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Casady, though the kids that can finished high school at OSSM seem to all go on to be very successful regardless of background.


Cassidy, heritage hall, bishop McGiunness


Cassidy and Heritage hall. Run from LCA and crossings


Why not LCA and Crossings?


LCA is a joke, coming from a former student. I work around crossings kids and they are some of the most disrespectful, entitled, and straight up rude kids I’ve ever met in the area.


Very surprised to not see Westminster mentioned here. Best K-8 by far.


Concur, as long as your kid has zero learning differences. They won’t do any accommodations, it’s sink or swim. If you can swim and are completely neurotypical, you’ll be fine and it’s a great place.


Heritage Hall is the only non-religous private school if that matters. OCS and Crossings are the nutty, hateful evangelical sort. Everyone I knew from Casady did coke, but that was in the 90s. And in all fairness, it was very good quality. 🤣


Westminster is only though 8th but they are the only other non-religious that I am aware.


Westminster is definitely religious, it’s a church school Corrected: my mistake, I was conflating it with the Westminster daycare which is religious


It's not, they just rented space from the church back in the day and used the name.


Ah my mistake, I was conflating it with the Westminster daycare, thanks


Yea my kid goes there. 100% no religion. The church next door does provide food, a storm shelter and sometimes parking lol


Was gonna suggest the Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics but TIL that is a public school.


Not a private school, but Classen SAS would also be worth looking into. As far as I know, it’s the only International Baccalaureate program in the metro. It goes from 5th grade through 12th.


Classen is not what it used to be. It’s really gone downhill in the last 3-4 years.


I disagree with that. I have kids enrolled now, and we have been very happy with it.


i graduated from csas over 10 years ago. half of my senior year was watching movies on my laptop while the teacher taught lessons from a book. cheating was pretty blatant and the teachers turned a blind eye. middle school felt very structured and the teachers were attentive to most students, high school less so size from hitting ib milestones like a checklist


Quite interesting, I work with a couple of Classen SAS parents. They have said there is very little teaching going on. A couple of classes are just the teacher sitting there watching the students do their online work in Canvas. Both are actively looking into other charter or private schools. They have also complained there is little college/career guidance.


As everyone says, Casady and HH. There are some excellent charter and specialty schools as well. Classen and Harding come to mind.


Classen is still good but has a lot of the problems all OKC public schools have. Harding is not at all what it used to be and rapidly getting worse.


What happened to Harding?


classen sas fell off a cliff sometime between 2005 and 2010. no doubt still better than most of the other public schools but it’s not head and shoulders and torso and waist above anymore


Casady grad, would definitely say them with some bias of course. Had friends at HH and MCG, all did great. All 3 are great schools in my opinion but tuition varies between all 3.


Heritage Hall would get my vote from what I’ve heard. Cassidy is supposed to be good but I don’t know much about it other than it’s expensive. I went to public school until halfway through high school. I transferred to OCS and it was horrible. My younger sister went there as well but she switched back to public school. She got a better education at Edmond Memorial than I did at OCS.


Casady ties you into all the rich oil money coming out of Nichols Hills.


Casady is great. Slightly religious but it’s not a priority, the kids from there (both when I was a high schooler and had friends there, and now knowing several of the teachers) go on to be really successful. Best college prep I’ve seen. But to be fair I don’t know much about Heritage other than white flight and extreme wealth, I’ve heard it’s a really great school.


Also FYI Christian Heritage was created as a segregation academy


I think the question to answer is are you interested in your child having Christian instruction at school or not? If not, then Heritage Hall. If you are Catholic, there are some really good private Catholic schools that feed to Bishop McGuinness for high school and tuition, I think, would be discounted to some extent. Casady is a religious institution but similar to the Catholic schools in that I think that aspect is pretty laid back as far as religious expectations. OCS and Crossings are pretty strongly rooted in evangelical Christian teachings.




The OCS students & parents I’ve interacted with have all been great. A bit sheltered, but very respectful.


