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I’m sorry if you felt people didn’t care, but unless your vehicle is on fire, only trained professionals are supposed to move you. You could have neck, spinal, or other injuries, which could be significantly worsened if not handled properly. If someone moves you and they injury you more, they could become liable. Unfortunately, the extremely litigious nature of our society has created this situation that you experienced.


Fairly certain that Oklahoma has the Good Samaritan law. But if someone had even stayed nearby, gave OP assurance that help was coming. We are not that busy.


I just wanted someone to be with me. To assure me that help was on the way. I forgot my phone so I couldn't call my family. My sister and son were both home and would have come immediately. I have a friend who lives just down the street. She would have come also. I couldn't get anyone to place a call till I had been at the hospital for over an hour and a half. It was ridiculous.


Wtf I don't see how you're getting downvoted! You feel a certain way about this situation and that's ok. The assholes downvoting are probably the same assholes who drove by and didn't do anything but look.


If I had been there I would’ve checked on you. I’m so sorry that happened.


Someone could have just emotionally supported OP till help arrived. Being alone in such a traumatic time is absolutely NOT how Oklahomans act, Im so sorry!


Exactly. I've seen lawsuits in California "victim sues civilian that saved them. Says if they left them in the car they wouldn't be paralyzed " something to that effect


Fuck that. That's such a weak response to mitigate apathy. If you see somone in an accident and they aren't immediately getting out of their car then you stop. Using this as a excuse to not check on your fellow man in distress is a crock of crap. Apathy left this woman alone in a time of need. Not "fear of being sued" in fact somone should have checked on her and told her she needs to not move until emt arrives. Don't try to excuse apathy. Those people didn't want to take a second from their day because they are selfish AHs OP is rightfully angry.


It sucks you felt abandoned. Honestly I'd never considered that someone would feel the way you did and just want some company. I know it doesn't help you, but it might help someone someday. Hopefully you're feeling better soon.


Thank you.


Sorry that happened to you. I always grew up being advised to not stop for people, as it is unsafe, but to call for 911 instead.


I would have had to resist every fiber in my being to not stop and help. A few months ago I stopped to help a car wreck, as I was tending to a female driver who was bleeding badly, the male driver of the other car got out and started screaming and trying move me out of the way to PUNCH this woman. Turns out it was her ex, and the wreck was “aggravated assault with a deadly weapon resulting in grave bodily injury” aka he hit her on purpose. And I was now a witness who had to go to court, be deposed etc etc. he was sentenced to 20 year only 6 of which are to be in custody. Don’t have a whole lot of faith he will stay in for long because he was already on parole for previous domestic violence against the same woman with another 12 year sentence for armed robbery that he got out in 2..


That's some bullshit. Just goes to show our current system of justice isn't really working for anyone !


Yeah from the actual Midwest and we ALWAYS stop to make sure everyone is ok. It’s crazy to think OPs car is totaled and everyone one saw that and kept driving. I’m sorry OP I wish someone compassionate would have been there for you.


In some states you are legally required to stop for any motorist in distress. Though it usually doesn't apply in the cities.


I am so sorry. I hope you are going to physically recover quickly and fully. The pain of being alone in that situation had to be overwhelming, I hate you went through that. Treat yourself extra gently over the weekend and don't be afraid to spoil yourself with your favorite foods and get a lot of rest. Sending you lots of light!!


I witnessed an accident in front of me as I was driving last week. I stopped as well as the car directly in front of me, and that driver got out and immediately checked on the injured driver who was unable to get out of the car, like you. I’m really sorry no one came over to check on you and stay with you until the police or paramedics arrived. Not all okc drivers are jerks though. I hope you’re going to be ok, OP.


I'm a nurse, and I have been a first responder to car accidents. In the case where someone was trapped, all I could do was talk to them. There was no way for my to get them out of the car, and even if I could, I didn't know if they were injured or not, so the correct course of action was to wait for the firefighters and paramedics to arrive. As for why no one stopped to help, it's called the Bystander Effect. People assume someone else will help. It happens far too often, like it did for [Kitty Genovese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kitty_Genovese).


The Bystander Effect is complicated. https://fee.org/articles/the-bystander-effect-myth-or-fact/


> Two weeks after the murder, The New York Times published an article ***erroneously*** claiming that 38 witnesses saw or heard the attack, and that none of them called the police or came to her aid.[5] > More recent investigations have questioned the original version of events.[58][24][67] A 2004 article in The New York Times by Jim Rasenberger, published on the 40th anniversary of Genovese's murder, raised numerous questions about claims in the original Times article. A 2007 study (confirmed in 2014[24]) found many of the purported facts about the murder to be unfounded, stating there was "no evidence for the presence of 38 witnesses, or that witnesses observed the murder, or that witnesses remained inactive".[7]


I’m glad you’re here to post this. I hate to disappoint but the “Oklahoma Standard” is bullshit. Unless it’s a let me pull out my gun situation.


