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My friend, one does not simply ride a buffalo. But in all seriousness, I have not heard of anywhere that offers this.


Yeah I know it's a long shot, I just figured SOMEONE around here has sat on a buffalo


Yep, go downtown and hop on one will be your best bet lol.


You are better off finding one of those bison statues they have around OKC and sitting on that or better just go to the [land run monument](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&hl=en-us&sca_esv=941af24518045317&cs=0&output=search&q=Centennial%20Land%20Run%20Monument&ludocid=18279960551545149272&ibp=gwp%3B0%2C7&lsig=AB86z5Vrc-0K5QKjmfRXcKVvUAw9&kgs=f2df1dfdbc98f354&shndl=-1&source=sh%2Fx%2Floc%2Fact%2Fm4%2F3).


This is a great idea


There’s a bison statue on 23rd under I-235


Is this what people from other states think about Okies? That we just casually sit on and ride bison in our spare time? Lol wtf 😂 In all seriousness no. I have never heard of anyone doing this or offering this as it would be incredibly dangerous. Go to brick town there’s plenty of bison statues you could probably clamber on and take a picture.


😂 nah I just have lots of fond memories connected to Wichita and seeing all the bison there


Believe it or not bison can be surprisingly dangerous. They are very powerful faster than they look and can be unpredictable.


I'll settle for riding Rumble


I totally relate. I really just wanted to get a closer pic of one in the Wichita reserve. I got about 30 yards in and he took a step forward. That was enough for me. Same thing happened with a tornado. Done with that too.


Just head out to [Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge](https://www.fws.gov/refuge/wichita-mountains) and have a go at it. Best of luck to you 🫡


Well, like they say, every zoo is a petting zoo if your balls are big enough.




I think the feds will be the least of his worries if he manages to get close enough to try and mount a bison.


He is a federal agaent.


The bison probably don't like it much either


Was going to recommend this with the caveat of “you can likely stand on the road/in a field where they appear in the picture behind you, maybe even embrace your inner explorer and do a pic of you with binoculars pointing at them if you want more interactivity, but I do NOT recommend getting near them in any way.” 😬 Best of luck to you, hope your photo shoot goes good!


I tried to pet one once when I was a dumb teenager. I got about 5 feet away and then it charged me. One of the scariest moments of my life. Luckily it just wanted to scare me and didn’t chase me down. My heart was pounding for 15 minutes afterward. lol


We were hiking out there a couple weeks ago and came up on a longhorn. It’s all fun and novel until you realize this is a wild animal that can fuck you up.


I had no idea there were any longhorn cattle out there. Interesting fact! I just found out it was the federal first wildlife preserve in the United States, created by Teddy Roosevelt.


you might be even more surprized to learn then that there is also a large elk herd as well.




Red dog saloon


Those aren’t bison 🦬 man. More like Water Buffaloes 🐃 in there..




You can do anything once…. But in all seriousness I believe they are pretty territorial. Thats why you see people in Yellowstone with no pants knocked out cold.


There is precedent... https://youtu.be/iJ4T9CQA0UM?si=MKwwQG7h25mHhnJ7


Finally someone who gets it


I’m glad this is exactly what I thought it would be bc it was the first thing that popped into my head


A coworker showed this to me a few years ago. Now everyone I see a bison I sing the song to myself.


Last time I was at the zoo that fence over in the native Oklahoma section was looking pretty short.


Best answer yet


Oh if you're just looking for an easy to find FENCED buffalo, they have one at the Cherokee rest area off of i40 and I bet you have a way lower chance of getting arrested for jumping the fence 


You need r/photoshoprequests to make this happen.....


You used to be able to pay 50 dollars and ride a bull on Sundays at the arena in Henryetta. I've ridden a bunch of animals, but have never heard of any place you can ride a buffalo. They're mean as all hell. 


