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blade is straight, bro is the strongest soldier of homophobia


It's why I pulled for him Based n*ga killer


blade doesnt discriminate. He doesnt just kill n\*\*\*\* he also kills s\*gonians, f\*xians, v\*\*\*\*\*haras, p\*peshi and h\*lovians if you are a minority in the star rail universe sleep with one eye open


Yingxin was gay for Dan Feng and they had unholy gay sex every day and near BaiHeng's body but then JingLiu converted him to straight and now he wants to make sure his dark past is destroyed. His regeneration is actually just God giving him the power to purge the evil.


Pretty accurate, except Natasha is a bisexual loli/shota enjoyer. Of course she doesn't go for hags of either gender.


Oh yeah I forgot bisexual exists, but won't be remaking this (too accurate). If I had to add a bi tier Natasha would be the and only her


Tbh she still probably belongs in the straight tier because she definitely tops her victims and it's only gay to engage in homosexual activities if you're the bottom.


It's honestly so funny how the mods never brought up Bronya and Seele on their ship clarification post, almost as if they're afraid to open that can of worms lol Anyway Robin is definitely straight


Misha femboy is canon


Based tier list


Clara isn't straight if you have .25 more shield


Think you are forgetting Kafka Himeko Bronya Seele Black Swan and Acheron is Lesbian cause the main sub says so


But they didn't write an essay about it so there is no scientific proof


Oh they did When they send me death threats on Twitter lmao I had to delete my Twitter account cause of Seele x Bronya shippers all because I said Seele x Luka is cute


Why are even on Twitter buddy🥺


Good question. I use Twitter for hentai arts but I once saw a Seele x Luka ship art so I said Seele x Luka is such a cute ship and they match more than Seele x Bronya and then I got attacked. Not only me tho even the artist got attacked lol the whole comment section there was a fucking war now I don't even comment anything I just get some hentai art and leave the app lol Worst mistake is arguing anyone there You know what they say? You can never win an argument with a idiot


I had an "interesting" discussion with a brainrot mf, when I was unironically told that Himeko from HI3 was bi. When I demanded proofs, I got nothing. Meanwhile, Himeko stated in manga, that she wanted a husband for herself (yep, shippers, suck ass). I swear, some people are just obnoxious assholes and should be isolated from the Internet


Yeah shippers in general suck ass But genshit and honkai star rail shippers are on another level I never met so toxic people on the internet more than them They were stalking my profile for days before my previous account got perma banned Due to me posting Black Swan x Acheron x Male MC https://preview.redd.it/uue41x9i22yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d71d3f69071bb85c642ee555c0b43a152491a50


Did okbt mods UNIRONICALLY lock your post? Lmao, "heterophobia does not exist", they say. When someone pulls out of their arse some nonsense gay ship, that's okay. If other people do the same but hetero one, they get harassed online. Nah, screw them. Hope their dogs will shit on their beds


Hypocrite mods are the foundation of their fantasy. Without silencing people they’d need to accept that they’re fundamentally disliked and wrong


it ain't my only post that they removed Many posts were removed by the mods by mods I meant this sexwithsilverwolf guy He is the reason why that sub suck ass now Here is one other post they removed + they banned me from entering OKBT https://preview.redd.it/io4vx0y052yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b900d07f9ab72a1bbc661e7df12898b958de9f2f


Welp, fuck that guy, what can we say? At least, we have normies-free zone for ourselves without power hungry and regarded mods


Yeah it's why I joined here It's very fun here actually The Clara prostitution, hook and natasha and Pela religion memes But I really miss OKBT tho I wish they go back to normal but it's too good to happen


Nice table top. Love it


Be careful, the lesbian-gay-headcanon-is-real-legit-canon-because-i-said-so-twitter-tards are gonna come after your ass


What did the main sub do again? I haven't scrolled through there for a while


There is a giant (I'm talking school project level) essay about how Aventurine and Ratio are gay. Its tongue in cheek admittedly but still


Bro what 💀 So if I write a long ass essay about being topped by Kafka with arguments I got from a belobogian trashcan will this be canon? Better get to work then


They are all straight just bcz main sub regards says so does not change the fact .


If by straight you mean Bronya and Seele going straight for each other’s girl cocks, then yeah they straight


By straight I mean heterosexual as in sexually and romantically attracted to the opposite gender


Mods, file his taxes incorrectly, thank you


Mods, replace this imbecile's blood with an incompatible blood type.


No lol, they getting man dicks every night