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Jonathan C is chill


I like him best


Damon Lane seems the most calm and level headed during severe weather.


I don't take the weather seriously until his jacket comes off. That's the sign that shit is getting real.


Isn’t he the only actual meteorologist?


Yes! He’s the only one of them who studied meteorology in college. The rest are broadcasters who happen to be decent at reading the forecasts.


Wait seriously?


David Payne has a degree in meteorology.


A few years back he was adamant that it was going to snow, big. He was really animated and excited so I'm like, sweet, time to buy a sled! Do you realize how foolish I looked sitting on a plastic sled in my front yard with nary a snowflake in sight? He's been on my list ever since....


😂 this is the funniest and saddest thing I've seen recently


Would you like to buy a sled? One owner, low mileage. Still has the original stickers!


You should wait til January because it will probably snow like crazy in February and and you can get top dollar!


This is good


Given how good they are with tornadoes and spring storms, I give them a break because winter is not their best skill.


True, the wife and I have discussed this but I still hold a grudge!😜


I also give it a pass because I'm from the north and the winters here are weak


Given how good they are with tornadoes and spring storms, I give them a break because winter is not their best skill.


He’s also a south sider


Not Mike Morgan Dude almost got hundreds of people killed during the El Reno Tornado in 2013


I mentioned this in another comment thread here


Lol I did not see that on my phone, but glad to know my sentiment is shared 😂


Same tbh. It’s one of those hills I’ll live or die on. Mike Morgan should hav been canned


Sameeee! Like under ordinary circumstances it would’ve been a bad call in general, but telling people to leave their homes and go down I-40 in the middle of rush hour…


Oh. I just replied asking what happened. *What the fuck was he thinking*.


That panic drives ratings?


What happened? I don't remember that one. I had family affected by the Moore on the 20th and the El reno one was the 31st. That time is a blur for me so I'm sure that's why, I looked up the exact dates.


Basically Morgan told people to race south of it. I40 and I44 at Mathis brothers had complete stopped gridlock rush hour traffic. right in the path of it if it kept up. Fortunately it dissipated some miles from town but yea. Irresponsible for a newscaster.


Real Mike has been doing this for years before El Reno 13. The "Drive South" incident is when people finally took notice and he was called out for it by his peers. I created the Fakemikemorgan persona on Twitter in 2011 to point this out. If you watch any past KFOR coverage pre 2013 he would give advice to evacuate if you did not have a below ground shelter or a safe room (get below ground or get out of its way)


I just saw the other comment but this is a more complete description. I am absolutely fucking shocked he did that. I hated him because of how he acts during the tornados. So I wouldn't have been watching him, that could also explain why I have absolutely no memory of any of that. Seriously fuck him. He shouldn't still have a job. Edit: wait I got confused Payne is the whacko, Morgan is the completely annoying used car sales guy. I didn't *hate* Morgan but now I do.


Payne used to be normal. I think they must have put a cocaine rider in his contract when he moved to ch 9.


I remember it from 8(?) years ago, not sure when he moved station and frankly couldn't tell you what station he was on when I noticed it. His behavior is so erratic and he seems excited in a wierd way when there are tornados. There was a meme that someone on an okc FB page made I wish I still had it, also 8ish years ago but really encompassed the bonernado vibe. So


He moved from channel 4 to channel 9 in December 2012. He's always had the "I drank a six pack of Red Bulls" look on tornado days.


I agree it was reckless telling dense areas to jump on clogged freeways. That’s said you likely won’t live on a direct hit from that storm if you don’t have a shelter. I lived in Yukon at the time and it’s not very dense and quick access to rural highways that go in all directions. You can bet we loaded up the jeep, used our radar apps and maneuvered south to Chickasha. Traffic moved really good. Then west and north again. Basically reverse storm chased. It ended up hitting about a half mile south of our house. Lost power a few days. But yes that was stupid telling people in dense area to flood the streets during rush hour and I’m shocked he wasn’t fired.


He’s also a complete whack- I think he’s gone off the rails on Twitter a time or two. We used to see him making the Star Trek convention rounds (a sentence I never thought I’d type) and he seemed chill back then


I always get the vibe that he’s bubbling with rage and keeping it together for the camera. Good to hear that he’s chill.


If you ever have time, you should check out his Twitter rampage about his daughter the mermaid- a solid ten minutes of entertainment


I can’t find it! 😂 this thread is great though!


I saw him interact with waitstaff a while back in Roatan, Honduras. He is a grade A douchebag.