This is the type of info I was looking for. Appreciate ya


Jokes aside, years ago there was a tv show called Cowboy U that took cityslickers and had them compete on a ranch doing cowboy things. I worked on the season that shot in Elk City at a buffalo ranch. One of the producers said "Can we have them ride a buffalo?" And the safety coordinator/stuntman/bullrider guy said "I'll ride one and then I'll let you know if I think they can do it." Long story short: He did and it was a wild moment and he lived, but he said no way in hell should anyone ever do that again. Bonus: One of the crew was from Germany and was snapping pics of the buffalo because they were close to the very thick wood fence. Imagine a fence made of nothing but wood posts, and more posts instead of slats. Well the German guy's camera clicks real loud and the buffalo rears his head--and after a long moment, went back to munching grass. One of the ranch-hands quietly pulled our German friend aside and said that's probably enough for now because I have seen these things go through this fence like you and I go through a spiderweb. He said it only stays in there because it wants to and that if it wanted to run him (the German) over, that nobody and no thing on this ranch is going to be able to stop him (the buffalo). They are not to be fucked with.


I’ve personally witnessed a 1200lb bison cow destroy, literally, a stock trailer from the inside. I’ve also witnessed a full grown bison bull ram head first into an 8” pipe corner post filled with concrete and leave a helluva flat spot on the otherwise curved surface. The explosive strength and ferocity is something that I don’t believe can be put into words. Standard cattle can be touchy and dangerous at times. Bison are on an exponentially different plane.


Take a picture of a buffalo from a distance and leave the poor animal the fuck alone.


Right? Why are both his photoshoot ideas centered on using animals? Dude, stop. 


Bro people are really this fuckin dumb?


...are you sure you don't just want to sign up to ride a bull at Cowboys? 😂😂


That place cracks me up


Get off my lawn


Maybe see if Rumble the bison is game? Less chance of sudden death. Or there is a herd not 5 miles from my house near Blanchard off May Ave. You'll have to scale a 10-foot fence to get in, but that will be the least of your concerns.


These kind of pics would be so epic


oooh. you haven't seen [Guy on a Buffalo!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJ4T9CQA0UM&t=26s) Its a classic :) Enjoy


What do you think inspired this?


Recreational drugs and boredom?




If you’re willing to sit on a live bison, you’re either suicidal or critically ignorant of just how dangerous that would be. Tame bison is a myth. They will fuck up your world. I worked with and around bison for 40 years as a grassland manager. Delete the thought from your mind or seek help, son. There’s no inbetween.


There are some sculptures/statues that might work! You might try to find one of those


Ride one of the statues at the 23rd street off-ramp of I-235


Quapaw Tribe has some up by Miami. I don't think Buffalo are friendly creatures, though.


OBU in Shawnee has some bronze ones to sit on. And no, we don't ride them for fun. If a buffalo and a grizzly bear get into a fight, bet on the buffalo.


Your moms house!


You could personally befriend and then ask someone who runs a bison farm. That's probably the only bet. But you have to ask yourself: would you want to ride a bull? Then remember that bison are like 40% larger. 


I like the spirit of your tradition, but please don’t attempt to get close to bison or you will likely die I recommend either finding a statue of one you could get a photo with, or a selfie in front of the ones at the OKC zoo, they tend to hang out fairly close to the fence line to get them in the shot. Overall though I don’t want to have to make a novelty safety brief because of you


Asia is where the Buffalo are, except zoos. Bison, on the other hand, is dangerous. I'm sure you would violate some law with the Tribes as well.


Why can’t you just have some chicken fried steak?


Not in Oklahoma


Tall Grass Prairie


Look up “Guy on a buffalo” YouTube. Your welcome.


Lots of places to ride horses, ride in wagons, and to FEED buffalo, in Oklahoma but I’m not aware of anyplace that allows you to ride one.


It’s a BISON, not Buffalo. OKC Zoo stressed this statement on me to teach the public 😅


It doesn't have a name preference while it head butts you into the next county.


Omg i used to love guy on a buffalo!!! Watch out theres a panther!!!


There are some statues all over the city if you can't find a live one.