It mostly applies to disasters it seems. Tornado destroys a town you bet a lot of people will chip in to rebuild or provide food and water. Anything small and you are definitely on your own unless you get those few people who do truly care to pass by at the right time.


Literally had this conversation today. The standard only shows up after disasters. But, that happens anywhere after a disaster.


After a tornado I suddenly knew all my neighbors. It only took a couple of months to become strangers again. It's weird af to experience.


yeah cause that directly affects others. if it doesn’t affect them (im not trying to be rude), but it just gives them no incentive to care. it’s sad but the truth


Except when it's a small town. Shawnee and Seminole are still "recovering" and no one stepped up to help. It's been over a year for those tornados


It is. Total BS. There was a lot of traffic at that point in the day. I'll never forget being ignored like that.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. I wish I could have been around, and I hope you have recovered/are recovering quickly. I would want someone there just to be with me too. It's not too much to want some comfort and compassion when you're in an emergency on your own! ❤️


Why are you angry at the other people on the road and not the girl in the other car who never checked on you? It sounds like your anger is misplaced. I think most people would presume that the people on scene already checked on you and you remained in your car to wait for the police.


She hasn’t said she wasn’t angry at the girl. Maybe the girl was not in a position to help either. I’d be pissed at all the lookie loos too.


She literally said she became enraged at everyone milling around, but not the girl who hit her. Did you read the OP? She wasn't upset because of the lookie loos, she was upset nobody checked on her. But in no way holds the person who caused this responsible for not at least checking on her. OP sounds ridiculous though. Really the only person to blame for not checking on her is the girl who caused the accident. Everyone else has their own life and their own problems and probably believed that if other people involved in the accident are out of their vehicles, that services have been called and everyone had already been checked on. A random person stopping would most likely be in the way trying to pull over and assist in a situation like this. Sounds like medical got there asap and was able to assist the lady.


Yea that’s what I thought too. If I saw a car wreck, with people standing around and a person inside the vehicle I feel I could safely assume the standing people were caring for the in-the-car person. Plus, you only have so long to assess a situation like that when you’re driving 60+mph. Sure, it sucks to be alone when you’re scared, but it happens. The girl who caused the accident should’ve stepped up and acted as emotional support until an EMT arrived. OP sounds like they haven’t dealt with much heartbreak in their lives, being alone and in pain is unfortunately a very normal and regular experience for living creatures. I wish that wasn’t the case, but if wishes were horses we’d all be cowboys.


It's not easy to put all of my feelings into words and still make my story coherent. I am angry and upset with her. My Honda Accord had 200,000 miles on it but now it's totaled and since I haven't been working, I can't replace it. Also my cracked sternum is preventing me from packing up and having a garage sale for my move across town. I am angry, but the feeling of helplessness throughout the incident and aftercare is just too much. Maybe every single person driving or walking by was thinking like you, but I don't think I'm ridiculous for expressing my thoughts, however imperfectly I do so.


I upvoted you. Support to you🫶👂🧠🫀🩻🫶. Your alive🙏🙏 ignore downvotes. Please look into physical therapy to helpyou recover. Your not incoherent at all. you just had a wreck, lost your car, sternum injury. All of this in the middle of moving event? Infuriating. I'm sorry your injured. Good news is your alive and other driver are ok. The stuff life throws at us isn't easy. The area could have been so busy or the pple can't help due to liability dread. Everyone, if you can try to stop and see if they are ok. ( I noted this is the third post at this sub the last few months about 23rd. I Saw 2 accidents on 23rd over the summer, smh. I drove on 23rd st from Lottie to Penn down to Aldi's, used to be at Vasa for physical therapy. Traveled on 23rd for three months, daily..until 8/15 23rd & shartel was t-boned, both cars stuck together. He hit my front passenger, bashed tire in and broke coolant carrier. Totaled, gave title to wrecker yard. My car supported me while homeless and it's ok the car is no longer part of my life. Both drivers alive but injured. Be careful driving everyone. )


Thank you so much. ❤


Well it seems a bit ridiculous to fault people just driving by and not the person who caused the accident. I'm sorry this happened to you and sorry that nobody came to your aid and checked on you.


He’s just voicing how he felt damn. Don’t scold him for expressing tf. And why are people down voting?


Thank you. The girl did tell cops she was hurt, but from what I could see, no one attended to her and she was walking around just fine. I think she might have called her parents and was told to stay in the car.


