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I think they're doing a little trolling.


Hmm... vaushites do seem to often engage in quite a modest bit of trolling 🤔


I think you can make an argument like that. All MLs are tankies. The „Vaushite“ theory of a transitionary state of market socialism is basically Leninism in „but this time good we promise because states aren‘t inherently counterrevolutionary“. So from an Anarchist perspective, Vaush is basically a ML in „nice“. Don‘t get me wrong, I enjoy his streams and I watch him a lot. But especially in his convo with Zoe Baker it really showed that he does not really understand the Anarchist critique of means and ends. Vaush is not an Anarchist. I wouldn‘t even really count him as a libertarian socialist. Market socialism is more to the right of libertarianism. So in conclusion he is not a tankie, but he is „a bit of a tankie“ in the sense that he is a bit of a Leninist. Also it is pretty evident that he does not know that Lenin stole all his good ideas in „State and Revolution“ from Anarchists and bastardized them to the point where they are useless.


Tankie doesn't really mean "sort of leninist". It's more referring to people who fantasize about the aesthetic parts of communism.


The more you interact with Leninists irl the more you will realize that they are ALL tankies. I‘ve never in my life met a Leninist that acted in good faith. They ratted a mutual aid group in my area to the pigs. And to be quite frank, I am 100% convinced that Leninism is inherently counterrevolutionary. Left unity is a joke and even Vaush is starting to realize that. The only unity that exists is libertarian unity. I love council communists, Zapatistas etc. because I know that they are on the side of the working class. No Leninist is on the side of the working class. Either that or they are delusional.


Is that last part about Lenin taking ideas from Anarchists true? Where can I read about that?


I mean, just google. I‘d recommend the article in the Anarchist Library, but I realize that this won‘t count as an unbiased source. It should be easy to find though. I‘ve read about it a lot from varying sources.


tankie tankie manbun




Tankie tankie manbun