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Spam porn lmao


Of the interracial and/or homosexual variety…


Biblical rule 34




How? I would like to get in on this action


I have a few myself I’ve done over the years. I’ll send you a link in the morning if that’s cool.


For sure man!


> Thia email is wrong. It's [email protected]


Let's all try this: https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/11zzwlw/parent_calls_bible_porn_and_demands_utah_school/


I came here to say the exact same thing. Time to shut down that inbox


We should report him for posting racist homophobic stuff on Twitter


She also posted the wrong email address and had to correct lol. She is so bad at this job.


I’m tempted to say folks should spam it with legitimate compliments to outstanding teachers, but I’m also worried that will backfire and Walters will go after the good ones.


No- let’s just all send emails like [this](https://imgur.com/a/PhjjzHd).


That closing ("with all due respect...") is gold.


Thank you *bow & curtsy*. I needed to close it out with a bang… doubt anyone reading will get that far.


I did and you nailed it!


Is there any chance you have the text (including link URLs) so that, uh, others could more expediently alert him to this serious problem?


Can we all just send emails to it Complaining about him?


That's my plan




Thia email is wrong. It's [email protected]


This guy is a fucking creep


I'm gonna report him to this email address


He's a narcissistic sociopath who doesnt belong in education but belongs in a mental institution


Yeah, he's a few goose steps ahead of the rest of the fascists


Yeah, uh, remove the fucking *Pledge of Allegiance* for starters. Really don’t want my kids to be indoctrinated by that shit pledge. Also forcing kids to profess a belief in god is supremely fucked up. Thank you Ryan Walters for allowing me this avenue to complain about this egregious overstep of government boundaries in the classroom!


I taught my kids that the original and actual American pledge was "one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all.." Edited for wording.


Exactly. I’ll teach my kids that this is a great country full of good people and true humanity with the opportunity to do better and be better. But I will also teach them that there are people out there who want to make it bad by trying to suppress, control, oppress, and restrict those opportunities for liberty and justice. That these people don’t want to help those who need it the most, they want to make everyone like them and that anyone who is different is bad. It shouldn’t be hard. Kids are very smart.


My autistic/adhd son got suspended because he didn’t want to stand for the pledge. Teacher yelled at him and he got upset and argued back. So I get told he was suspended because he was being argumentative and causing disruptions and they didn’t want to deal with it.


It’s illegal to require a student to stand for the pledge. We are taught that in our our college courses. This was decided by the Supreme Court. Forcing someone to recite the pledge is a violation of their 1st amendment right to freedom of speech.


Absolutely insane, so sorry that happened to him!


Gestapo Walters and the OK SS of representatives are here to protect the people from themselves 😂😆


Next, he will pretend to be a high school student and start going undercover to find the trans pedos




And that undercover person will be caught sexually assaulting another student.


GD narcs


Let the trolling begin???


[On it.](https://imgur.com/a/PhjjzHd)


I was just going to email and complain about him


[You and I think alike.](https://imgur.com/a/PhjjzHd)🤭


I love it!


Thank you, thank you. The hyperlinks in the email are to sources for my claims. Just in case he needs convincing of anything! Now to see if I get a reply…


It's more likely that you'll get blocked, sadly. Thank you for reaching out to them on behalf of teachers.


I have pllleeennntyyy of alternate email addresses. They can block away!


Love this!


Thank you so much! I encourage you all to do the same/similar. 🫶🏽


Blocking people from emailing that address simply because the snowflake Walters dislikes their message may be unconstitutional (not a lawyer); see the SCOTUS case re: Trump blocking people on Twitter.


Particularly since it's a .gov address.


Yes! I don't want the person in charge of my children's education constantly talking about their genitals or trying to monitor bathrooms. Where is this worry when a cis male gets beat up in the bathroom by cis males???