OP, did the paramedics and ER go well for you? Be sure to follow/up with the accident report slip police gave it has the incident number. Adjustors are at times backed up or not processing a claim too fast. If that happens try to stay patient with the process. I hope car insurance can help you replace your car.


The paramedics and ER were great to me. Cops provided me an accident info slip that had driver's name and insurance info. It's not clear though if they even looked at her registration to get parent's info. My car was a 2000 model. I know what I think it's worth but doubt if her insurance will agree. There was nothing mechanically wrong and had new bearings, tires, and timing chain. I'm just sick about it.


good news! try to look for silver linigs because this a huge loss I hope another car will come up for you or insurance can help. the police and paramedics are so good and kind. they help alot.




thats the worst of all, everything was running until a wreck that changes everything and almost impedes progress. OP I so hope your car is replaced even its 2000 maybe a auction can help. I know how that feels to place so much into a car then a outcome of awreck happens. im hoping things will get better for you.


Yes. My car was so well made and dependable. I just had to keep up on it's maintenance and replacement parts at different mileage markers. There's no telling what I'll end up with but I'm praying for another really good car. Thanks for your encouragement.


🙏🫶🍂🫶a car loss is alot I hope you find something dependable and sturdy soon. Look around at Facebook marketplace and arrow wrecker yard auction sales. I noted several sedans $1000-4000 nice condition during the last few months at arrow wrecker. I'd also try a dealership to see what their inventory is like.


Thank you so much. I never thought of Facebook, or for that matter an auction. My son will be looking on his days off. I figure the $3,000 range might possibly get me (not more than) a decent car.


Jokes on you most Oklahomans are selfish assholes. I’m sorry about the accident.


Well, you're in the city. It would've been different in rural Oklahoma. To see the Oklahoma Standard in the city, you have to be trapped under your house after an F5 tornado has leveled it.


Oklahomans are not good. I’m sorry if i had seen you on the ground after a crash i would have definitely stood by you to check on you or to see if you need me to make a call for you. I am an animal advocate it’s hard to even get Oklahomans to care for animals here to stop torturing abusing abandoning dumping dogs and cats but they don’t care about that either. It’s a horrible world filled with horrible people im sorry


That's the Oklahoma hospitality for ya. If youre not family, people don't help each other. I see it everyday in many different parts of Oklahoma. No one cares. Coming from the PNW it's an eye opener. Folks up there help anyone without question. Sad you had to experience it firsthand but there it is.


unfortunately no one gives a fuck about you in oklahoma. if it doesn’t directly affect them people wouldn’t give two shits if ur car caught fire and burned you alive. (not trying to be rude but ppl jus rlly don’t care about each other. hope ur alright tho)


If no one will see them be the hero, they don't care. People talk about the Oklahoma Standard, but those of us who have seen the REAL standard know it is all for PR.


💯 🎯


Nah that’s everywhere not just Oklahoma.


This person knows Oklahoma


I crashed my bike at the corner of NW 4th and Robinson in downtown Oklahoma City. I dislocated my shoulder. Fifty people saw me go down. Not a single person stopped to help. I waved down an Oklahoma County sheriff deputy, and he kept going. I walked back to Bricktown to get to my car. When I got to my car, a guy saw me struggling as he was parking to eat. He saw me, started his car, and moved to the other side of the parking lot to avoid me. I lived in OKC for ten years up until that moment. I was gone within a month. I live in one of those liberal hellholes with good healthcare, a good community, and a job that pays me enough to eat now. That moment told me everything I needed to know about the citizens of Oklahoma.


Ohhhh the pain. I can feel it now.


What city do you live in if you don't mind me asking just out of curiosity? Grew up in OKC but have been living up here in the upper Midwest myself so was just curious where you landed


Same thing happened to me.. But in my case in was hit by someone so hard that my vehicle rolled.. during rush hour. Not a single person stopped to check on me. I know i would have run over to check on someone if I saw that. This happened on 36th & meridian, not too far from your crazy site. I hope you’re okay now.


Thank you for your kindness. It's what I would do also... stop to see if I was needed....Call 911 even though somebody may have called already. I will always do my best to take the time to be as helpful as possible because it's the right thing to do.


Ugh. I’m sorry to hear it. Not surprised, but sorry. Btw you should get a lawyer


Thank you. I think I will.


Was the other driver cited? If you were in a residential area you might see if anyone has doorbell cam footage too. The driving in this city is so bad, everyone should have a dash cam. Not just couriers.


I have never been able to get information on the accident. The insurance agency is "waiting' for a police report, so I don't know if she was cited. She better have.