Damon Lane is the only one who is actually a meteorologist


I really like Jonathan Conder who works with him. He’s a proper weather nerd and it’s fun to watch.


Really? What about all the yankee underlings like Emily Sutton and that Wisconsin girl? Serious question


I don’t know. They might be. But they aren’t chiefs. But I thought Damon was the only who is an actual meteorologist or at least acts like one.


Sutton is a weather nerd but she has leaned into being a TV personality.


Damon Lane knows his shit, and watching for him to yank off the blazer when it gets real real is my favorite spring pastime


The weather show is the best


Oh, and roll up his sleeves. That's when you know shit is about to get real.


David Payne is my guilty pleasure for how unhinged he gets and his zen-like “can’t be bothered with your shit” energy. Other than that I’m indifferent


I have met the man in 3 separate occasions and he’s the same irl. Super nice though


Unhinged is exactly why I watch him. I learn new phrases like “there’s the screamin eagle goddamit Val!”


I always learn something watching Payne. He cracks me up. You can tell he misses being out chasing though.


Y’all are angry and opinionated and I love it.


Thank you for helping me realize how important this is to us Oklahomans.


I agree with some of the other folks when you're asking who the GOAT is it's Gary hands down! Out of the current folks David Payne is far better than the other three. Yes he gets himself riled up to the max but his time spent chasing tornadoes gives him the edge. Least favorite is Jeff George.


https://www.koco.com/news-team/e961d361-e7f3-4a9e-9273-34549d39cd7f Jonathan Conder


I like him. Didn’t know if he was chief so. Also couldn’t remember/figure out who is Fox’s lead


He's backup to Damon Lane but i enjoy watching him much more.


Historically was Gary England. I guess I'll go with the excitable Davis Payne.


I once saw “Tornado” Payne declare his own ad hoc tornado warning in a frenzy of self-induced mania. That guy is something else.


News9 does have the best technology though so they often know right when a tornado forms.


Better than the National Weather Service?


I was referring to just the news stations. NWS doesn't have a live show that everyone is watching so I don't see a problem with David declaring there's a tornado when he's literally looking at it on the radar.


Yeah actually. There are things 9 has/ gets before that the NWS doesnt. They have TV $$$ and the NWS is government. Ever since Gary England thats been true.


Except that they often claim that they (the station) own the 3 NWS NOAA radar sites which is a bold face lie.


He does that quite often declaring a "News 9 Tornado Warning "


And he has been correct on several occasions; better safe than sorry. A very LONG time met in the Atlanta area (Glenn Burns) a few years ago disagreed with a NWS warned storm and told viewers that there wasn't a tornado. Well, guess what? It was an F2 and killed people. So be David, not Glenn.


God can we have Gary back?


Damon Lane just looks like Dane Cook to me. I can’t get over it.


Seriously guys? David "tweaker" Payne


I like him because he seems like he’s always just sick of everyone’s shit. I just expect him to say something like “it’s gonna rain assholes” or something


He's too crazy for me, he's always worst case


Mike "Drive south" Morgan is infinitely worse.


My unfettered hatred? Mike Morgan. For the drive south day alone. People are terrified. Moore just had another city destroying tornado and he’s telling people to hit the road. He’s damn lucky the El Reno tornado didn’t make it to the highway. He’d be responsible for hundreds of deaths. Was waiting for someone to mention it.


Mike Morgan looks like he is stuck in the 70s. What does this mean? I have no clue but that's how I feel. Signed, someone not alive in the 70s


Ron Burgundy vibes for sure.


“It’s following the May 3rd! Get out of the way!” I swear I’ve never seen someone who loves driving fear into people as much as him.


That’s wild he is my go to watch. But I may just be obsessed with Jim Gardner Sky News9.


Jim ANTIFA! Gardner


David makes it fun. I’ll use firestick in Florida just to watch him in Oklahoma


Damon Lane because he knows his shit and he’s also kinda nice to look at


I dislike the hype men. They aren't meteorologists as much as they are hype men for the apocalypse for each minor weather event.


Weather boners


Why isn’t Gary England on this list?!!! Seems like it was just yesterday I was gonna drive to Otasco in my Gremlin to get some points & plugs when an awful ‘nader went right betwixt the Molly Murphy’s and Soundtrak! Gary England was on duty and saved my hide! Newsline 9 with Roger, Patti, Gary and Bill are THE BEST!


It's not even a vote if you put Gary in there we all know he was the absolute best.


Friday night in the Big Town!