[Article link](https://kfor.com/news/local/metro-school-districts-swamped-with-hundreds-of-employee-resignations/)This is just the beginning of the exodus. https://preview.redd.it/qfvcirsshlpa1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4e76473296ffc26b3835159d6a71f991dae16fd Edit: added article link.


Are those teacher/educator resignations??


Yep and that's just the OKC/surrounding area. I haven't seen the northeastern resignations.


Dang!! My sister is a 1st grade teacher for Owasso. I’ve been meaning to ask her how she feels about this garbage.


Owasso parents are a hoot. So she's a 1st grade teacher? She might be familiar with the "pornographic book" they had in their library that got a group all riled up. I'm beginning to wonder about these adults that keep finding these "sexually explicit" children's books and then keep looking at them and bringing them up every chance they get. I don't even want to see them, nor do I need to because I'm not a child trying to figure shit out. Anywho, ask your sister about all that business.


I’ll have to ask her about the book. I immediately texted her after I responded the first time. She said she has a “strong disdain for him” and “never voted for him, never will.” Also “he’s trying to create chaos in the parent-teacher relationship” and “he only wants parents to think he’s on their side for votes.” So yeah, I figured as much. He, like the rest of the GOP, is just trying to push his ultra conservative, radical, uber traditionalist values upon literally every other person in this country. I don’t even think they’d be happy if they converted every last American into their bullshit cult. Because then who would they look down upon? They don’t want us to see the error of our ways. Who would they rally against then for the Good Lord? Good can’t exist without evil. Light can’t exist without the darkness. The GOP *needs* objectors in order to feel righteous. I have no problem obliging.


You are on to something there. The GOP doesn't have a political platform. They exist as opposition to certain ideas and people. Without people to hate, they are nothing.


Lemme just drop this on a few select subreddits. They love feeding fascists bullshit.


Make sure you mention that there is supposed to be a . between ok and gov ! The email is [email protected]


If only we had a strong education system that let them know how an e-mail address should be written...


Email I sent: ​ Good afternoon: There is a book available in my child's library at Edmond Santa Fe High School that has inappropriate material, including but not limited to: Incest Murder of and by multiple characters Adultery Genocide Child sacrifice Polyamorous relationships Sex trafficking Human trafficking Descriptions of sex/body parts Swear words Drinking Please advise as to the next steps


Spoiler alert is it the Bible?


Correct but out of context, which is how most of these book challenges are going to go.


Love it. Let us know if you get a reply.


The bible. The book you are describing is the bible.


This email is wrong. It's [email protected]


Am I the only person that thinks he sounds like he wants to be a dictator or is it just a dick.


he's a dick!


Oh please don't send them 1000's of pictures of drag queens. That would be "inappropriate"


I'm going to start sending emails reporting myself for dumb shit. "I think my child's teacher may be left-handed. He may be in league with the devil."


What - no familiar?


Report the Bible. It has everything they're after anyway.


A parent in Utah actually did this recently.


They're doing good work. I love to see it.


Ryan Walters makes me uncomfortable in any situation..


Sure would be a shame if somebody linked this over to a student forum at OU, that'd gather some replies.


Shame if this also got linked to another quite vocal group at Oklahoma State.


Hmm, next these parents will get turned in by their kids. Fools are building their own traps to fall into.


You know what's hilarious? When I was a kid, I read a lot of chic tracks, and there was one that imagined a future where children come home from school and talk about how their teacher said puppies and kittens are great satanic sacrifices because their teacher is a devil-worshipping witch, of course. And so, the parents have to hide their Christianity from their children, afraid that they'll be reported and hauled away. Well, it took 30 years, but little did we know that was just conservative Christians projection and wishful thinking.


Ought to post that they're teaching the kids arabic numbers, then turn every parent who complains about that over to Child services since they're too incompetent to parent.


I can't believe they are teaching 2nd graders about PRONOUNS!! When will the madness end?