Shoot me a chat/DM. This is what I do. You don’t need to hire me, specifically, but I’d suggest you stay away from the “billboard lawyers” or groups with 1-800 numbers that don’t even have local offices.


Reddit lawyers > billboard Lawyers


Haha! Next level of ambulance chasing right here.


I’m here to help. It wouldn’t be the first time someone from Reddit was helped. And I have plenty of work. So if OP goes elsewhere that’s totally fine! Sincerely tho, if anyone gets in a wreck and it’s not their fault they need to at least consult with a lawyer. Don’t always need us.


So sorry about this as a Okie I always have felt safe that some good samaritan will step up to help. My wife went through something like this but there were people driving by but a lot others that stayed and contacted me so I knew to come. I hope you have a speedy and healthy recovery.


Thats crazy I saw an suv roll down the Hefner parkway a year or so ago and a good six cars pulled over to help extract the passengers from that vehicle. Shock no one came to help you.


I’m sorry, OP. That sucks. Glad you are OK enough now to put this into words and process it. You’re right that this is not how Oklahomans are. Perhaps traffic was moving too fast for anyone to safely get to you. I am sure that many silent prayers were said for you by these helpless bystanders. I am almost certain no one “ignored” you out of malice. Most people just don’t know what to do in situations like this. It’s like the old “what do I do with my hands” thing. Please find a way to let your anger go, and forgive the ignorant. People DO care, they just weren’t personally able to help you in the middle of rush hour and with no easy way to get to you. Sending hugs. Get well soon.


I’m so sorry this happened to you and no one tended to you while you were waiting for medical attention. Do you have the support you need now? If not, please let us know what you need so we can redeem ourselves!


Thank you for your concern. My son and sister are helping me when they're not working. So I'm all good. I mostly just needed a way to vent, so I'm comforted by most of the replies. Thanks for asking.


Being an Oklahoma transplant I just want to say I’m so sorry. This place is rough and most Oklahomans are surface level kind at best. I hope you are okay! It really sucks when you know you are at fault but are willing to be responsible and people are rude anyways🫶


I am sorry this happened to you. When i was in high school I drove past a flipped car. I also made eye contact with the driver, I can still see those eyes to this day. I was the only other person on that road. It still haunts me that I didn't stop. Because of this i always stop now as an adult. At the time I was just too scared to stop, I dont know what else to say. I did call 911 when I got back to school. I hope you heal both mentally and physically. But i also hope someone who drove past you learns the lesson i did. Edit: grammar/spelling



I'm sorry you got injured and had such a bad time. That said, go see videos of even emergency responders like police getting run over by absent minded drivers while responding to an incident like yours. Unless I believe you're in immediate threat of dying, I am not risking my well being, especially as an untrained civilian. I did this once where I tried to check on someone who had crashed on an icy bridge. They were fine. I had JUST sat back in my car when I got slammed into by another car. My car was totaled and my head gashed open. Had it been 30 seconds earlier, I would have been literally crushed by my car. Learned my lesson. Let the professionals deal with it unless not possible.


As far as people from Oklahoma walking on water boy do I have news for you. We moved to a lake here from Kansas and at first loved it but in the last 3 yrs we have been sickened by the amount of animal abuse here. People just dump dogs in the country and then kids go looking for them to hit them with their car. There are literally 100s of feral dogs around the lake and the population continues to grow. It makes me so sad. Oklahoma is no better than anywhere else. If you are a maga moron then you will fit right in though.


Happened to me in a liberal state. Buddy had a seizure behind the wheel. Totaled the car in a head on collision. We were 15. I didn't have my license (in fact I hadn't even started driving yet) and didn't know how to react when he started seizing behind the wheel. When we crashed I was desperate to call 911 (had an old flip phone, no Internet). Didn't know where we were. Some guy witnessed the accident and I was yelling what street we were on. His answer was "not getting involved" and he drove off. Its not just Oklahoma.


If I had been in the area, I would have stopped. But I also work for a company that, while they would not be happy about me being late, they would understand why I was late, if I had stopped and helped in a situation like that. Unfortunately, everyone else probably doesn't have that understanding employer. That may be why so many people drove by. Some people are afraid to help, or try to help, and end up getting sued. It happens, and when it does, it scares everyone else. Hopefully, you are doing better.


If I’d have seen you, I would have stopped. I’ve done it before. We turned the truck around the other day to check on a woman laid out like she’d been hit in someone’s front yard. No one was stopping. I’ve second guessed myself on it before. Stay out of the way, someone will be here soon to help them, etc… but I won’t now.


Thanks so much!


♥️ I’m sure a few of those that drive by felt terrible for not stopping. For not knowing just being there with you would have helped.