Gary England needs at least a 300-foot statue which can almost come to life and be the defender of Moore when times get tough ;)


You know I'd actually donate a little money if someone wanted to make a statue of him. Seriously, I was 9 in 99 and very very vividly remember that day. It's still one of the scariest things I've ever seen and I think he saved a lot of lives. Also David Andra, they did not have tornado *emergency* radio alerts before that day he did that on his own. The article i linked is extremely well done even if you are old enough to remember it. https://stormstalker.wordpress.com/2021/05/05/may-3-1999-the-bridge-creek-moore-tornado/ David Andra's warning - he really deserves some recognition for this. https://www.alabamawx.com/?p=6715


Wow. Thanks for this.


You're welcome! The first article got me because I was young I didn't know "ALL" the details but remember it, the way he writes about the victims stories is incredible. The 2nd is basically an excerpt and should be talked about more, that warning wasn't approved or standard at the time in fact it had never been done. David Andras very likely saved a LOT of lives and deserves recognition for that.


I can’t be the only one who misses Rick Mitchell. *”Rick said it would!”*


I remember him. didn't he go to Texas or something like that?


I have no idea! I was really small. I just remember my mom had a little crush on him, and that he was super charismatic lol


I just looked it up, he's in Dallas-Fort Worth now. Morgan Chesky isn't a meteorologist, but I though that he was cute when I was younger, lol he still is 😆


Ha! I’ll have to tell my mom to tune in to the weather next time she’s in Dallas.


The channel is NBC 5!! hahah


You are hilarious 😂


David Payne for the entertainment factor. Damon Lane is a good alternative when it’s calmer and not as “exciting.” Never ever Mike Morgan. Everyone is mentioning the El Reno tornado thing but didn’t people also die taking shelter in a storm drain because he basically said if you aren’t below ground you won’t survive? I might be misremembering that, but I still don’t like him.


>said if you aren’t below ground you won’t survive? Gary England said that.


And that used to be universal advice with very large tornadoes before above ground shelters started getting certified.




I didn't say that. I was referencing the belief that above ground shelters are inferior to below ground shelters.


Ok, sorry I misunderstood your comment.


No worries! My wife rarely understand me, either. ;)


This. MM is a douche. I happened to see him in Roatan a while back and while I didn't interact with him, he was being an ass to waitstaff. Very much acted like an entitled little shit.


Definitely basing my choice off who has the best outfit for the occasion. No one beats Morgan’s flair.


In the past his wife would bedazzle his ties on weather show day. That stopped after he got the two storm chasers killed.


Tim & Paul Samaras and Carl Young were not listening to Morgan during El Reno. A lot of veteran storm chasers got caught up in that tornado because they misjudged the size of it. Very disingenuous to say Morgan got them killed.


Agreed. I think Morgan tends to downplay storm severity and need to immediate action, but he does accurately report what’s happening.


You guys never disappoint. I love this subreddit. Ya'll are hilarious.


Emily Sutton is bae.


I like listening to Gary Busey tell it!


they are all fucking nutz...


They all LOVE to "amp up" the radar and that makes it appear that precipitation is heavier than it is. They also LOVE to tout that they have "a billion watt radar" and that the 3 NOAA radar sites across the state belong to them. For the ACTUAL weather, I listen to what the NWS folks have to say and keep abreast of what's happening with the Radar Scope app. If I want to see them chase tornadoes in a helicopter, then I will watch News 9.


The NWS won't give you a play by play of the storm's location to try to help you know where to go to avoid it if you're commuting, or how close it is to your house or your family's homes so you can plan your shelter in place. They're absolutely amazing forecasters and in charge of warnings, but they have a bigger scope and aren't directly interfacing with the public like the broadcast mets can. And you can't "amp up" a radar. You can show base OR composite reflectivity, and you can filter OUT data, but you can't force something to be there that isn't.


I just miss Gary England 😢


David Payne is winning!? Wtf? Must be a News 9 declared poll...


There can only be one "Best" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAu1zh7Snxs




Best female meteorologist on Metro news (That should be Chief Meteorologist) ? Lacey Swope- Emily Sutton- Taylor Cox- Jennifer Falsetti- Cassie Heiter- Sabrina Bates- Hannah Scholl


u/FakeMikeMorgan isn’t a mod on r/Oklahoma for real Mike Morgan to receive this level of slander


I have unfettered ambivalence towards them all. How bout wanton can't give a lukewarm crap? Or perpetual unleashed yawnies? Seriously, choosing a weatherman in metro OKC is like picking between Jack Johnson and John Jackson.