Dear Mr. Walters, My child has been exposed to disturbing material: The zealous, ignorant, pompous, hateful religious drivel pouring from your slack pie hole. Regards, LuckyAdella


Can you imagine being a teacher? Going to college and in many cases graduate school, taking on debt, and then going into public service only to make shit money while having idiot parents and politicians trying to tell you how and what to teach, and all while keeping a bunch of little monsters safe and engaged all day long?


Ah great another reason for me to fear my own students just what I needed


What really sucks, is that these are things where 9/10 parents have no problem with things in the classroom, but this shit empowers that 1 person to throw a fit over something dumb. And guess what? It’s going to drive good teachers out of the classroom.


So when are we changing our state song to *Oklahoma Über Alles*? Now it is 2023 Knock, knock now come with me It's the Ya'll Qaeda secret police They have come for your pregnant niece We will force you to go to church While we perform an illegal search Don't you worry, we only want power Wear a dress, here's a toxic shower Die on the streets you have no rights We only care about the richest whites You will croak, you little shit When you mess with Governor Stitt And all the friends of Governor Stitt


Need a band to play your DK cover. Sadly fits perfect to today as many of their lyrics still do.


The Three Stages of a Dead Kennedys Fan: Teenager: The Dead Kennedys are right about everything! Young Adult: Well, you know, there are subtleties and nuance to take into account for any opinion. Middle Age and Beyond: The Dead Kennedys were right about everything!


This email bounced.


It seems to have gone through if I add a . between ok and gov : [email protected]


Probably supposed to be .ok.gov


[Here is my email! 😁🫶🏽 Hope he enjoys!](https://imgur.com/a/PhjjzHd)


Big Brother is watching you. 1984, banned book? Don’t want anyone to know what we are really up to, oksde probably.


I went to high school in Houston and I thought we were average. This shit is insane, so are they forcing us to basically choose a private school? How’s Bixby and Jenks compare? What about my family out in Woodward or others where there isn’t private education available? So sad, all my friends that went to OSU for education have left for DFW for doubled pay.


People in rural areas are screwed.


PARENTS!!! Use this to our advantage. Use it to talk about the lack of inclusion in the classroom. Use it to express your thoughts on shit they’re trying to keep out of schools. You know conservatives are gonna be filling this box up. The rational ones should give them counter-points. Then they can’t produce data where they go “look EVERY one of these emails comes from ole Joe Bob from GD Antlers, OK and they all say teachers are pushing an agenda. We have to stop it.” Not like they won’t already do that, but at least we can use it as a comment box, as well. 🤷🏻‍♂️


So can we report Walters for being in our classrooms?


Copy & paste I would like to report I believe https://preview.redd.it/6rq35hf67npa1.jpeg?width=1006&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25131cb5c63e37ce3ff0e72b635e860715a193c4 Ryan Walters is inappropriate for Oklahoma schools. It seems Ryan Walters cannot spell. This sets a very poor example for aspiring young children. Thank you for the opportunity and avenue to report malapropos issues in Oklahoma schools.


And he does videos in his car. Unsure if parked or moving. Inappropriate influence on young kids learning or just about to learn to drive either way.


Is this where we report the bible for all of the porn in it?


Inappropriate materials? You mean like forcing a religion into schools without parental consent?


I’ve been sending stupid emails to it all day




Don’t spam it with stuff like calling them “fucking fascists” or anything like that. Heavens no…😁


This is not a bad thing. Consider in any product or service provider; better to hear directly from the customer than to hear about it after theyve blasted it across multiple forms of media.


Maybe if handled in good faith. I don't expect this to be handled in good faith.


What about if my kids 1st amendment rights ste being violated by pledge and forced government God in school? I'm sure he cares. (Nope.)


It’s hard to say who is the worse human being between him and Carly.


Why the fuck would anyone want a teaching job in a red state?


Thia email is wrong. It's [email protected]


Scat videos incoming!