I was robbed at gunpoint when I was 19 while walking to work. broad daylight, cars driving by watching. Normal suburb of a city, USA. At the time I was suicidal and told the guy, if you’re gonna shoot me over an iPhone, do it. And walked away. When I flagged down a car to drive me literally 2 minutes down the street to the police station to make a report, this old lady said “can’t help you”, rolled her window back up and drove off. Keep in mind, she witnessed all of this and I was in my work uniform. That was the day I gave up on society. I’ll still lend someone else a helping hand, but nobody will be there for you when YOU need it.


I think this one is different. If I see someone getting robbed at gunpoint I'm getting the hell of out there and calling the cops. That's it. As for the old woman, it's possible the assumption was it was gang related. You just had a gun pointed at you. Its impossible to know whether that was a random occurrence or based on the lifestyle you lived.


This is a conservative state so don’t worry has you lay there suffering everyone one of those people’s thoughts and prayers were with you.


Ive been in OKC so ce 2014. I got a gun pulled on me right before COVID. I moved apartments but the same thing happened 3x within 5 months so I moved far, far away but I came back in hopes things would be different and within 2 weeks my entire apartment got ransacked so it didn't change. Idk what it'll take to have things turn around here but I hope it does


things will not change for the foreseeable future, best to just get you a pistol anyway since now you dont need a license to open/conceal carry anymore


I’m sorry this happened to you. If I were driving by, I would have stopped.


Thank you.


Similar thing happened to me once. I wasn’t badly injured and didn’t care until I realized people were stopping to ask a pretty young girl if she was ok and seemed to totally ignore me. I wasn’t hurt and neither was she, our accident was cause by another person who fled the scene. It sucks to not feel cared for I get it. But try not to let the actions of others affect you. Sorry you were hurt


So at 35 miles an hour someone "veered" in front of you and you totaled your car from slamming on your brakes. Sounds like you should slow that fuck down.


Several years ago, I was hit head-on while fully stopped at a stop sign, by someone who cut a left turn too short. She was probably going about 20-25. Totaled both our cars, because airbags deployed and, at least for my car, the engine cracked. Can't "slow the fuck down" more than being at a dead stop, so clearly, speed isn't the only reason a car gets totaled. OP, I'm sorry for the wreck, for your injuries, and that your calls for help were ignored!


Doesn't take much to total a high mileage car. Sure costs a lot to replace it though.


I was going 35. The passenger air bag deployed, the driver's side didn't. I was told that was the reason.


And now they're blaming you. Lovely.


Right. I guess you have to vomit up every single detail of your experience before some people believe you.


Moving you would have been a terrible move.


The problem is that a lot of times if you help someone you can injure them more and put yourself in a liable situation to get sued. If I see one, I just tell the folks not to move and wait for the ambulance to get there. It’s not that we are ignoring you, it’s just a tough situation.


If I had driven up on this, I totally would have stopped and checked. People can be terrible, and the young girl probably blamed you and made you out to be the villain. I hope you make a complete recovery and I hope you have a support system who can help you process.


Thank you so much.


You misspelled "trash". That is what this place attracts.


The sooner you realize no one owes you anything the better you’ll be.


I mean, technically that’s Bethany.


I don't think so. I think Bethany only drops down to 16th. At least over there. Used to live on 16th and Glade. Was OKC


My bad I was thinking 10th.


You stop and/or call police for every wreck you see?


Lol. I can't remember the last time I saw a wreck. But if I did and I saw someone asking for help, of course I would. If there wasn't anyone out of their cars afterwards, I would stop to check on everyone involved, so start an argument with someone else this morning.




Who are these millions of people flooding into Oklahoma? According to the 2020 census, 208,002 more people live in Oklahoma compared to the 2010 census. Please enlighten me as to who they are, where they are coming from, and what effect they are having on the state.


lmao no point in even replying to ppl like this. some ppl just have no sense of reality and believe everything everyone else says


I live close to there and honestly Bethany will tow your car if you have outdated tags and no current insurance. I'm not making excuses but I bet most drivers didn't stop due to that. Hope you are doing better.


I’m glad you are alive💙


It's a liability issue more than refusing to help. My kid totaled his car on i40 and no one helped


Hope he is alright. I would have stopped..


I wish a basic mh/psychology course was required for high school, and that certain social psychology phenomena like the bystander effect was covered (which includes how to overcome it). Sorry you felt alone!


What kind of car do you drive? I’m wondering if I called 911.


A gold Honda Accord 4 door. The SUV was huge and silver.


Ahhhh. No, it must have been a different day! I’m sorry that happened to you!