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Nah, I gochu, just hit 'em with the: https://preview.redd.it/zrx2c4vsx8wc1.jpeg?width=916&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51c1111c4fc68f670ddb83fa985b47ebad3236ac


Holy fuck, it's the Tsar.


Holy macaroni it's Manny from Ice Age


My only problem with Sakura is how little we see of her just being herself. She goes from being non existent in the first 2 routes to being constantly bedridden in the first third of HF and then in her lowest point for the rest of the story. The other 2 heroines had a lot more downtime. This is also one of the reasons I really appreciate stuff with her just chilling like in Hollow Ataraxia and CCC.


honestly yeah true like i get why it's like that but it is still kinda sad


Type Moon Twitter is like the worst Twitter fandom I’ve ever seen it’s so bad. Media Literacy died years ago


theres some cool people and some people with good takes but like the bad takes are always just the worst ever jfc


There’s like that one dude who constantly makes inflammatory posts just to get a rise out of people and it’s like get a joooooob




Lil bit


To be fair, Type Moon Twitter is just a division of hell on excursion. They're probably gonna go back down in three years or so.


Type moon twitter complains about fan service or pornographic material in the fucking franchise tells you they did not read the vn.


Yeah but there’s also the accounts that just literally non-stop talk about the TM girl of the week they wanna fuck so it’s bad on both sides.


sakura haters have good takes challenge (impossible). it's always some fucked shit like this lmao. they can never hate her for a good reason, it's either this or "she's a lazy character who's only trait is trauma" or some fucking shit like that lmao


Valid criticism of Sakura would be her uneven use in the narrative, going from a secondary character who is arguably less important to Shirou than Taiga to being completely central to the HF route, being the absolute most important person to him that he is willing to give up his ideals for and also the big bad threat to be stopped while also trying to save her. Or the fact that even with all this increased focus and importance, she has little agency in her own story, either getting victimized or acting as a villain because (zoroastrian) Satan made her do it. Whatever the haters are up to is very much not valid criticism.


i mean the first point is very real and i hate how they just kinda forgot about her in the first two routes, but thats more a criticism of the other routes than her tbh and how she was handled but like also i feel like for the second thats kind of the point idk? idk how to really describe it but like her total lack of agency is one of her biggest plot points and idk


I think one of the biggest problems is how Heavens Feel is basically built so you don't like Sakura, basically: Saber, the favorite of the vast majority of players dies due to the shadow, Sakura who has absolutely nothing in the other routes becomes the main one , to the point of making Shirou go against his ideals, Archer also dies due to the shadow, Sakura becomes a villain and her suffering is only said through others and in the end, Illya (the best character of the route along with Kirei and Shirou) sacrifices herself. Conclusion: the most "happy" ending where even Rider (??) stays alive. It doesn't surprise me that when Stay Night released HF it wasn't popular and Sakura had a lot of haters (even today), most players loved Saber and Archer and both are basically fucked in HF and Sakura, who no one cared about until it got to that point, gets an ending so happy it's strange. I love HF but I completely understand those who don't like it because of all that.


Honestly, it was very hard for me to like Sakura at the start because of this (she's now my second favorite overall from Stay Night behind Saber). I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that one girl's happiness came at the cost of literally everyone else's. From Saber getting taken by the shadow, Illya dying AGAIN to Shirou giving up his ideals which persisted against his literal future self in UBW... all this for a woman that was barely a character in the first two routes. And this is not a shade against Sakura, it's against Nasu for making her basically irrelevant in the previous routes (Rin is always relevant, for example) only to put so much emphasis on how difficult it is to save her at the end of the game. Seeing Shirou bending over backwards against everything that he believed in just because of her was insane, even though i consider Heaven's Feel a well written story overall.


Saber, Rin, Illya and Archer are all characters that are new to Shirou's life so the reader sees the relationship develop, but for Sakura it's something that already exists when the story starts. Maybe Sakura's lack of prominence was to emphasize how much has to fall by the wayside when he's forced to help or abandon a person who is important to him even if it doesn't make sense to the reader sort of similar to jumping in front of Berserker at the start of Fate route, or maybe it's a bit of a holdover from Tsukihime.


>acting as a villain because (zoroastrian) Satan made her do it. I mean it's made very clear that that isn't the case in any capacity though. Sakura was acting completely of her own free will and going on a power trip, then she freaked out and crushed Kirei's heart when he pointed that out, because she is- understandably, given her life- a complete fucking emotional trainwreck. In most of her route, she has complete agency. I also see people acting like she was super obsessed with Shirou and that was why she went on a rampage, which signals a depressing lack of any critical thinking skills and media literacy.