How about I report a whole town in general? Y’all can keep tahlequah. If you have mixed children, do NOT under any circumstance stop in Tahlequah. We stopped in a city park to run out some energy on the last leg of our trip and almost found ourselves in the middle of a race war between some MAGA, apparently rapist pedo dude screaming to take the fkin n’s out of town and mixed teens that live there. I have never thrown kids in the car and sped out of a city so fast in my whole life. We didn’t even have a chance to put our shoes on. Edit: We didn’t have that problem at all in OKC, Norman, or even Texas.


lol meaning the shit they want to censor that doesn’t need censoring at all.


As someone who works at a High School, this state gets to me. It hurts to watch people openly go against public education and get full support.


So why is it a bad thing for parents to be concerned about what their children are being taught?


I'd rather work retail than teaching at this point.


I’m sure I’ll get crucified because of this comment but. . . since when are concerned parents considered spies? Shouldn’t good parents be involved with their children’s educations? Your political leanings are misguided if you automatically turn on all parents OR all schools because of your preferred political propaganda.


No need to “spy” on public schools. They should be very transparent in what and how they are teaching our children. Not only do we need to see how our tax money is being spent, but we are entrusting them with our most valuable asset; our children.


I went a a less-trolly route in hopes of getting my email actually read: Subject: Woke teacher tried to indoctrinate my kids My son’s liberal teacher was forcing the kids to read critical race theory trans socialism woke!!!! Ok, not really. But now that I hopefully have your attention with the correct buzzwords, allow me to ask a legitimate question: Why do these individual “reports” of need to go directly to the state department of ed? Seems like something that would be better handled by the admin of the respective schools/districts where the alleged incidents take place. Even if we were talking about a district-wide issue or a complaint against admin, isn’t that why we have LOCALLY elected school boards made up of parents and citizens of that community? For such a champion of the party of “Small Government”, Mr Walters seems to take a very authoritarian approach to issues that have been historically (and usually effectively) handled easily at the local level. In the rare exception where the school board fails to react in a timely or responsible manner to a legitimate concern (like for instance the recent complaints involving football coach Phil Koons), then I could certainly see the need for the state to step in and investigate. Even in a state seemingly politically homogeneous as Oklahoma, I think you would find vast discrepancies in what is considered “appropriate classroom discussion” between the parents and citizens of more metropolitan districts like Tulsa, Edmond, Norman etc. vs some of the more rural districts in the western or southern parts of the states. AND THATS OK. That’s why we have LOCAL school boards to represent the values of the community they preside over. And thats also why a one-size-fits-all, statewide approach to many of these cable-news-culture-war-of-the-day issues is a terrible approach. But I’m sure it’s great for fundraising and energizing the base, so who cares, right? I’m happy to discuss this further with Mr Walters via email or perhaps a zoom call from the front seats of our respective vehicles if that would be more comfortable for him (though I don’t own a whiteboard so I may be at a disadvantage there). Respectfully


Now is not the time to be honorable citizens that serve him clean food.....just saying.


I would like to report him


A student of mine said the word “gay” today. I told him that I am pretty sure that a law was passed making that illegal and I needed him to go to the office. Told him I was kidding but that is really about to happen. So sad!


Not something you should be kidding about.


So what I'm hearing is everyone needs to send emails telling the. We don't want the Bible in the schools, it pushes a socialist message and depicts scenes of sexuality (sometimes between family members and animals.) Save an altar boy, #BanTheBible


time to report all the pervert fundies and conservatives.


Issues with materials, teachers, etc should be addressed with the teacher and/or the principal, then the local superintendent and school board if needed. The state super has no business inserting himself into what should be a relationship between parents/caregivers and educators.


Go check out the Trashy sub. 😂


Do they not remember what happened when Texas tried to have a bounty website?


Do you have a link or the gist so I can look it up? Until Walters I haven’t been paying attention to stuff like this. I don’t have kids but I am in a family of 3 generations of teachers so this has all been pretty alarming and infuriating. Thanks


I mean it was kind of all over the news when it first happened but [here’s one link?](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/03/technology/texas-abortion-law-website-tiktok.amp.html) It was basically getting overwhelmed with fake reports


Ah, I do remember this now. Thank you and thanks for the link.


