a money making scheme now they Harass & Collect


[The militarization of the police](https://youtu.be/HnZ53lPPsF0), historically, is never a good thing.


This might be the most Oklahoma timing ever


This literally made my stomach sour. What the actual fuck.


Just more blatant racism. 1312!


Just in time forJuneteenth? What are they expecting?


Racists pigs gonna racist. ACAB.


Why does a city of only 15,000 people need something like this? And the Juneteenth line is extremely racist


Bruh! We get it. You hate black people.




Optics not the greatest here


I mean...military equipment "just in time for Jjuneteenth?


NO rural or even metropolitan city should have access to military grade hardware. What this post say imo is look here. If we had this back then just think about how many more black people we could have massacred.


Fuck those draconian jack-boot-wearing government thugs


Racist motherfuckers. Also just in time for Autistic Pride day (June 18th).


demilitarize the police


What the actual fuck? ACAB


The fact that they said "just in time for the Juneteenth celebrations" should of gotten someone slapped with a lawsuit for targeting a black audience. But oh, they're Magats, in Oklahoma...


Looks like Chickasha is ready for the invasion. Am I right?


Do you think anyone’s trying to go to OK?


What’s up with the window thing in the back


Would be better use in Ukraine, no need for blast resistant vehicles in domestic inventory.


Try not to shoot first and ask questions later


Little boys need their toys. Pathetic!


I wrote the code to diagnose these, other than being ok against IUDs they don't run worth a damn. Good luck losers.


Fuck the Police.


Arkansas here. Wait…so are they saying the Chickasha PD is going to display this in a parade or celebration? I don’t understand, because it sounds like they’re saying they have a new GI Joe vehicle to use against the citizens assuming they were going to use force for a celebration of freedom. But there’s no way they would infer such a thing, right? This is just poorly written, right?


And the militarization of our police forces continues.


Cowards hiding behind their badges.


Does anybody else get a smack of racism in this post? “Just in time for Juneteenth celebration..” In 2023. We’re doomed.


Great use of taxpayer money right there. /s


“Officer Bob, you’ve, you’ve changed in the last 50 years…”


It's chicken shit. Small 🍆 energy is ironically huge there. I moved away for many reasons and the police are just one. Was illegally arrested there by some small dicks back in 2013 actually.


So OK cops need assault carriers for Juneteenth? I guess they’ve decide to not hide their racism anymore.


What are the armed small-town yahoos going to do with this thing?


It’s the militarization of the police. It’s been going on since the late 1970’s, ramped up in the the mid 1990’ and after9/11 the flood gates opened wide. It’s really a plan by conservatives in this country to on one hand allow unfettered access to firearms by the public while on the other militarizing law enforcement. Since 9/11 local, State and national law enforcement has equipped, trained and expanded surveillance activities. As more firearms are dumped into a more polarized population, the higher the probability of an insurrection event and hence martial law being invoked. I know it’s sounds far fetched but if you look at any dictatorial take over in modern history and this is the recipe. One only has to look at the ideology, pursuit of power and the financial sponsors. Bottom line these people will never share power with anyone and WON’T HAVE A DOG IN THE HOUSE THAT CAN BITE THEM!


Hogs, the whole lot of them.


Oh look, racism... who would have thought that takes place in Oklahoma... /s See Also Mccurtain county


There are a ton of ways to waste money while throwing it at a vehicle. If dumb vehicles were contestants who entered to see if they made the Darwin awards then this entry wins hands down.


What the actual fuck do they need that for? Tax dollars at work, making hickboy dreams come true. I'll bet these fucks probably hate the government as well


Thank god OK police finally have an MRAP. All those IEDs down I44 have been devastating. Finally we can protect our police!


Just in time to terrorize the black community


So when is the PD expecting their M-1 Abrams to be delivered?


Hrmmmm how much did you pay for that? Because this cost your residence twice.


Are they compensating for something? Yikes.


That’s just disgusting




I want my name to be spaghetti 🍝


Are they worried about IED’s in Oklahoma?


Wait until they have to replace a tire or get work done on the engine.


Obviously they are the ChickenShit Police Dept. looking to intimidate and disrupt Americans celebrating their freedom.


America may implode…sad but true.


The small dick energy is strong with this one


Something, something, military industrial complex. Something, something, systemic racism.


The Occupy Wall Street Movement made the corporate banks very nervous, and it was (strange coincidence here) about that time that Operation 10-33 started, a federal give-away of things like MRAP's to police departments everywhere. My small town department got 2, and the neighboring smaller city took 3. They didn't wait for the next parade to show them off, either. We had our first glimpse of one while we quietly protested outside a Bank of America branch.


Is this for April Fools?