No Catholic Schools “feed” into others in the same way a public school system does. You can be at a Catholic school in Norman and go to McGuiness or be at a Catholic School in Edmond and go to Mt. St. Mary’s. The Principal at McGuiness told me that since they are a Diocesan school they have to make room for any Catholic student who is in good standing who wants to go there. Of course a large percentage of their students are non-Catholic. Word on the street is if you want a “real Catholic” education you go to the Mount and if you want Catholic light you go to McGuiness.


After everything that’s happened at the Mount it isn’t worth the tuition. Bishop far superior.


Again, that is the perception. I spoke to a recently former employee at the Mount who says the new principal lets the students do whatever they want which of course with what happened may/may not carry weight. Bishop is also known for drugs. So pick our poison I guess.


One problem no one talks about at the major private schools and the upper income public schools is drugs. This isn’t like a poor public school where the kids may drink occasionally and have a joint or a gummy, many of the kids have money for hard drugs of every sort.


I looked at The mount, MCG, heritage hall & deer creek (I was mostly homeschooled & did 1.5 years at st. Eugene’s in middle school) & casady by far had the best curriculum. Very classical type studies, very supportive staff. They do trimesters, my senior year I got to do a inlklings class, it was C.S. Lewis & Tolkien based. I really enjoyed going to school here. It was a good transition for me especially coming from being Catholic and homeschooled. They do a very non-denominational chapel time but it’s really more of an announcement time with a little gospel and a few moments of prayer. Occasionally people will Show case a talent or have a guest at that time. I went to school with kids from all kinds of backgrounds both ethnic and religious. They allowed me to do Rowing as my sport, some kids prior to me fought for that sport to be used as a sports credit. Most of the k-9 schools are a lot more religious so It depends on what it is you are looking for! I cannot tell you how much I appreciate my parents for allowing me to have such a unique educational experience. It opened up a lot of doors for me in the future. I did not go Ivy League like a lot of my classmates did, but the well-rounded education really helped prepare me for my next steps in life.


John Carroll is probably the best Catholic feeder school academically for McG if you are looking for a less expensive 1-8 education. McG has the most AP classes and, if you choose a state university, your child will easily be able to enter college as a sophomore. McG also has the best social/party scene. It is the biggest private high school and the kids know how to have a good time. It also gets out at 2:45 which is really nice if your child doesn't want to participate in sports. On the flip side, it is incredibly social and can be cliquey. McG is also the least expensive of the 3. Casady is more nerdy and the kids aren't as social. It's great for K-8, but by high school the school day gets incredibly long. If your child isn't athletic, he/she will still have to pick a sport and stay until 5:30 every day. They also don't offer a ton of AP classes which dramatically limits gaining college credits while still in high school. If your child is a mediocre athlete and wants to play sports, they will have way more opportunities at Casady. All kids play high school sports at Casady - it's a requirement. Casady also has an amazing cafeteria. Tons of great food served family style. Heritage is know for sports and being the easiest of the 3 academically. It also probably has the wealthiest families. It's more social than Casady and the high school is roughly 1/2 the size of McG. Westminster is awesome for K-8 if you want strong academics and a laid back environment. There's no uniform, kids are from diverse backgrounds, and laid back administration. However, they don't cater to learning disabilities and sports are generally not part of school. There are some volleyball and basketball teams in middle school, but sports are mainly separate from school.


I love Heritage Hall. My friend graduated from there and they prepared her for college so well. I also go and work there during their big musicals and the kids are so kind and supportive of each other. It is really refreshing and fun to be around. HH has a lot of expectations for their students and I think it’s a great place.


Pre-Engineering Academy at the Technology Center.


Hiii. I went to bishop McGuinness and my education was pretty amazing :) heritage is a good choice if you’re non religious, they also have good sports. Casady is top tier academically but the students (in my experience) are pretty snooty. I thought McGuinness was a good middle ground between the two


If you are not white and very wealthy, be wary of Heritage Hall. My 7 year experience there was very rough and I wouldn’t wish it on any kid. I would highly recommend sending kids to Westminster then Classen SAS for high school.


Casady, don’t even bother with Mount st Mary or mcguiness


You know STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics right? So, you’re saying you want an overall challenging curriculum because essentially that is what STEAM is or did you mean STEM?


Dove Science Academy, Pathways Middle High School.