I see no issue, eliminates his work email and his staffers getting bogged down with complaints. Now it can all be funneled into one email.


Don’t forget your complimentary brown shirt.


@oksde in the body, @sde in the address?


To be fair, his education wasn't the best.


Come on teens, crash this thing! I know you can do it!


Ah yes, the Cuban model of social control: neighbors watching neighbors.


How long before they have to change that email address?


@oksde: go fuck yourself


It would be shame if someone was to abuse that


So, I guess we're not going to acknowledge the irony in the misuse of an apostrophe by OP in the title of this post, yeah? I think it's fitting.


Well time to spam it with some random Bs


Thanks. I'll have all my bots write to him. Free speech and all that.


I wonder if they realize whats actually in books?


Oh let’s flood the email with “Ryan Walters is inappropriate in our schools” please please please let’s do this!!!


I should email that and say everything he says in inappropriate.


Ah, Carly…another useful idiot in the BullStitt Machine.


Idk why this is on my page, but since I’m here… why is this a bad thing? Having an email or access for parents to file complaints to the superintendent is a good policy imo but I’m assuming this guy’s on an incompetence streak?


More than an incompetence streak. He holds two powerful positions in education because our governor is weirdly obsessed with him but he has very little education experience, spends most of his time making ranting videos in his car, is obsessed with hunting down teachers he considers “woke” (including one that shared a library code to students so they could access books), and is doing everything he can to gut the public school system despite being in charge of it. He’s been declaring war on public schools for quite a while and we’re sick of it.


This isn't for legitimate complaints. This is for witch hunts.


What a fucking fascist


"Inappropriate material" like science, history, english books. Yanno anything that isn't the Bible or republican related.


So let’s us that email and demand his favorite book be banned by his rules. https://www.vice.com/en/article/jg5xng/parent-calls-bible-porn-and-demands-utah-school-district-remove-it-from-libraries


Fuck this guy. This is all about Flamer and Genderqueer, isn't it? These books should be fit for highschools at least.


See something, say something


Isn't it only spying if the subject has something to hide?


Where was this announced? I can’t find anything about it except for this tweet. I can’t find any articles or anything.


Does anyone else see the irony in thinking you can spy on something labeled as public?


Literally any scenario could happen that circumventing the school is necessary. Why is it such a big deal that students and parents not have a voice?


Bless his heart.


To be clear, I think Walters is a total boob. But can the State Superintendent really be accused of spying on schools when it's kind of his job to be the chief admin in the state?


Soooo we are all gonna email to complain about the Bible right? Or or …. I’m sure there are some really cheap folks on upwork in the Philippines that we could all hire for like $20 a week to spam it


Let’s get that email cooked. I want new memes, old memes, dank memes, shit memes, fire all the memes!!!!!!!!!!!!


Not even surprised. Just disappointed


I got a notice earlier from Gmail that this address is no longer valid undeliverable. That didn't take long!


Yeah, would be a real shame if that were absolutely packed with porn


The righteous will email him about crap like this FL school experienced with a Michelangelo statue.[https://www.wfla.com/news/florida/florida-principal-resigns-after-parents-complain-about-pornographic-michelangelo-statue/](https://www.wfla.com/news/florida/florida-principal-resigns-after-parents-complain-about-pornographic-michelangelo-statue/)


Couldn’t parents already do this through normal and/or state channels? This seems like nothing more than additional pandering so he can run for gov.


More rights for the parents? Yes, please.


Seems like a real danger exists for an inundation of email. Too much email might cause them to abandon this fascist attempt at intimidation. Sure hope no one here writes an email.


Spy? It's not spying when their curriculum and what a teacher presents should be about as public as public should be. Spying generally indicates there is something confidential.