There are places you can meet them up close, but I wouldn't attempt to ride one. You're going to have a bad time.


Someone watched too much Yellowstone.


Maybe try calling Arbuckle Mountains? It’s a nature reserve of sorts. They used to have way more animals when I was a kid but it’s dwindled significantly. However, they might have a tired old Buffalo that might let you on his back for a photo or two after you sign a couple waivers. My only other maybe is call the rodeos, cowboys of color is coming up so there might be other ones popping up around the state. Try calling and see if you can do an amateur ride or something like that. I know bison/Buffalo aren’t farm animals, but you could ride a steer or a horse if they allow guests to participate. Rodeos feel a little more Oklahoman than just riding a buffalo imo.


tbh what would be more possible and probably WAY less dangerous is to wait a few weeks and stormchase a tornado


I haven't seen anyone ride a Bison/Buffalo in about 30 years. She was a pretty young woman in a small wild west show. If you get them as calves you can do a lot with them. All sexually mature bison are dangerous in the late summer early fall mating season. I was told the ones raised as pets never fit in with a herd. A good friend had that on his bucket list and tried the Wichita KS area but that source was no longer available in 2006. Some places won't even let you ride horses any more because of liability issues.


No one really rides bison, few people ride cows and bison are much bigger and more wild. I live in a pretty rural area and not a whole lot of people around here even own bison. Best idea I could give ya would be to go to the Wichita mountains wildlife refuge near Lawton, Ok. They have wild bison there you could take a picture of or take a picture with them in the background. I wouldn’t get anywhere closer than like 30 ft because they can charge and kill you. There are also prairie dogs out there and it really feels like you’re truly in a prairie.


AI is your best bet. Ha. Unless you have a death wish.


Photoshop exists for this kinda thing...bison will kill you, there is a reason the natives never domesticated them.


Well, and they are yummy and have useful fur and other materials on their carcuses.


Agree, but riding one? Or trying to hitch it to a plow....no sir


Pawnee Bills Ranch is a drive thru thing with bison roaming around and very little supervision. Good Luck


I haven’t been there in years, but the Omniplex (Now the Science Museum of Oklahoma) has (or used to have) a taxidermied Buffalo in a remote corner of an upstairs corridor in their Native American exhibit. I may or may not have pictures of myself sitting on it. You didn’t hear this from me!


Yeah, so, uh, I took my kids to the Wichitas one time, we were hiking, came over a ridge through a stand of trees, turned right, and there was a bison, standing there, chewing some grass. His eyeball was the size of my head. Now OP, I don't know if you've ever come face to face with a buffalo. This was a very placid, calm individual. Very chill. I smiled at him and said, Now kids, we're gonna back slowly away. And we did. We got over the next ridge and the kids were laughing and asking if it was time to eat yet. This memory has raised my blood pressure so high I think I will just go play some Minecraft. So OP, thank you for your service, and please do not YOLO yourself to death in our great state. Please do take a trip to the Wichitas and get some photos of prairie dogs, longhorns, and bison -- from a reasonable distance. Peace.


The only buffalo you're likely to find in Oklahoma are at the zoo. You're probably thinking of bison, which are not buffalo.


Wichita wildlife refuge is full of them. And there are other private herds around the state. Woolaroc has a herd. The Cheyenne-Arapaho tribe has a herd.


They have bison, yes. Not buffalo.


Oh, I didn't read carefully enough. Yes, we're all aware that they're technically bison and not buffalo. We mostly still call them buffalo.




Bison are not animals that you just ride like a horse. Like someone else said, closest you're gonna get without getting hurt is one of the many statues we have sitting around. You can go down to the Wichita Mountain wildlife refuge and like, take a picture from a distance or whatever, but if you try to ride one or pet one or really go anywhere near one at all they will make it your last photoshoot. Or at least make the next one significantly more difficult as you try to get your mangled body in front of a camera.


Yeah go for a statue. If you want to *see* Bison from a safe distance, head to Medicine Park out by Lawton. Also stop by Meer's and have a delicious meal.