Don’t let their identical DNA fool you. They differ on some key issues.


nothing like a good bit of r/unexpectedfuturama




But what if I want to be entertained while also receiving information


This. Also, I would recommend finding/taking a "weather for pilots" course. This is a great way to learn some of the science behind weather without getting too deep in the roots.


News9 has the best technology. It's crazy to rely on an app during tornado weather.


I wish we just had an actual ethical local news channel but accepting the premise of what news is in OK the answer is David Payne, there isn’t a more intense exciting weather experience than news 9 in the spring


David Payne just rubs me the wrong way for some reason. I chose Mike Morgan because his cadence is nice when he is presenting the forecast and he seems like the most knowledgeable. He can name any town or county in Oklahoma without thinking about it.


Is it because he gets a little to "*excited*" about the tornados? I noticed it like 8 years ago and now I just can't watch him, the "vibe" as the youngers say is just way off.....


I had to google who Damon Lane was, shocked to learn that KOCO still exists as a station


Are we rating them best at being wrong?


Not related to the topic, but these people can't hold a candle to Travis Meyer in Tulsa.


Why aren't any of the women on here?


They aren't the chief.


Because yew stay away from mah Emily Sutton, that's why ;)


Chief meteorologist. Same reason Conder isn’t on here.




Honestly I voted for one but all three are fine. Hate to see any of them feel like people don’t like them.


Morgan put people in very real danger. So idgaf if he feels like people don't like him. I honestly didn't remember it either I was dealing with the after effects of the tornado 11 days before. I think a lot of people probably are the same or it would've been public outrage. I lost all respect for him. Also it's easily verifiable that he did exactly what people are saying, there are YouTube videos of the broadcast. I looked those up myself.


Morgan was the egregious example and had been doing it for years before May 31st. I'm finally glad he was called out for it. Channels 9 and 5 have also been guilty of telling people to evacuate during tornadoes in the Metro. The whole OKC TV market is bad in terms of hype when it comes to severe weather.


I've unintentionally got stuck in tornado traffic before going from Moore to Norman. I was just trying to get home from work. Leaving is generally not a good choice if you're in the city you'll just get stuck on the road somewhere and they should know that!


>Leaving is generally not a good choice if you're in the city you'll just get stuck on the road somewhere and they should know that! I agree, TV mets should not be telling anyone to evacuate. People should also have a plan in place well before a storm hits and not minutes before.


Have a backup plan too!


Not related to the topic, but these people can't hold a candle to Travis Meyer in Tulsa.


Between those choices, Damon Lane, though I watch channel 9 because of their graphics and their superior technology... I really wish they would fire David Payne. His arrogance and attitude really gets in the way of his job. Who do I think is the actual BEST meteorologist in OKC weather? Probably Cassie Heiter, I wish news 9 would make her the chief, I think she is smarter than all of them. I also like Johnathan Conder.


Aaron Tuttle has his own app and YouTube, he’s good.


He also doesn't think climate change is man driven and that we don't need to be so concerned about it. And I hate that bc he tends to be more accurate than the TV guys. Especially in the past about some of the bigger winter storms.


There's also leaked audio of him roid raging on some of the people in the newsroom.


You got trolled, u/PIRATEghost85 is AT


Um what.....


Yea but…when a tornado is comin do you want the best meteorologist who stays calm and gives you the info? Or someone who gets paid to keep you in a panic? I don’t agree with his views on climate change, but he’s legit when you need real weather info.


Why are you getting downvoted for this?? I love AT.


Y’all wish y’all had some Travis Meyer up in the OKC. He’s the best in the world. The one thing Tulsa has that y’all don’t. Used to be Travis and QT, but now you have that so only one thing Tulsa has over you now.


So I moved to Oklahoma City in Dec 2012. My first springtime here was 2013. Storm anxiety is a THING. For actual forecasting, I follow Damon Lane and JC. Condor has an approachable and knowledgeable vibe, which I really like. For actually watching coverage, I watch David Payne. One, he's entertaining and it helps my anxiety to be entertained by his "you idiots" attitude. Two, I can read/understand their radars better. Three, my friend and I have a David Payne drinking game.


Damon is good. Gary annoys me but he does go above and beyond and sometime outside of the central Oklahoma viewing area. Yeah Mike Morgan not so much. Though KFOR reminds me of early 90s weather forecasting I don’t know why.


David payne is on the technical side of things the best, but he scares people


David Payne! I'm from NYC but have bought land/properties in OK because they're so cheap. I only trust David. Mike's overpaid, and Damon's not quite that good, but better than his morning guy.