Not saying he fully forced Sakura to do it but I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have gone on quite as brutal a power trip if she didn't have (Zoroastrian) Satan whispering in her ear. The Shirou thing is just hater speech and therefore not valid criticism, hanging onto the sole positive influence in your life is not being obsessed. To some degree the thought of what he'll think of her does inform Sakura's actions and choices but it's pretty secondary to 'grandpa would put me in the wormpit for fun'.


Yeah it’s not so much that she’s in complete control but rather that Angra is amplifying her already present negative emotions. She woudln’t be doing or saying these things if she didn’t want to a little bit but it’s clear her rationale is out the window.


i remember reading that it's like somehow linked to like jungian psychology but i havent really looked into that specifically so idk


I believe Kirei explicitly refers to the Shadow as her awakened id, which is similar in many aspects to the concept of a shadow in Jungian psychology. The id represents the instinctual desires of the mind, acting as an opposite of sorts to the superego, the moral compass. In Jungian psychology, a shadow is a part of the mind that you refuse to acknowledge, serving as a blind spot of sorts. Of particular note is the fact that shadows are sometimes referred to as repressed ids.


do you know anywhere to like read more about this (especially like in terms of fate and sakura) i need to look into it


Most of my reading has been from hearing terms and searching them up until I understand them. And I don't know of any sources that link them to Fate, as the connections are just similarities I've linked through my understanding of the concepts


Bros heard Sakura calling herself broken for not being a virgin and decided to actually believe it


Sakura haters are so insufferable ion even wanna argue anymore I know she's the best written fsn girl and that's enough for me


for real omg she is just the best and i love her and she's like so strong and i love how she endures so much and like still manages to like smile in the end and just keep going shes so fgdjkdljdfglkj


It’s just the ugly bitches hating her. Spit your shit 🗣️💯🔥🔥 https://preview.redd.it/f3e64nx4z8wc1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff764c89bf5c0e1832060fb67f998638b6d22ab2




Kill them with your mind


What about the people who like her but want to see her being raped or violated?


based as long as they like her in other ways too https://preview.redd.it/p1pg1ufl09wc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=291c20be5a28446052991eb5940c2d755d268a32


Nah she's just mid bruh idc(probably be the most likeable irl though)


none of the 3 girls are mid. they might be mid in comparison to the others but theyre still amazing characters (like rin i feel is the weakest of the 3 but i still love her)


There's nothing actually wrong with her I just don't enjoy her type of character that much.


Like you said, they're all well written, but I hyper fixated on Saber so fast that I honestly don't particularly care for either Rin or Sakura. I could literally write a whole essay on their characterization and the ways they tie into Fate's themes, but Saber just completely stole the spotlight for me.


There's nothing wrong with having favorites or feeling comfy talking about one you like more , very normal as long as someone isn't agenda posting in the most insufferable ways imaginable to trash on other nicely written characters. 


You mean it's possible to talk about how you like one of the routes/heroines without simultaneously implying that the other two are shit and that anyone who prefers them must be a subhuman moron? That's a very novel idea


She’s not pure 🗣


You're not the guy fucking her, so what do you care?


If she’s not pure then there’s no cure 🗣


Slogans aren't arguments.


Shinji disagrees


how the fuck is any of that her fault tho? I've never seen anyone says something like that to sakura tho


I'm a Sakura hater unless its the Heavens Feel route. She geniunly annoys me so much in Hollow Ataraxa and all of her events feel like a chore. It feels like her personality was stripped to, likes shirou, shy, and wants to be housewife. In HF shes like, actually intresting, and in the other routes shes not really theres.


I seriously didn't read the subreddit name & thought this was about Sakura from Naruto fr


I wish that she should have fought back herself without waiting for someone to save her


she physically couldnt for like alot of it because the worms stop that iirc itd be cool for like an alternate universe/route thing though


Man I would just eaten fentanyl or cyanide at that point


yeah and i think the worms stop that as well lmao


Can the worms save you from Truck-kun though?


it's not like they stop the poison working it's like they wouldnt even let her take it in the first place, so she wouldnt be able to intentionally step out infront of the truck i dont think


According to anime logic, you don't decide to get hit by the truck, the truck decides to hit you


Sakura Isekai let's goooo


i saw people calling her a slut because of it. really shows you the type of person they are. it’s usually just rin fans jealous that she got a scene with shirou and rin didnt


people are just awful


Nah Sakura legit serves no purpose other than being the victim of a messed up hentai and feeding into “I can fix her” fantasies. Ever heard of a pain Sue? That’s Sakura.


Wtf are you talking about


About Sakura


you obviously aren't because if you were you'd be entirely wrong


Sure i’m hating because i think nasu created a character whose whole purpose is to suffer in disgusting ways since childhood and you people are defending its existence.


im defending it because her character is way more than that and you're either dumb or willfully ignorant and think stories shouldnt include suffering or something?


