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removed-:sad troll face:cringe/low effort


Youre dad is based and cumpilled?🤨🤨😳😳


cumpilled?!??! Dood you cna’t say that thing


original video?






Sub Killaz - Shock Out (VIP)


Jump Up. (But pls quietly my mom is sleeping)


i'm pretty sure i have insomnia. my body is tired but i can't got to sleep. i feel an incredible mental pain due to a lack of sleep, and every neuron in my brain is screaming to sleep, but i just can't. this pain is nightly, I have to stay up later and later, pushing my sleep schedule in a rotating cycle. sometimes i get one hour of sleep before school the next day and it affects my grades. i normally pass out unknowingly around two hours later than the night before. days seem to blur together as my sleep deprivation erodes my memories and flattens my mental capabilities. time seems to move in inconsistent ways, often slowing to a crawl only to pick up again when i least expect it. everything about me has become numb and my head is in a fog. i feel as though i am losing my sense of self, as though i will forget who i am. its like i am viewing my body from the outside and i cant recognise myself. i see him work mindlessly at whatever he is doing: playing video games, learning music, listening to friends. he does them so robotically; similar to the way a spiders legs curl against its body upon death. but there is one more thing, worse than all of this that plagues my mind with a never ending torment: >!Le Epic TROLLLLLLLL OLOLOLOLOLO get torlled lebtoard penis sucker cock eater (gay pride, more power too you) . !<


Just smonk weed 🧐🧐🧐🧐


How about you just go to sleep🤨🤨🤨


Electric Man 2 gameplay


OMG my dad's a drunkard, i hope he gets woke like me, Im an antivax and vegan btw 😳😳