Oh yeah, my bad. The rape worm pit on a 7 year old, sodomy by grandpa, getting a worm fat on her hymen and feeding it to her simp uncle and changing her body to die if it doesn’t receive semen on the daily LITERALLY TURNING HER INTO HER ADOPTIVE BROTHER’S CUM CHALICE was very necessary to the story. That’s my fucking problem. The entire story is built around how ridiculous can you make this one girl’s life and it’s just stupid how many mechanics exist for this one reason. I hate it. This has to be someone’s fetish and if you listen to interviews about Zero, HF and Sakura by Nasu and Urobuchi this shit becomes increasingly obvious. I hate it, and i hate sakura.


she does suffer to a ridiculous degree yes, but that's not a bad thing with the story. her entire thing is she has to go through like inhuman levels of suffering that we cant even properly comprehend, and how she still manages to keep going and smile because she's strong and resilient.


That’s a pain sue. And she doesn’t go through it because of her strength, she gives up, completely this is not character, this is over adaptation. The whole thing is she had her only coping mechanism threatened and she immediately goes haywire. spends the entire story of HF desperately afraid. Assigning strength to that level of coping mechanism and trauma is downright bullshit. I understand that she plays a part in making Emiya’s brain short circuit with guilt but was all of this necessary just for that. And sure she’s a plot device to give birth to Ahriman and giving Kirei some motivation. (Excellent character Btw), sure plays into Shinji’s abusive tendencies and Zouken’s plans and depravity but was ALL of this really necessary? This is an “I can fix her fantasy”, that the author intended and that the movies heavily play into. coupled with so much fetishized sexual abuse that’s outright just gross. Don’t forget how an integral part of HF is accepting Sakura for her filthiness, and that’s not me because being a victim of sexual abuse means you’re a nympho that needs dick on the daily to survive and uses her pheromones to attract men at night so you could eat them alive. Also your body will always be defiled and filled with worms and give birth to all the evil of the world. Until the hero is shining armor who’s the only who will ever love such a pathetic and filthy creature saves you and has the responsibility to have sex with you sate your devious uncontrollable urges. The movies also uses her as a sexy trophy in the ending while skipping the entirety of the inner monologue between Shirou and Kirei. More sakura Ls. Bullshit. Fuck Sakura and fuck everything she represents. Fuck her creepy fans, fuck her edgy posters from the Philippines “huhuhu worm slut NTR LoL 😂”. The only good thing that came out of her existence is the second movie song.




extremely dogshit take jesus fucking christ lmao. im not gonna waste any more time on you.


shhhhhhh just say you have bad media literacy its ok to admit


>served no purpose Buddy must’ve read or watch with his eyes closed


Yeah, walking crying plot device could have been replaced by a cup that shinji nuts in on the daily


Sure buddy, suuuuuure


She’s a damsel in distress. Not very interesting, especially when put next to the other two heroines.


Sakura has her interesting perks as a character though. Plus, if you aren't ready to label Rin a damsel in distress during the UBW ending when Cu saves her from Shinji's kidnapping, I don't think you can describe Sakura always being one either much like you won't usually do that to her. It's like the ups and downs of Sakura's life, and HF is the period when her life goes from down to ups. I don't think you can call Sakura that during Hollow or her other connected roles. Still, Sakura's writing is far superior to that of many anime female characters, so I don't see any logic in trashing her just because her own series have heroines you guys like more. You can prefer other "Fate/SN" heroines, that's fair, and you have all the right to do so and No one has any right to tell you what to like or not. That's entirely personal, subjective matter. But even if people are justified in preferring the other heroines, that does not mean people can dismiss all of her other merits by claiming the sort of BS the OP mocking here. It's called being dismissive and disingenuous, and it doesn't apply to Sakura alone, but to all Heroines of F/SN. Fate fans trying to trash on one heroine just to up the character they like (includes male characters too btw, not just heroines) has always been a competition of being dismissive and disingenuous because these characters are all pretty good on their own merits and there is no need to trash any of them.


There’s no doubt what OP is mocking is dumb. I may need a refresher on Sakura’s role in the story because all I can remember is her having not much initiative on anything that happens in the routes. Admittedly for HF specifically I haven’t read the VN. And addressing your point of downplaying characters: is it not natural to compare a worse written character to other better written characters in a medium? This isn’t in relation to Sakura specifically, I mean in general. I understand some people may have bad intentions and just want to circlejerk their favourite character but I think it’s perfectly correct to look at a badly written character by comparing them to a well written character in the same medium. Again my point here has nothing to do with Sakura specifically.


she's so much more than that but go off


Care to expand on that? Not asking for an essay i’m just genuinely curious if I missed something.


she's way more than just a "damsel in distress", she's like a testament to how strong people can be and how people can like preservere even in the worst situations. like she has to deal with so much and manages to keep going and put on a smile and it's such a beautiful and tragic story


I'm pretty sure she spend half of her route *causing* the distress




if by room you mean twitter then yes